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<br /> (c) F�woo bp L�r MN�Mlriwr.Any fo►b�u�ncr by L�r+d�r In�KWClslnn�ny r►qht or rsrt�iy hK�wwl�r,or
<br /> otl�wlM allord�d by�ppllc�bN 111w, shall nol b�e w�hNr ot or pnelud�th�uxxciN d�ny wch ti�M br rsw��d�►.Th�
<br /> procur«n�r�f of in�urantw a M►a p�ymK►t af WcN or oth�r Il�+n or charpw by l.�ndor sh�lt not M�w�fvM oi L�ndw'�r{pM b
<br /> .00.+�w n�.��►a�,.a,e.eMd�.n �.o�n.d by a�.o«w a rn,a.
<br /> �a)sroo«.a+.rw�aqw.Mw�a;delnt aea�.w�rM L1.4Me�;C+Nwns.m.onwnf�na.nd.pre�n+«ih n.aM,oon-
<br /> . , . . ���.� .... �..�.� ,..,....... � i rti� ..�..±+,.n.��P...,.�f..nr1 r•,4�n�M I�+tt�!!!�n!!Tn��kx.AN
<br /> �.�.�:..«,�«.,,,..�:»...tt;;:r:M h,,...�...._r:hs.!.nurc te._ r_Y_ ---- �-
<br /> oowiMnb�nd�pnMnMM�ol TruMor 1�11 b Do1M lind sww�l.'T1N ralp8oitt ana hNda►Q.a a,.P.nw►�,r►•a a,a o.�a a
<br /> Tru�t�n ta ooew��hnc�ony�nd an not b br w�d lo ints�rpnt or dMIM 1M provi�ton�t►K�ol,
<br /> (�) M�qrNt fM NuMoM.Th�p�Hlq h�reby nqw�t ttuir�coPfi ol�ny rtotlos of cl�feuR h�rwnd�r�nd a aopy of any noqa»
<br /> 01�hw�ir b�n�INd fo anch p�rty+to 4h1�O�d of Tru�t at the�ddnw Mt taih�bov�fn ths manMr prNCrfb�b�►
<br /> rppllcabM I�w.Excpt fa any otE�e�nnNc�r�quind undrr�pplic�bl�taw to be piwn In�no1hK manr►�r,�ny noUc�provW�d
<br /> for in Ihia[)oed of Trwt sh�ll b�pfwn by m�lllnp�uch�otles by c�rtiN�d m�it rddnsMd to tM athrr pRrtIN,at tl�addn�Mt
<br /> torlh ebow.Any noHc�provid�d tor In ihls[�d d 7nut ehall bt Nhctlw upon rtu�iHng in the mannK clhlpnatad h�rNn.H
<br /> Yhu�or�e mon th�n on�p�rnon,notice aar.t to the�ddra�wt torth�bov��hall b�notice to all wch p�rson�.
<br /> (f)k�ollaw Lsndsr mpy meke or c.�u�e to b�mad�rea�anable�ntrl�e upon�nd intprc6ons of tM ProMrty,p►ovid�d
<br /> tt�at Lw�sludl�Iv�Trunor nodc:e prior to any euch Inep�ctio�apscitylnfl reasoneble ause therslor rala0ed to Lend�r'�
<br /> lnlxwt fn 1M Propsity.
<br /> (p) RseoAwyMtw.Upon payment o1�f I�ume ssaured by thiu Oeed of 7ruat,Lender eh�ll requsat T►utlee to reco�vey th�
<br /> pro�ty and�II wrrsnde tl�i�DNd of Trun�nd all nates evtd�nciny(ndsbtednset e�cured by lhis Desd of Trust to TruaOM.
<br /> T�w��hall neonvsy ths Prop�rty without w�Ranty end wfthout char�s to ths person ar penons lepally entiqed thKNO.
<br /> TrersM►RhM4 My all a��f rscardallon,if�ny. __
<br /> (h) hna+N Prop�rlr;SKUrlty Aq�w�nl.As addiilunel esc�arity tor the payment ot the Note,Truator hereby�r�nb
<br /> Laxl�r undK th�N�bnska Unitorm Commeroiai Code�security interest in all 8xturee,equipment�nd other psrsonal pra�rly
<br /> ussd in connecHon with the read eet�te or Improvements la:ated thereon,and not otherwlse declerod or deemed to bs a part ot
<br /> th�reat aetale e�cursd hersby.Thia instrument ehall be canatrusd aa a Sscurity Ayreement under said Code,end the Lendier
<br /> ahall ha�re atl the rlphb enc!rsmedisa ot a tecu�ed party under aald Code In addiGon to ths rlphts end remsdlees created und�r
<br /> and accard�d the Lander punusntto this Oeed of Trust;providsd that Lenderb riphta and romedies under thfa paraflreph ahall -
<br /> b�cumulitiv�with,�nd In no w�y s Iimifntlon an,Lender'a riyhts and remedies undsr any other security aflreement aiyned by
<br /> BorrowK or Trustor.
<br /> (i) LIMS and Encun�bnncN.Trustor hereby werranb and repreaenta that there la na default under the provislnns of�ny _
<br /> martg�s,d�sd of tru�t,Isnus or purctuse contract deaaribin�atl or eny part at the P�opertyr,or other contract inatrument or
<br /> agreemsnt constitut!np e Ilen or encumbrance e�alnst ail o►eny part of ihe Property(coilectively,"Llens"),exiatlny ae of the
<br /> dats of thfa Debd of Truat,and that eny and�all existing Llena�emain unmodNied except ae diacioaed to Lender fn Trustor'a
<br /> urrittwn di,oclo�urs of tlans en�encumbrances qrovided tor herefn.Trustar shall tlmely peAorm ali ot 7ruator'e obliqedona,
<br /> covenenb,repre�entations end war�enties under eny and all exisldng and tuture Llena,ahell promptly taward to Lender cophs
<br /> �f all nodces ot defauit aent in connection wfth eny and all axisting or tuture Llena,and ehall not wlthout Lender'a prior wririen
<br /> consent in any manner modiy the�rovlalons of or allnw any future advances under any exlatinp or future Llens. —
<br /> Q) AppMeatlee W p�tmsnla.Unleas otherwlae require�by law,auma paid to Lender hereunder,includinp without Itmitntia� —
<br /> payments of principal and inta�rea�fnsurance proceeda,cendemnation procoeda and renta and proflte,shall be app!fed by --
<br /> Lenaer to the amounts due and owinp from Trustor and Borrower in euah order ae Lender in ib sole dlscreNon deems c�esirabis. ___.
<br /> (k) �wMrabtillY. it any prov(sion uf this Deed of Trust contlicts with appilcabte Iaw or is decl�red Invaiid or athorwise
<br /> un+nlorcaabN,auch conflict or Invalldiry ahall nat aHf ct tha other provisons of thia Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> �iven etQect without the conflictin�Provinlon,and to thla end the provisiana of this Deed o1 Truat and the Note are decinred to be _
<br /> $eVOnble. !":=:
<br /> (q 7rrnw.7he terms"Trustor"end"0arrower"shail Inalude boih singutar and plurai.and when the Ttustor and Borrower __ -
<br /> ere the srme perooM�),thoae terma aa uaed In this Deed of Trust shall be interchangeabte. �.
<br /> (m) Oown*p Law.Thl�Ueed ot 1 ivat shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. ---
<br /> Ttuetor hae executed this Deed ot Trust as of tha date written above. '""
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