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<br /> < . �T�E1�ER`�V!'6'�I al�ihe impt�ie�tCaJs nD�t gt f�ndt�t�eCted ai Il�€„p[dp�ty.a��s � `�« . .�:
<br /> �. .rad�t�+sa nbw�ar hae�ter�p�ct.of tha.P�i�nY. �tti�p�c��Ictiaas�sYsb tie�ve�ar�Dy ttds�ty ' `�, ..;,�;�:
<br /> , "� `` �aht A!1�f tbe������t�.ferrtd t+n i�thi9 5a�ty Ia'tt�u�ttit sa tt�e'�ty.p. : � � . . . : ,_
<br /> . ._. - . . . � : -._
<br /> _� _-._. ---- � ----
<br /> - _ . " �SQItR��F�kt Qtsit B�t�s�sz is iiw�cIIy seis�.of ih��si�a 1fC�Y�f'�Y�at�Itss€�t1�h3 tn�i :
<br /> _ . �i�vcy aht�repe�iy�a►d tI�at fbe Ab�ty is tmepwunbet�d,e=ccps�Fors�`s�iaM�ses I�f t� Horrnwe�'a+�smc3' _:: :°<
<br /> .. . w�1�ga�aUg►tI�Htk'tathe�tn�aag,a�utt�t�ltctaimsand�;`.�6�cctt��,re��c�a�aaErec�. ` -. �- .;:t;.�:,`�;�_;
<br /> -'< .
<br />— � � '. ' '�5 SEG�it'fd iNSTRUh4�'P sambinw aaffc�m ariza�.ts far m�ml us� s��s�uatfa�rn cuv�+�►'�.�t"1�:�� , . �r
<br /> � . .limi�d eati�ons Qy j�tisdls84n totronstiu�.e tmi�atsa�sesuriiy i�noeat cbve�g r�t Qs�iy�Tty. :.� ' � .
<br /> . •
<br /> � IJNI�"�R�O�VQ4AN't'S..�er and L�a¢at cr�ve,�aat aad agar�as foii�ws: � t� � ���. - ;�
<br /> 4 ad
<br />� - fl„ �t�P[�ape��s$�f�s;R:��r-.�i��. Ec�ar�as�l; � c�E�d#ip�' . .... . _-- ___
<br /> , ti f .
<br /> _ _ jfiiACig3t af SII$i�fs�.St�D thedtb2 Crid4�C�db3►t$G�NOL�e$d atly gSepaYmeIltS�1 L12E c�a�,d��1��fl,A�I�f`�tCfu�. .�.,.. .,, ,
<br />�_� - --__-.____._L E�tindafar'n,Qa�dP�mr,� SiibiocttoIInQlf�a61�1��t�.��_waiv��-���y��fi�9�"�r'��4 :�.
<br /> - --- - - -
<br />�. . L�d�r�oa.the day nr�antbly payme�s�+o�e u�er�5e-A��te.�-the-Ru�fs�az'd�ifi fuD.a soi��•'��'S�T�s tri,};. ��,- �. . . _
<br /> � 't�es aad a�Wt�iasy mia�pao�y otirer this Sxi�ity Ycsotumeat as a tiw an tiree Ptopeityi,�i�}�Iyo; �� .
<br /> = papmenrs ur g�uaa reats a�tne pmp�ty.if anp:(cD Y�►�ard ar psoPaty �stua�oa lar�i►�:��e y#sty��'qrbck..�.; .;:
<br /> insutan0e prCmiam�,�BIIy:(e}Ye�iF m�t�$z.insi�o�mumg►i.f aay;and(��;SpIltS Q1g"'.J�t3i? 8NtDl�tta:;tp•s.•
<br /> T�d�in aaoo�nee�vitb t�e p�avisiaaq of�S,�tiea of tht pa�t of�a'st�snsa�gscatim�i3i;.'$fiita�:: '.': ':�:
<br /> - �tems a��"Fsc�w Items.° i�ender may,ffi anY f�e.cuIIect and t�ld RmOs in an saz�,�ti�as�ca�tT�airraa3#hrtm�- ` -
<br /> amou�rt a Iea+der f�a fe�aIIy teta��I�n uoay r�e f�Bairmmwes's esarn����l uffitt t2�ft�tdt�i[�tCd�'
<br />- -_- Fsta��eui�at Pca�rs AcFOf 197a as amendodfr�m rame to tia�,,12 vs C§?�601 etseq.f`��?������.
