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<br /> �7.'I'ru��.+f:r n1'lfir.P1ti,prrly ur�H�nefl�i�! lntrcrsl i�iMrmwer. IF utl nr u�iy [+��4 uf thr F'ritixrty��r rny inte►tst in it
<br /> i.w�lti ur aarxtif:rxr�i fnr iC a hrixt7clel lnlr.rrst i�ti Nums�e�r.c is w�W ur iranaltrral a�xl ki��rr�•wer is�Kd u ra►lurri pciwu)wufMwi
<br /> Lende['s priur wrillrn cun`ent, Ex�1er nlay. ul it+ u(rilu��, �ulre imnw'Jiale �ymrnt in tuil �,f'ull �,wnr u+�urctf hy thin
<br /> Se�.�urety lourumcnt.Huwever, this c�i�m,rhal!not lx rxrrr:iwd hy l.e�Klcr if cxerclse ix pruhit+ittx!by faieral law n of�he date
<br /> iyf this Security insuvnxnt.
<br /> li Lender eaercisea ihis i�plion.Ix�xkr+h�11 give li��rn>wer M�U�r.uf a�tiYlcr�ilon. 'I'hc rK►ticK+hall pruvlJG r perl+xl u(n�K
<br /> lex� than 3Q days fmm the datc�ha rwilicc ly deliverixl or ntwil�xl wHhin which 9ort��wet must MY »II .rum: �.�urod a+y �his
<br /> �suri�y ►n,Uuu�e�u.i;�rwiww�,� :di{.l+l t:.:'y't:c.:..::::cm:.priur'�1 lh^�•"r1r�•tinq��1 Ihl�nr�i�wl. 1.�•t4�t'I'fUHV IIiVUk[�IfIY 1'Ctlk'�ll•: _
<br /> permitiod by thi�Secunty Inatrvme�x without fuAher tx�ti��or danard on Ii��rn�wrr.
<br /> 11{. &�rmwrr'� Iti�hl to RdnsiNe. If 9orniwer nxetz crnuin rurxfitiuns, &�rmwrr shall h�ve thr. right tu have
<br /> �nf��ranxnt uf this Security 1n11rumenc diFrnrninual:�t uny �inx p�iur tu thc earlir.r ut: (u) S du�•� (ur such uthtr prriiKf iv
<br /> applicahle law may s�i(y fur rcins'ta�ement') tkf.�re wle ut'�he Froperty pur�unnl t�� uuy power ai' wlr i:untrina! in �hix
<br /> Setvrity In+tnanx�nt:�ir(b)eutry��f a judgment rnf.�rcin�;this Security In�erunxnt.7Fn�se r��rK1i1�:�n+ure thut liom�war:(al pxys
<br /> l.e�xler all +ums widch thrn wuuld be due uneler thia Security In�trurmnt �tkl Uu Nut4 as it'n��accelcration ha[l ixcumaJ: (bl
<br /> curc.�ny �rfault uf a+iy othcr covenants:ur a�;rxuients: tr? p++ys �+U �K(�'n�cr ineurrGCl in enfurciny� thia Srcurity Instrument.
<br /> including,hu�.not limite�.i w, rex.xu�abla atrorne��s' fas;and iJ)t:►kr�su::h��i�m us �.erxlcr may reasnnwbly reywre to s�su�x
<br /> that thi:lien of this Security 6iurvment. [.:ixtrr's rights in the�Pru�xrty uncl I��rrou•cr'�u6ligatiun tu pay thc+um+tiecurtx!by
<br /> this Security Iristrunaent sliull contitiiue ur+c:hangal. U��n reinstatcment hy H�irrower, this 5ecurdy In�uununt a►xi Ihe
<br /> ohligations tiexured hrreb�r sl��ll remaiu 1'ully effcx:tive us if nu ncccleratii�n h;u1�iccurral. Hoa�ever, this right Ro rein�tata shall
<br /> not apply iu the czse of acccler.uiun under parugr.ipt► 17.
<br /> 19. 5rle o� Nnte; Change of Iw�an Scrricer. The Notc or a partinl interest in dic Nute irobethcr with tl�is Security —
<br /> Instrument)�nay be sold�ne or more times witltnut priar noticc ro Borrower. A ti:ile may result in a chunge in the entiry(kiwwn
<br /> as thu"I.oan 5ervicer")that mllec►s muuti►lyµiy�ttents�uc undcr thc I�!otG antl thls 5e�_1r�ty l��srnml�nt.There alu�may tx:une
<br /> or more changes of tlic Loa�i Sen+iccr unrelatod[o a s:ilc of thc:Notr:.If there is a chvise of tl�c[.�an Servicer,&�rrower will bc
<br /> given writte�notire of thc change in�+cconiance with paragraph 14 ubove �nci applicable law."fhe nmice will state the�iwme and
<br /> addcctis of thc new T.o;ui Servic�:r and Qte address to�vhich paymcnts should be made. The notir.c will also contain any uther
<br /> informati�n req�cired by upplicabFe law.
