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<br /> t.g
<br /> s�. - �.l�.?� - ' i' ... -•.t.' . .. ' . ' , ._�..... t �I
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<br />_,�;�. . . . - •. . : ,. :; .. . .. ' .. $/ �/tr�/p� . ,
<br /> �: ... � . . '"'. .
<br /> ___ .._ - - — � - -. .. , .1.� . < �. . .. . .��� ■,�C � (/�� . S`'.
<br /> ---------- � � ' �.�far aY'ih�s i��}ei�or g�Ia4'�nE��.F3cxn�tt.gr.�f ail at aagr�aa��f t3�Prapert�et s�a�te�st i�i� � ,' . -
<br /> - a . ' ,.is sml�ar t�isferrect(ar�f'a�efrc�a�inte�est in Barra�er�sotd.or t�s�ern�•aud Barru�rrer is ne�e a ti�t�ral.��}ivit3�t .
<br /> Lc�er'�'p�f�r:��FitteQ s�3nse�t. t�end�s Imay,a�its aFtion,: u��e i�laYe�a�meaa in�9i�}I of�lf�` by.tt�t..a •
<br /> - , . �Secwity�nsmzmr�.3iov�evei�t�is_qptida�rshali uot ba excrcis�t�y Lecxfe�if e�cercise is proflibite�6y;fedeaat I3w c�Q�ihe d�c��� ,
<br /> —-- _- — . �of 'tA�'3�tii�,insC�s. . ` =. . � � ,. � ..� ,. . . .. . � ___ - _ ..�_-- --�
<br /> -- — . [f.�.eaxies ezercises tbIs aptian.�.entler shall�;evb Borrawer�attce af s�e�ion:The notice shaU pr�++6ds a period if�'tNtt
<br /> tess than 3{?d�ys finm tke da4a.tTtc eiuticc is del��'etr�pr ma�[ed witt►in vrincfi BorrA�er urvst pay al1 snms seca�i 65r.thls .
<br /> 5�urity It�sttU$tent.If BorroKes faits to pay t6ese`sua�s pr�or to�ie eapiratiaa of this periad,Lend�;�rwy imroYe any r�¢ic�
<br /> - --- ' � permittad by-this SecnritY�-�t wi�hont fwther notfce or demand an�orrowes. � . .
<br /> = -- • I8.�Bt+ssuR�'s Rtgflt to Relnst�te. If`�oatower at�ts certaifi wBditia�. �orcawer �hatl liave tPte rig`�t.[o have .
<br />_-- - � eafor�m�t af ibis Se�rity�instcu�eni di�ntiatuedl ai�ny t�.pmnr td the earlier of:�(a)S days(or siscA atBer perIad�s. ,
<br />_- � a�puc�tbIE�b�v maY s�ecifY fax ceinstafle�ne�t) befare sate of the Pivperty pursuani to as�y�nrer,of sate conL�� ia t6as � �
<br />-�-
<br /> - �---� ---� - S�sIi�±Ist�r�ur�t;ar f�}e�.a�a juclg�r�t'c�eg thi��srie��ni_��s��ttQr.s��3 Bnar�o�r��}-l�Y�-
<br /> . : _._ _ - --
<br />---- � I.�dCt 3t[sums wt]IC��heII wOUId he due aD�dei thl3 S2CUrity�n �m rt aud lhe 1Voie as if¢o eCreit�dn h..yd oocutv�tt:�(b3 .
<br />�_ � cas�pny default of any ottres coveaauts or ag,�etnents;`(c)PaYs�il�acpeatses In�vrre+ed in eufa�ng this 38curity�ate�t.
