=:� "= � .... �- ,'
<br />__�' . •• _ ;;4,E� - _ — _. — -----
<br />�.� _ -- __
<br />� - . _ .,�,�r:��s...�. __ -
<br /> . . . . ,r
<br /> = ACKNatiVLEDQEMEN7IJF DEED 0� TI�U$T ��,������ _
<br /> - TR►JSTQFi R�AI]THIS ��Fflp1E SlGMING: -
<br /> '�°' t ruMtN undorMM�thrt fh�tiaoumrnt th�t 7ruatnr{�rlwut¢a wcwutR tw�q�d ut 7n:et�nd noi�rnoHpq�r�tfwt ths power
<br /> e)s�h provMiMi(a�n thr D�i nl Teu�!pnwi/M wbN�ntliMly dilf rrnt rloht�and abYO�tkn�to Tru�ta th�n��no�tyM+h 1h�wr��of
<br />�;. �d�lwh a br�eM►a�vb11�!k�r+und«th+pe�d nf 7n��t.M�nk►dirW,but nat lin�t*d oa.ttw lw►►tN'�ripht ta Mvs thr hopMt��old MY tha --
<br /> - - - TwMN wkF►a�t w+y J�►dMW�oMdY+1. 7n��ta rp►�nt��nd w�rr�nt�tF►K tF���oluwwl�ipam.nt ws��oaout�by Tn+�ta dder�the
<br /> _., — � «�outlo�af tM Cw�d a/Tnwl. �
<br /> , _ L�!{ 0 iA USTQR� �
<br />_�_ ... � �
<br /> r' J' RT R BQ9Al1 TlIUOTnR
<br /> a.
<br /> t��Ei� OF TRUST WiTH FIJTUti� AGti'A�ICES __-
<br /> " THIS CEED OF TRUST,M m�M ot the ��� d�y of ,TUrt4L�, , 1 i5?�—,by and wnonp
<br /> th�Tnuta. CW1fiLt8 D 8098��MIAN er,�tl JT►liRT M BOSSgLHAN, HtJ3HAND 1►�10 WI_FE ,
<br /> whow maik�p�ddrw�i�
<br /> ZG06 JIPACiIS AD (iR11ND SSI.1lND I��6�8�9��itor,'whethnr on�or monl.
<br /> thv Trustw, x �i [�IiACiZ
<br /> whuso mcinp eddre��i�P.O. DQX 79Q t3R11ND I3L.�ND NE 68802 lhw�in"Trust»'1.snd -
<br /> .A �-'.l ... IfR14�:.
<br /> ��•�y. THt OV�]IiI�11ND N11TIQti1� HANIC 41► tiR11ND I3LAND —_. _-
<br /> ���'a �• ��: whw�m+�ilinp addrnss i�� O B�X 1688 GRAND I�Ll�til� NE 688D2 (h�r�in'L�nda"I. !'ka'`-:
<br /> t�. :s .--,
<br /> { �;� � FOR VALUNBI.�CONSIDERATION,includi�p L+ndw'��xt�nsion of crwit irlentitk�d hnrain to C�z?t�S D BOSSELMI�N '-"°
<br /> iA ,rr.�., ._`.-.
<br /> F, �'��,t,+`,��';,,,�� Jl1!(sT 1C BOSBSI.tl11N �'�:
<br /> , .y�r� " ffienin"Borrow��",whetha one o►morsl and the trust hw�in arwt�d.th+
<br /> �i. , 771W.C',
<br /> •�. � �r �r���� na�ipt of whkh h h�►�bY rakncwl�dY�d.Trustor hK�by ir�evocsbly pnnts,transfen,conveys snd���fQn�to Twt x,i�l SRUST,WITH ,.�k,;
<br /> � �� 'l��r�.�:t•�
<br /> „i�.�r:,�;� S pOWEp�F SFd.E,iar th�b�n�fk�nd ancurity o?deQ+dK,under�nd sutrj�at 3a ths termi end conditiona hereis�ha s�t 3arth,tha r�e1 ��`�,
<br /> -- - 4�; ,,:, Praprty.dq�crlbeo as taMOw�:
<br /> � ','..{,.�',.;�¢�;v•.:j�.,,• yl�il' 'TiTjtiTY (20J, I27 '6�?II.DWOOD Si38DIVISION, IN HllLL COUNTY� -
<br /> �tFr. ,�g,ac pggR11,S1tA. LpT NINET�EN (19) WILDWOOA SUHDIVZSION TO Hl�I.L - -
<br /> <-�' ` ti;f�.°:•,.,..
<br /> '�"'.f� �•• S ., ___
<br /> �.,•,,,��� CQUHTY� 1�iE33R71S1U�. LOT EIG�rEEN (18)� WILDWOOD SfTBDIVISION
<br /> :.�r:•..:�•. .:�1•�}:,'��y TO HALL �UNTY, NBSR�►SKA
<br /> ` ;� ' },J�I'y .
