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<br /> appli�ahle law muy sp►.�cify for rcin<trtea�ent)hefcH!c sale of the Pnaprhy{w�,uwri w auy�w,wcr ut ,x r.�•� � ��� �t���
<br /> _ 5ecuri�y Inurument:ur(b}entry ui a judgaxn�enfo�ting thl�Sx+uity(ny�rwncnt. "[�h�nx urnJiti��n.usr.thwt IH►rruwcr. (u)
<br /> p�y�t Lender sll sums which Uxn would be due under this Sa:uriiY 1n�►UumenP und thr. Note at if nn accelenaion h�d
<br /> accurred;(b)cures any ckfault of any iNhrr covt.nants cx ug�ementx;(c)�y�al{rxgrnAra incumed in enfn�rcinp thiR Sexurity
<br /> _ InprumaU, including.but nnt limited to, rea�an�ble anorneys'[as: pnd (d) wkts�uch �:tion as l.entinr mry re+w�ly
<br /> a�----_--- �
<br /> reyuire to aasuro tlu�t the lien of thi�s Sc�arity Inswmcnt,d.enderk dghts in the Prvperty end Hom�werti�li}��ticM ta My the
<br /> �umx wxuad hy tbiy ie�.u�iiy [y�suu����+ :.1�.�1! ca:�:ln�� cr.:�:.n���. I1��±t trinHhHrrrt�^.! hy ti�wrn��•nr, �hix tie�untv
<br /> Inatnunent sind ttrc obllgations sacured he�by shall rcrtwin ially effactivG a�if no aecel�ratiurt h�d occumxl. liciwevct,this
<br /> _ dght ta rcinstate shtll not agp(y ln the case of acceler�I�on unckr puegraph 17.
<br /> 19. S�ie v�Nalr.CIuUp�e o[I,�a 8ervker. 'Thc Note ur a pardut uz�c�r_�t in thc Note (togett►rr«�ith tt�iR Scxurity
<br /> Instrument)may be wld ove or.more times withcwt prior notice to&►nower. A sal��mAy result in a c•hxnga in�tre entity
<br /> (krwwn ati the"l.aue Suvicer")that collects monthly puyment�s dae uniiar Ihr,Nutr.und this Security In�inimsnt. TIK=1Y•AISA
<br /> rnay be one or nw�.changGS of d�e Loaa Strvicer unrelattd to a balit�rf Utn Note. If them is a etu►n�e of th�+Lcran 5c��irer,
<br /> �� Bomuw'er will be given wnttcn notice uf d�n chw�ge ii� accord:ncc with pan�graph 14 ahave dnd ap�llrHbin law. '(t►c:notice
<br /> witl sta[c the nAme and address of the ncw Loan Servica and the add�ns�t��wDir.h paymcnts should t�e mrdc:. 7ris nnticc will
<br />_ also contain smy other infortnation required by applicablc law.
<br /> - 20. H�zardous Subshncea. Hamower shal!not cause or pemiit lhn pn:�:ence,u:,e,disposal,stoan,r,r,ar re�euse ot'any
<br /> -�� Nazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall noi de,nmr aU�bw anyone else to dci,any�lhing affecting the
<br />_ Propcny that is in violadon of any Environmental Iaw. The pncedin�twn sentenr.es shali not apply ta tt►c prescnce, uu,or
<br /> stcxagc on the Pt�perty of small quantities of Hazardous Substanaes thut u�gcncrally recogrtiud ta tx�a�sc►priatc to normal
<br /> _ — rcsidenaal us�s aad tu maintenance of tha Property-
<br />=�- - - Borrower shrll per�mptly give L.ender writte;�netice of apy investiBatian,ctuim,demunci,lnwsuit ar otir�r:w:uu,i by a��y
<br /> governmental ur rtgalatory agency or privatc party involvins�tv Fr+aperty;u�d su►y Huzardous Substattca or Environmenial
<br /> Law of K•hich Borrawer has actual knowlcdge. If 8orro�vur lutums, or is r.otified by any govemrrtr.ntal or regulatur�
<br />- authority.,that any mrn�val or other n:mediation of any Hazanlaur Su�stunce affccting the Property is nesessary.Bomow:�•a'
<br />` shaU pnompdy take all necessary remedial actions in accordance widi Enviranmental Law.