<br /> - ---- encludiag,Eut not liuuted m.reasan3hle attor�+s'fees:and(d?talces sach ecuon a�Leader mxy rea�nnably r�qui�to assure
<br /> that Use liep of t5is Secutity Ia�um�at.Iender s rights in tLs Pmpetty and Borrower's o6ligtuion to pay the snms secuied by
<br />= lhLs Securityt In�mmP�+t shall.continue anc,�anged U�on �t by Borro��r. ti�is Security insuvntent a�rd'the
<br /> — oblegaElons s�h�rreby s6rili reamiit fully effective as if aa aooeleration had oaureed.:SQwe�rer>Wis right to te�n<« shnll
<br /> aat agpIy in tHe case af acceter.�tion undez paragrapb I7. �
<br /> I9. Sale af 1liote;��of 1.aan Servic�'il�Note or a�rcial interesc ie the Nots(amgether witI�thia Security
<br /> - ___-- ImstiumeIIt)may he saW onE ar mozc times without prior.n,ntice to Borrower.A sate may resait in a�ange in the eatity(Imawa
<br /> - as tbe,°I�an Seivic�a")that co1lects monthiy Qayments due under the PZoie and this Security Instmment.Tiiere also muy be one
<br /> -- - ar�ore chsages of We I.oaa�rvicer unielated to a sale of tlte Note.I�tliere is a change of the Loan Serv�cer,Bomower will be'
<br /> ---_----- given written nouce of ti�e ehange in ascardanoe�v.iW paragrcpt�I4 above and applica6le law.74�e notice wi11 stste We name and
<br /> ----= addmss of the new I.oazi,Servicer aa�the address to which paymeau should be made..The Qoti�e will also coniain any other .
<br /> --_—_°� infotmation seqtttte��6 apgli�Ie iaw. • •
<br /> -----�'�� Z0. H�zardc�us�.Bormwer shall not c�se or pennit tfie presenre. use.disposai• sromge,or ietease of siry
<br /> ----�=�; Hazardous Substmtce.s oa or in the Prapeiay'.'Borrower shall aot do, aar aflaw anyaae else'tQ cFo,anything affecpng the
<br /> _���
<br /> - -- -
<br /> -- , .
<br /> --._-_--�_�___; Btoperty.t4ai�s.in viqlation of any Fa�yironmeRtal Lacv. 'fhe preccding tuv_o seateaces si�all.abt app y w the p�esence._vse,or
<br /> :.�,�.��; �--------
<br /> ------��-�_.��;�� storage on the Propetty of smal!qnans�ues of Ha�rdous�utistanoes that are geneiaTly iecagn'vrd to be appropnafe to nom�al `
<br /> �— , ,-, msideniial uses and w maimeaanx of the Pmp�rty. .
<br /> __._-_�_�.;,�Y�' BorrBwer s�adl PromptlY give I.ender amtten notice of aay investigation,clsim.deufand.lawsuit or other acoion by any ----. .
<br /> ��;:."�''u"'r�� govemmental ar regalatory agency or private par`ty invo�ving thc P�operty and any+HaTardous Substaiece or Em+irmunental Law .
<br /> - . -`^-�y'�.;�''i�'.
<br /> -��,-.�,.�,�,-,„�: - of ahich Borcawer has actual imowledge.If Boirower ieams.or is notifiad by any gaverz�menfal nr ngnlatory anthority.t�aS:%:'� , -
<br />��'�"':�r 1:: any tetnoval oi other cemeAiation of aii}r Haiardaos Substanoe�ffecxing tge Property is�eoessary:Borcower shali piwmptly taE�e� '
<br />_�■■■��:::t� all necess�ry remedial ac�0ions in acoondanoe with Envimnmea'tal iaw. '
<br /> �::� "��� , As u�ed in this Qaragraph Z0. "Ha7ardo�s Substances"ar�those substaaces defined as toxic or hazardous sit"os�nces by
<br /> -� ;, r" EnvironmeTUal Iaw and the following substarices: gagotiu�; tcemsene, other ttammable or toxic petrotewn�roducts. tonic
<br /> - `�'fi'.`t'`�`�,'�'�,���` '''��, i': p�{e.�sticides and h�icides.volatite solvenu,materials nontazning as6estos or fommtdehyde,and radioadive matenals.As used in
<br /> �"�}��`�-" If•'•r rry HllS P h ZD. "Environmental Iaw" means federaf laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Prope�ty is ta�ated thai
<br /> � �.•.. : •,. ,
<br /> s:�;�:>::: '�:Yr:',.:.:°;;� .
<br /> � ',�?� ' reiate to h th,safety or environmental pmtection. __
<br /> �,;;��}r�,r'���;,�;�';�:�i;}; NON-iT1VIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and lxn�.further covenant and agrez as follows: ----
<br /> :sf;�:�,�:; ,,.�;;,:;». r • • Zl.Acceieratf�n;R�ed'�es.Leader siiall give nat�'tp�Borrower prtor to aoc.�uatdon foI[owing�ormwer's b�acb --------
<br /> �";�'`:{';.`::`�'":' of�any coveaant or�t in this S�cur+ty Ins�siva�it'(but aot pr�or to aace�eratdon �der paragraph 17�[� �::==r°
<br /> �°'rs:"�5•i!`/rcri'ii.':`.yij, =ro.:_�
<br /> `��,,;�;;�.-`::,',,:>,,�; ��' BPP�cabie taw grrnvides otue:svLse).The nottoe shail s�ec�'�: (aJ t�e defaW� (b��e actiou requtred W care tQe defautt; -
<br /> :'� ' �'�' (c)a date,Rot,�s�4ua 30 duys fmm the date the not�ce ts given to Boreowes,bq w6ich t�e defautt mnst be ca►�d•and +���-�.--�
<br /> .�:•;;•..:..-�. :'•�•� � 1'.,..
