� . --� .
<br /> � -� w � . �
<br /> �;�,; - .�. �n;.�.,,• �`� _ �. �- _ _ , _
<br /> ,_ f.�3�� � ;�� . . ' �`� . , b - —
<br /> -- V�, � - I =
<br /> . . , �', ,
<br /> , �� .�_. —
<br /> ,• . � . f� : .
<br /> . .,. ,-
<br /> -�:- .�sz� - - -' ---.. .__ -
<br /> � . ..
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<br /> - .:! . ,
<br /> �r.���:•�`_s_----� ., . . ` ` - --- . —; .. ---- ---�f .:g- — ---���'��5�?'r�i9 ... -- _.-- — - — - -
<br /> .�,M,. F .=f,''�! �i� . , . . '� �: y �_-
<br />� ��� �•' : �xe �uads sAa�i fQe ti�ld°at ati it�shpatio7t:wh�s�deposits ar� insured 1iy ��e8ara! age�tcy,'ins�ality:oT,.en�tY . .
<br /> rtctitding I.ender,if I.�der�s sqch ati�mtutian)nr ie an}r F�d�al.E�Iome F.oan Baatc.L�ad�r shail apply the i�tunds cc►�sy t�e"
<br />- "_���. �raw Items.l.e�der may�t c�aige`Borrower far h4ittiQg a�applying the Faads.�a�us11Y�Y�B the�scrow a�a�nt,os .
<br />_ _ --,_..Y.:"`�`��_ --. - =vefifying�iue�crow it�s,uai�s`l.�t�de��saps�stros��r��s'Eo��ECte���ds as�d�p�tcaD2e�iau�p�;�rits�tQ�e �s?t�,�� -:.--�-�____-----_----
<br /> .�.`.:,r� . . . �Et u� nn . .
<br /> �diarge.Howevsr,Leader maY require BPsmwer ta�ajt a 9nc-�me chargg for an independeni.real estate�sax regarti�g •,ae .
<br /> � •c� nsed by Lender in coanection adth this i�an uaies.s applirabte I�w provddes athernise. (3nless an agree�eat is mada ar -
<br />- �...:-.r.,_.�:� ,
<br /> r:,:���;;_";�;. ap�►�icable�aw rzquims inte�est W be pai�,Leader sball aot be xeqoi�eaJ w,pa3►Bam�ver ati}r intere.st or eamings�a thsa Fcir�s. . ' --
<br /> s:�s.:r. � Burmwe.r�nd tan�r may�ee in writ�ng,tioweeger,tlnt interest s9�lI be pald on ti�e Fands.Lender shall give to$tarrowes. • ---------
<br /> ,. er
<br /> �'r�: : ' , - ' witIia�t cttatge.an anmm!�ccauriting of the Fuads.showing c�edits and debiu ta,the Fmr�ds�th�pukpose foi�vhic�eact► ' --
<br /> °�f• � . • : ;;:`' • �lebit ta the Funds was�.TEie Funds are pledge�as additioaal secnri�y for alt suma sewred by this Se�ultY Iasttume�t•• • --
<br /> • ' s
<br /> i'� F ' If the Ftiads l�eid�y:l.et�der excaeed the amaunts p�mft4ed trs be held bY aPPlicabte lavr,Le�der sh�ll a�sannt to�arroarer - -
<br /> ` y for the exce.ss Fa�ds in�craidan�wifff tI�cequi�s of appltcabte faw.if dte a�of the�ds!�!h y t�a s d e r at uny., -_
<br /> Y _ �c = -- _ _ --_
<br /> tirae is ant safficieat ta�FaY the�scmw Items w6ea.dne,Le�der m�r so norify 8nmower in c�ndtiAg;and.in sucB casQ�arrower - __-
<br /> . � ' } sball pay to L.ender..fihs amount�necessat7r t�ma§e aP tite de�Cdency�.$orrower shall make up the,defiaeacy in nn more thaq = -
<br /> - . .. ' . t�velve monthly Aayipents.at I.eader's soie disc�on. , , � � �-_-
<br /> _ ... _ Upon payment m fall of all st�ms secured by this Ser�rrity Insuume6t, bender sball PrompttY cef�d ta Bomuwer any �.
