� �ti.�-.-� ,nt.-_- _ ' �, � - ---
<br /> �`r� . ' _____
<br /> _ � _ . .' _ _ �''�,ss.� ,a '. � . _ -
<br /> ,_. '';S ti;Y�ti `, �;r•'" _ -_ __ .�
<br /> -y, � c. - - 5.. _ - - -r.:Y_ r....-. .. � � - --
<br /> �� ,.:� l . . . , - , • . .. . _ `'`�' . - �� ` �V���'• � � ' . � ---
<br /> � �—_-__- - � ' � �/ � � ' .
<br /> ----___ , ' :17:�ra�er a3i��a Pi+ogaty 6s a B��t�ie�st En Borrower.If-alI or an�r p�rt of thg Pco�CCy or�ny i�terest in it.
<br /> -------_ . .. � is sdfd or tsansfcrred(orff a beaeftcial�ter+�st in$ormwer is sold or t�ransferred artd 8oimwsr is noE�natuial Pason}.wir:halt.=
<br /> ------_..--- '
<br /> ' Len�x's pri�r wrtttea cnnsent..E�nder may. at its option,�reqnice.i�c+diate paycn��nt in full of a!1 sums ssc�ed by ti�is, �
<br /> --- � .� 5ocurity Iasmuaeut.�owever.this optian shali nat be exefeised by L�ndea if exeacise Is pmW'bited by_federal t3w as'of the dzte . � —
<br /> -----�-_._r._ -- - ' oFtSis Setviity tnsuurz�eat. • , . . _- _ ----T-._ -
<br /> ---___-___= If L.•ader eaercises this aptioa.Lendet sball giva Bazra�ver uouce of acoeleration.'d4te aaticc sbn1l pravide a perioa oF an� � °
<br /> - � tess tEtam 30�days fmm the date the.notice is deli•rer�ti or i�ailed�vitBin wl�cU Soaowsr must pay al!s�tnu se�nre�bythis , .
<br /> Seniriry Instfutnettt.[f Boirower fa�7s W pay these sa�.v prior to the expiiatian of t6is periad,l�ender may invoke any cemedies
<br /> ------_ ,�. permitt�d by this S�curity Iasuument withnat further notioe or demand on Bormwer. `
<br />-- ._____.- --== - g8. B�as�wes's Rig�t 4o I�efr�Be..If Borcower me�s oertaln condit[ons.�Barr�wer'shali fiave the right ta i�ave _
<br /> — e�forcertcent of ehis Seairity Instrn�nt.discontinued at aay time pdor to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or sach other periad as.
<br /> �;,�,�.,�i,� '$PPlkable t�w may specify for reinstatement) befo�e sate of�tiae ProP�nY Pursuan't to any potner of sale oontaiued ia dus - --
<br /> Ssauity�n�rurc�ent;ar.{b?eat�Y of a;u�at�nfflrc�this Searity+Instrument.�'Uose c�ndirions ure tbat Eoaower:(a�FaYs .
<br /> r�'�' � Lender all sums cvhich th�en.wouid be d�re ander ttus Se�ri�r Inshument and the Note as if ao ac�elera�an had accurre�:(b) __ _ ---
<br /> _�, . cur�es asty defaWt of any other oovenants ar agreem�nts;(c)PaYs alt eapenses incvrred in eaforcing this Security Iosuumgat, _
<br /> --___�`�_�;,;�� incladin�,tsut not timite�to.reasanabte attor�ys fees;and{d?takes such acUon as i.ender may reasonably nquire to assure __---_--
<br /> - "� tbat the liEU of Nis Seauity Insuument,I.�nder's rights ia tl�ce Properry and Burrower's o8ligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ---_=_-�----=� this Security Instrumeni shall coatinue uacl�snge8. Upon reinstateme� by Bflrrower, thss Securiry Inscrument and tite _—
<br /> = '�� obligations sew�ecl 6ereby siiaT!remaia fully effective as ff no soceleration had axurred.However,this rigtit to reinstate shali __
<br /> � ��� not apply in the c;ase af xcoetetation nnder paragraph 17. - _-
<br /> `� u� 19. Sate o!Note; Cbange og Loan Servicet: T6e Note or a pamal inrerest in the Note(together wiW this Setvrity =_---
<br /> �`�w�,ar„�� -�� Insuument)m�y be sotd one or�nre times without grior notice ta Borrawer.A sate may resEilt in a change in the entity(known = -----------
<br /> '�,;�,�"�,���,.�-� as the"La�n S�mcer")d�at cutlects monthtY PaYmeu4s due under the Note and this Securiry[asaument.There afso u�y 6e ons � .��_ .
