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<br /> :si;.f .�� . .. ' � .� . . -- . � � . � - - Y _!.d�.c.o��.-�i.:.W-..:r=-''�=
<br /> . '•� . `- 'ri r•'A'�`?ri N.J!.- -
<br /> • � ,��r.�y' �tH�_ .
<br /> NOhI•UNINORM COVF.!`IANTS. Botrower ud l.cnder fltreher u►venr�t ond��re a fdloMn: q LosiW'aa ipadce tb
<br /> !7. lb.�ala.�+t lr�Msn. H Len�ier re,imn,.di.a pa m rof1 `wwler . r
<br /> �in �me�r�wtadleY pra►kMd ie��i'1,isolud�Uy.�ILNrd M�,r�oh��MO�t�e�-n�w�1�
<br /> ����ii��i�!�in s�w�r ~ �!��� M�M ��
<br /> 1r�M� �7�� , rw AflK t!t N�t r�� �}�hR.7t�rir�i�rw.�
<br /> t�s�e•weR w wiis�s►ir�ww ar+�w��+i.r+:.. �;.:ur:t::d L���� '!!��!!�!..,i�A� "w -
<br /> MRw�r.fMr NM tM��t wMlle are1M�M tlN��i�r rt IM fir�jd�M�i ril�fM aR�M _
<br /> iwl�ier 1�tM�olioe d�wb �ws w wRS � a� ori�r 7FwMc 71'twlie�4�
<br /> MN a�r�ni�ed d�Yt lr+art7�7��oa��t tYe tiwr�d pMee d+�7 P+'�'�7
<br /> eYe. l�dK or71�d�w ry' Pr�t�M w�M.
<br /> ��t1p�woeMt dp��t� b3a,7lrwbe�dellwr to!�e p�'lFt�M�h i�er�w7w�
<br /> Tre r�dtai iw d�e'1}rMe��aWl bR�riM ficM e.+id��ee v(trnt!d tM sbt�sub w�ie tl�rri.
<br /> 'I1�wMR iall ap*1�tUe pr�aeed�d tY�sde f�tre felbwY�a�: la) to �fE �ts ad expe+ues d� �M
<br /> ���,..+ak..k�i.�+.ae�u�rlrn�at d tl�e 7r�Met�,�,�r..��+��+i.•oc��+ f i '�
<br /> d tre aa�o��t d tbe M tre Wre d tM deelr�lo� d dehNk. ad r�bie at�ser'f�ei r
<br /> b I�w;(�)to aY�a�as�ecared b� U4 Sccuriq Irtr�naM:a�d le)�!cara�s to Hc p�rwa a P�RO�
<br /> �ew�to i�
<br /> S, R,eeaw�eya�ee. llpon�aymem of alt sumc sxured by this Sr,cunty In�uunxnt,Lcnder shall rr.que:�7tuxtee ta
<br /> re�o��•��the pwperty anc►chal!wrrc,+xier this Security Tnsuumcnt and all nates avuienc4ng deM securcd by this Sncurity
<br /> In�tcum,:nt w'1lustee. 'Itus►er sf►�11 reconvey the Pniperty wethaut wmm�ry end without chu'ge to the puaon a porw�ns
<br /> legi►11y critiytd lo it. Such person or Persons shwU Nt►y any rtxurdtu3onCUSts..
<br /> � S�f:.5s�b�'lb�. !��'.�r.st its n�+.ion.m!!y f�tm•timP.tn timc.cemor•c'I�vatC�ar�d appoint a succes+ar�qstae
<br /> t�any"ilvsr,ee appointed hem�+�u1e�by az►instrument recardecl in iho eountjr in which this Security ln�tre�mtnt�s reeordai.
<br /> ; Wiatiaut emvtyancc of the P7d,�x�.�succossor trustee shall.suece�d to ul! the litle,pewer and duacx eonferra�►upon
<br /> 7h�stee herein and by. a�p(irak+i�7.���. .
<br /> 20, Re+q�re.�i iC�r Noticrs. Bunu�:r:ric�3iests thac evpies nf th�r notiets of defau[t and �ale bc§ent�o Aorrower's
<br /> addcrsa which ia Ux 1'toprrty Address, •
<br /> RWero to this Security Inttn�m�t. If ane or moc�e ricfErc:ue executed by Borrowrr a►►d recoc�ied together with this
<br /> Security (nstrument, the covenants of�cach such rider shail Ue incorporated ioro and shall amend and xupplentent tht
<br /> coven�nts and agreement�of this Security Instn�ment as if the rickr(s)wei�i�a purt of this Security Inxuunxnt.
<br /> �Checlr applicahle box(es>j.
<br /> �Condnminium kider n Cruduat4d Puyment Etidcr I](irowing Equity Rider
<br /> u �--
<br /> �Plannrd Unit l)cvclopmrnt kiclrr �(Hhrr�SExrif'y� �� /�p(�,'►�
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Burmwer;�ccepts and ugrces ta the terms cuntuined in puges 1 tha�ugh 4 of this Security
<br /> Innwment ond in any ricler(s)sxecuted by Borrower and recorckd with iG
<br /> Witttcsses:
<br /> �� __� ) i•. __�n�.!(Sta��
<br /> MARK J �1 ESSNER - - — Borrower
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> -- ' F3ortower
<br /> ($Gel)
<br /> Barrtiwer
<br /> lSeal)
<br /> Bormwer
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. �L Counry ss:
<br /> On this �p�h day of ���p� y994 . beforc mc,the undersi6ned,a NQiary
<br /> PuU:ic duly commissioncd and qua!ificd for said county,personally ramc
<br /> MAFtK J D 1 ESSNER A S I tJC�E PER90N ,to mc known to lx: the
<br /> identical person(s)whuse na�ne(s)ane subscribed to the foregoing instniment und iickr.owlcdgeJ thc exccutiun thereof to Bc
<br /> h;s volunwry act und dced.
<br /> Witncss my hand and notaria!scal at �� �g(,�p in said county, thc
<br /> datc aforesaid.
<br /> �AI,MMA��MIMYIMIIA� ' �'_..r�-_-/��rC���
<br /> Mv['�ut�missuv�exnircL �~����I ��^'ta' O' n�.,�„�nunti� �
<br /> . _, - . , t��.,�,'.,,,..s�ww � . ,
<br /> 'CO TRiISTEE:
<br /> 'r'he unde�tsigned is thc holder of the note or notes sccured by this�eed of'Iiutit. Sald not�r or:nutcs,tagctiier with ail '
<br /> uther indebtednes: secured by this Deed nf 7ivst,have been paici in full. You;ue liereby directed to cancel said notc�r
<br /> . notes and this Lked of"frust,which arc delivcrcd hcrcby,and to rcconvcy, witliout�+.•a�r<tn�y,a�i thc cstatc now hcld by you
<br /> undcr ihis Dccd nf'�'ivst to the pc:son or ix:r+ons Icg;iily cntiticd thcrcto. �
<br /> ' betc: `-'
<br /> (Po4t 4 nJ4 puKet)
<br />