—�.� � . un:'1. ,. ' .. . .. i• r+-�ct_
<br /> � •'r}'" _
<br /> � �.�:;:,
<br /> - — �–•. �--
<br /> � �.
<br /> �•
<br /> _ , ._,,_. ---
<br /> -:�� �_d�— — � _ __
<br /> -_. '""'° D��ti C9� 7HIJ��' YI�lTH �UTUHI�ADYIAPI�ES ��� �.�;S��Q �_
<br /> -- TNtB DEED OF TRU�31'�1�m�N u ot th�,ldth �Y n� .lurte ,t� 9a by and rnaq
<br /> tM Tr�No�� �M1'�•LV 1:_ Yn:z� a .InUl�.E1EC'3D�.1. Sond�y,�;.g�r�l� a sln_a�_oe�ert ,
<br /> Z808 Br�retwooc! Blvd. Crsnd Isl�nd NE 688Q1
<br /> --- -- whc�a�m�uinp�ddr�as I• .._ _.._...._..._ (h�riNn"Trustor�'w�Mtt�w on�or mor�), r___
<br /> �T��, F�ve Pei s a�,� a Nehr �ka Cor��,tion . _
<br /> whoN r»�WnQ�ddr+KS i�...�.P.«�a�Y ��m l:r,prscf I9IAr1[Ir N� 6a9e2 (h�rs�n�Tru�f�s'),and
<br />� _ �g�ry��ry, Pive Potnts BanM, — �
<br />�R �`� wha�maiunp addsees is 2015 N. Broa�well Grand Island� NE 6880Z•150 o ne G lroat���� ----
<br /> - = Y
<br /> '� FOR VI►LUA�1_E CONSIDHRATIQN,inaluding Lender'a extenalon of credit IdenUtied herain ta ��gi��3�i1
<br /> �;'r 6 Sond�a L 6arry, a single person
<br /> (herein"8orrower",whether ona or more)and the trust heretn creROsd,
<br />�j ' th�rscMpt a1 wtilch is h�reby scknowledped, 7ruatar hereby irrevoca6iy prantf,transfera. canvsya and ess)yns to 7ruet�s, IN
<br />.; TRUST,WITH POWER OF Sl►Lk,tor the benafitend aecurity of l.ender,under and aub�ect to the terme end condltion�herelnaiter sst
<br />- to�th�the rwd prcp�rty.dsacribsd as tollows:
<br /> Sulte One (1), Pinewood Condomtnium F'�roperty Regtme V irj 4he Ciry of --
<br />_ Crs�d laland, Hsll l:ounty, N�braska.
<br /> Topather with alt buitdl�gs,improvomante,flxtures,streets,alleys, p�ssagewaye,eaeements,dphts,privlie�ea end appune- _
<br /> ne�nqr Ioceted thereon or In anywise perialning thereto,and!he rents,issues an�prqlit�,reverslona and remafnders thor�eot.and -�
<br />'• auch psr�onal property t►►at ia attached ta tha improvementa So ae to constitute a flxturo,lnctvdfnp,but not Ilmited to,heatlnp and y.'
<br /> cuoli�eQuipmen�and toyether wlth the homestead or mnrital Interes*.s.if any,whfch interests are hereby reieased and watved;all �,�,
<br /> �uz..
<br /> of whtch.Includinp roplacementa and additions thereto,Is hereby declarod to be a part of the reel eatate secured by the Uon of Mis _
<br /> Dsed of 7ruat and ell of the toreyoing being referred to herein as the"Property"•
<br />- Thls Dsed of Truat ahall aecure(a)the payment of the principai sum and intereat evidenced by a Qrom�s�ory note or credit -v--
<br /> t ./. � a �JJJ �,��.
