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<br /> 17.Tr�nder of the Ehoperl�or t Bmel6sisl Interes/in Bqrraw�..Tf sill as,►ny prrt nf the Prc�erty or any intsresi in i�
<br /> la w�1d ut tran�frr,�J(uf if;�he�wticl�l inl�rr��in Fkimiwer iti�i�ld nr Ir:+ncftrrer!:�nci fi��rr�iwer is rxd it nariiral��n)vrthcwt
<br /> l�rKler's prior writirn runsent, Lencier may, yt its c�Minn, roquire imntediate p+►yr.unt in fuU ui all sums +aurod by th�f
<br /> Socurity Inurumeni. }#owever,this op4ion shxll►wt be ex�reisal by [.ender if rxtrciRe is arohiblled by faderal iYw ua of the daee
<br /> of thi�Saurity Irutrueureru.
<br /> lf i.endcr exercises�Fzis c�+tinr�, (.erxkr wh�ll give ik�rtnwer r�►tire nf ar�Yk�ali�►n.The rxwice shall pmvide a pericxi o�rat
<br /> ku thu! 3(1 drys from the d�te the notia is deslivtred or m�llad within which Burrower mtut�y all aums sewred by this
<br /> Saurity]nstniment. If Horrowtr fails tu�y these sum.�ptior to tht expiration of this pericxi. L,crrier may invoM.e�u►y remedies
<br /> -- - -`T"�—"�" pem�ii�cxl i�y ti�ia�xwi[y T��e�w;�►��ii wiiia.oi tw:fkr.+uii�.:���cl..��w.,.!��+ `I.,�rr+�t:c:.
<br /> ls. �mwer's Ai;bt to Rdr�tate. If Bormwer meets cerwin conditians. Borrower shall havt the right to havc
<br /> enforcem:nt of this S�curity Ins�nuueot di�oontirwed �u any sime prior to the r,arli�r af: (a) S days (or such othe.r Feriod as
<br /> �pplic�le (nw may spaify for roinstetanent) bef�� xale aC the Pnipetty puriuent to any power oi wlr contHined in this
<br /> Socurity instrumenr,or Ib)entry of a judgrtsent enforcing this Security Inslrument.'Clwse�rotxtitions are that Borrower:(�)puys
<br /> I,ender uU sums which then wcx�ld be�ut u:►dcr this Security Instrument and tt►e Nc te as if no acceleration h�l occurnxi; (b)
<br /> cures any default uf any�uher covenants or agrcxments; (c)pays all expens�s incurrcd in enforcins this Saurity Instrumcnt,
<br /> iikiudiug, but �wt liu�ited tu,reasonable attomcy.s'fccc; arsd(d)t:eke.r•sucL:u:dun as l.ender tnsy rcasonably rrquire tn acvurt
<br /> that the li�n of this Security In�trument. I.ender'n nghts in the Pmperty and Borrowcr's obligation to p:►y the sums secura!by
<br /> — this Security Instnttnent shalF eontinue unchnngod. Upon reinstatentrnt by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> ubligations secured liereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this nght to reinstxte sball
<br /> ncx apply in the casc of acceleratian under paragr�pt► 17.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note; Clwi�e ot l.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in tne Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> Instrumcnt)may be sold one ur more titnes withaut prior notir,c to Borruwer. A sale+nay result in a changc in the entiry(known
<br /> -- -- __--- ---
<br /> ati the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insuunrent.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelaced to a sale of the iVute. (i'tirerc is u ci�w�gc u1'tl�a Loan�crvic:r, Barrot.tr:li e
<br /> given written notiee of the change in accorcla�xe with paragraph 14 above:►nci applir.►b!e law. The notire will state the n:une and
<br /> address of the new Loan Scrvicer ami the address to which payments should L+c made.The notice x31t also contain any other
<br /> infomiaeion reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hs�r,ardou�c Sub�stances. Burrower shall not cause or perniit tha presence, use, disposal, storage, or ret�ase of any
<br /> H:t;.tu.:aus Subs4vtces on or in the Nroperty. Borcower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything aitecsing the
<br /> Prc+per.ry that is in violation of any Environmental i.aw. The preceding two sentenccs shaU not apply tn tlie presence, use, �r
<br /> starage on the Property of small qaantitics ot H:vardous Substanccs th�ti are};enerally reco�nized ta be appropriate to nornu
<br /> r�.�identinl uses and to roainten:uice of the ProNerty.