<br /> . : f�w s�at�p�tu tbe It�nds sets a Ie�ser�notmt If so.Y.ender may.at any time.coI2ect and htitd',.f�ti�t�af�clv��ntR to
<br /> --- - easee�d�e 1cs�'a�int I�eader may�timate the amormt�t�f F'ands due an th,e 6asis of au�aca'sf�i-8�fl�er.�ab� � .
<br /> --- ' es�,s ctf ex�affnt�ue Escmw it�ns oro3hea�vise in�da�witb appiicabfs law. "" � ` . ,
<br /> ----- � ° 'f��ds.shaII be held'm an institatism whase s�rue insrued!sy a fedetal�cg,in�dity;.ar ei�y
<br /> �'. ..
<br /> • , {in�u�i�ks.if.Leuder as snch�n ins�ion)ar in aay Fa�Caal Iiatt�I.oan Banlc. I�.a�II;ap��Y tt�Rmds tu�a2,y .
<br /> _
<br /> � ' the Bsua�3t�ns t�trdrs may nat cIsarge Baaow�for Itol�tg attd applyiag tke I�mds,aanuallY.�B��w ��
<br /> ...
<br /> — ---- . ��cr�•4��t�e Essrow I�cns,�aratess-Leader PaYs:@asmwer�an�t?te i�mds��d a�u�ble law pe�t� •�
<br /> _.._._ -_= Le�der t���'s�is s c4r�e. Hanev�Lend�may reqaite�naawea m pay a ose-um�cbaigE far aa•in�peud�tt teal
<br /> --_== esate�s�g s�ssrcce osed by L+ender in cannectian wit�thislvan.uniess appLcabte 1avY:Pmvides at�rise. tC•Alts�sn ,
<br /> __--=_�.==_=:� a�R i�made or a�plicable 1a�ar teqaices im�t to 6e�aid,i.t�der shall aot 6e ieq�nred Eo pay Bauow�auy ia�t or
<br />�„�--�..w. �oa the liunds. BouoK+er and Lenldec may ag�e in wntrag.hovrever,d►at inter�st sbaT9�paid mn t�F3mds. L�td�rr , -
<br /> e er
<br /> s�aU give to Soaawer;withaut c]�ge.-ms�uaal acca�aring uf the Funds.shoaing��3ad debits•to tbs Tvnds and the.
<br /> , w au
<br /> `. pmpose for wbicb each debit to ths Fqmds was ma�e. 'i�Funds aie pledged as additiom�l sec�ity foi edl st�ms ses�ed by
<br /> :*- •''i;.� d».s�ty InsOtt��*! .
<br /> - :-,-�
<br /> ,�°. f�,i. � , .: ;,::,��.iti�Fands held 6y I.eader exceed the amo�ts permitt�d w be ketd by agpllcahle la�v.l.endea shall aoconai,w ,
<br />- `;: �ouS��(:t for the exe,ess F�tds in accardaace with the requuems�ss of applicable Iaw If tl�emotmt of the F�mds heW-by
<br /> � . ;�.,s.y�,. _ ;,� ' I.�tF��any vme is aot s�fficient to pay the Fscro�v Items wk�due.4eader may so uut6€y Batrawer ia writing.xud.�
<br /> ``{.,"�,('��r�::,..;. su�►case Boaower shall pay to[.ender the amnuat uecessarp to make ap the defcienty. Baaower shaII matce up the , _
<br /> '" `" ' deficiem m�o ma�e t15an tarelve monthl '
<br /> ��,'l.'''*'r� . � jl pSyIIIC71IS.2l T..Ci1dCf S SO�d1SC[CLLUD. .
