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<br /> � - :i r��D, �- -� �- �3u 9K fL.. - -.. . . . �.. . . "._.
<br /> � 4 i��` y �-��v, at i,.;��� T ��_r ,
<br /> ` _ , ��-<�` . . b n, _
<br /> �P! _ :� � '`: ,e,. s:6- � ' •� � '-c+.�? -
<br /> t �{ . - ��`�"' , �.` .:4�., -_ z.,F�. -? _ r . ' sc- • _�'J�r:� ._'.
<br /> �t._,.
<br /> ��11; �= - ` : . . ` , . t -- _�.._.___..�._..__......._._ ., t�•. � ' --
<br />-�: ..���i,i S.�V,. ;, - • �'� ' � " 4i � . . , . . ` ' ` . � . . ��� �V����� • �. • '__ ---
<br />�`��3°''� Tta�Fttnds sfia!! 3��heid��►afy �nstitottan vvhg���dgDF►�ts ure 3nsured b ,a fede.raD a
<br />-=��;�,�,�. Y �e�c3+; i�3nmy� . or enrity. �. ..', �
<br />�---- — (irtci�n�Lendei.if Lender is sueP%an Instita�tiQn)us,iR r�rty Federel Norn��.oaa�Bank.Le�er.shaU.apgly tke�'to pay ehc..• .
<br />`�� ° ' �.��av��t�ms.��uny�t ctiar��rrowet�aa Qo�r#t�;a�-ai�t�tying tAe�Fia:;ds,anrwaliy.aa�ty�ng tF�escmaa a�unt,or�. : - -'- --��-��_
<br />_" ``'=. ..��: verifyit�th�Fwcrovl Items.:unte�s Lendcr pays Berrasvcr.inteaest o�the Funds c�ud�g lisub2e Iaw pens�ts L�euud�t4 m2ke suc3� : �.—
<br /> �' a c�u��.H��vtwer.LeRdsr may tequir�$cisratver w yuy a one�tim:cAarge far aa` udeQi teal cstate taa reportia$,se�i+is�
<br />- � + usta! 6�€�Lea�dcr in c�nnesi�an+�vifh this[aan:�ant�s a�plicabte taw Qrovtdes btherwise. Unte�arz a�nt�� tna6d o::.
<br /> �.;::�'i'��.
<br />-- ,�,.; ._. app2ic�fe,4aw�ay�ui�i9tet�sst�to be paid:Lender sbaU aot_be requiced to paY,Bozio�ver�y i�t os earnin�s on ahe fiunds. -
<br />_ ,�w.�.:
<br /> • h:;5'' ` ,. ''t. BOROWCi�L@RdOF!lJ3y S�C IA WTIhli$. Dowever.that inter'est shall h�Paid on the FuaQa t�nder sball give W Bvnower,
<br /> }�...:.a:�.l.�N�
<br /> �� �� - ' withoue ci�asge. en anaual aseauating of the Fnmds.shawing credits aad`debits to iha Fuads and the purpose for whic6 ea�� - -- _- _
<br /> � .. :;
<br /> • ` ' debit to the�uffis w�s np�e.The Fuads are ptsdged as add'e�anul seauity,for all s�ums s�cured by this Securit�tnstrus�enL
<br /> -" '`�- '�" - � If the g�ds f�i�tyy�er ex�d tice sr�uunts p�rmittexF to i�e ireicE isy applicable taur,l.eader s�al!ac�tnt to 8orrawer- _
<br /> � t �' for tha excess Fu�ds in a;000�etance with the requiremeats of applicable taw.If the aac+ouut of tke�unrls iteld by L�der at aay�, �.�__ s__._ ... ..
<br />- * tit�is nas suffi�ieat to pay We�scro�s Itesns vrhen dus.iender may so aotify Bmrower ia wriciug,and.iu such rase�o�o� ___--
<br /> _. '��'.-,.;...:-i:.:: `> =--
<br /> s: :�3_.:�:::.:.;;::: shsslll pay to Leades the ansou�c!ttecessary to make op the de�cy. Bormwer shalt make up the deficcaicy in ao more U�an
<br /> - �,;.,. ,.. ,
<br /> _.,�.,._...�_, .�f,.c: twelv�montd�ly pay�►ts.3t Lender's sole disa�ian
<br />_ � •� . �'.f Upoa payute:nL in full of a!I sums sectired 6y this Se�uity inctm�+t. lxnder shtilZ promptiy cefund to Sorro�srer arry _-.— _
<br /> 'n
<br /> . =���``'��' ' � .�� F�atis krld b i.�der.If,uader h 21.Leuder shaatl_ ra or sell the cqnisition or�te -
<br /> ;f . ' Y P��P � PrapertY•[.�nder.PTior ta the a --
<br /> . n
<br />- �`:t�.�,; •' .. i of the Fnoperty,shal!appty any Funds fteld by I.ender at the time.of�ryisitiom or sate as a cm�it against the sums sewrad by =__-
<br /> `���!. ". .' ' t�119S0Clfilts+Tnctn�mens_ _—_�
<br /> ' ;,,,;' . 3.Appliaatt�ot•Payntents.Unless agpficabte law provides othenviss,all payments received by I.eqder ander para�apbs =-
<br /> �:�: i and 2 shall.be appli�rfirsc.w anY PTePaymeat charges due uader the Note:seropd.w amounts payable unQes garagraph 2: ---
<br /> ; ::,���'�%:;'`�c•��• .,.� tl�ind,to int�due-foiutb.to priacipa!duy;and Iast.to any+late charges due ynder thc Nooe. --
<br /> y,�;�.. "'�;'�.`:'.,_:�-.:�;:�'; 4.Cba�ges;Lfeas.Borrower shall pa�aii tanes.asscssa►ents.chazges•fines and impositions att�buiabie to the Property ---
<br /> . wiuch may attain p'riarity over this Security Inshumen�aad leasehold payments or ground rents,if auy.Bonower shall pay. . --
<br /> ` 'z�'r ti�oBligations in the m�ner pmvide�in pa�a�apb Z,or if not paid ia that manaer.Borcow�r shall pay titean an time direMiy --_-__
<br /> .t;... -�. � • to the pelson owed payment.Hormw�r shall promgSy furnish to L�c►der all notice�.of amow�is to be paid under Wis paragrapl�. �_;=-.
<br /> �:..5, � . � : ���---.
<br />- `---_._ ..____. if Borrawer matces these paymeats di�t[y,Bomn�vec sbali pmm�tty fumish tn Leader mceipts evidencing the payments. �..�,�--__
<br /> � ---------.----Borrower sha11 Pr+omPUY-d�s�arge aery-lien which.has.pnonty aver_this 3ecurity_Insnument_unless.Bornovrer:.(a):agcees i�i-.--.-.-. ��
<br /> < .. writing to the payment of the obfigatia�e secared by the lien in a manrcer acxeptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the l�en f,, __
<br /> �-`-_� ,-: . iry, ar defEnds against ent'omearea3 of'the lien in,Icgat procee�ugs whicb in tlie Lender's opiaion operate to preveni the �=�;--
<br />