<br /> •. �LI�•�ti i�1 f. :j t � �1:.�
<br /> � .��„,���;:;�r'' Toy�thK with�M buildinps,improvama�te,fixturs�,stre�t�, al{�ye,pa�sayewsys, ea:ements,ripht�, Fr(vibpes�nd sppurt�nanca
<br /> Y.1• �1.{
<br /> 1�'. i y.�_.�.: � f.' �ooat�d th�aon or in snywh�p�rt�inhp th�r�to.and th�r�nt�,i�suss and profito,rover�lon��nd tsm�hdan RhKwf.ond�uch pa�ond �`°'���:�
<br /> j�tF+r�'.i�:;j�j�-� , ��� t.,. --.
<br /> ��r ��,�,�.xYy�„f, prop«ty th�t t��tt�ohsd to ths improv�m�nU to aa to conetituts�tixturo,Includinp,but not IimEbd to,h�athp�nd coolinp puipm .
<br /> A`�" :, . �nd topNhM with th�homNtwd or muitwl Int�eet�,if �ny, whloh intxNtw ue h�t�by nlw��d and waivmd;sH o} whloh,inoludinp
<br /> rep{wxn�nto�nd�ddkion�tha�sto,b h�nby d�olarsd to b��p�rt of th�rwl Nt�t�s�ou»d by th�Ihn o!thi�Dwd of Tru�t��d�II of k .
<br /> ` ;�';f,`,�i;ir th�lohpoin9 b�ir►0 rofarr�d to h+r�in s�tho "PropNty. � �
<br /> . ;�;'d��y'.
<br />- �xa� Thb Dwd of Tru�t�halt Noun(�)th�payment of th�principal sum �nd IntMNt wkl�nc�d by� praniwory�ot� or or�dk
<br /> , ,y,r 10 �
<br /> . . -. • �, �preement d�t�d 06/07/94 ,h�vinp a maturity d�te of 01/BilO� , �- .
<br /> �• •` t...
<br /> � �'.:;}:�'.. in th�or6pin�i prir►dpal er+nount of t ��5,,nnn_en _,and any�nd sll modif(cation�.enten�ion��nd re�ewak �.
<br /> .,�YC::,.:,{�: R.. .
<br /> r,,Y��.,:,' thersof or th�nta Md�ny and dl futun�dvrie:�s�nd re�dvsnaee to Borrowei lot�ny of tham if moro than ond hewndK purw�nt 40 �
<br /> .�^�,;;•:; o��ot mon promi�9ory notN ar cndit aprwmante lhenh alled `Note"1;(b)the psyment of oth�r eums�dvanc�d by L�nd�r to protect �. .�
<br /> ths�aourity oT th�Not�;(0)th�p�r(ormnce ot all covan�nt�nnd spreemente of Trustar�et forth henin; end(d) �II pre�ant a�d future
<br /> .�#:�r=,� ,y� ,;' ind�bt�dnM�rnd cblip�tion�of @orrowW(or�ny of thwn it moro th�n oas) to Lendsr whether dirsot, Indir�ot,ab�olut�or ca►tinp�nt
<br /> ='"��.�'-,;.;`..'';',, w�d wh�th�r+�'irinp by not�,pu�ranty,ovsrdrek or othKwy�.Ths Nots,this O�s�f of Tru�t snd�ny and all othe docum�nt�th�t t�oun
<br /> �'�."A'. �� th�Not�or oth�rrrb��x�aut�d in cor�o�otion thK�with,incktdhp withnut limit�tion pueraoteee,eecivity apreement��nd suipnm�nt� I
<br /> � '�5��� �� of I�M�r►d ebnZO,�haM be rof�r�d to hxsirt eo th�'Lasn In�trume�te'.
<br /> i
<br /> 'p�•- ' Tru�tor cevenmt�and�prNS with L�nder ee followr. i
<br /> , ��:.;n� � 1,pwm�nt of MeMbt�dnw.NI ind�btednesa secursd h�reby ehall be paid when due.
<br /> ,,.t. ��. 2.TitU.Tru�tar is th�owrnr o}the Propmty,hss ths ripht end authoriry to convey the Propsrty,and warrante th�t the lien cre�ted
<br /> • �•` henby i�a fint and prior li�n on th�Propwty,ex�spt for tiem and encumbranc�s set fortl�by TrusMr in wtitinp�nd del+v�r�d to Lendw
<br /> ;r.";;�. . .
<br /> -_,;.`� :.�_.. ' b�fon ex�cutiat of thM DMd of Tn�st,and the ex�cution and delivery ot thl� Oeed of tru�t do�s not vifllate ony contraat or oth�r 1
<br /> ' oblipatio+�to whioh T�vKor in�ubj�ot.