<br /> ayreemer.t dated june l Oth 1994 ,having a maturUy date of. '""r '" �
<br /> ` in the orlyinal pdnclpai amount of S 75 �� 00 _,and any and all modlilcaUons,extenaions and renewala
<br /> � thereof or theroto nnd any and all future advances bnd readvances to 8orrower(or eny of them If more ihan one)herounder __
<br /> 'X'�, purouant to one or more promiasory notes or c�ed(t a9roemonts(herein called"Note"):(tr)the payment ot other sums advanced by --
<br /> 's y:S.'� Lender to protect Yhe aecurity of ihe Note;(c)the pertormanae of att covenants and agreements oi Trustor set forth herrain;and(d)alt a
<br /> � ��^�:;%'�'"; preeent and future lndebte�ness and obli�atlons of Borrowvr(or nny of them If more thsn one)to Lender whether d'uact,lndirect `+;+:;1�
<br /> �.���, absolute or conHnyont and whether arlaing by note,gua►anty,overdraft or otherwtse.The Noto,this Deed of Trust and sn and ail fr'���`
<br /> Y ���.,�
<br /> •.3w.«*��'-�a-+��� other docuentethatescure the Note or atherwlseexecuted in connectlon therewith,Including wlthout 1lmitetlon guarantees,securlry ��
<br />-- �` � ��+�-•- agroememta and auignmanta of leases and rents,shslt be roterred to herein as the"Loan Documento". �,,'_':,.�
<br /> ,. , ;�d� Truator covenenta and agrees with Lende�as foilows: . ,.
<br /> - ^.`*`"��'�' 1, paynMM d Ind�bt�dn�sa.AII fndebted�ass secured hereby shaii be pafd when due. �,- .
<br />- .,,••,- . .
<br /> ` �'`�`', 2.TIM�.Trustar ia the owner of the Property,hae the right and authority to convey the Property,and warrnnts that the Ilen , ,
<br /> y�. •;,au.
<br /> '��'- created hsreby is a iirat and prior tien on tha Property, except tor ifens and encumGranaes set forth by Trustor in writing and r,��••
<br /> Viz.s: deUrered to Lender bc+fore execuUOn ot this De►ed ot Trust,and the executlon and delivery ot this Deed of Trust does not vioiate any �,"' '
<br /> �.��, contrect or other obligation to Nhtch Trustor Is subject ,. �
<br /> � ' . `�-� 3. Tax«,Ass�m�nt�•To pay bofore delinquenny all taxes,special assessments and all other charges agninst the Properry
<br /> '�'L`�; <'_. now or heresRer levled. �f • '
<br /> • x,. e'7`' :. ,
<br /> � •�!�%�� q, (rnuance.To keep the Properly Inaured egai�at damage by fire,hnzarde included wlthin the term"extended coverege",and
<br /> : ���.�.... .
<br /> - such other heurds as Lender may requlre,In amounts and with companles accepteble to Lender,naming Lenderas en additionai ��.,� "
<br /> "-'-�y ' named i naured,witfi loa�payeble to the Lender.In case of loss under such poifcies,tho Londer Is autharized to adJua�collect end +,'
<br /> .� �.�R:-i�;.i : .
<br /> compromise,all cla�ms thereunder and shAil havo the opUon of epplying all or peR of the Insurence proceeds(f)to any indabtedneaa
<br /> ' � secured hereby and in auch order es lender may determine,(li)to the Truetor to be used tor the repair or restoration of the Property
<br /> „�,�.�'• ar(Ili)torany other purpoae or oBJeot satlatactory to Lendar without aHecting the Ilen of this Deed of Trust for the full amount secured
<br /> _ � �,` ` hereby before auch pavment evor took place. Any appliaation ot proaaeds to Indebterdness shail not extend or�cs'tpone the due �
<br /> ' date ot any paymenb under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunder. :
<br /> � ���r � 5. Eurow.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustor shalt pay to Lunder,in suCl�manner as Londar may designate,suflic:ent
<br /> ''� � I'':�� auma to enable L.Ender to pay as they becvme due one or more of the tollowing:(i)all texes,assessments and other charges against i
<br /> �'� �'� � ;�•, the Property.(II)t�e premiuma on the properh�Insurance requfred hereunder,and(Ifl)the premium�on any mort�aye insurance
<br /> �:t::•;:�.. ` : requi►ed by Londer. �
<br /> ' •�;:;; '.• - �.'i g, M�{��nc�, p�pslre and Can�lima�with Law�.Truator shail keep the Property In good conditlon end repalr,ahall
<br /> '�.��.., ,';„A pramptly repa�r, or�eptaCe any improvement which may be damegod or destroyed;shall n�t commit or permit any waste or ;
<br /> ;, , deterioratlon ot the P►operty;shull not remove,demolian or substantlally alter any of the Improvements on the Property:shall not ,
<br /> � , comml�auf(er cr permit any act to be dono!n or upon the!'roparty in violation ot any Iaw,ordinanae,or regulaUon;and shall pey and �
<br /> _ �`�.��,„:•-:,;•-;�•�,';, prompNy dixherys at 7ruator's r,ost nnd expenso all Ilens,ennumbra�+cos and chnrgos leviesl,impossd or aesessed egalnst the ;
<br /> ',.z�x�.•- •� r p�ope�ty or any part thereof.
