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<br /> (a)M�wr«N�1 Ml�i+w�.Ext�n�ion of tk�tims fa p�yn�nt w�nwlitiatbn of tM wms wowod bY thi�Ord al Tn�t p�MN
<br /> by L�n�to any�unowor in Ht�n�t of sarowa�hall rx+t oWrM�to r�s,fn�ny mrw+�r,tF»���w nluwwt
<br /> _ �i/arown'a wa�e�wah h htwMt.L�nA��!not M rvquk�d to ooewn�na�ProoMdw+p�W�k»t
<br /> �ect�nd tin�Ioe p�nunt a oth�rwiw modif��n+ortf�Mion of M»Kxn�Maw«I�r thh Dwd N Tnwt h�r r�a�al r►y Miw�
<br /> - �-=_---------------- r..�p���►�.�r;�,��••.�nr1M r��1 iM�nnrf�.'�Mww+�n�ntr�in int�rwt.
<br /> ...»Ibl(.�ir'�frw�n.VYRhaK affwtirq tl+�K�biYtY of rY otMr pu�s INbI�fo►N►r p�ymrnt of r+y oWp�efo�h��n nwNiarwd, _ - -
<br /> �nd wifhaut�ftwtirtp th�lan a aFwp�ot thi�DMd of Tru�t w,�on�ny patiw�01 tM?roprelY not th�n a tfi�t�tofon r��r
<br /> --- - _- ° �outity ta the{u��rr►ourd of�II un�id oblip�tian�,l.�nd+r m�y,irom tim�to tirm�nd without nutiw ti)���►Y P+rp^�
<br /> - ii�bM,(i�sxbnd th�mat�xity or�itst�ny of tMe tMm�of a+y woh obq�tbn�, (i«)onnt ath�indulq�n�e,(iv)rMw�or noww�Y.
<br /> '.7' a ow�s to b�nl��d or t�wy�d�t�►y tim�rt LK+dM'�optien inY pw�l�v��r�MI of tM Propuy,(v)tak�cx nl+w an1
<br />-g;, oth�r rdditfon�l s�auity fw �ny oblip`tion h�+r�ln m�ntio��d, ot(vl tn�ir oonqo�kiaw a►othr �anpan�nt� wieh drb4on in
<br /> -- nMtion::�w�to. '
<br /> ------ (o?F�iwMw by I.�n�r Not�W�.My lon6wrr�w by L�nd�r n s�rai�i�p r��ripht w ram�dy hwwndw�.ar atF►Nwiw
<br /> — �ftad�d 6Y�VM�►M Mw. ��II�ot b�a wievN ot or prwk+d�tfi��ocwct�w of �ny �uah ripht w rwn�dY• Th�proaurwn�nt of
<br />:-i' inaur�or tM p�ym�nt oi t�xM or othrr ii�n�or durpw by��nd�r �hnM not b��w�iv�r of Lw+d�r'�►i0ht to aoo�MtK�tM
<br /> � maturity of th�IrxHbtrdnw waund by thir D��d of Trwt.
<br /> (d)iuoow��n�M A�ipm�aund:Joint�nd fw�r U�bMtY:Ca�eion�.Th�oovwuntr and�pr�wrri�nt�Fwnin oo�t�d�
<br /> bin�d. �nd th�ripht� hwwmidw�h�ll lnur�to. eh�rMp�othr��ucc�w�on and w�fpn�04 L�ndr�nd Tru�ta. M ocvaiw�t�wn/
<br /> pn�m�nt� G!*:.Mtw ahAl b�joint ��d Nvwrl. TM o�Ption� �nd h�adinp� of th�parapnph� of thie DMd of 7rcr�t �n ta
<br /> oonwni�no�ortly�nd�n not to b�wd to intr►prN w d�(in�thr provi�iorn hww}.