<br /> � 3.T�aM,Avo�wnr+t�.To p�y bsiots definquenoy ell ceza,tpeciel esannementt end all other chopas ay�het th�Ptoperty now or �
<br /> .4. , ',� ' henak�r Iw1�d. • �
<br /> � 4,{nwxano�.To ks�p tho P►ope�rty innured epsinet damepa by tire,hszarde, included witFiin the term "eMe�dsd coveraye", and ' ,
<br /> '�'���:��• � � sucfi other hezKds�N L�nd�r mey rpuka,:n�mount��nd with eompanies eccapteble to lender,naminp LendM�s sn edditio�el nemed �
<br /> ,.���'' inwnd,Mrith bn p�y�bb to tha l�ndM.ln ca�s of tasu undx sucfi polinia�,the Lende►is authori:sd to adjuat,coll�ot end compromiss, �
<br /> '°�'•.°"''.'•r' �tl cl�irns th�t�und�r�nd dtoll h�v�th�option of spp(yinp��I or pert of th�inar�nc�proc�eds(il to eny indebtodnstt escund heroby i
<br /> �nd in wc�h ordM w Lw�dK may dK�rrnhe,(i+1 to ths Tnistor to bs usd for th��epair ar restontion ot the Ptoperty or(ifU for any othet �
<br /> ".,�r'�� purpow or objwt��tist�ctory to Lender without uffectinp ths li�of thh Deed of Truet foe th�full emeunt sewre�hereby bsforo euch �
<br /> ` `' . �,n;rr��t sve►tnok pl�c�.An;/appl;cttion of proceeds to indebtednsss ehell not extend or poetpone the dus date ot a�iy��ym�t�wider I
<br /> � �_ ---_ ---___ ':`�e Note,a►cure Yny d�F�uPo tha•eund�or hereunde►. . . . _ ... . - -.- i- •
<br /> : '� �•:: � � 6.Eeaew.U�sc�writtrn danrid by Lend+sr.Tnistor eh�tl pay to 1.enaer.Il1 SUCTI rt1Et17TE�ea Len�er may aes�nece.su��R.-�wu e�nrrs �_
<br /> - 1 a:,•,i,- to�n�bl�Land�to p�tl�s th�y b�coms d��u an�or mo�e of tho follcrvin�: (i1 ell texs�, eaaeaemente�nd othm char�es epeinet the '
<br /> � pro�Nrty,(ii)th�pt«niums on the propat�•inaurane�reQutrod heraundsr,end ilil ths pramiuma on eny vnattiape ioaunncB requirod by
<br /> :..:wC:r.;.. . L�nd�r.
<br /> ;,,��.�: .;, . 6.M�i�et�n�nw.R�p�M�and Compli�ne�wi�h Law�.Trustor eh�ll k�sp the Propaty i�yood co»ditan and repiir;ohall promptly
<br /> . � �. � • `• . rapair,cr nptao��ny improv�m�nt whioh may b�d�maged or datroysd;�h�ll not Qommil or grermit eny waate or deterioratio�of the �
<br /> "1' " p�op�tty;�h�N not��mov�,demoli�h or�ub�t�ntiaNy dte��ny of th�improvement�on tho�roperty;ah�N not commk,euff�r or permit
<br /> �L:1 .,
<br /> . a�y�et to b�da»in o�upon the P�ope►ty k►violation of eny kr+r,ordinence, or reyulation; end ehnll pay end promptly diaharps et
<br /> `^v��� ' Tru�tor'�cost and expw�s�alt 1'rons,sr+cumbnncea and chupes levied,imposed or esressed ayeinst ths Prnperty or eny p�rt thxeof.
<br /> r-_x:`;
<br /> • Y. Emh�nt Oom�ln. L�der h hersby assipn�d �II compentatian, ewa�de, dampes end other peyment� or relief Ihereinettor
<br /> :�:�ti`�. •p�a���")i�conn�ctia�with condemnetion ar otha tlMinp of the Porp�lly a�l thereof,or for conveyence n lieu of c�ndemnetion.
<br /> '`'"" ""�^ `'�'� L�rtd�r�hdl be entitl�d�t ib option to commence,eppMr in ond prosecut�ii ite own nrr►s�ny aotian or procadinpa,Md sheil etso bs �
<br /> . 4 L�;;+� �,
<br /> .; E,- `Tn, aetitl�d to mdc��r►Y comPromke or settMm�it in conn�atkm with euch takinp or dMr►aqe.In ths event�ny portion ut the Pr�perty is eo ;
<br /> t. s. Er
<br /> .4 .�e�i:..�°?, i
<br /> Hoc sis�ma+.orKUn■+�...�R«•tone
<br /> ' O 1�n H�17o�+�1 e.rA a coiwnKn r�uat u,e swlrw A.,oc�et«+.Unc�«i.!1•w.x.
<br /> �
<br /> al. _ ,._...� -_.—_.._ . ._ .
<br />