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<br /> —_-_—=_=_ . il. �YD1TE��EtA�'S ANiI MoNTNLl€i�A4Il�T�HANGES' �
<br />__--_--_- = 1Y�e Nate p���p.r aa inftiat t�t�aiP'�:�' S-a� 43.Ss�taa�o$i3�e Hoce provides.Fat�in dr�Intera�t rate aad M� .
<br /> __--_=__r.�.� m�ntblYPaYme�usfoAoars: :,,: - . `. �.
<br /> ;�::; � _ ':::'r,.
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<br /> _ �:�.���- . ' N. INTER�STRAT�ANDMONTNLY'P.Af'MEMTCAANGES - _ . ;�;`.;'•.;' . � --
<br /> ��¢� � � � ��heiat�esi�,twtuvaymay,ch�gd!�#tiefirscesyof �JIJLY• �';� � .���tQayeve�y .
<br /> - -"19;"'��f��3 �2 mOnthSWereafttr.��datCOnwl�icbmyiatabstratccouldchaageisdIata"t�C'd��xta•• ,
<br /> __--zti,s,�n�ryrrr� . . `
<br /> n,,���,. (� T1eI� '. •. . . ' ' _�„�, .: . • <
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<br /> .-x,,,�..�z � ---. .:,,,v...--� ---- - . :•. .
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<br /> -------�--�----- �- - -.°-,
<br /> ;_ nu..''Y` r;�� . � 8e�ngwiththaffrat�geDate.myinterestrattwi[ltrebasedonaalnQex.TheNt�iex"istheweeetdyave�ageSr3a6����3nstedStates� ,
<br /> .�.�z. � ` .� �2 � .
<br /> Treasury sectuit�s ad},�sted;��?irt�;�►nstanc mat�ity of 1 qqi'f as made availa6l�b,y the Pedaal Rssaoe Boar�l.Tde most'6�,".tsQcs fi81ae
<br /> �--��,��'�`�y�;,, avaBaD�easaSt�re43��arerach�angeD�teiscalledthe"CarrentGstdrrs-".,. . � 4• • . • � . ' ;
<br /> .��°-'u_� .���.`•',;:�x�`.= U t6s I�ai is ao Id�m�abIG the Nate Holder w�l chonse a aew s�rLG s��h is based upon�rabk iafa:matian.The�`" -
<br /> ,e.;.. :•.,..f_�,:;:.:;�' . - , . _ - -
<br /> --=• • Hat
<br /> .
<br /> „_,:,,�� • : - . . rr,:� wnlgiveatcaatfce��s - -- - - ---- ... __..- - �- - - - - -- - -=- ---
<br /> da � �oicG_ .,; ; ��,
<br /> �s�:;f,���J�` ' (� Ca2at�atQauof� , . . 1` , ' . v -
<br /> a�� , �i��F 1� ; Befor earh Change�tha Nate Holder w�i caicolate my aew iataest rate by eddIng ° ��T� ��t���NE-1iALF ��gt = - -_
<br /> y�'��� ypiaty Y 7•5 9'�)to the C�urmt E�3ac and ronndtn8 to the nearest 1/$th of l�70.su�i�to sfix�fir's stated tn 5xtioa 4(D)6etow:
<br /> ��y,r s �� ,�11 „ , . �,:.,...; . • � -- -
<br /> ,f s : l f,�1�'�r�: ThismnndedamouatwIIltxmynearinte�t�a.ieimtllthene�cttChanBe'D2t� � ,.,� . i
<br /> - ? 79ie Hou Hoider will then determiue s��oiu�t ot the moathly��gayment that wouldi#e�.�ff3cIent to repay in fiill tke pr,.iadpal I am �
<br /> -- .,;"r..,.,,,. , � �;;:
<br /> ' , �, eapectea w owe an that Change Date in su6staadally eqna)pa��ts by tfie mawrity date az�emw interest rate.Tde result lsft}�ratcutatton ;}�• ,,
<br /> ���rr wD16a the new amaurct of mY��Y DaY�� . �,�
<br /> ��f � ! W� ��QI������� .'. .�!��` . ,, ' . . _ i i�a�.
<br /> , � The inteiest rate I am required to pay at the fusi Change Date�airi:�b�F,T�ater tban ?.25 �la or tess thaa :
<br /> �::•�';,•. . ;,.- �_?S %.Thereaft�„uryinurestrauwIUn�werbeiacreacedordecrrascdori�s?r.�=ChangeDatebymorethau � '��� '��ti `t�
<br /> �'p4�� � ; _p`�� from the rauof.'�np�est 1 have been paytng for the preceding twelve monttf��'i�r,.�nimam tatetest rate on tAis toau wfll neva be ' �' ,,._�`
<br /> � ' . _' �� 3_25 %a�7thema�dmtmninterestratewiQneverbegrraterthan1l3'.,��s qo. °��rj �
<br /> � .:. . ,."+ lW E(teG[scDateolCR�a�a ,(�:' :;�,�Y,�-
<br /> :.•�--_�.-�,
<br /> a"r,"; , . ';x;;A •�,:: My new entecest rate w�l6ecame effe�eticean each Change Dau.i adU pay the amount of my new monWi9 PaYmeat beglnning on the first �':..: r i,'t�w�,�cs�:�;:
<br /> � . ,,_. .,:}r' , montNy paymeut dato afta the Change Date until the amount of my montlily payment changaa�ain- �l;•;�` �`��f. `°
<br /> 3 • (� Notkeoft�a�es . . r`<<; � ��,�.._.. t
<br /> • ' The Note HoIder wIIt�J or deUver to me a notia before each Ctiange Date.The aotia'aa�advise me of: �. Y�„',r;;.�,;+c.i._��;�=e
<br /> ;:�' . (i) the new inierest ratc on my loan as of the Change Date; , • � f�` ` ls���i-.