<br /> Funds held 6y Ixnder.If,under•ParagraPh 21.Lenderstiall acqaire or sell the Pmpecty.Lender,Frior to the aaNisitiun os sate --
<br /> ' ' o�S PmPertY•��PPIY ffi►Y Far�sls hetd by Leader at the t�ne of acquisition or sale as a cra3it:a�ai�st the sums secvred try -
<br /> �ty�natefiment.�'. - . .
<br /> 3.ApplicatFon of PaymenL9.ll�less appficabfe taw Qmvides otMsarise,a11 payne�is raoeri��:�i�ender,+�d. er paragEaphs
<br /> ; �•".'. l,�d 2 shal!be applied:Srst,to anY P�PaYment charges due undcf tiie Note:seca�.:to amoauts'�ayabte.;;�igfr�'Paiat.,raPh 2; ==-
<br /> _ a� -" �.. � itnrd,to int�esrdae;faurth.to principal due;and last:w azry late c6arges due under t�e Note: , � . �-:-: -=_= - -
<br />_ :�•...,;,.''° •�.�.: .:
<br />_ . 4.'C�asge4;Lfess.Borsower shal!pay ali taxes.agsessmerits,cbar8es.fines and imposiiions attrIbu�h$f�:�.v the Proper3y,�: --- --
<br />- - � ,c:" �;•.� which may sttain piiority over dus Security tasdument, aaQ leaselio2d paymenis ar ground rents.if azry.$ofirowu s6alE��.� —_-
<br />_ :` �:_•�`�•� -- these o6ligations in the manner pmvided ia paragtapb 2,or if nat paid iu t6at manaer,Botrower�:Il�pay ttum oA time di�� �_....
<br /> a _�__
<br /> �.��::,.�>. '� w the person ow�payment.Borrower s6a11 pmmp�y fumis6 ta Lender a!1 notices of amounts�ow ft�paid ander this paragraptt. ---_._—
<br /> ` �f�.
<br /> 5 � -�%�' � � ' ' Jf Barrower matces these pa}�aents direcdy,Bormwer shaU pmmptty fumish to Lender reteipts eq�..��sing the paymeras. • �'°�"=
<br /> ' _`k�; ;:�.`•` :,.. Borrawer shall promg.;;��3ischarge any Iien which has prionty over tbis Serarity��ns�nmue�rt,ttnless Borrower:(a)agm,es in . ���;5,
<br /> ,.. ,,,r ,
<br />�'�� ---. �-� -----�--..__svcitiag.to.she�aymeat of t���nligation_s�_by_the.lie.p�in a m�nner aca_ptable to Y:eAdY_i:(t�1 rontests in good faith the lien � .,,,_ ,
<br /> '� �� .• .. . .._, ._ by; or defends against enforrement of the lien in, legal pmceedings which ui ttie�eader's.�an operate to prevent�the---�-�- � $� _
<br /> � �_. '.• enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fivm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory Co��subortinatiuS die t►ecc'to T- _
<br />- � � , . •� this.Security Instrument.If Lender detemlines that any.part of the Pr�operty is subJed to a 1i�'vr�,�;�.may attain priority over ',•`,,�,�.�--_•
<br /> ,::` � .:' tf�s Security Insuument,L¢�d.°,r may give Borrower a nonce identifying the lien.Earrawer shalt satksfy th..d�.Qr take one or p;__
<br /> • ' . „•. '.,-. . ' � _ s�are of t�e acxions_set fordr atrove within 10 days of tht glving of nouce. • �:� , -1. .-<. .- .
