•� •:a :._ . --_
<br /> -.,.�.-
<br /> -.�. .�� - -
<br /> ! _. ___ — - �
<br /> �._ - ���"° _ — — -- ='_— —
<br /> 17. TraNShr of th� �r�rq or a eMMMkW Ir�d I�t Mioera� N.r o►..y prt a�h. Piop.hy «
<br /> - -_ • A::;�:��t fr !:���J.�ar tr�n�d(�k a hc-_ee�fe!Inte!r�M Sanoww k sold or p'�nahrt�d a�x!!lorrow�r la nol R n�i�rM ___
<br /> -- p�wai)wkhout I.N��'s xxk+r w�fN�n cnr�esnd.4eniiur nvy,bt Hs aqlkx+.raqufrei Imrrst�t�e��yn,�nl M�krti ut �il wms u►twrbd Fr/
<br /> - - -_—= t1�S�x1ty Inabwr►�r►t. Howa+r�r.thh o{riio� NhM not b��ure�i+�d MI L�n�i�r N�roM�ir prols�t�d 6y MdwA Mw w ol tM �
<br /> a�.a mr.a.n.iy �+.a�.n�+�.
<br /> n�«,aK«�«d.«ne.ooMo�+, �«�d.r.n.r��ernroMe�naio.a.00.t«+��n. nf.�wro�..n.n po�+�w.a P.rAa a„a
<br /> w.. u,.n �n d.y. anm eh. d.w ati.nwb. w d.�wnd v. m.r«s w�+wn�n narow.r mua wy w arn.•«.x.a ey u�t.�
<br /> gepxNy k�sf„�n�M. M B�x�ww 1� •10 p�y th� Mxn� prfot to tFN�p+1Mbn of'd�is{►uiod. L�ntMr nry Yn+dM �nY w�w
<br /> �_---__ --- --__--, P«�rt�A hv tM�s�+rNy In�en,m�nt wNhauQ ivather neHc�or d�rn�nd on Bort�pw�►.
<br /> 111. Borraa�r'� Rl�ht to R�Inl�ta. M Bonnw.► rt�wts c�rtNn ca�atlorn, Barow�.h.11 h�ro di. ripM w hw.
<br /> — �nlat+�m�nt ot thls Sacxxky ktthwn�+1 dsoontY�u�d at�n31�ne P�iO►te U►� MrM► of: (a)5 tLys (u such otfi�r pwfod �
<br /> - �Pp�%��^'�*Y et�Y kw teinst�t�+�nl}bMnre sNa o1 thn F'rop«ty Purwain tu inY Po+'vu of e�N cont�h�d(n Ihk 8�cw7lf'
<br /> ;�' M�Inxnmt: or(b)�nhy ot�Mudprn�nt�nkxcirtp thFa S�curNY hsen�nt.Thos�con�lbn�in M�t Barow�r: (�l P�Yi��i1
<br /> � sums wMch then woufd b�du�und�r thb S�ky Inatnm�ent �nd th�Nots as H no a�tion h�d ocaxnd� (b1 a�r^Y
<br /> "_; d�iaill of�ny olhM'covNw+t a�qrw�mnts: l�) WYs Y�xpent�s hatursd in Mifordng thle S�auky IntWmu�t. Indudin�,but
<br />,�, not NrrAUd to�nuor��ttomnn'hni and(�I.icM nuch rd;a�os Lindar may raasarubt,�rcquNe to ueuro thRt tha Nen d -- .