<br /> 20. Hrtzamdaus Sub�fances. Bnrrower shall not cause ar per.aiit the presence, use, dicgoc:.l, rtorage, or release uf any
<br />` Haz:�tttous Subsiances on or in th� ProFxny. Borro�i�.r shal) not uo, nor alluw ;anyonc c1s� :.�dv, anything af'fccting thc
<br /> Property that is in violation uf any Environmcntat Ln�v. i hc prcct�iing two sentcix�s shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storagc on the Pmperty of,mall yuantities of H.�xrdc�us Substanccs that are geit�r.�l1y rccogniuxl to bc ap�:�,�Qriate to nurmal
<br /> r�,�sidential us�s and to maintcnancc of th�Property.
<br /> Borr�wcr shall pm►nptly givc famicr written noticc of any im estigation, clnim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govcmuicn�:il or rcgutatory afiency or�rivat�party involving thc Property and any H:u.�rdous Substancr,or Environmcntal Law
<br /> af whicli 3orrower has actm►1 knowlecig:. If Buno���er Ieams,or is notit ied by :u�y govcrnmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any mmoval or othcr remeaiation oi any t-i:v;�«Fuua aU�:ta��.�afFt�Yi:b I:TC�T(:�f:;'!S l:r..^t'S5_'.P'.p!�rn�wrr chall pmntnt{y ta1C ,_
<br /> all necessary rcmedi.i!4ctions in accordance with Ensironmental L:►w.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. "�[.i?ardous Substances" arc those substances detiucJ as toxic or haz:udous substanccs by
<br /> Environmentat Luw and tlie follo�ving subst:ui:es: g�oline, kcro�es�c, othcr fl:unmab7e �•r [.rzir petroleum products, tvsic
<br /> pesticidcs and�hcrbicidcs.volalilC salvfn4:,,matcriuls contuining asbcs�us or formalJchydc,u�z�t radic*,activc matcrials. As uv_:]�in
<br /> this pantgraph 20, "Environmental L:iw" means feder.d lati�•�md I.nvs af the jurisdiction where ihe Pmperty is kicated that
<br /> relate tu health,safety oc cnvi�unmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CO�'�NAN"CS.Borrowcr::nd�.en�ler furtl�er covenaat ar.d.�Rrce as fullow�s: --
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Rem�cllc..w.IxK�fer sball fii�e e�a.oce to Borro�ti•er prior to accelernt[un followin};B�o�+ver's bn�nch __
<br /> of an�� rnvenant ar agreement in tki; 5ecurlty ins�ment (but not priur to acceferatlun mider ps►ri�raph 17 wdess
<br /> applicxble Iaw provides otherwise). The notice shall speeit�: (a)the dePault;(b) the action required tu cure the defuult;
<br /> (e) a date, nut less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower.by which the de�'ault must be curecl:and
<br /> (d) that failure to eure the default on ur befure ths date specifted in the noUe�: muy result in ucceleration of the tiums _
<br /> secured by this Security Inslrument and sale of the�roperty. The notice shaU further infurm Bormwer of the right tc►
<br /> reiastute ufter acceleration m►d the ri�ht to brin� a court.ection tn assert the nomexistence uf u default or any other
<br /> defease oi' Bnrxuw�Cr to�ce�lernire irn��edlate Isfnunt in'6laaB mftrlluums�xcuredfby this Security Instrume eewitl�out
<br /> I.ender, ut it�option, may req p .'
<br /> further dtrnn�uu�t+nd n�iay inF•oke tlie�totiser of sale snd any othcr rcrncdies permittccl by i�}:pttcablc I�w• I.�nder sha9��e
<br /> entitled to co➢1�ect ull expenses incurred in pursuin�xhe remedtes prov ided in th(s pum�rupfi 31.inciudinF,but not limited
<br /> to.reasonAble uttorne►s'k'��and costs of title eridence. _
<br /> If thcpn wer of sa9e Js invoked. Trustce st�a9� mord� �wtice uf dcfuult io� cach county in whieh ax�v part of tlte j
<br /> Property Iv l�ted and shall maU cupi4w of such natice in thc manner pres.rt[xd b�•applirable law�tu➢�orro«•er and to
<br /> thc uther persons prescribed by appliatble luw. ACter the time reyuir��d hy applicable iaw.'3'rustec shnll�;h•e p�inlic no't�ce
<br /> of sale to the pcnons und Eu thc mannrr pre.xr�bed!�v�ppllci�ble la���.Trustce. �vitho�t demanrl on liorrow•er,shall sell
<br /> the Property at public uuction to the hi�h�wt biddcr at the time and place�nd t�nder 1t�e Eerms desi�Gnat�d in the notice of
<br /> saile in one ar morr purcets e�id in an}• order'�'rustcti determines.Tratit��e �-��y pa�t�one sule of all or:►ny parcel of the �r�
<br /> Propertv b�� pu6lir unnouncement at the time cmd pluce of amy prrviousl�•sc,�eduled .r•�le. Lender or its�iesi�!nee mHy i__-'
<br /> purch�x Ihe P�r►prrty at uny udc. _
<br /> Form 3028 9/9d
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