<br /> ;� '' ,,:; �� :: , o=Praper[y Insurance:Boirower shait kee the i - rovert►eut�•tiow exi _or kete�'.���;etted on t8e = ^�-.'�• . } '�
<br /> S. �rd P mP �
<br /> . :�. Property insum�against toss by fire,ha7ards included within the term•"extended coverage"and any oth�r��..�..'�.�1s, including , .' �'� r
<br /> �.;.':�•. • _ . floods ar itaoding,for which Leu der requires insurance.This ins�.shal!be maintained in th��znc*a,'us���'ur the Qeh:� ��,' *�
<br /> ;.;i�tn- . . .. that Lender�quiies.The insurance carrier providir+g the insurance s3jatl be chosen by Bomnwe��:$ject t+��er's apPr��; . :`I j�..•F' �,•.v'`.`
<br /> •.:;�;�;��� '- •-. Rfiich shaU not be unreasuaably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage:�escrihed a6ove. L:eadex,�a.r;at I.eoder's • . :� ';�; '�_ 1-
<br /> = �,�t ` • ' � option,obtain coveiage w p^W:ect l.ender's rights in tlie Property in accordan�e w-L�t;�aiagraph�. ;' `� � _
<br /> ` `��'' ' � ..� ' All insurance polir`,�s:�;renewals shall be acceptabte to Lender and shatE:indnde a standard mortgage claase..[xnder ,
<br /> `��� �: �::_,�,t,., shall have the right to ho:�,;:�e�olicies and renewals. If Lender requires.Borrower shall prompdy give to l.eader all receipu of �.', _ ^''
<br /> " �:_'.�;;?;;; paid premiums and rene��:3 na'i'xs.In the event of lass.Borrower shal!give pro�►pt notice to the�nsurance carrier and l.ender. ^ . ' ,,rr,':
<br /> �� . ,�,w i.ender may�ke proo€e�'?�s��zf nat m,�:promptly by Borrower. ; • • . :-
<br /> �--. - �- -- ---- Unless ixuder�ancY�azn:�:�r o'therwise agree in wnang.insurance prooeeds.s:�6e applied ta restorauon or repair of the � ��•� '-�-
<br /> • . �perty damaged,if the ras+:�eation or mpair is economirally feasible and l.eader s security�s not lessened.If the restora6on or �. '•�};>.:_
<br /> • c�air is not economically feasible or L.ender's security would be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums • :=-�A-.
<br /> � � ";`L,,� ' 'sectired by tL;s Security instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrawer. If Borrower abandons the _ 4�;.__,:
<br /> • ".���;r��. • 'ptoperty,er�fues not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a ctaim,t�a':i� . ':.���
<br /> �'',�%, Lender may u�iiect the.insurance praceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore tAe Propetty or to pay s�....^-�s, -•;��.�_:-
<br /> ,,,, . ,.
<br /> . s�cured by this Securiry Insnvment.whether or not chen due.The 30-day period will begin when the nouce�s grven. . ; 1-�-.-
<br /> � ' Untess Lender atrd L��rrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of procexds to principal shall not extend or , ;,�-- :_
<br /> � , �- �'� postpone the due date�s d�rzmonthly paymenu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If � �����._-_
<br /> ; :,,•,•,�. . . =;��T"-
<br /> : ..�,'•;��• under paragrz���:21 the.Praperty is acqi:i..*ed by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance palic�.es and proceeds resulting ftam ,_.._
<br /> : •. .._.�.. . •..•,,:..�a�.: _ -
<br /> , ;,. .;;,.,, • dainage to ttte P�roperty prior to the acqai�iti�n shall pass to Lendcr to t,`�e extent of the sums secc..^a3�y this Serurity Instni..�"�i; �:,�-;._�
<br /> •,:,, immediately prior to the ae.et�isition. •� •' ' -
<br /> 6.Oocupancy,Pr�sar�'ation,MaTntenance and ProtectEon of ttee Propertti;C:a,rrower's Zaan App�i�sn;L.easeholds. '� ---�
<br /> r�
<br /> • � Borrower shall occupy. es�a:�lish.and use the Praperty as Barrower's principal te��:.�^ce within sixty days s���t�e execution of . , � -.%°-r_
<br /> �' ' �this Se,cvrity Instrument��tihall contin�e to occupy the Propeny a�Borrower s�,rincipal residence for ai's�.one year after • .. • - _
<br /> � . ' the date ef oocupancy. untess Lender othenvise agrees in writing,which consent�hall not be unreasonably u:;yheld,or unle�ss - ..-
<br /> •• � • ' extenuadng �rcumstances exist which arc heyond Barrower's conuol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair,t,�e .
