�.s�.- �'�s.sh•�...�wx: �i �t--F�c t . . . _
<br />' ;�� � t ) , .c -Cq __ -
<br /> ��.. .�J l� ' , ` �� `�tn ' �il } � �°j F � .. i- -
<br /> _ ._�,..t 2c--�:�� '�. �i! -'� � � t _
<br /> �� � .5 . . ` 4_21'3!�^�i.._.1._
<br /> «
<br /> N. .. _ 'K_SY G VL`C.' �'` .�...�_.. . _ �i . . _-
<br /> . . c �
<br /> '. . . . , , . ` - . . .
<br /> ..r. . �� ,-. j' • L�� �jrr � -�-�� .
<br /> ..� � . . � . . , .. _ '`.T. . .
<br /> --�-'°t',f� � � ` <` ., . ` , , • . . � 1� ` g. �.� -
<br /> _------ — ---- . ' ' . ������t�� ` `
<br /> . � . . • , • _ . , ,
<br /> — -- — . . , . . .
<br /> . •` Fa;rr�p�s,iv�icb ssnc rcfcrnd ui in Para�b 2.os�thc aa�u�4 of sucb payme�ts. Atsy exaxss pmnee6s over sa , . ._ .
<br /> vf�
<br /> � ----- : amat�ct iec�uind ta pay a}�autstaa�ing ia �Qaass u��tti.Note ansf tlua Se�anity inst�um�t sh�11 be�t�tt�e�entit�r . � - - -- --
<br /> � -- — TFP,r�41 e�ct2ed tt€�reto. � . . . . �--
<br /> �Fea. LeaBer may,00IIxt ftes and sitarges anticmized b}r.the Sx��Y. . .
<br /> - - � � 9��couad�fbg Acc�ratton of DebR. < ' .
<br />- ' ta)AAftuIL,Y�eadet may.actx�e as limsted try tegutatieas�ssasd by dta SecrctuiY in the case of paym�nt defauits. . ,
<br /> -� , . ce�ire ueuns$iaicpayment�fWl+af sill s�s se�xd by�his�ty Listraamau if: - ' , -----
<br /> - --- . � (iD Borm�er¢efauits b�►fu�ng to ray►m cuu any manthly paymen!requnea b3r�,�s S�nity Insuumeru�ias� . ,
<br />- f , to or an t�e'due date of the next manthly payiaeat.or • . .. • . ` . ---
<br /> _ - --- -- - - - � ' f�3 Bcnrowea clefauIts by f�i�ng,f�a geaad af thury doys.W Perform eny qth�r abti�titcs caa�aed pn Ai}ss ---— _
<br /> _� _ . �: ; _ � . S€�'ty LstrumeaL : - - �
<br /> _ - , . (�)Sate W[that�t Credtt Apprn�nl. E.ender shalt,if peimiuut�d by�sPPiicabae lsw esd�vith thg priaz a�aval cf die . �__
<br /> -��-�" ����ffifis�Q€sIl�s�s���tBsy.;P�is.Sece�tyius�ttvz�� - -- -
<br /> - - � _ f)A11 cr psrt of[he Ftiupesty�or a be�e8r€at iate�t in�o uust o�vning al�or part af tls�PtnpaEy,is�a#d oi
<br /> _ � aihetwise u�sf�r�d(ott�rtH hy devise ordxsce�)�+y�ih3 8mm�ver,en3 --
<br /> � (7'��F�Y is not occupied by t�e p�+sc�a.ser or grunsee as h�s or her principal residenoe.ar t�e Purc�aser =._----- _
<br /> er
<br /> : ' or grantee does so oc�apy dte Fna�ctt� b��bis or her ctedit has aoi 6eea ag�proved in atcarda.ace
<br />_�., - - with the requirements of the Slectetary. �� ::,;:.
