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<br /> -- ` .� ' ` �.�' � t( ' . . ` � � '�� 1�•a �.. .-_______——_
<br /> - --- � , - � ��S�xssa'ss��9�sdgat��o�� •�o�ii�n�Se�resat t.�a6iD£�q;��g-Si}�aer�.��v�eceant�a1t�a�neesre�a� ".
<br />= - �_� tt��ScGitri Isstnri�taat shall.:bis��and�t sh+s s�ss�as�gna oi I�essl3er ut�-Sosr�.�r.�u�` t�tlpa� -°
<br /> t 4y
<br /> ���. -� � ��pcavi&ios�s r�4 par+�s�f 9�:b:Borra�rer'e anve�ntg 4nd Ynenm�hall t�e�o�tmd e�vetif.An,�r.�wet x�co�i� . . . .
<br /> • •this5oe�rritqY�p�um�ttt�wtdoee��azoa"vtetho�+to4dc e)`isc�sigtua►�t9's��ecurityTs��tr�i�aes¢o�lyit�r����� ' ',. ���
<br /> . aQd cohvay tt�t Borro�rer's i�ter�st�t►.t�a�FrrPrrssperay su�&r ths termsmt tS�_�-ur�tg�tnstrura��ib�is Aot y
<br /> - � � `obligJttod ta g�q tF�s�tms eesurbd bx td�is Secu;it3►Insttumen�sad(c)t��4tat Lsnder and eaay atttet B�Ra ar�sy � •
<br /> —�__ , - agraQ to exten��odify;�or�i oi.matce any ac�o�anmad�tions with re�rd to the t,erms of 3tria Saurit�r Iosttumcat ar`. _
<br />— -- —--��' 4 thQ1�IoE�wiLh�Otttt�84BortOw9{8COi15�i1� � , , , � . _ . . ' ' , — --
<br /> -.•� ' ' 13 NoiI�xs.l�ny.+aotio�to Boirogret.provIded fos�a�is S�rity Instrnments�all�bs given by dediver�n�itbr bp
<br />-: -,,.�.���: �` � maiting i¢�1 f�irs�e��ait u��sp�34ea�3z lav��c�a a€as�.�metl�x}.��taca�sl!tri�lecY�!t+s 3�s-- .__ .: _ _ _
<br />=;�. - ����� � ,�Y+tapei�ty d��dr�s ar a�ny t�thet sddre�Boao3v�r dssignat�s bp notice to�.ende�!�Y swtics�o H.snder sl�tll ba gives�by ..�
<br /> , Y � tirs;ctssa msil to l.en�s adclttas smi��eiei�ar any addre�Le�ster at�grates 6y no�Fax w Bora�wer.Auy c�tice
<br />-. �rav�de�tor in�his 5ecurity In��t stisU be deemed to bsve bsea g�veri ta Bmevwer or Lea�er whet►.givras.as .
<br /> pravi&�intldsP��P� ' . " `
<br />- �- �.; � ,
<br /> _ � „�f: .
<br /> 14.Goveraia�Ia�e:Sevecnbilitg.'Fhis Se�uritp Instrument shaU be�+aW.ea�ned bq f�drsal Isw and the taw ai tl�
<br />_ �� jutisdictiba.&t wtricb tAe Praperty is t�cated.In the even�thsR any pmvis�on or deusa oi ttis Seeuritq�aeat or tha. .
<br /> >.:,,.�... ... ' ,
<br /> � '�",�;�t:�,,,� Nau coaflicts wdb ngplicatate law.su�h canflict�hall nat affect other pravisioas oi this Securitg iaswmeator tt�Nata
<br /> ch
<br /> � � Y _ �: -=;. �ichcanbegivenefiectwithoutsheconflictingp�ov�sian.Tothiseu�theprovisionsafthisSecarfityInstrumea�ta�t�e�
<br />- �`��� ` Note are declared to beeev�abl�. �
<br />-= z;�ri- :Sr . � , . . _
<br /> _- �fy'A,�:;t'`,:.� . . .• ... ,_. ;:__, :
<br /> �� ' � '"•''" � " 15.Boaower's Wpy.B�rro Yer shal!6a giv�a one conformed copy of�his Security InstNmtent.
<br /> za;;� ��. ,:.::, '
<br /> �� f p �} 16.Ass�gn�nant of Ytents.Bort+awer uncondition�l}y a�a�aii�tc��sfers to I.ender sU the renm and reven��� �
<br />�
<br /> ; the Pcop�ettp:Bonawer authorizes Lender o.r Leadec's agents t��t�.reats ace¢�revenues and hereby diaecYar� �<,„
<br />��°�"�.< .;:� .� .-� .._._�nant of tDe�Prnperty t��the"cents.to-Lender or-L-ender's agents.-gCaerc-�es.-prior to Leade�s noticew Borr�wiT�iY . �.;:;:::.
<br /> ;'�'�'`�'' ' �Y 4?�venan g,�m �:� -
<br />'��.;T,=���, � , Borrawer's breach oi t or a ent iu the Security tnsKrumets�;t3orrower shall coltect and receive al1� :::
<br /> and revenue�oi the Propictty as trustee for the bene�t af LeAder and Borci►i�iec Tliis assignment n}rents caastitutss as� . `'�'
<br />- ���. , . ,.
