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<br /> — - F ii7xl.uU�.SCn� ,, C�'3�aT� .,�.
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<br /> _ � �'�`�$'�`��`��.`t�{�t$�IIIj7It►BEiit2'.1�ApIY�a1�4tfl�Ct£I�C4�OD C�IC�Iii1Q@Rlfr ��y����.'� ,
<br /> _ - ---- � � � t�u.�-.s e-��:r ax<k:.�'.=Cf�' a�-t•�f t� Pf+�attY£ .�.lt rsp�ac�enta �nd ad�i�otss s�'+ll uts� [�e e+avzsad. 6y:t�L4 �nrlty �
<br /> — ��nscrament..�ll af t�e f�+egaiaig Is rqferret!�o iA`this Se�itity�Inswmeut a�t�•"Pm�erty.� �� . �, -.. , .. � .
<br /> - —� �tSRO�YI�R�V�NA�iTS t,f�t Sosmwer is tawfuldy scised o�`t�c e.st�?e�e�y oonvoy�atr�6as th�righs.so gtaa�en�,.:
<br /> � ._-r_-'=.'---'�►vEY�.��i:�tl�i tltc,Qropertg�s unenc�.m$�tM,�cept fos eus�uabtanc,�s of s�porfl. .8�s�wes�varrdnt�enc�wit�;
<br /> -- - � def��d generatfy tHe tn,ta tn tti�Frcpe�i y�st,alt otaitr�ss ar��e�ands.subiect w aay enausb�aaces o€�. .. .. , .' : ; - -- -
<br /> , � _ 1'HIS SB�URFFY II�5'$�tUM�N€oombinf�uniform�renants far nau�.use affi n.en-unifosa►aavea�ts wi�<iiu�trd
<br /> — — � ,'varlations by lvn�ii�tion ti�cv:nstitui;e'a�nifas�secuiity it7sst�mei�i ooyering tral ptoperty. • . . `.: �, � `
<br /> -- -- ` � `WiVI�ORM.Ct3VENAI�STS.Bareower e�d.end�r oaveaant and age�aF folIosva: •., .
<br /> _ ' 4. 8a�met3 ¢X Pr[adpa�.sat�'Tateres� FrePeya�eat�intl Late�rge�sr B�rrower shalI pmmF�Y Pa3► ��� . �
<br /> � —�' , , . � • —
<br /> -- -
<br /> _� - ---, pr�c�p�of ar.�d Inte#est on the d�bt evid$used b�the Nate aa�f a�prep'aymem and iatc���arges due nud�ti�t�iate. .
<br />- Z.�6n8s fur Tages a�Iu.�sranc�e.S�abje�ta applicabie Yaw ar oo a writtca wan��r by I.�uder..8ormwet�half�aay to
<br /> _ ...__. _ ___.. -
<br />-_ --- —= Gsr�er on the dqy atomfily.Paymeais are due�der t�e Note,unri!tfie Note is paid in futl.a sum(�uads'7 for.(a�)Y�Y� .
<br />_ — — and assessmeuta whic6 may+attain priariry over this Secauity Inssrumeat as a lien,on the Property;(b)Yearh!IEaseho2d paymients.
<br /> - ' ot g[�DtttF t�is.cl�t tIte Pt+nperty.if 8ny:,(c)Y�3tly 112Tard ot pmperty iASUra.ptce prEtaiums:(dl Yeazdy Ruod��-ranen�p��mmc.
<br />_ �f�ny:(e)Ye2tIy mart3s�e iusittaa�prerinuuts,if any.aatl f�any sums payable Isy Bortower w Leader.in asxurdance vrit�s
<br />- = � ahe pmvTsions of parn�aph 8,in tien of the ps�yment of mortgage insaranae p�niums:These items ar�catled"Fssmw Iteiu4::". � .
<br /> Lendar may. at arry time,cullect mid�o2d Fuads ia aa anmant not to eac�eed the maximum amaunt a lender for a federai��C<. . --
<br />- — ielaied�rtgage loan may reqaire for Borrower's escaav�aocount uades the federat Real Fs�ate S�tL^ment Pmcedure.s Act•.o�.{;� ; a�.`'
<br />= — __—= 19T4 as ame.�d from�me tu time, 12 U.S.C.SeMian 26Q1 ei seq.t"�tESPA"),un2e�aaother ta�v tHat�Tpli�Eo t�ce.F!:�;`:�,;-;: :, '
<br /> , s�s.0 lesser amouni. if so.Leuder may,at aay time,oo13e�aud hold Fands in aa smn�mt ca¢�;�x�eed'the:f�Ser:�s�;<'l.•. .� _ _
<br /> - _— Lendsr may�timate the amuuui of Pun6s due oa th$basis uf aurent.data and nasoaabte est�'�of��pf fc�`<'
<br /> HSCRa�Items ot otaerwise ia aeeondance with applirabte Iaw. . ' . ` •,;;�<;�:'
<br /> ---- -----__ ' 7Tte Funds shall be held in�instiortian whose deposits'are ins�ued by a federa! ageacy, inctmmeelr;;�!��pl CAtity ` ---
<br /> - Ctnc[ttding l.ei:der.if I.e.nder is suc6 an institutianlor in any�ederai Home Loan Bank.Y.ender sball�apgly the FuacSs,��rttfig -
<br /> — � --�.---,.Fscrow Items.I.ender.may_not charge Banow�for hotdinS_ana.apDiy_i�the_Funds:_��Y_�g the ese[ov�,�ii�t`.:;'ir�'._
<br /> ---_=--— verifying the Essrow Iterns,uatess LendQr pays Borrower interest oa the Fuqds and_appiicahte#aw perarits Leade�,r�.�,�D(�'r'�, _
<br /> - - -- a charge.However,t.eader may reqaue Borrower m pay a oae-time cLarge for aa iuzdependent real estaie tax r�:�tifig�serv�`� ` ; --
<br /> --__-.._-_:� .used by Len�der in connection with this loan, unless appiicable taw provides ot�tetwise. Unless an agreeme�t`is made or�. ' ' --� -
<br /> _ _ _��,� . appiic�bte ta�v tequit+es iAterest to be paid,Lender sha11 not be regair�ed to pay Barrower aay interest or rarnings.on th�Funds.,
<br />_ � "�'�.T Bnrrower aad�l.epder may agre�in writing,however�t6at interest shall 6e paid on the Funds.-Ixnder shall give to Borroy�;;�:�� ';i��
<br /> �'' witiioui c6arge,an anrwal ac�caur�ting of t�e Funds. showing cre�its and debits to the FundS aad the purpose for wMch�.:'f '. `�__ _ �
<br /> •�k�,�• .