<br /> ,t g • • (ii) tLeamountofmymonthlypapmmtfoIIowingtheChangeDate; , ':'fy�}��,;���.�;
<br /> �:• :"'_ . (iI� any addiHonal mattera which t6e Note Hotder 1s required to disctose;and .'" . _ , � :_,:`,'r,��;''�+''
<br /> �.,;.��° �v) theaAdressaCt�.assodadonyoucouldoantactregardinganyquestionaabanttheadjusanentnodoe. �r�,•,� �
<br /> �.f•=`-���, . �:�r1���, � B� \rI7M{lLll1�J �� � , ' .. ,Y. . _.
<br /> . �' .l..i'.�:.':'i:�'�:i;�:' . . ,
<br /> �` .':�,,:,;;r�,�..,,,,r,,. , UnitormCoveaant4oltheSecurirylnstnucasi:tsamenaedtoreadaafoIIows: , . • .. �
<br /> _ c;i' ,..rc;:.':
<br /> ;,.�IiJ4:,;�`'� �• . 1.Gar�ar Lka�.Bonav�er shall pay all taaw.assesvnents.and ather charga.fines.and impos9dons ataibutabte to the Prayerty whIay maY .. •
<br /> �'�`���r� • ' attafn a rlori over this Srnu ity Instrument,and Ieasehold aymenu of ground rents.if any,fn the manneryrovtded under p�-.�ayh Z hacof • �
<br /> it;s;,,,. D tY D ._
<br /> �'f �7i����'�•.. or.if not ai iq such manncr.bY Borrower ,
<br /> : .}y., . P Q making payment.when due.directiy to the payee thrreof.Borrower shall yrom�i.pr Cvrhisb Leader .
<br /> • efl nodces aLr sa�nunts due under thts paragraph,end tn the aent Borrowa sh.,.tl make payment directly.6orruwer stialt�pror�pdy furnlsh�A • •
<br /> #,� I,eader mc�yK�+ec-IQencing auch paymrnu.Bonower shall promD�tY dischaz'�srY(ien whlch has priodCy.aver this Secnrity tnstrmnen� �• ' : . . • .
<br /> -: ,�•r,; � � - havievet,Boriavrer sLall not be reqaired to discharge any such lien so lons sm aortawer:(a)shaU a�ree trn w-riting to ihe payment of the •y; �. ..
<br /> s
<br />_i; ;�;�:�;�-�' - � ' a�llgatioa seaucd by sucb lie�.i»�he manner aoceprable io I.acder;(b)shaU in gCOdfaf;b rent�t sudsliet�(r�;iyxdefend agai,ttst enforament of �t;• ,
<br /> �.,,. . .,.: ' E•�:,:
<br /> �% �, , ' �.teh li�m In.legal proce�diagt r+liish in the opinion ot Lender operate to prevent the enforcca�mt rs!thelfiT.cr.Corfeiture of the Property or any �.
<br /> � ��('.r. . .
<br /> � '<+�.• •.�:�.'t;;'N•,;,.;, part t h e r e o f;rn(c)a h a ll s�.ure from t he Aotdcr o f suc h ticn an agreement in a form satiaiscmry to[knder subordinaUng such lien to this ` .
<br /> '.� `•t�;:'�;";: Se�viitylnstttsmattt. .
<br /> .,r�:`.:. ..
<br /> if Leader detetmines tAat all or any pan of the Proprtty is sutrject to a Gen which may attatn e pdority ovcr thi.Securiry Instrumrnt, ;
<br /> :4 • _ .•��;,;, '� � Lemder s�aU give Boaower a nottce idenUfyiag auch�lien.Borrower shaU saUsfy such lien or ralcc one or more of thc ac�lo�a stc fotth abovc ,
<br /> t y : '• • wlthin tw d�ys of thc giving of the notice. • � ' �•.
<br /> - 1.. . `'��,' .. . .. ..
<br /> ��r F;'"�-� . • .
<br /> � .. ' C. NOT[CE ' '
<br /> Uni�ormCovenant 14 ot the Security instrument is amended to read aa foltaws:
<br /> !4.Notics.F�ccept for any notIce rcquired dnder applicaA2e law to be given in anoiher manner.(a)any notice to BoROwer provided for in this '. .
<br /> � Staurity Instntment sha11 be givsn by delivering it or by maiting it by fitst cfass mail to Boaowet at the Propertyr Addr�ss or at such ather addres� ' .
<br /> � .. • a4 Borrovrer mny daigaate by aotice to LenQer as provided he�ein.and(b?anY notia to Lender shall be given by i'irst ctass mall to LenEer's . • . �
<br /> :��: addnss stated haein or to sucA other addra�as Lmdermay dalgnate by notice co Borrower as provided hece�n.Any notice provided for in this � �
<br /> �'��'"'��' Suurity Instrument shall he dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner daignuud hrrein.
<br /> .,�.:,:.
<br /> ,
<br /> :..�- -:. .__t_ -_:- -._':_- •--•-=---- - - - -
<br /> : '^_. . . - -_-- • ----. -
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<br /> a• ' �
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<br /> �• :r. . , �. , :�
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