<br />�.r thk 3�aN1lY InsinMr»nL LM1dM'� ripMs kf th� Pto(f�ty �nd Bartow�r's ODKpatkxi to p�y lhe sums s�airod by thM SraxUY
<br />--x� inefrum�nt shaM continue unchanped. Upan nfnaLt�fwnt by Ba+rower. lfikr 6ai.'wlly Insfnxn�nt nd th� obtONion s�.vnd
<br />�'•: � ha�by fhal ra►kln luly�fbctkr�a� N no �ec�{erstlon had ocaurad. Nowever,tMn�ipht to rdnataU stul not�pply M tfit caQ�
<br /> � 01 acc�rtUan undr paiayraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sal� of Nol�; Chang� of lASf1 S�rvic�r. The Notn or s e putW interest In the Not� �w{rthK wifh ihis =
<br /> Securky Inntrumenq rtwy ba eold one or more th�,ee vrithout prfor notke W Br,�mwx. A sa�e r►ay reu�lt In a chn�M the anUly
<br /> (�cnown�a tns"Losn Se+vk�'y that ca�acts raanthty payr.ts�st:du�under!h! R��.Jn�rr,:q�ucHy InstrumenL Then alao m�Y _
<br /> 6� on� or moro chanyee ol ths Lwn Savicar un�ted to a oab oi thR Nd2- 1t YMxe Is • change d the Lcw� 5an�ax,
<br /> Burower wM be gken writlen nodce oi the charege h accorduue wUh pra�a�ah tA ab.xe and appNcabb Iaw. Tho nr�tice wi _
<br /> st�te tho name and eddress af thn new Loan Servicer and the a,i�re�.s t9 wtric°w p�nrents s'::uid be made. 'Rie nofico wiW eA�� a;�
<br /> conrain aey och.r Inronn.tion raqusrea by oppReabte f�w• -_�-
<br /> .�i 20. Haza►duus Substmc��. Borrower s!sn'� not catsA ur pemdt t�18�resence, use, dispossl,stonpe. a reius� ol i,—
<br /> any Hazardous Subst�tcea on or h tha Propdty. S�rrowtt sh�N not rlo.na allow anyone else to do,anylhhy �MeeUnp !he ,Fa
<br /> FY,r�rtyr that is ki viol�Uon of any EnvironmenW�4 Z�w. The precedhp two s�ntencea ah�ll not appry to the presence, ute, a I�;.;Q,�
<br /> ..,. :r,, aio�ege on the Prop�ty ot srtWN qumUNes of�asardous Subatancea th�t u�e ganeraMy rec.'e9nl�ed to be appropriaU to nomid
<br /> roskientW uses�nd to rtwinteomee ol the RapMy. ���
<br /> '' ' Bortower sh�M promptly glve Lmder writ?en noUce of nny hvestlgetlon, daim, demer.�, lawsuk a othx actlon lV rmy !`t'°�
<br /> �1n. •;'>�;;'= • �•:�.=
<br /> � '1A�.•:'�=.�;, :�_. 9ovemmenul or mgutatory age�cy or priva[e party InvoNing the Froperty and aoy HaaardoJS Substence or EnvkonmaiW Lyw ot �_�2-
<br />- !•_- '=`�t.'+:�-x.�. � � ;; N...�,�� +in..�t,;. .n mvemmentil or re4uYtotY authority, that an F'?' '-
<br /> -- -- �. MffllCtt aOtrOWR ltae Mi.iu�I iuww�ca�y'2. �.rSiSS. 4i 4.!' !lQ....-- - �j y - -
<br /> �• .t, �;'. removal or olhet remedia►�on of any Hazard�cus �-�ubstancs arect�ng Prope�ty Is necessury, Borrowa shaN promptM Lke aM ��,
<br /> ;',;,,�� ;,\�.;� necessary rcmediol ecUon�!n eccordance witfl Er.vironmentnl Lnw. ,� _
<br /> . +� t�;,;'�L> .y:
<br /> .; .� .�.,,;,.,,,;;�,. As used In thts paraflraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances defned as foxlc or huardous substanc�s hy n��
<br /> �--�
<br /> • �i�;;:., ,. ,: �nyNOrnrbntil L,aw and the toMowing substances: gaso�r�e, kerosene, other Aemmable or to�Ja petrobum producis, ta:�o ;,�y ��
<br /> ,i;�.= . �. ��,�.:� �:...
<br /> •...L.�_•r�l`r�:�..,.: pesticidas�nd habfN�kes.volatile aoNents. �ne�r.iab containi�g asbestos a(ormeldohyde,end radloactive matarlda. As ueed ln :..
<br /> ':;�:r��Y�.;.•r,,'�.;:Y:;^ peragnph 20. `EnvhonmenUt Law' mee�is Te�-�1 laws end l�ws o9 ihe Jer�sdi�tlon whcre the Property Is loated tMt rel+rte to �.�
<br />- *����� rn." he�Rh�ea,'ctyl or envtronntentd protedlon. �`� �
<br /> .�rd yy:�,s.-!�.:.v� �T ��
<br />�� �-;Y'�:•':�•.,�w� • NON-UNIFaRM COVENANT3. Borrower end Lendcr further covenant and agree as tallow�: Iy�
<br /> � ;,�ti� •. : 21. Accoloration; Romodios. Lender shall giv3 notico to Borernru�er prior to acedondion G*�'-•
<br /> .� �;;'..'.%;;g`�}`` � foHowing Borrow�r's breach of any cove�ant or agreem�nt In thls Sea�arHy Inslrum�nt (but not �
<br /> n `�w'"'�'''" � '� rior to acad�rattan und�r paragraalq 17 unless appltcabls !aw provides ntherwis�e). Tha notice
<br /> 5 P
