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<br /> _. Th� �v�iv*r by TRUBTEE or SnR!'IC=I►RI�B or any d�lault o!
<br /> -_ _ -��� TRtIeTOR3 und�r thi� Dwd o! Trtrst, an an� aaaasion, �h�ll ina►t. —
<br /> b� ar b� �ird to br a v�iv�r c! �ny cthsr or •isilnr
<br /> d�l+attits •ub�pu�atly ooa�rinq.
<br /> �- J. �t titi� tr, any psrt o= �ho pra�rty hor�in �hail b� ta]c�a in .�
<br /> -- -- -- aondw�na�ion praa��ding�, by righ� oP i�in�rnt do�ain, or
<br /> siailar aa�icn, or �hall ba �ald und�r t.hr��at o! oondaanwtion,
<br /> ���� all awarda�, damaqes and prarssads ar� h�rsL�p �rsiqnw3 and �hall
<br />-� --- — �. ps3d to tho HBNErICI�1RI88, who �ttall apply suoh pa�asnt, or
<br /> - ----_- ar�y part theraot, in their eole disoretion, to th� sus� du� �t�
<br /> that tia� an thin D�ad of T�ru�t and Tru�t D�ad Nota, vith Any
<br /> bale�ncs above fi.ha �ount dua hersuredar payable to th� —
<br /> TRUSTORS.
<br /> F R. The SBNBFIC7.PiRIEB, thsir agente� or rapresantativu, ar� h�r�lyy
<br /> authorixad to antsr, at any roaaonable ti.�, upen any part of
<br /> i:3�a ��� �,t��rt� �ot u'�e ��x�-�a� ot insg�aa�:.rq t�� �a�aam snd --
<br /> fnr the purpose of pertoraing any o� ttne �ct� the,y ara+
<br /> � ,��� authorf zed to psrPorn un�dl�r the teras �S t2ri� riaed o! T��t
<br /> ':,
<br /> ' and other accoaparzyinq d��une��s.
<br /> L. T1i3s Deed of Tru�� and a]l1 acaomF�ying documen�ff a�r� aubj�a�
<br /> ta, conatructed and gca���:�'ned by the la.�� of tSugi State ot
<br /> t;;,;�., Nebraska €e�r all purpcase��o
<br /> 5.:;`,:
<br /> 3��
<br /> �r+r�k M. TrL the event any one or more oY the prov3sioaas �crntain�d ia
<br /> �t��:�:� tYn.t+s Deed cf Trust, Trust Deed Notss, or any o'�h�'�' instrwmm��
<br /> r.,';�• ,.,��„� �.y o.��«n�r�.fr 3��r: ���F4� tti+i a trs�inrsant�antt_ frth:�7 7 f�E' �Ytti� ,
<br /> ` `YF:�'-- � -.
<br /> ��° xeason b� ��e3d to b� ir��r��:��d, illegal or �:��nlorceable �r: ��,�eg
<br /> r�spect, such inv��.id3�t�;D illegality, vr unenfnra�,a�i.l�:tg
<br /> ��nall, at the option of the HS,Atp�i+'ICIARIFS, not a�ffect any
<br /> other provisions of this Deed of Trust or Truat I�x�3 Kc�te, but
<br /> th3s Deed oP Trust and Trutst Daed Noto shal.l bm aor��tru¢c3 aa
<br /> af rxnnh �TVAY jA _ ���ARA� e�r uni?,nferaaah30 nrovision h.Ad lllf3�Vl�l"
<br /> ,�,< .- besn^cont�ined therein, it betinq the int@ntioa of tha► �tias
<br />_ t that thm provisions of t3iis Deed nf Tr.uEt aro dmelnred to be
<br /> severablo.
<br /> � N. Thia Deed of Trust shall inure to and bind the heirs, —
<br /> �' devisegs, personal representative►�, guccesaors and assigns o!
<br /> the parties horetn.
<br /> _, ,��.- � The TRUSTORS requost that a co�ry of any 2ic�ti�e of lmfauYt and _-
<br /> , ,, �., ; � ot any Notice of Sale horeundr�r kve mnil�d to tha:m mt the address �
<br /> � I -. herein set £orth, or such otho�r aduress a� �h�y may �xcvidm to tho �_
<br /> TRUSTBB and BBNBFICIARISS. ZRtII��DICS further state that they hawe
<br /> - ,� - � qiven tho BENBPICIIA�IHS a writ�oit Aaknowledgaent whieh stateg ttxa� ��°
<br /> •n���.� a.� T�tUSTOliS, they undarstand ttxat the siocw�ent that they are ��:
<br /> "- �*' executing hr�rein is a DQed af Truat and not a mortgaqe, and that �
<br /> ' >: ��"� � the� power caf sal� Fsrovid�d for in this Deed of Trust provides � .
<br /> �' ,,�."_�,��;F.�, .' subst�ntially� c�iE#eren� rights and obli�ations than a martgaqe and `
<br /> •�=���; '�°.,�r, in an ev�nt of dQfault or breach of the obligations set forth {
<br /> � ���: �= � ` �•, ::j herein, the Z�RII�Z'BB an� the B�FICI.ARIES may take such aation as '
<br /> A' ' }��'`•'�' h�refn provxa�r.d, includAnq tha exereis�e of tho pawer oY salta, and ��
<br /> `�,r.'1t';:'�� :rs�.•ti i
<br /> ':�:::�:'• •. �:"��. t.�►a garties ac�r:e� thAt said Acknowledqmc3n� abov�s referxad to ba�s
<br /> -';"�'j,.�• �•� �` been ex�cuted pa.•imr to the exeaution of thi� Deed of Tx ust and �
<br /> i ��.::�� :.<;�r;4�'.'
<br /> �' � �:;�.�;,,.:;;.;: shall � recurded priar to tho recardation oE th3s Dee� of Trust.
<br /> °,r��L ���,; I
<br /> ' . � EXLCt]TED the dato first �ve written.
<br /> . r.���^.ti�. _ ... _.;.� • `lI �\ �\\\\
<br /> _��__—__. _.� �lA��v���0'U1110�. _
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<br /> •�`��;' �.��;r`�''`' rlARTINA D013TSCH, Husband and W fe
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