<br /> • :Praperty. :1f�w the Property to deteriorate,or commit �va.rte on the Property. Borrower shalt be in default if any forfe.=d:-e. •. t ,
<br /> �.;:.,�' ' � 3ction or praceeding,whetI*_u civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gaod f�_th judgment could result in forfeiture of tfa:�.. „,, • �
<br /> _ ,. . , fi'roperty or otherwise mat�ially impair the lien created by this Security Instrumerr.:�r l.ender's securiry interest. Bonower ms;� (f, ,� f
<br /> cure such a default and reir.state,us provided in paragraph 18,by causing the act:�7n or proceeding to be dismissed with a rul:ng� �.. � , `�
<br /> ': 1., .' `"�' , that, in L.ender s gaod faith determination. precludes forfciturc of the Barrawer's interest in the Prnperty ar othcr matcri:.�' ��� � .. �� _
<br /> ',:;;�'��;.� impairment nf the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender'. security interest. Borro�ver shaU also be in defaulr ii � ; ,;i
<br /> • •.Bonower,during fhe loan application process,gave materially false or inaccarate information r.r>iatentents to Lender(or fail�aS ;�
<br /> ' ���"�• . ' FA ptovide C.ender with anc matetial infarmationl in connectian�vith the Ioan evidl:r:sxd by the f�ci=:, includin�,but not limited� , • ;',
<br /> � ;;"`-;; r,�.representations concemir�Barrower's occu anc�of the Pra ert sv a rinci aJ eesidence.lf th'r�Securit�:Gs:arument i�on a �''�`� '- _. �
<br /> P y P Y' P F . �.{,,;;. �,,,•:
<br /> `, '' _ ' i�ehold. Borrower shaq comply with all �he provisions of the lu�e. lf Burro�ticr acquire: fce title to dT� PrapeRy. the ;�f:, ';'<.Y�
<br /> � �- ' leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unlecs Lender agrees to thc ntcrger in w�riting. � � ��.+-:�v-
<br /> 7.Ptntection of Lende�'s Ri�hts in the Property.lf Bomn;er failc to perform the co�•e�uu�ts and agreements rnntained in ��
<br /> �" ' this Security Instrument,or there is a legal prnceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pmpertp (sucl�as a � • ��� ' �µ"
<br /> • � � praceeding in bankruptcy,probate. for conJcmnation or forfeiture or ta cnt'orce tawti��r regula�ionsl,then Lcndcr may du and ti�•;�
<br /> �; ' • � �ay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Prnperty and I.ender'<rights in the Property. Lender'ti actionti may �.'
<br /> �; ' � �. inefude paying any sums secured by a licn whicli h:�s prionry over tGir Security Instrument. appearing in court. paying } " .
<br /> ��• reasonable attomeys'fecs and cntcring on the Pra�erly to m:ike repairs.Althou�h Lrnder may take sctinn under this paragraph . .
<br /> � 7,Le�der daes not Have to do sii. � �
<br />- ' � Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr utuier this paragraph 7 shall become additinnal dcM uf gorroaer securcd by this ; �.�:
<br /> �'; • . � . Security Instrument. Unless Bonower and Lendcr agree to other terms of payment.these:�nuwnt� shall hcar intere>t from the j • _
<br /> = i ;' . date of disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be pay�ablc. with intcnst. upnn notice from LcnJcr a. &�rra«er requctiting .
<br /> �' `+ � � •, paymcnt. �
<br /> , • 8.Mort�age Iasvrance.If I.cndcr rcyaircd mongage insurance as a condition of niaking the lo:u�.ccumd by thiy Security
<br /> . . Instrument. Borrower sh;ill pay the premiums rcquired tu maintain the mongage in�urancc in c(fctit. if, far aay rea+<,n, the : . �
<br /> � • mortgage insurance mcerage requimd by Lender 1•rp�e+or ce:aes to be in effect. &m��wer�hall p•ry�he premiums�eyuired to . ,
<br /> ' � obtain coverage su6stantially equivslent tu the mnngage in�urance previou�ly in eifeci.at a ro�t�ub�tantiaq} equivalent w tfie �
<br /> cost to Barrawer uf the mnrtgage imunutce previuu�ly in effect. from:u�altemate murtgage inyurer appro�•ed by Lender. If ,
<br /> . ''�. ' � ' .
<br /> . �� Vaqo 7 c1 A Farm 3028 9f$0 ,
<br /> .1 , '
<br /> . . � '
<br />