<br />- As used in this paragraph 20,"Haz:udous Substnnces"are Uiu��c substunccs defined as toxic or h�.nrdmis substanccs by
<br /> F.nvironmental Law and the following substance�: ga�oline,kcras�cne,Qtlier flsunmable or toxic petmleum pmducGl,wxic
<br /> pesticides and hecfiicides, volatile solvents, maec:�lnls contaipinQ acbestns or formald�hyde. and r.�diostctivo materials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Luw"means fedenil ImNS and luws of thc jurisdicti�+n wheru thF Property is�ocated
<br /> that relate to health,safery or cnvironmental protecrion.
<br /> NON-UMFURM COVENAN'CS. Borrower and l.cnder fuc!�hor cuvennnt and agnee.0 follows:
<br /> 21. Accekntbn; Rem=dirs. Lender shall�ve not�ce t�i Rnrrnwcr priar to acoelerwtlon to11o��9ng Rorrower's
<br /> �� �. • ..,.,.......,..»....•nw oonamnnt c��hk C.rurity iactrumeut llbut nat nrlor to accekratlon ui�der parng�ph 17
<br /> � - ...�......:.�,y................. ..�_____---_—
<br /> unless applia�ble f�ve provides otherw[se). The notice slwll sgedt�y: (:a)the defwult;(b)the actlon neryutred to cure tLe
<br /> defpult;(c)a date,not less than 30 days[ran the datc ihn rtotfi:e iv Aiwen to Borrow�er,by which tl�e default mu�t kM
<br /> cured;st�d(d)that failut+e W cure the default on or befur�e fhe dut�apecilicd in the not3c�t unay rc:ctdt h�accelera8o�n a1'
<br /> the su�secured by thls Secudty Instrument smd salc of tha Properiy. Tlie nol3cr F9in1�fhrther inform Bormwcr o[
<br /> We dqht to reSrtsta4e aSter xcakrxtbn�nd the rtght ta brinq a cou�t act�+i�e tn asserl the non�xistt�ce of a defAUlt or
<br /> any other defense o6 lE3arrawer to Acceleration And sul�. II'IFI�l I�L'f{iIIIC lS I}D�cured on mr befarn llne tt'.�te speclfled in
<br /> the notke,Lender at'ris optbn mpy requirc lmmediatcs payntent in Ik�ll af all s�uns sec�sd by thls 3ecurlty Iiutrument
<br /> without (Urther demand and m�i�invoke the power o�'sal�z and any other rcmedi�; permittecl by applkable Iaw
<br /> Lender shall be entIBed to cd{ect AU expenses incurrd+i iit pursuin�the remedies pcorided in this psu�agraph 21,
<br /> [ncludimg,but not limited to,re�sanuble attorneys'fees and caMu ottitle evidence.
<br /> It the power ot srle is invoked,'It�ustee shell rts�a►rd u notfce af defuult in each county in�shlch any pxrt of the
<br /> Property ts located and shxU mail coptes of such nottce in th¢mnnner pmscribed by ap{rlkable lew to Bornower and to
<br /> . We other persoas prescribed by applicable law AttQr t�to ttme required by applicable law,'D•astee sliall p�ve publk
<br /> notice�sale to thc pensons and in the manner prescr6h►d b�app)Ica61c 1►�w "[1�usiee. without demmid on Borrower,
<br /> shr1�scJl the Prr�ptrty at public auctfon to the hlghest bidder at tE[e tfine und pluce and under the te�yns designatcal��
<br /> the naTice c,f sak tn one or morc parcels and in any ordur 1lrusten detcrmincv. Trustee may pactpnnu sale of all or nny
<br /> � pareel of the Praperty by�ublic announcement at 4he tima tutd pltue of any previauly schedttlud salr. Lender or itv
<br /> ;, desigr�xe may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> , U�on recefpt of�yment of the price b4cE,'�`rustce shnli dcl[ver to the purchascr Tc•�ustoe's c�eed cvnvey in�the
<br /> •'"' prope:iy. The recitaLs in the 7Ys�ste�e's deed shall be primi►Pacie�vldence of tl�e truth a�Sch�statements mi�de t�erein.
<br /> '�'�°• . 7Mtstee shall apply the proceeds of tbe sale tn t6e follow�ng m•der: (a)to ult costs and eM�rn�es of exercicin�tl�e�nwer
<br /> ,,.31�i ;
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