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� � . . <br /> � �;,:;t • _ <br /> :�� • ,__. <br /> _� , + A _ _ .,. _ _ _ _ - <br /> - . __•� ���;.1_ _ - , <br /> ' ' , x l�D�USTAHLE ItATE �IDF�t g�- /� <br /> (1 Yar Treuury in3cx•Ratei:ap�) �V�,�3 <br /> ----- � THISl�DJUSTA81LEi1lAi��IP�RitpwlothU �RQ daYof _�.�1.1�VF _._______�._.._._....._..�._,If_94 <br /> ' �nd'u inaxpontd huo u�d�1 bs dMm�6 to anMd u�d�uppismwit the Manp�e.D�+d of Truw.a Suurit7�d(tiW°3�vrNy Iart�M�Nt")of <br /> tIK s�me d�ae{Iven by the und�c�yned(�he"8orrorrer")to Mcuro Bcxro�'�Adjwlabk Ilue Nae(iAa"lVote")co MiOI.�' .��L�� <br /> �Q 1+h.��Iwn►brr••)ot che wn d�t.�ed oowRie�the�srupersr dattibra In�he senahr Irocnrsa�t,nd bnt.d re: <br /> �� �28 VENtiS, ALDA. NEpRASKA 69810 <br /> �_.._ "". (!'topeny Add[eai) ! <br /> ?W e�le cse�tdn�orMle�t waH�{ fa ci��ps fr�y h�eer�l nk��1 »��ax�AA1lb <br /> P�y�nts.riir wte�ilwib t�e t�H wy Istrn��a�c c�e cl��p a����aNt et,r�n.atHl <br /> �W tMe�A uM tl�e auuiw�nw 1�w1�f. <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addition to the coveaanq and ajrammts nwie!ru tta&r.uKiiY Instruma�t,Borrowa and l.nrckr <br /> 1 furtlror coven�nt and a�ra�s fotlowe: <br /> A. INiER�'[flA7'�AND MONI'HLY PAYfMkNif CHANG�S <br /> - The Note provida fos xn initid intercst pte oP. �=��5 !b.Sectioe 4 of tl�.t Ne�rr.prtrrldas fty]ch1�[rs iu�i�e intaat rate wd ihe <br />- monthlY payma�a,u f011owt: <br /> -- — 1. lN7Z�REST RrlT£AN�MO�Y�ILY PAYMfNT CPIANGES <br /> �`� (A1 (.'Y�teD�ks <br /> The intttat nte 1 wlil pay msy change on the first day of , ?LIL Y ,19�.___,and on th�t day every <br />:�� ___?z months therafsu.Each date on wAich my irv.:rest rate could chan�e is atlial a"Chan�e Chte." <br />' r�:: <br /> :'�.. (R) 'I'YtlMat <br /> �4 ,'''�� � Bestnainj rrith the first Ch:n��17ate,my interest�ate wilt be baud on an Index.The"inde.t"is the wakly aver�e ylcld on 13ruted StRta <br />"%;':'�� 'YYa�cury seeudtia�u,tjusted to a constant matuHty ot 1 yeu.u made avaitable by ttr.F�.e�ra.l RGServe Bcurd.The most rezxnt Index fiQure <br /> , avatlablt ts of tht dste+►S days beforc e�sh Chante Date is called the"Currenc Index." <br /> - /f the IndtR is no lon�{er availxble,the Note Holder vrill choose a new indea which is basc�upon comparab�:lnformatlon.The I3ote <br /> f����' I 1 veexnadoeofthfschoice. <br />_ .�-`� <br /> Holdcr wtf ai <br />. -`i.•5l:;i�;5_--- �� C.�{Q��110iOt�.�!! - <br /> � TlUO AND O�E–HALF <br /> � '�F i � Before ach Ch�e D�te,the Note Halder will calcu[ate my new interat rate by adding peromtsae <br /> •"`� poir►ts( 2•5 �JY)to the Cunrnt Index and roundln�to the neuat I/8:h of I�/�,subJcet to t6e 13m{u sta:sd In Sation 4(D)bdnw. <br /> 7'his rounded amount will be my new intercst rate undl the nact Change L1ate. <br /> �''�'��' 'Che Note Holdcr will then dctermine the amount af the monrhi a ment that would be sufFiden�to rcpty in full the�r.nc3 [em <br /> :,,,.,� Y P Y � <br /> - •�?,. i.. a�pecced to owe on that Change Dnce in substantially equal payrt�ents by the maturity date at my�iew 6.�terat rate.The cault of tliin csitculation <br /> v►il1 br z}�.e new amount of my rnonthly p�yment. <br /> ' (D) U�ib on 9atenat R�te C�s�a <br /> '� The interat r:te l �n� requirod to pay at the Crst Chnryte Date will nat be greater than —7 r25 hi or las than <br /> - z,�, `, � �� hi.Thereafter,my dmerest rate w111 ncver be inereued or decreased on ony cingie Chanae Dnte by morethan ��m <br /> ��"' � ��from the rateuf inteta:~:I have ban paying for the prcceding tweive montlu.The minimum interest rate on thls loan will never Ix <br /> �.r <br /> � las than j��� �fi and ttK�tuimum interest nte will never be geater than 1 fl_7h p�, <br /> (E) Eftectl�elT�leotCMapa <br /> , My new interat nte wil l become effective on each Chutae Da[a I will pay the unount of my new monthly papment beginninE on the Grat <br />.