<br /> , (�th�t failur�tiv�e the default on or 6efore the date speafied in the aottce muy resv[t in acceteration of t6e snms ��-"�
<br /> .._:•."�: •. • seeared 6y this�v�itp IInstrantent and sale of tGe Pro The natice shaD fusther inform Borro�ser af tl�e rig4t to ;�'':
<br /> ��, t�Y• ,���,.:,;�
<br /> ' ^`-��'•�� ° reiastate after�eratiaa a.ad the right to 6ri�a�auc�t actian to assert the�ra�eace of a d�ault or a�other xw,,:;„�:,�_
<br /> '' � ' " detense of Bor�ii�ea to aacdn�ration and sale.iP tke defaWt is not cured on or 6�'ore t6e date spedfied in tGe notire, �•r`�`'���=°_
<br /> .A'et��.:':':;. . ..
<br /> . .�+�-�?'�"_�_�_-.
<br /> . ` : ; ; ,•�,�:; ;, Leader,at it5��iroa, tnaj�require immedtate paymemt in fuU of all soms secared by this Security Inst�mnent�vithoat �.. , :,•:. _::
<br /> ' „� +« fut7des demaa���d may invoke the power of sale and any other remedIcs permitfed by ap ETi��te law.Lender.shall be t ;_,._
<br /> � :. ,:� (; ., entitted to co9k�a�11 expensQS incarred in arsvtng the tt�edies mvided in this h��;:��duding,but not limited + �, ,..
<br /> '. -�N ,-,; �,. : P ,P &�?!�P ,�`4r.�; •.-
<br /> .._, . . • ,r.;. • ,•�,,tQasona6ie attorneys'fees and casts of tltle evidenc� �. . �
<br />� �-t��� •_ " �� �� � ` S `��'�`� ��' I8 the power of sa7e t�invoked, Trustee shall rei�it�l�a aotice af detanit da�s,�.coun'ty in�shich an�.�art of t6e `f ? �� �
<br />- .'.,::� .'', ." ,�:.�r��'.,;....'�ea'tY is tacated and shall maii copies ot such nottoe lve the msinnet�ressr:fi��Isv�scpplicabie la�v to Borr�er and to , , ,:%.;----
<br /> m �
<br /> ' � • '�t'oihee pe�s prescribed 6y applicable ia�v.After the time regctii�3}�ti'ap�6c6�G�iaw,Tn+�tee shall give public notfoe �� � .,.:
<br /> ��, �r� o9'sate to ttte��SOns and in the manrter prescrlbed by appiicabte,l�scu:,'�frustee,tivithout demand on Borrower,shall seid.- ,.: ,' ''�����
<br /> ..'c"���;.;. �. the 1,'iropertY�t:ps�bUc auctton to the highe.st bidder at the time a�d�lisr_�and under the teems desfgnated in the notice a� „.:,.��� <<`,;, , . . ;�{`;�,.�.
<br /> -',;� �. ,. � �'t,�one ar�re parce(s and in any order Tnutee dY§�rmis�es.�'c�pe rnay�oslpone sale of all or any parcel of the•` .�^; �. •. . ., ' , .,.�-:-
<br /> � • , .IP1m b �i�63ic announcement at the time and f�mf any u��l sclua�Ied sa1e. Lender or its��pee ma •��•.'�"� �
<br /> _ �� . . , . . �. q R , �• y Y :'' .. .
<br /> , '..t;: 'jxi, �'�' Se t(f�•�i.n��,jerty at any sate. . .
<br /> � . �f(r i� . .i, ' . ' .. .. ,��r�`:
<br /> . ;i Y�t ; , ` �.. _ ;.,.>.,b
<br /> 5. , . ' ' 3�
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<br /> �. 'LY''�!', S y 4�'r .. . • ' � ' ' .. . _ � . , . . .. 1. . .. , . . � ' . . . . .
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