<br /> ,��_�� "'� or moie ci�anges of the Loan Semcer i�elated to�sale of the Note.If there is a ci�ange of the Caan Servicer,Sorrowei wiq be ,_
<br /> }�A ;�:,,,�2 &iven wiitten nouce of the change in'aocc�rdance with p�agraph 14 a6ove and appllcabte taw.The notice wili state thc name and � :::_.-
<br /> ,.s��z„;�}=�f- . address of the aea Loan Servicer and the address ta ahich payments should be made.The notice will also camain any other �- M- �-
<br /> _�+:°:�;`=��,���`'�.• information required by applicable law: : ': . . "-
<br /> -':'=-:�=
<br />-�,'��`:".:.';:, �:.j. ZO Ha�dans Sabsta��es.Borroarer shall:aot rause or pertnic the preseace,use,disposal, storage,or retcase of any �.�'��_:--__--
<br /> x�� `;.�,����� Ha7ardous Su3ss�res on or in the Pnig�cty: Burrii.�s�r shall not do. nor allow anyone else.tu do. any-thing affecting the ;;,'.;�,� __- •-
<br /> =�' ---.-------Propert3!th�t'is`in vioiatinrtQf an�r Envir�aiimeival_Yavc::The pmoeding_two_sentences shall ao�ty io tfre.Qreseirce.ase:_or K��
<br /> %� l ''"� ' siora e on i��Frco t[y o���aialf- ---t�ues of"Ha�ua�•�u6stanoes that are . _ _reca.T_ .to�e e fo normal�-- �--- --
<br /> 4. P Pe quan'� geu�ralTY �f--- : ' ��,
<br />.�...., r _ resideatial uses and to maintertanrx of the Propeity. .. ,:• Si, „
<br />"`.`""-� Borrower shal!PromAtlY give I.ender wrilten notice'of any investigatioii,'�ti�m,demand,lawsuit ot ctL-er aaran by an� �`:�;�'.;:-��
<br /> ;' goverqmenral or re�ularnry agency or private party involving the Fm�serty and`any Hazardous Subtitance or Environmental Law .'����' r"
<br /> .:•�
<br /> "'{ =_, == of whicft Bozcower has�actual[mowledge.If Sorrower teams,or is u�ifted by any gavemmeutal or negulatoxtr authority.tJ�at :� ,,,�.:
<br /> ,. ..,,. : . .<:
<br /> ::.:... : _ ,. . ,.. -
<br /> :anyr reiuoval-ar ather remediation nf any Hazardous Substanceaffediy the Property is necessary.Borrower�ftprompdy take . ,. -
<br /> `�.�� ,, ". : al!necessary remedial actions ia scxordanoe with Envuviumtntal Laa. `.�;.:..,.`�,:.
<br /> `�;�xl::'r'��'•� �.�' As ussd in this paiagraph 20. 'HaTardous Substaa�cea"are those substances defined as toaic or ha�aid��s substances by ' � '.?�.
<br />;`��X. ..���.: ;,�
<br /> r:;n;<:.;;;�•,.�;,�,r�;�.;. Enviranmenta! Law and the fol[owing substances: gasoline. kerosc.-�e. other flammable.or f,e.vc petroteum producu, toxis
<br /> `'''`*�:+''.'.�r�'=:-'r'<�:i��"� pestiC[des 81�d h6ibiC[des,volatite so[vens.;�materials containing asli�7�s or formaldehyde.�rd':i-.ad�i�ctive materials.As used in : ; ;;�;��t,y
<br /> ` `" �'� �';.•j"�%'�'''� this h 20, °Environmental Iaar."'rueans federal laws and L�:�v�:of the "urisdiciion�izcr�:.�e Pro e �s located that � ` 'f��
<br /> .�,',� P�S�P 1 . P rtS' � •;�:-,.�, .
<br /> _L':"��� ' �
<br /> :;t.'i;�"�� ' . relate to health.safery orenvironmentat��ction. ' :'_ - �,.• .
