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<br /> !�p„n ,r�rrlpt Rf ps.iwrM �f tl�e p�icx nld. t�.v.��e .Wti eqlnro� M el�. �ra�lt.�nr r.wle��. are+ a..w�Ma i1M ...
<br /> 14�op�efy. "�e reeitaM In rhr TrcrMee'�dee� +�11 br prl� hcM wlixme u1 cbs tro�1h u1 tw r�tamatn Ma�s lhonls.
<br /> 7�aMae i�li o�ptr tl�e prntwii nf tAe nle In the fdlawi�wr�:(�1 to�I)uuas iaod exp��uw o1 eze�Yhl�r�U�pnKw d'
<br /> erk.�t�e�le.l�y thR P�7mw�t d the Tr�tw'�f��etwlir Iweurred.aN io ncwd �'
<br /> of ti�e pri�dNl aa�w�M a(the nMe at lLc,limc oP lbo d�clarstiun uf ddrult� ��uorbbe wtWrueya• fees�r p�rn�Mt�d
<br /> by I�r►: (bl to dl a�s�wed by thlr tieer�ity le�lron+a�t;�(el�or e,ayw w tbr penoe or Per�ons�r r1UM�t�
<br /> r.
<br /> 22. R�coavry�see. Upcx� p�ymem of ail rwna �ecural by thf� Socurity In�trwnan, l.ender shat► reques� �ruuee w
<br /> ra�n�•ey tF►e Pmperty and sh�ll wrrender this Security Inytrument and all nc�tcs evidencing debt secu�'Ad by thir 5ecurity
<br /> Instcumenl tu Trustec.7'ru�tee shull reccmvey the Pniperty with��ul Karrenty atxi without charge to the Exnan or pe�ru�legaliy
<br /> entitlai ta it.Such petson or persons shall pay t+ny reconfaticm costs.
<br /> 23. SuM�tltWe Trwt�e. Lrrxlcr, at its��tinn, may frc�m time to time rcmo�•e Trusta anci upperint a xuc�.�essor�rustee to
<br /> any'Trustee ap�►intai hetrutxier by an imlrument rcxorded in the countv in wi,icii this Security Instruitsent i�reoonlal. Without
<br /> rnnveya�cr nf the Pn�cny, the succe��wr trustee shall succetd tu ull the tiQe,puv�er arxt duties conf'rrced u�x►n'I'nista herein
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> 2A.Req��+t toc�Nollixa. Rorrewrr tcyuc�is that copie�of the noHcec of aefault and sale be sent t�� Borrower's adclRSs
<br /> which i;the Prc�xrty Adtlress.
<br /> 25. Alders to this 5e+cueity Inattument. If one ar mor�e riders are executeci by &�r.•uwcr and rec�rdod together with this
<br /> Security Instrument, tl�e eovenarn�and agrecments of each such rider shall be incoqwrat��c1 i�itn and sha11 amenJ :u►d supplament
<br /> the covenanls a�id ugrG:rnents of this 5ccuri[y Instrument as if the rider(s)werc a part of thi9 Seaurity Insirument_
<br /> [Chock upplicablt tx►x(cs)]
<br /> Cl.t�djustable Rate Kider C�Condnminiuiu Rider � 1-t3 Family Rider
<br /> L�(Iraduated Payment Ridcr �Plsnrx�ci Un:t Vevelopment Rider �Biweskly Payment Rider
<br /> ��8alloon Rider C Rute Improven�ent Ridcr Second Horr�e E�ider
<br /> �V.A.Rider C,Other(s)(�pec:ify� •
<br /> BY SIGNI�iG'.9EL`c71V. Borrower ncecpts and agr�es to the terms:�nd covenants contained in this S�curity Instrumeat and
<br /> in any rider(s1 execuiecl iby Bortower and recorcled�vith it.
<br /> wtr.u�_.�� n e A � �� ��
<br /> (Sca1)
<br /> � ROBEi�T J S EHRLICH -e�rmwcr
<br /> ��'�iL/i'�� .GP�.r� (Seal)
<br /> CAROL L EHRLICH -FA�rrower
<br /> ...____._ ---__� lScuU .—_ lScap
<br /> �Burm�acr -&im�wer
<br /> STATE UF NEHRASKA� Cuunty�.ti: HALL
<br /> 'f'he farcguing inatrumcnt�v;�s acknowledged bclarc me this �QTW day of JUNE 1994 •
<br /> Witness my haxxl u�xi notarial ual at in ti•id County,thc datc aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission Expires: ��r��� ��--' '�'✓
<br /> �n f��N Nnten Puhlic
<br /> ���.���1� _..
<br /> P�e s oi c , Form 3028 9f'JO _
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