<br /> ' �P�PaYment sn•full of aIl sums secured by dils Seca�ity Inst�eaG Lender shall gmmptly refund ou Bomaweraay �
<br />- .'- -F_:� a=`�•:,.,-'� F�mds,!'�eid b Leadez. If,under b 2t,I.ender shall or sell the P�v "
<br /> ;
<br /> �_ ..,��,�. -.,, Y P�P � peny.E.�tdet,ptior to the aoqaisiti�� .;
<br /> .�+:�� �..,%�� sale aE�ie FmpeRy.shall apply�y Fc+nds held hy i.eader ai tte time of aa}uisition or s�le as a credit agaiast dte.sums
<br /> "�:: C,'�•.'.::..�'�5�.�,. secutedby tbis Secmity Insuament. :'. � ,._
<br /> ��
<br /> -"�.��',�':::, ;r� 3. ApplicaHon of Puym�t4 Unless applicabls law pmvides otherwise.all payments ceceited by Ieader under �:s! .� '�
<br /> �`�` ` �,� . ' hs 1 and 2 shall be a hed:firs�w,an a t c due�mder the Note:second.w amamns able ander = ''�-'
<br /> ��.�.•�,,,, .'•,,, .. P�P PP� Y P�P Y�n � pay •• -,'
<br /> 'f� ''� ; P2ragraph Z:thiM.to interest due:fourth,w principal due;and iast,w any late charges due undathe Na� •.'•�"�„�`' —
<br /> :��{,:.::;:_',,�' '`6�y,, • :,�i;: .C6 ,Liens. Bomower shall pay all taxes.asssss�nents,charges.fiaes arcd impnsitioas amibutab2e w th.° ,�,`�., -_
<br /> �,�:,;� ���^. �' -�;��
<br /> ';:�;, _ ! Pro�which ma attain riori over this Securi iasuumwe.aad leasehold a ts ar ._ ••�y-_
<br /> ''= Y P tY �3+ P Y�II ga�ma�ents-if any. Borrotvet . t.._�; -_
<br /> - s.rt�.;,�#;:•.:. �,"• .; sbai!pa�these obligations in the manner pmvided in P�BaF•`s?.or if not paid in that manner,Bomawer sLall pay them on � .� : -�:
<br /> ��--�,;-- � time diti�ctiy tio the person owed paymen� Bamower sha11 promptly fumish to Lender aD notices of amo�rs to be Qaid uader � r��
<br />_ ��� =; ,; t t u s p a i a�a ph. (f i.�s r mwer makes these p a y m e nu di:ectl y.Bomnwer shaD..�,s i am ptl y fitmish to Lender msei pts evideacing , } ;.�±�
<br /> �y�.�i.' � � thepay�eats:� �� ; .,•.;. .:�� ,��
<br /> 'r ', ;;,y,, '��. ,, ��rer shaU prnmpUy discharge any lien whicb has priuriry oveSUris't�:a.a'ttl�a�uu�'Ent�mless Boaower:,(a)a�s ' ' " -
<br /> � ,�- ��t���i.:� • In wrhi��rt�o the paymeat of the obligation secured by the lien 6x�;umanrter�rceptable to li�s�i�:r;'(6)conrests in good faitCi.�tt�e � , ���-=
<br /> ��•., Iien 8+��'+-�defeads a t enforcement of the lien in,le which in the I.ea�`�r mion o W ievent t�e ; ..F-,,,.._---'-="�..
<br /> - Sains 8a1 Pra�;+sztings dP� Perate P . .-r.�,.a.-.
<br /> .- •����� ���' • enfo��ent of the lien:or(c)secums from the hotder of the lien an agneement satisfactory to L.ender snbo�insting tue lien • : • ,, �. ;.
<br /> . `, to this Security Instrumeat If Lepder detemuaes that any part of We P,roperty is subject to a lien which m7y�i�nain prioriry �, , �y'�':;R_
<br /> �'�
<br /> over tbis Security Instiument,Lender may give Boitawer a rtc�tice identifying the lien. Botrower shap��_die lien or take . -
<br /> r;�- :'� � � ` one ar more of We actions set fmtb above within.l0 days of the�iving of notice. " �• . , - ..
<br /> �t ,, : �� �:,;,: '.: 5. �ard or Praperty Iasarenc� Bomnwer shail keep the improvements aow eaisting or heae�at4er eiected a�the • . � .
<br /> ��� Property insuned against loss by fue.haTards included within the telm"extended coverage"and anyr otRer hazard�.inclading '
<br /> ' ;..�; fToods or ilooding,fos ahich Lender req�tes in auance. 7his insurance shall be maintamed in the am�unts and for the .. .E " � • ' ` �
<br /> �; s`� • . : . , . t ' .
<br /> . �i� � , � fwrm3D78 9A0 IDa8r2oj6poge�) • .,z,,,�,. �
<br /> ;�� .
<br /> � -.:<� . . ;= :, .
<br /> - : .. . . -. . � ,�
<br /> , , . ,. , . ,
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<br /> � ��•,,, i,t��.. . . .
<br /> - yi4 ' .. - . � � ; �tiy. . . .. . ' �.. '� ' ;., � �itd.n"� ' , .. . ., . . , .
<br /> • ' _ �•:.'. . . .
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