-'.WS:Y#� . . .1., _ . _� ' _
<br /> . '1:� . rn•it;�i,�i'.
<br /> y ,. . �:i.� �.��' f' _ "� — —.
<br /> .� . �..�� " — �.�a6i�,_.,. — __. . .. . -- .. .____ .
<br /> —___—�� ��'r ��/70.�I�
<br /> D. Prrxsur� and saintain paliaiw ot all•si�lc in�nr�o� oa sai4
<br /> i�ovo�nts, in �uas � ur�8ssxritt�a by co�sniws ac�ptabl�
<br /> to th� D�ICI�itl�i, in an �o�utat at at l�t Nin� Tbousa=W
<br /> Dai�ars (;9,C0o.0o), MhioA pQlici� sball nas� t�
<br /> ��---_----- -_- �.'����a:;,� �: ��:Ci�_�:�� l.�r�.���r., ..t�fi r�►+w tr+.�,. pr�.,.a.� _._
<br /> WY+�bl� ta tts� part�ws a� tb*ir intar�st.� awY ayp�ar
<br /> h�r�und�r. TItO8TOR8 aqr� to provide Btif'�tICE11�I=S Mi'kb
<br /> aopis� ot �uah polici�a a� aartitiaat�s of insuranaa �uritLy
<br /> fi.t►s tsra ot thi� ind�t�dxs�ss� �►hich polici�a of i.naurar►aa a�y
<br /> not ba cancalsd by said csa�xri�r vithaut lift�n (is) dny�
<br /> --- Writt+�n notics ta BEN�I�ICI�AI88„
<br /> TIt�JSTOR6 cov�nanta� and agrNa that a la3lurs ta aalc� any
<br /> payswnt, eith� princ�pe►1 or inter�st, on th� Ho� a�awrQd h�rRby
<br /> trhan du� and payabla, nr a fa±lur@ ta oo�ply �rith any o! th�
<br /> cnvaananta nnd agreaa�ant� hersin �daa shx�li aausa ths vt4o1� su� o�
<br /> �qnwy h�raby ss�cur�3 to beco�s i�a�aaa��i3.ataly duw and aoll�atibl� at
<br /> ---°-�° tlAa c�ption af Lh�a BENSr'ICIARI�. antl �EI�LFZC?iL�RI�� �h�l.l hav� ttaw
<br /> - --- riqht to c�usa Notic� o! Daf.a�xl� to be qiven and the pra�isss to bs -
<br /> sold as provided harein.
<br /> Th� pa�rtias autually agren as lAllows:
<br /> m �. A� any tiae and tzo� ti.ae to ti.s�a upon writtan r�qtust o:�
<br /> - Hg,�ggYCI�RIgNg, pa�vmsnt ar =eeis and presontation ot tt�is D�d
<br /> - ot Trust and tL� Note tor eaedorseaent (in ca�e o! tull
<br />- _ raconveyance, for cancallatfon and reter�tion), vithout
<br /> - atlactinq the l.iability of anx psrson for tho paXa�nt of ths
<br /> �.:.�w a:��g, mnr�amsrR ,.,.� I r 1 consant to tha ]11ak1nCJ of tuly lliAp
<br /> ox plat of sa�id property: (b) ioin i�► 9ranting °ny eass�nt or
<br /> creatinq any reatriction thereunt (c) joir. i�'i +snY
<br /> suboxdinatioa or othsr ac�ree�ent alfeating thi� Daad o! Tru�t
<br /> or the lien or charqe th�reof; (d) reconve�► this Dead ot Tru��
<br />' ar the lien or charqe thereoY; (d) reconvey, without r►arrs�nty,
<br /> all or any past of said propertl►•
<br /> H. The grantee in any Deed of Reconveyanao aaY be dasaribad as
<br /> N�he persun or persons entitled tha�eto", �and the raaitals
<br /> �herein of any satt�rs or facts shall be conalusive proo! of
<br />- thr� truthfulnens t&ereof.
<br /> C. IIyrc�n defau].t by R'RIISTO�tS in the paY�ent of indebtadn�sa
<br /> sooured hereby nr in the performance of any agreeaYSnt
<br /> �ereunder, BBNEFICIARZES may declare all suas secuxed h�roby
<br /> ia�ediately due� and payable by dalivery to TRUSTBE of writton _
<br /> .,, d�aclaration of default. If BENEFICI�ES desire said property _
<br /> to be sold, they shall deposit with TRUSTLE this Deed of Trust -_
<br />_ and all pramissory no�es and documenfi.s evidencinq expenditureg "�-
<br /> - -_-__--__ ' �"� secured hex�eby, and shal� deliver to TROSTLE a written Notice �
<br /> -- � :�:�:y�., of Defau�.'� and election to c3use said property to be sold in `. _
<br /> �..r.
<br /> � � the form required by law, which sY��ll be duly filed for record
<br /> ^`�;,�.� TRIIS`TE�. i :
<br /> � '��• bY
<br /> : =��•�:.
<br /> ���I:;:,�. :��;.:� (1) After the lapse of snnah tim$ as may be required by law '
<br /> �,, � (presently being one (1) montl� following the recordation .
<br /> ' ����' of said Not��e of Default) , li+yotice of Aefault aitd I�otice
<br /> ' :�!�'�;��� oP Sale hav�zg been qiven as requir�ed by law, TRUSTEF., !
<br />- r,r.';��� ,� �
<br /> ����,�.�� without dea�vnd on TRL�STORS, shall sell said propert�► on .
<br /> ry tha date and at tho time and place designated in srsid � `
<br /> -� Nntice of Sale, at p.r.�lic auction td the highest bidder, ,
<br /> �� �•��''`�""�"-�� the purchas� �xice payable in lawrfu]. money of the Ilnited
<br /> •.'_4...:... .,-
<br /> .���':-, SCates at �� t3.nte of sale. The person �anductirig the
<br /> y'�� �iti4r..•-
<br />- � �••��� ���- saie m3v. for anv cause he dee�a�s exped3.ent, postpone the
<br /> �
<br /> d�.�..-�"�'.s+"""""-:.
<br />--� , ,,,..,,r�� sale from tf� to t3�e until it slxall be comp�.Qied and i.n -
<br />'-? , �"''` ..�. every such case, notice of post�one�rent shali be given by
<br /> ! publ.ie declaration thereof by such persox► at the ti�re and
<br /> ,�� b place last appoin�ed for �he sale; prowided, if the sale
<br /> ,� is poatpaned for lonqer than one (1) day beyond the day
<br /> desigx►ated in the Notxce of Sale, notice ther�of shall be
<br /> given in the same manner as the original Noi�ica of Sale.
<br /> -2-
<br /> . �.�,.::..:
<br /> _�,.. ,...,> >
<br />