<br /> (N lt�qus�t tor Nutto�.Th�partiN hw�by r�quMt th�t�copy of anY aotic+ot dnliuii i�wiwidit eiid a u-.�y at rsq�t:x c! -
<br /> wM h�►wx�dsr bo m�il�d to woh puty tu thN nad of Tnr�t�t th��ddnui��t fonh�buv�in th�monnK pr�ibd by spplic�file
<br /> .� law.Exc�pt far any otha notico rpuind�x►dK�pp�+b���w to b�piv�n in�nothw m�nna,�ny aotiu provldad for in thir OMd ot
<br /> Trust�ha8 br pivwi by mrA7ny�uch notia�by c�rtifi�d msJ adAns�ed to ths othw parties,�t th��ddnss ost forth eiav�.My
<br /> �';±�' notio�provW�d for in 6hN OMd of Tn�st�hnN b��ffeativ�upon m�ilinp in th�mru�w dasipnat�d hK�in.tt Ttu�tor i�mor�than one
<br /> `�•.,° �, pwwn,notio�sant to tfi��ddnoi s�t forth�6ow�h�fl b�nottc�to wN wch p�nom.
<br /> �:` (f)�n�p�etian,Land�r mwy matu or cws� to be m�d�reNOnabb�ntries upon rnd insp�ctiona of thw PtopKty. providad that
<br /> L�nd�r��11 givs tn»tor notio�prior to any 9uoh inspeotion�pecifyinp roasan�bk cau��th�ntor nlai•ad to L�nd�r'�intwNt in tM
<br /> :�::� prop.irty,
<br /> ,...�� (Q) ����na. Upon paym�nt Q} aN wm��a;ur�d by this OMd of Tnnt, L.end�r sh�q nquwt Trustai to r�oos�v�y the �:
<br /> j��;.;: Propaty�nd rh�ll wmndw thh DMd of Trust and itl natN w{d�nci�y hd�btedn�s���cund 6y thi�OMd ot T�u�t to T�u�4N. �;:
<br /> ',;�`• ' TnntN�haN noonvhr Efi�Wnp«ty without wwt�nty snd without ah�rpe to tlts p�non or pwsons tp�ll�t entkbd thK�to.Tnuta
<br /> ;,r, az.�;,_�r, �h�M pay�ao�t�of r�oord�tioe�,if�ny. —
<br /> ; �% -------- — (h)�rasnal7'ropMty:�Y���i.As.�::,�'.::�:.::r.s:ily!as L�`e�a;!s!!�tf�f t�,.Nntw;Tn.atar h.r�by grants L�ndr undM
<br /> �, ;�. ."'�.n.. .�:�+.- tM N�bndu Unitom�Camm«io�l Cod����cu�ity htKNt in dl fixturM.�Vuipment,�nd othK p�rc�al pro�rty ur�d in co�n�etion - -
<br /> �,;,.,�,�:• 7;;� „'ywi with th�rwI�st�ts w improvrn�nt�bcst�d thereon,and not othawis�dscls�d or d�ern�d to b��part af th�ra�l�tt�t���currd
<br /> i�:�i''�. :^,p�����' F►w�by.Thi� inttrwn�nt�hdl b�consttu�d a a S�curity Ayrsement unde osid Codo,and th�Lundrr�hall hav��II the�iphh and �r�-%;�
<br /> `� •e ��` ��*�;, antwiiM of a r�eund pttty under nid Ceds in addition to ths riyhte and rerrtediea croated unde�end accordsd ths Laad�r putx�ant ��:
<br /> to thi�OMd of Ttust; provid�d th�t lendet'tr ri9ht�and remsdies under thir panpraph sh�ll bs cumulative with,and in no wey� ���-
<br /> .+:�• � ' ��Y•
<br /> � '� ��"'�'~•• '"' limk�tior�on,d+mda's tipht�and ramediss undor any othar:ecurity apregment sipnod by Borrower or Tru�tar. �_�
<br /> r�•;, n°-.,.
<br /> '� �, �: Gl B,hm �nd Enoumbr�w�. 7rustor h�r�by w�rnnts and ropreaants that there ia no deteuk ar.r.der th� ptovMions ot any v;,:
<br /> .,t f±;'�.