<br /> �. shall sp�clty: (s) ths defa��lt; (b) ttf� acNon roqulr�d to cun tha d9fau�'!; (c) a date, not loss than
<br /> � �'�t`����� 30 dayu trom ihs date 11r�a notice la glven to Borrowsr, by whlch tha afefauit muat ba cured; and I
<br /> yR 4''�'''��� Sd� :hat ta{luro to cure t?�e� defauk on or bafore ths dats specifisd In the notics may resuk In i
<br /> ._ . ,..�' .. •
<br /> r!�'��a,��;�` i
<br /> '�• ..; � r�jt,���� acaal�ration o�f th�aums s�curad by thla Sacurlty Instrumsnt and salo of tho P'ropsrty. Th� notla�
<br /> - il:.'."� C!v✓��Y�•':w
<br /> �,��� •••• �•• �fiafl furthar �:�9arm Borrower of the right to retnatat� aitea .accoleratlon and th� Nght to b►ing a j
<br /> .+i�^�: ';'sf:�'.� . i
<br /> .�.,:v, t.,,�l,..,.t, ca:urt actton to aaeert tha non-extstanco af a delaul� �r any Mher defans� M Borruwer to ;
<br /> • ,�,;�.• ;�:,, ac�elarstlon and sala. If tha dafauR ts �ot cu+�4d on or bafcra tho dato spaci8ed In tha notic�, i
<br /> - ��� ::•�,�;�'� � •' Lsndsr st its optlon m�y requlr� Immodlate pay�ent In full of all sunns secur�d by thl�Securtty i
<br />- �� '��,""• • � Instrument without further demand and rmay invake the �power of sale and any ather remadies
<br /> . �� • !{.'� p�rmittQd by appltcable tacw. Lentler �hall be entitled to cas'l)�ct al� �xpsns�i incurrod tn pu►suing �
<br /> t•,, . : ,lk
<br /> �,, :•,•. the remedfes provldsd In thls {�araqraph 21. [nctuding, but not ltrrdted to, raasanabl� �ttorneys' i
<br /> ,.- ��' •�:.:ti �, te�s and casts of titl� ev3slence. ;
<br /> .'=�-��.s'� # ths power af aale �is tnvoked. Trustee s7��11 �ecord a notice af dehult tn each county In
<br /> •,�� -�'��:�:',- which any p�rt of the Property Is loaated and ahall mai� Coplas of such noticq in tho manrter ,
<br /> •• ` `• .'�- �` ' , prescrlbad by applicablo law to 8orrowor and to the othor pareons proncribed by applicabla law. �
<br /> ,.i''��� �•';tt"�,�." ' Aitor ths tims �equirad by applicable law� Truste• shall give pubUc notice of sale to the persons ;
<br /> . � ` "' and in ths manner prescPabed by appltcabte law.Trustea� without der��nd on 9orrower,shall sell
<br /> .e;;;P?_� �..;.:. rv�..:,
<br /> =�;�;;�.:2;�,.�., th� Wroperty at public m��tion to tho hlghost fs+a�dor at ths timo and R9ace and undor the tarms ;
<br /> - , ..�M .-:.. . d�aignat�d In th� aotice �of sale in on� or mon parc�b and in any ord�r Truste� d�t�rmtnsa.
<br /> i�':,;• - . ubtic anna�+nc�ar�ont at the '
<br /> T►ustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Pr�perty by p
<br /> :� . _ _ � time and pl�ce of any prevlausly scheduled sa{e. Lendar o� its doslgnae rtaa� purchase tho
<br /> = Prc�perty nt any aale.
<br /> u...... .��t.�� �� nmo���r�sn� nf tho nrlc� lild_ Trustee Shdll dOIIV�EfI' CO th9 purchaser T�u�'tee's
<br /> .:. - . ..p.... .�.�.r- ° �--•-•�---- - � --
<br /> ' ' ' "�-• �' doerl tenvoying tha Prs�7�9rty. The recitals tn th� Truatoo'a doad ohai0 liw prima faelo evidanae of
<br /> � �1 :;_:�_••,� ... th� iruih of th� statamon4s madv thnrola. Truatee shn!! �Jppty ths procesde of the sate In the
<br /> '�:�_i.�-+;;':�,:, tol[awing ord�r: (�) to all costs and sxponsss af exer�Fa:np the power of sala, and the sale.
<br /> - 1 .;,fY''� ° in�ludih� th� paym�nit of th�T�usts�'s fsss actually inourr�d,not to excsod ----~_._______
<br /> 1�. �t��:.,::,�':.. • �.__,�_M�__Tpn . �)�-_-�_____.�.___�.�_'16 af the principal an�ount of the
<br /> � • z���:":`:�•'?�'' ` nat�at tho tlr.hs ot iha declsrytion of defautt� and �easonawls attornay's fees as pe�mi+tted by law;
<br /> �tY��•:• � �• °.� (b) to all sums s�cured by thts Secusity Instrumant; and (c) any�xasaa to the p�raon or psrsono
<br /> ! • �'��x'�;.° `•t�' • Isgally entitlsd to tt.
<br /> t�,,.. y..�-
<br /> r '.
<br /> ,:��' Pape 4 at S
<br />_. , :�
<br /> F1318.LM0(11193)
<br />_ ' .. �l ,,,i..
<br /> . tOQiNM139
<br /> ,'�t � ..
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