<br /> s,� i• . .... 7, gmin�nt Dom�fn.Lender la hereby as�igned all componsatton,awards,dama�oa and othur payments or raiief(hereinafter
<br /> "Proceads")in conneattoit with condAmnatlan mr othar t�king ot tho Property or part thereot,or tor conveyanco in lieu of condemna-
<br /> -- - tion.Lender ehel!be entitlod ut its option to commnnce,appear io and prosecuto In Its own name any aatfon er�r�xeedinga and
<br /> shail also bo entitled to muko any comproml&�e or settlomont In connoction tivith such taking or dttmnflo.In tho ovent any portfon ol
<br /> - •��.=---- -- .. ..____y.,___��....w...s..� �o...�.o�it navA thn onenn_in its sole end absoluto distrotlon,t0 apply 811 BuCh ProCeotls.
<br /> r , - tn0 rttqm�ar ra w w..o.....w.....s.....�"-'._.._.. __.. . . �-
<br /> ^ � after dsductinp tl�erofrem ail cost�and expensos incurrad by it In corinectlon w(th such Proceeds,upon any irtdobtedness sacuroa
<br /> "''�� horeb and In auch order[�a Lender may determino,or to apply atl such Proceeds,afte�su�h deductions,to tho restotntfon o!the
<br /> I : ��':-�.` - -F-_ Property upon auch conditiana ae Lender�mny datermino.Any app�tcat3on ot Proceeds to indebtedness ahatl not extend or poatpone
<br /> � '�'�' the due date of any paymenU under the Noto,or cure eny defauit thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplted tunds al�all be paid to
<br /> •wi..,�. ..
<br /> : ;, �-.�Y _t. _ Truitor.
<br /> <<:: � 6, �rlom�a+�t�by L�ndK.Uport tha occurrence of un Evant oi Oetauit hereunder,or il eny act is taken or Ie�al praceading
<br /> � .,r Y; � , commenced which matxially aHeota Lander's Intfxeet in Me Properly,l.ender mey in Ib own dlscretlon,but without obilpatlon to de
<br /> �� • ao,and without notics to or demand upon Trustor and without releasfrtp Truator from any oblipetion,do any act which T�ustor haa
<br /> ��/• apreed but isiie to do end mey also do any oihar act it deems necessary to protact the securlry hereot.Truator ahalt,lmmedlatery
<br /> ;,�.., .
<br /> c:�-: �• up;�s�ernand thtxefor by Lender,pay to Lender nll coab and expenaoa incurred and aumn expended by Lender In connactlon wlth
<br /> � � theexerol�n by L.ender oi ths torepoinp►iphts,topether with intereat Moreon�t the dMault r�te provided in the Note,which ehalt be
<br /> 1 `'' �. adds0 to ths Indebtedness eecured hereby. lendsr ahei� not Incur any Iiabflity becauss ot anythiny it may do or omit to do
<br /> ,
<br /> _ °•V�'h' �' hKSlU1d11'.
<br />