<br /> '-�.y�.;; �a�x6it to the FuMs was ma�d::_T[ie Funds are pledged as additiona!seauity for alt s�s secvred by'this Security Ins�umenf.�;:`'�.;�: . :':�' " -
<br /> � r' '. If the Funds held by i�ader exoee�the amnunts��ermi�ted ro be held by appin�e law.IxnQer shall aecoe�.t,to 8arre�;��;,°;,;,,�`;,:: _
<br /> .�{..,�•";: '-�":fiYt ihe excess Funds in acaordaace with the requirements of applieable law. If the asiount of the�unds he[d 6y i:e�der;�ii�`;r,.• '
<br /> . ,��r�`r.,4'r•. �.. . ,..,. ,
<br /> ;a:4 :.,�;ry,�1,;. tima Is not suft'zcient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Boiruwer in writing,and.in such case�ortYU�
<br /> �'" '` �� shzli pay M I�erc�er the amannt aecessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no mare tIi�:' � -
<br /> ,•,f.•_.<..,..:•_.
<br /> � �'�'�' tvrelvu monthly paym�nts,�:i.endec's soie discnetion. . � � , -
<br /> `�, .. :�._<,;:<.,,a� . .:J.�.
<br /> � ;+�3�'�:"�r�,;-,.. tTpon Payment in fiRP.O:of all sums secured by this Security Instru�ent. L.ender shap pmmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> ��'J ��`''�`'�'�'_ � Funds held by l.cader.If.under patagraph 21.Lerider shall acqairc or sel}the Proporty.I,enQer,prior t�the acquisition or sate � ��i�
<br /> � ' �Sc_r'�l.il��.�.�1�4;...
<br /> ."::'1'"J;
<br /> U r�,rr�,,��: _ �,,.,r of the Property,shall appiy any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sala as a credit against the sums secuted by `�•� ';'`
<br /> '�.- r'�ti:, ,:�:'nt:t:. '�
<br />_ •; "���'�, t211S SCplYity IASt171tI1CIIt. . � --:, 'R���-�
<br /> ..�. �_ .'..:;iF�:,
<br /> �' ��..,;�.-�:.�'''. 3.Appltcaffon of Pagt�nts.Untess applicabte law provides otherwise.all paycr..e�ts received by Lender�rtder paragraphs :•,�:,;. p
<br /> - '' ,, 1 and 2 s6all be applted:fct�;-,to any pr�payment charges due under the Note:sea�r�ii;to amaunts payable ut�:..�paragraph 2: `�.:�a-'.•�'_--_
<br /> a�I�isE�.y'..v3r��•• `.�� �'
<br /> �..i F'y.,. . .. .:c' '.� __
<br /> •s1.�In.�'fii.'�'.�..�:y}'7 !i �,. . i._•a 1-_._- _—_-
<br /> �} r d�ird,ro interest due;fourtlx,:r�principal due;and last,co any late charges due under the Notc�. , ,, , '.;:'..:._-
<br /> ' "" .�':;:, -�'��`Et' 4.Char�es•Ideas.F�sc�aw.r shalt�iay. � P� �[�Y. ' ---
<br /> � �* -fr'• > all ta�ces.assessmeats�,dr•� es. fines and im sima�s attributa�?e�a G'�e ;-,��'-.��:—
<br /> - � .,,�• � ± . �1.:,-.�:�- —
<br />-:; ': '�� ���y�� which inay attain prioriry.,�¢eer this 5e�;y Instrument.and leaset�'.�',�.?a,�menu os ground renis:if any. F�cit4 xs�.�3s�}�pa�+�, _
<br /> '���::•'� ' --
<br /> `=-�t-�:;?:-:;�-��.�. , �tese obligations in the��r Pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid�in that ma::i��:i.Borrawer shall pay tF.�a:��:ie dri�i�
<br />