<br /> mort�p�,dNd of tru�t,(�ss�o�putchw oontract dMCribinp ��1 or�nY p�R et the�ropMy, or other eontr�ot, h�tn�m�nt or ��-
<br />-- , f,q•�y=.;S•� :�; nrt ot ths Pro ert coll�tiv�. 'Lians'1.�xistin u of ths dat�of ���
<br /> opts�m�nt oon�titutinp�liw►or encumbnne�apafn�t�II or eny p p Y l 0 U�.;
<br /> " y � '���"�"M�"' thi� Oo�d of Tru�t, and th�t �ny �nd eN �xistinp L(ens rema'n unmodifled �xc t a� discbsal to L�nd�r in trustor'• w�itt�n
<br /> �� '�, �P ��r''•`
<br /> ,'���`� ���`�^� dLcbwn of N�ne and �noumbnncN providsd for hasin. Ttustor �haH tim�ly psrform �II of Tnutor's abtq�tion�, wv�nw►t�, E. ,
<br /> �'� �r � 4-: �
<br /> �� �:'���,,�_ toprM�ntatiom dnd wamntia�undat�ny�nd�11�xi�tinp�nd tuturo Liens,ehall promptly torw�rd to L�nd�r copiN o!�11 notica�of I
<br /> �'�.�.>'r:,,. ! �
<br /> ��•� . ��►��4t�wavr d�fwik�►t irt zonnsation with +my�nd�tl�xistinp or future Lians,�nd ahell not without Lender'e prior written con�rnt in anv
<br /> �
<br /> D �`?�;�1�;`�`'�: mr,nn modify th�provDane of or��ow�ny future adv�nc�s unds�ar+y sx�stinp or future Li�m.
<br /> ri jt��i,s G...-,-«;., � �:''"�
<br /> (j) ApploMbn o1 Papn�nt�. Unle�� oth�rwi�� tpuired by I�w, �um� paid to Lender hereund�r. inciudinp without limitetion
<br /> � '��'•:f:•"'."" p�ym�ni�of prK►clpal�nd interqt,inwnnc�procseds,condemn�tion procssda�nd ron:a end profite,shaU b�appli�d by L�r►der to � ,
<br /> +�t�`�%�•��iM.:, th��maunU du�and owlnp trom T�u�tot and borrowm in euch order ae Lender in its sole discrotion deems deairabls. �
<br /> .M" �_� .}N f.,_. +•.'.;': , I
<br /> , �. .�{,„ Y„;;�•. (K► S�wveb�ip. If any provi�ion of this Desd ot Truat conflicts with eppticable law or Is doclared invalid o� othNwbe
<br /> �+ �����`T^� • un�nfo�ewb4a,such contlict or invatidity aha11�ot eftact the othsr proviaione ot this Osed of Trust oe the Note whfch can b�piv�n
<br /> ;I.`��;.�.'.:- . .
<br /> • eitect withovt tB�e can}Oolwro!� provision, ortd to this and the provisione o4 Ahia Oeed of Truat and the Note �n dxkred to bs �
<br /> �,�-':,`� ti . nsvarabk. `
<br /> � >...,
<br /> � ll)T�.Ths t«ms'tru�to�'end'Borrower"ehell include both ainyu�et and p�ural,nnd when the Truator and Bortower an ths ; ;R.�
<br /> .� .z _i�; . � �an�p�rsonl�l,thos�temia as used in this Osed oi Trust ahall be nterchnnpeabla. �
<br /> _ d '. (m)Qov�rnfiq Lwv.This Oeed of Truit ahsll bs Qovema!by the lews o'.the State ot Nebeaake.
<br /> '' ��� TNttOt hM�xec:^,9d thh D�sd ot Truat aa of ths date written ebove. �
<br /> v�� � . / ^�-- I
<br /> ��':� '`w B ARA MORT&NSFjN A����1R8ARA IiODELSEL �
<br /> :�": ,
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<br /> - '. t,.. t�C 3t57 RJoeglkuku�l O��dl Rw.101�
<br /> � `�.a; . 0 t�M N�Noe�l C+Nc et Camrnwa Uuat�rM 6avinp�A�wciation.LincoM.N�lrbla
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