<br /> f3onower shall promptly give Lender �vritten notice of any investigation,claim,demand, lawsu�t or other aceiun by any
<br /> gocemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any H:irardous Substanee ar Environmental l.aw
<br /> of which 6orrower has actu�l knowlt:dge. Lf Bonower Iearns, or is notified by any go�ernjnental or rcgulatory authority, that
<br /> any removai or other remediation of any F4uzarc!aus 5ubstance affccting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> all neeessary remeciial actions�n accortlance W rZ Environmencai i.;sw.
<br /> As usui in this pa"ragraph 20, "Hazarduus Substances" .�re those substances defined as toxic or I�ar.ardous substances by
<br /> — Enviranmental Law and the fu(lu�.•ing substances: gasolinc, kerosenc, other flammable ar toxic petrolcum products, toxic
<br /> - — pcwticides and hcrbicides. volatilc solvcnts, materials contalnin�asbcstos or formaldchyde,anci radioactive matcrials. As used in
<br /> --- this garagraph 20, "Environmental Law" means fedcral I.iws and laws of thc jurisdiction wherc thc Property is 1ar.tted that
<br /> relate ro health,s�rery or environmental protccti�n.
<br /> - NON-Ul�l�F�RVI COVCNANTS. Borrowcr und I.cndcr furthcr cov.nant and agrec:u follows:
<br /> - -- 21.Accelers�l3an;Remedi�. Lender shull give notice to Borrower prtor to acmlcrution follo�ving Bnrro«•er's 6markt
<br /> — of any covenant or eqrcement in this Security Instrument (6ut not prior to ucceleration under parnRraph 17 unless
<br /> --- — applls�ble law pruvides utherwise).The nottce shall specify: Qa)the default; (b) the:�ctian required to cure the default;
<br /> (c)a�late.n+�t l�s tltian 30 days from tlie date the not[ce is�iven to Borrnwer.by whlch the default must be cured;and
<br /> (dj Ehnt failu�r tc�cure the deFault on ur before the dute specilie�+ in the notIce may result in ucceleration of the sums
<br /> se�urecl by thls Security Instrument and sale of tlic Property. The notice shall flirthcr inform Borrowcr of the rlght to
<br /> reinstate after acceleratlon and the rlght to hrtn�u caurt uction to assert the non-existence of a default or uny other
<br /> -- --- defense of Borrower to acceterutfm� and sale.II' the defuult is nnt cm•ed�►n or before the date sp�rified in the not[ce,
<br /> I.eutler, nt its option,�nay rcquire immediatc payment in fnll uf�II sums secur��c� i�y this Securitv Instrument without
<br /> = tur�t4�er dcmand and muy invuke the power of sale und any other rcmcdieti�xrmfitY�d by nppli��ublc law. [,endcr shall be
<br /> entitlecl to collecS all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided in this para�raph ZI,includin�,but not Itmited
<br />- —= to,reasonable at3vrneys'fees and costs of dtle evidcnce.
<br /> If the power of sule is invoked, Trustee shull record a notic� Qou'defuult in e:ieh county� n�n which any part of the
<br /> —___ Prcoperty is locatcd and shall mail capi�w of tiuch notice i�the m�nncr pr�crlbed by a�pliu�ble 7uw to Borrower und to
<br /> the other per.�ns nr�cribed by npplicable luw,After the iime required by i�pplicublc luw.Trustee shafl givc public notice
<br /> _ 'a'"'�' of sale to t!►c persons:tnd in thc marmcr pr�cribcd by applicabfc!a«•.Trust��. �vfthout dc►naud on Borsowcr,shn(1 scll
<br /> -- the Property at pubtic uucttnn to the hi�hest btdder at the time imd�lacc and un�ler the terms dcxignuted in the nutice of
<br /> � tiule tn one or more purcels and In any order"1'rutitee ditennin�.Trustee m►�y postpune sule uf uU or�ny parcel of the
<br /> _ -- Property by publtc announcement ut the 13r�rne and place uf uny prevtouslv scheduled s�le. [.ender or its de.si�nex may
<br /> purshase the Property at am�sfl1r.
<br /> ���ii�au�.
<br /> v
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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