<br /> ���,. NO N-L/N I F OR M COVENANTS.Borrawer and�er_der furth e r covenant and:a�r c�e as fofio:.�: y� ..
<br /> ,,';'�`� 21.Acoeieratiom;Retaedks.Lender shall¢t�.u�fice to Borrower prlor to acceteratiam�oldowi�Sorrower's 6reacb h�'' , !
<br /> '.�'•�:``•'"� � � ;s•;. of an covenant os cement in this Securt [u�nent but nat rtor to aoceleratiaa izQdec 17 wL!ess r'`.'��:- ' �'`
<br /> Y �' t3'•.� ( P Pa��Ph �;�,. �,>•r,,,;•.,��::,, :
<br /> , appiica6qe!aw prnvtdes otls�rwise).T6e notice s&�:'Specify: (a)the default;(b}the acitoer r�uired to cure the defa�d�ti � .� „''� -.
<br /> , (c)a date,aot le�s than 30 days from the date ttie notice LS given to Borro�ver,by whfc6 tlie defaWt must be car�1;� , .+• :'r;,::,
<br /> ' . (d)that faih�re to cure the defaWt on or before t�,date specified in the notice may result in acoeleration ot the s�rs � •.;�;f# ':`
<br /> •',:�• , sec�sed by Wis Secarity Instrument and saie of t'tr��'roperty.The notice shall further iniorm Boreower of the rlght to • =�_—
<br /> . reinstate after aoeeteratIon and the right to brF.a�;��court adton to acsert the non-existence of a defandt�or any M6er "'-"'�
<br /> ,:;.�:,.: � '. _ �
<br /> ' detease oi Borrower to acceleration and sa�e.�f f�default is not cared on or 6efore the date specifted in the aotice, , .w�'��=�
<br /> •• I.ender, at its o hon,anay require Immediat� yment in fu0 0!all sums secured b this Securi InSSrament�vithari • ' "�+ �
<br /> P� � Y tY s;'�� r. ,�,.
<br /> ., t�arther demand and may invoke the���ca m.£s�e and any other remedies pertnitted by ap(tltca6le law.Lender shal�:Cr� - ��''� �' � �
<br /> '. ' ' eaNtted to coltect ail ex es incurred.fi� 'rn the remedtes rovided in thLs a h 21 incladin bat aoi ltmiftci:,�. : �' �
<br /> ., ', pens �a�,,�„ P P ��P � g, ;� .. '•:'�kT':}.
<br /> :7�;,'.. . . tr�.re�asoAabie attorneys'Peew and costs o�'�.iti;�f;cii�apce. . . . ;y�` '.�; `::'�`�''-� ,�.; ;
<br /> y y� , . • If t8e power of saLr��invoked,Tnutee'�u�tord a notise of defa�i.t:t;E�pach ooun in w6ich a�y part oY ths ,�1���",� .•`'':',.:���.R
<br /> .,,�.� , .
<br />,.,;,�,: ., ' t�operty is T�cated a�t�s�91 mail copies.of such s��'ice in the,e�?r�er presc.�by appti�3e law to Borrower aad to . : . ..,
<br />+� the ot8er�prescri6ed by applicable law.Af�er the time tra�uired by appliceb[e law,Tn�s�tee shall give publfc notfia� � ' �'��'�� �'�•'"'=�
<br /> `."� � of sate ta�tlt��rersons and in the manaer prescribed by appflcalifi:taw.Tnutee,�vlthaat demand on BorroHer.shall�slTi' .. •���••,.�''� �. .
<br /> . the Pro�acrtp��pubi[c auction to the hiphest bidder at the time and place and under the terms destgnated in the notice o� ' , ,
<br />"• '. • 'sale in one or more pArcels and in any order Trusiee determines.Tnutee may po�tpone sWe oY all or any parce!of tRe •
<br /> :���':'. ... Property by pubfEc a�utouacement at the time and place of any psevloasly schedWed sale. l.ender or its dESigriee may �� , �. � . �.
<br /> }' . pnrchase the Yroperty at any sale. . . .., ..
<br />. • • . ,.. � � . .�,5,, . . •
<br /> • " " -� � .�. . '!`
<br /> .. . . . .� r�orm 3028 9r90 �i..,'. ' ,
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