-, �•. monthly paymmt due after theCi�anSe Date uncil the nmount ot my monthty payment changes ag�in. <br /> y�t:�: . <br /> 4�:;�' ' (Fl NodeeotCha� <br /> �.����`,,;.�.�;5.�.�'';�'..;,.' The Note Holdr.r wip mafl or deliver ro me u not+an before each Ct�ange Data The noticc wiIl advise rtne oi': <br /> ��fi�r'• �y?� �I� the mew inie�at rate on my loan a::of the Cliange Date; <br /> s� :Y�• • �•� (ii) the amount of my monUily paymcnt Poriowing thc Change Date; <br /> ��,. ,:,_e�i`� (iii) any additional mnuen which the Note Holder is required todisclou:and = <br /> , `���.}��.,�:�= (iv) the addras o!thc�ssociation you coutd contact rcgarding any quatIom about the adJustment noticY. �:_ <br /> •,��R'x'i s �'_ '. <br /> !'-. <br /> �a��M:r' S. C H A R C F�;L l E N S "= <br /> ��`� '' Uniform Covenant 4 oF the 5ecuriry Instrument is�m;ndod to read as followa: <br /> ��• <br /> ! .�:: <br /> ' � '��,..?::.1,:.j:' 1.CAu <br /> l.le�.Bottower shall pay all uucs,assessmenU,and other char es,fines,and im sitions attributablc to tiie Pro w6lch ma <br /> .ti,::..'.� .,r � � �: B Po• perty Y <br />� ; r'`��^:�>Ki��-ti��i� �ttain a prio�try over this S�curitp Im�isacment,and Icasettold paym�n9g of ground renU,if any,in dtc[nanner provided under pirajt'aph 2 hercot <br /> •rr.•�+.�_. ». <br /> , r�{,��t;,i".`;s:;�;�`" or,if nut pt3d in such manner,by 8orrower making�aynunt,whcn due,dir�ctly to the paycc the>e�f.Barcower shall promptly furntsh 4endcr <br /> ,y��i=;� ��`�,�- all notias of emounsc�3ue under this parograph,and in the event Borcower shall makc payment directly,Bonower sh�ll prompUy furniah 10 <br /> } �'�"' La�er rereipts c�id�r�c'sng such paynunts. Rorrawer shnll promptly disd�arge arry licn which lias pdority ore7 thie Security Instrum:nt; <br />.. AP.iGS'i�i'��'- <br /> , c +.,' t however,Borcower shill not be ra;_.irM to discharae any such lien so(ong u Bottower:(a)�h�ll agrcc in�vriUng to the paymcnt of the <br /> .=�:'�' .. obliaation securod by such Iten in the inanner acapuble to Lender:(b)shall in goad faIth contest�•_s�`�Iien by,ar defend agninst enforcement ef <br /> '�;;�~�=:: • ' •�V . tuch Itrn in,lcgal procee�iingc whfch i►�the opinion of Lender operate io prsvtnt ehe enforccmem c�f the lien or forfciture of thc Properry ur any <br /> " ��.+�-'���:""�'� p�n ttxreof;or(c)shafl sccure from t1x holder of such licn an agreement in a farm satfsia�:tory to GcnAer su°��rdInating such Ifcn to this I <br /> �.� ' Stcurity Instrumcnt. � <br /> '.°`' �T'�`°°���: "� If Lender dctcvmittes that a11 or nny part ot thc Froperty�s svo�ect to a u<n wnun may a prioriry ovcr t6is�vricy imirumm�, i <br /> I.'C•::'; .. _ <br /> �;,�. _ .;�,.,:,' Lender slwtll dive[ionower a notla identifying such lien.Borrower shall satisfy such lien or t�kr one or more of the uctions set torth above <br /> sr'.� ' '.� "�;';;F`� ' withintendaysoftbegivingofthcnotice. <br />' . �. � �� ' C. N077CE � <br /> Uniform Cove��ant I4of the Sccurity Ir�strument is amended to read as tollows: <br /> ,�•� a A�. Nodee.�xcept for any noticc requtred undn applicable law to be given In anather manner.(a)any notice to 8orrower pruvided for in this <br /> "' a Security[nstrument sha(1 begir•cn by ddivcring it ur by mailing ii by fint ciass mail to�lottnwer at thc Property Addras or�t such other addrcss <br />. r���� . �`> , <br /> a�Barrower msy dalinate hy notice to Lender as pro+ided herein,and lb)any notice to Lender shall he given by Crst clrtss mail to Lender's <br /> ; " addra�stued heuin or to such other addras as 1_ender may daignate by noiiceto Honower ns provided huein.Any notire pro.ided for in�his <br /> 5ecurity Instrurnent sh�ll bedeemcd to hati•e bcen gi��en to Borrower or Lender whm glven in the manner deslgnated heretn. <br /> � ' �., .,. <br /> w• <br /> .. ,. <br /> .. � . . <br /> :,, • � _ <br />