<br /> - (c)Na Waiver. tf ciiamistances ocsia that cvoul��etmit Lendez co m�uire imR+ , r�paya�t in fiill:i�ut Lea�der _
<br />- _ :,. :.. , (�l R��r�sach pay�ts.Leada does nnt wa�ve iis rights with iespect to subsequent events. __---_:__-----
<br /> 03 HUD SECZeffitp. In many circ�ves tegWatia�s issaed by tY�Sectetaty►willlimiC I.en�er's
<br />- • sighu.in[he case af payment defauIts.to tequiie immedi�tegaym ent m ful}IIrc�Q'o�ciose if notpa�a. •'ihis �v._
<br /> .v;};1;.:�; - Seaaity Iasonime�daes not a�horize acceleration os forecIosure if not permittad ts}r t�guiatisrns of the Suretanr. _.y::;;_
<br /> . .. t -
<br />_- .,��:� . (e�Mmtg�ge Nat In�ced. Baimwer ag�ecs tl�at shanld this Security L��ai�tFte mote seiuied theaeby not �-'= -
<br /> ' be eligi'bie for i�sucance�der the Natianal Iiousing Act within �� �� �'��,�- --
<br /> - .i�%fv s�,r�i - .a,r,�_.�-_�—_.
<br />_ r:?���:_ . d.aAe tcereaf,lender may.at its optiun attd nasavithst�dmg any�hin$in�ag�aPb 9 t�r�e�me�ate paymeat m_ �''_==_
<br /> _� -_ .�,•� - � _._.._..._.full.a£aiZs�s_sscmed b_ . .ty�AStcl�a►ent.A writt�statertsent of any authotite�agent of the S�► .
<br /> � '�.'-�-+}f S�,� -----_. � IIIOD --�-�- - - -- � : ---- _
<br /> =. r _ ,.�� .. -. date3 saDs w � fmm dte.date heieof,decliniug to insute this Sec�uity' �t� _
<br /> i.a.�`��.' .1 ..Ef�':' f f c-�� _
<br /> ;s����,r.r�.,, • lnsaament aard the note secured theieby.shatl6e deemed oonciusive proof of sucb ineGgibility. Natwithst�ndmg
<br />- ,,,., S;?� -
<br /> ,�'. " •� :'��; the fmc�guing,this ogtian may nat be exencised by Lender when the unavaila6ility of insuranoe is sole£�due m ;A,,;��;,;�.
<br /> .
<br /> ;:,>�,;- r ",:..� faitu�oac�amoit ' . ."� =
<br /> � .Y . .
<br /> -. ,�`,;:' :r.a�.::`",�'�� --- _ �•S B0IYOLVCi�S�3 i7���1C LCI�SG'RCd��.CIIds Cf-�S��•,,,.�1.�IIISIfICd13IP. }1IILCIIt llt�'' �2C8115C..' _
<br /> ... . .t. ��."� C � •W�""'^' � .�r.._r_� '�'��:
<br /> "?%'::'�=s::. '��••:��;•: .;,.• of Bmmwer�faiIuce to pay an ammmt due under the•Note or this Security Iasdumen� 71T�rsg!►t ap�lDes ev�aRer• � �:•_��� •
<br /> - ;�:=i:�;.,,�:•:::•��:..�.;; foreslos�ue ptooeedings ate instituted. '[b ceinstate the Securiry 1asuument, Borrower shali te�der�a ttr�p sum aU �.. :_�.
<br /> - .` ammmts wiecl w:bring.Bortower�s accouat aurent including.to the eatent they aie ob4iga�ors of Bo�cn�ecunder this =.�,= ;r;.�
<br /> -,.. , ieq :ec _... .
<br /> � . . •. Sec�uity Instrwnent.fasedosine costs and teasonable.and custosn2ryr attomeys'fees aad e�cpenses pro�erl�a�ac.s+ted arith , `�^::.;y
<br /> ;,,: :, . �. ..