<br /> . �. � absolu�a�igrunent and aot an a�si�ent foradditional securitqo n ly. . .;�= '
<br />- _ ,. .-_ .. . J#Lender geves notice of breach t�t�orrawa:fa)a1t rents received by Borroarerst�a[�.be held by Bonov�er as Vt}st�e _�
<br /> . • <;:,�for bene�t oi I.ender oaly;to be app li e d to t h e sums secu r e d by t he Secunty lastrum e a�{b�L e n der s h a l i b e en ti t l e d t u __
<br /> `� ` -'':::;e�pltect and receive al!of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property sh�tt pay aU rea�s�ue and unpaid to -_.--
<br /> ,f':
<br /> '� ` '���.' � ��;���Stderor Lertde�sageni on l.euder'swrittendemaad to the tertan�_ ' � • • .: .-:. �-':�. . . . -�___
<br /> � `� :€k�'k. � ' ' Borrower has not eaecuted any prior assignmeat of_the rents aad has noi aad ws'T!iraa pertarm�2ae that wy�.vld . '�`,;---
<br />- ; .�� : .� .. :,;,�,, prevent I�ider from eaencising its rights under this ParageaPh 1&:::. . . �:. : . . , �. ...,,s�a, . ` �_�_—
<br /> �.�,� �� ;�� Letzsit�r'.dial!aot.be tequited to enter upan.tatGe conuol o�us"inaintaia t�e Property�e4ore or after givia�a�sd�i�� "p'•'.' — -
<br /> ' c�j����f, � br�ach to Borrower.I�ib�ever.I.ender or a judict:�t�appoirite-��fteceiver s�,�Y r��so at any time there is a b���'y: ',����- ':
<br /> ;., y�' �. �!_�--- i
<br /> application oi rents s�a11 a;oi cure or wsive any d�titor invalidats any o4her'a"�it or remedy oi Lender��L�nt
<br /> �� oi rents of the Properey shall terminatewhen the deiii secured by the Security lmmrmentis paid ia fu11. `� '''�� .
<br /> }�f.r,r � • . , .<�` �-,�'
<br /> — �''? �- `:.;1.�t'T.(•`..
<br /> �. :..: • .},..:_ �..
<br /> `i �;.',�'1�: � ; NON IJNIFORM OOVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltov� , ���
<br /> ��;:i�,:, ' .•
<br /> Y.,;:,:<r � •: . . _ �_
<br /> �ti;�`F.--;,;��. � i7.Foreclosure Procedure.If Leuder reqaires irsimediate payment in full under paragraph 9,Lender msy .
<br /> �����`" invoke t6e power oi saie and any ot�er remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shsll bm entitted t�u :
<br /> • ��____
<br /> ' • • coltect all eYpeases incucred iu pnrsuing the remedies uader t6is paragraph 17,including,6ut not limited to. � ��' _�_=_ �,
<br /> '. '' teasona b la a ttorneys'feea an d co s t s o f ti t le evi dence. , ' `:�f���
<br /> .'; ,;' ' , �:,; �"y �.
<br /> • ���. �:�
<br /> 7y��7���':„"� If the owe�of sslo is invoked,Trustee shs!!reco da�3�ce of default ia each coaaty in whicL any�a►Y� _ ,`<,:�;`'.`` .r,:�:�• �'"°'`•`
<br /> � P , � .�•:� _�+.��t"''
<br /> ��+�t,�t: . . ' �.,_,.;.�1:��:,f ..... .
<br /> fs'���,.�..., . � :, ' the Property is tocate�u.�d s�sll mail cop�nE�z aftcs:�in tts��saaner prescrilbed bY'�PPlipble tsw to . � ,,�#,,:. ..,..�_,.Vfr,.:�;�. ::.
<br /> �, � s ... Borrowet aad to the+a:�a�'t persons prescrtir�3:i�g;a�¢4i�3�t law.�ift�t the time required by applicab'�t�toq; ; �� : � ;i.����, ���:
<br /> ' ` Y�����:: Trustee�rie31 give public not�ce oi sale to the perso���s��ir�3he maaner prescribedby applicsblo iaw.Tr��te. *•r �n �4� �:
<br /> �.�'` '` . . ;��e�j,v�+,- , witIIout�zmaad oa Borrower,shgll sell the Propertp�t��blic auction to the f�i�i'sest bidder at the timki�d : I'���+�� �{;,;,',.:;�,.
<br /> - , place and undes the terms designated ea the notic�.c����ia one or more paroet�a�d in suy-ordat Tftstee � �
<br /> � � ,� . �"�'�etermenes.Tr�sstee may postpotte sale of al!va.�rr.���•�el of the Property by g�l�c annar`��ement at the °` � ,:.
<br /> � - � �� ��Qbme and place of any praviously scheduled�szrr���Tc�'.ar its designee may puschasa t��IP�+mperty at any ;1• ' •;%;i''`
<br /> � • ;�'+��;�:; . . aela '' , .' . . -.: � . �,��-�;s:�� ..
<br /> �'��.� , :'„ti�yF?•�
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<br /> �Y;i:'', �:'���';'a;i��':� Upfst�.eaceipi ot payment of the prlce bjd. Trastee shall deliver to the purchases.'�'rustee's d�sd � ' `��}`�''': .
<br /> ,; �; . ;,,�:�,
<br /> ; , . ..
<br /> - ',Y.�y1(e'. .. .. .. ' � � `
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