... . , P., . ,.� . .;�' eu!r__.z.. ..
<br /> ,. . . I' ..c. - •t�i, 1) --=
<br /> $°'� „ �� 'J1:"_.,r'°
<br /> �:��;::
<br /> :.� ;��4N ��,�• �'�t<.�
<br /> il� t �S�•}5';� ._ -•
<br /> - — ' � iNlU�i91..:u��_ -
<br /> � � , —
<br /> _ . � � ��
<br /> �
<br /> _�� 9�- �o�oe
<br /> ordar�d sold and the iund• obtain�el alt�r pa�rinent ot. tt�
<br /> �--�-^_ _— 7re�peQ�iVes ytwicfcyaya anu axk+�n�itlee� ui ra14 div viu�r,.vu �i.ri.:..i _ . .
<br /> — equally b�etween the parti�s. For puzposes o! this garaqraph,
<br /> — tha ren�l •stake awn�l by the partie� that is to � sold in
<br />:n-- � aa lo2.loas:
<br /> �.
<br /> — ------ ----� lZZ4 wlrrt Atma, Grand xsl�nd, NoBra�k+�, l�gally
<br />-- — �e�orib�d ww T.ot !'iv� (�) , Hlook El�v�n ill)
<br /> - Wi�tdolph Addition to the City c�! Gr�nd I�land,
<br /> r. Ha11 County, Nebrsskar .
<br /> �'" 1905 Avanue C, KaArnay� Nsbraska, legelYy
<br /> '�'� described as Lot 648 tu�d 648, original tawn
<br /> � af K�arn�y, Bu!£aln Couz��y, NBbraokat ---
<br /> 1905� Avenue C, Kearrxey, N�braska, legally
<br /> desaribed a�s Lot 650, oxiginal town of Kearney,
<br /> BuffAlo County, Nebraskat
<br /> four mining claimrs and the respective interests
<br /> of the parties �hereto located in Park County.
<br /> State of C�larado.
<br /> 9. Tha� the rental real estate of the parties in Grand Ysland,
<br /> �y�`�t�• Nebraska, quieted in the Respondent, subjeat �o any indebtedness -
<br /> •�n"u^d r�%A.,�i
<br /> - �.",.�, .. thereon, is as fol�owa:
<br />� fr.t�v.. �,�k
<br /> :..,,,�'�`�'�� 12?�5 WESt Anna, Grand I sland, Nebraska, leqally
<br /> :;,; "��f�;�,�:;�;;�� deacribed as Lot Three (13j , Block Fourteen (14),
<br /> ; �"�' ''';`�'.4•.�>. Windolph's Adda.tion, City o£ Grand Island, Hall
<br /> �,�;��t,�„�r
<br /> - y . e.,-..:.� ..:.�: County, N�braska.
<br /> ' '�• '��t�Y:Tdrx�
<br /> ' ' ' ,...�, 10. The retirement plan of the Petitioner with the State of
<br /> `� •�"`d�+��',.:,''�`�''�.���'�, -
<br /> y,. t° ��;�,�„�, N��rasl�a F.�npluyee's Retirement Plan is quieted in the Petitioner. _
<br /> t'. ' -�RN�.�,��s.�.� —
<br /> a TMe retirement pl�.�a of the Resp�nrlent wittx Union Pacif 3.c Railroac�
<br /> , ��t��•PYi;': .....,
<br /> �, L' °'� is quieted in the Respondent.
<br /> •� � �
<br /> • l.l. That the x�emaini�nc� debts of the parties, after allocation �-=_
<br /> . �..�,.. ��=
<br /> °��. �� � o� the debt for t3�� 1985 Fiero �utomobi2e, which is be�.ng pai.d Q:•=_�
<br />_'��� i �.'��, � by the Petiti,oner, are ordered paid by the Respondent as shown on �--
<br /> ,�.
<br /> " ''�` Exhibit 8 which debts are as �ollows: �"�
<br /> yr', �'xi:�,... ,�ct 300 OQ = '_
<br /> Y Richard Xoung $ .
<br /> w ,cr'I�
<br /> 'T 'w ''��� Eu enio 70.00
<br /> �. �• ���;��;+: Dr. g �;.:.:
<br /> � .,� � =ncome Tax---Contryman 275.00
<br />- ;�� ��' ��:' • Dr. West--dental bill � 300.00 ��-=
<br /> .' �
<br /> :�_':::,: � , IRS 64.�0 ;.�`�.
<br /> ;�•=. •� �- Sears 250.00
<br /> ,M...�,, ;r�;•.;
<br /> "`��: � �'� . � 12. It is further or8e�ed th�t the Respondent shall pay ta
<br /> ..r�,. _ .
<br /> �;� �ti�F._:� ...... , rt-.
<br /> �_. . -
<br /> .�,5:,,�T _ � the Pet3tioner the sum o� T�ao Hundred Fifty Aollars ($250.Om .
<br /> �'
<br /> �`" '` as alimony to the Clerk of the Hall County District Court on �
<br /> . r:• -
<br />= '��,;�.�;:,;.
<br />- �*?;�.�,: .
<br /> .,.,_. ....
<br /> '. ,��:....... _'. .� _3- . �
<br /> ;.. .. _
<br /> -_.: .^ � ................��a���4Yl..}.._•a:.Wei�:l�. zi -.. �.riy„•�r+ V+K,IC•.. .„�,.
<br />�-. - . . . .�- �'%w4e�.ms:�4+J'f�.s�.�....�ila•- �# � � •�r. . .
<br /> .
<br /> �- -- ------- ---- . . _ . . _ . . '
<br /> � :-�.ar.--,-,-� - --- --- -=---- ---- ----.------- --_------- --- . -- ----- —_ _--- -- __ - ---- ---��__--- — -.-..:... —._...--
<br /> --r:' . ' . . � . . .L.•"�^ai:t,X�1a�.0i"1Y� .
<br /> 'h`.� ;i�?�.'+wa.• .r?..-lw' � .' ' '.R+ur;� y,r�r,Y:.y: ry
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<br /> �SY�•�i. eh(�� � � • ..�'�'V�'��a.'+Y.'.��'f-�Y�l'�•4S.' .
<br /> 1 �wn •� 1 � .1 ' " ���'' ..
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