<br /> �;:%.;'�, , �'�r• pioce�dis� Upon re�� ent b Bomnwer t h is Sea�uity insut�t aad th�obli g a t��s tt�i�4 sec�ues ` �
<br /> �te forezlosdne g. � ArP•^ y • `��..., �;i-..-:,
<br />- . ���`;�`.': shadl r�main in ei�ect as�f Lender had not cequired immediate payment in ful�.�Hamever.i.ender is noi tequ�'•�f:i;permis , �
<br />-�;;. � �t� (i)l.ender has accepted reinstatement after the camn►encement of forecIosure proceedmgs'�inthin twa +: _.. �`;
<br />=s`t ,..f',�° ! yea�s imuj,cdi�seiy preceding the commencemert of a cuaent foiecIasure proceeding. (u'1 r�ius4atement will�►►reclude. . .��' �•`
<br /> re
<br />-��, . . � fireaclosme on different�rnunds in the futare.or(iii)reinstatement wi11 adversely affec[the priority of the li�n c�eated by -=s''�
<br /> this Securitylnswmem.� . ' � . •r% � �
<br /> ' 1L Borrower Nnt�Reteased: Forirea�ance by l:ender Not a Waiver. Extension o�the time of payment or ��,; . .-�,
<br /> '�;t';:.• modification of amort�,atiun of the sums securell by this Security Instrument granted by Lendec to any sucoessut m inteiest
<br /> of Bormwer shall not operate w�+etease the liabi�ity of the original Borrower or Bormwer's s�or in interes� Lender `' •
<br /> ' shall not be requi�ed co coma►enceproceedings agamst any successor in inte�est ar refuse to e�d tim�fos payment or ,�'' '
<br /> � ' otherwis�modify amosriaadon of ihe sums secuied by this Security Insuument by reason of any dema�td made.by the �. •. 5���".�
<br /> - ;,'''•°• original Bmrower or Borrc�wer's successois in interest. My for6earance by Lender in exercising any righs or t+emedy shall • .���"
<br /> ���r•�;c.� tr
<br /> �;;�t i'�'-��;�'� not be a waiver of or�reclude the eaercise of any right or remedy. �' "''��'
<br /> ;;�1���� � 1Z Snocessara attd Asstgns Boand;doint ated Several Liabilfty;Co-Siga�e. The covenants amd agt�eme�s of . { � ��°�--.�„
<br /> ; f;.
<br /> v y: ,..: �
<br /> '.�� � J � ��� �'' .,•':' � �. dns Sec�sri6y lnstra�ment shni!bind and benefit the successoss and assigns of Lendrtand Bomnwer,subject to the provisions _ `• �._
<br />"J'= ' ;��� . �:`�ts�"`s t� .of Patag¢a�i 9.b. Bmrrower's covenanu and agreemenu shall be ja+rri and sevcral. My Bolrower who co-signs this . ,��,,�:Y
<br />� '•��:�'+�: ; '�"��,t- ',' ` Sec�ui In..�iniment 6urdoes nbt execute the Note: (a)is co-signingdrl,s Secar:ty.•L�strumenE only to mortgage,grant arta . : . : ��<Y=--._:u.
<br />-�s`. . :,,.�`;t' �Y : � ert�::';r.
<br /> .. ,� canvey that Bo�rower�interest�the Pmperty under the terms of th�s�ecvrity Ic�irna�aenx(b)is not personally pbligdted to � .'�X„
<br /> � `� ` pay the sums secu�d by this Security Inswment;and(c)agrecs that Lender and�y'�^tJier Borrower may a�.�.etia eatend, �;
<br /> • :��� -
<br /> . ., �'...��i�-�
<br /> � � �� :.�.,,; .modify,forbear or make any ac¢om.modations with ce�,�rd to ihe terms of this Secvxi�y'Ynstrument or the P7at�u��if�out that �`'._� "';'_
<br /> .,,:�.�: .. , , ;. . ,..: ,.
<br /> ti;',.-. ,:• : ., , . „ ,, ,� , . . _.:, ; .:,,;�.
<br /> • .' . ;;�; � Horrower's consenG� � � ��+,yy�,� •'
<br />` .°.,, �� �' ��� 13. Nottces Any notice t��qm:�a<��.r�a.ided for in this 5ecuriry Inswment shall be given by 8efititret�g it or hy : �'
<br /> ` ..�.��s •; mailing it by fust class maiP un��'ss�,irll�;��N requires use of anoth�er method. 71te notice shall be��cted to the
<br /> ` i, � ,;�
<br /> - � ,'^.;�'',` , . . `�,?�': Pro Address or an ..xidr�s��,crowc'� � ates b nouce to Lender. Anp nouce to Lender shall be given by ,
<br /> ' �4� ��:r; ,:•. ��Y Y�:` , ��� Y
<br /> . 4��it,�,i first class mail4o L.endeF��uiasess stated herei�s c��ny address Lender designa�by notice to Boaower �4i�y notice ,
<br /> � t��`'. ' ,., .provided for in thls Securitp 6hstrument s6a1T be dee^��d to have been given to Soc�vwer or Lender when given'a:�[�rovided �� . , ,
<br /> ,,,;: , . ,�', � . •�in tt�is paragaph: � • , . •� ,- � • �
<br />_;. •, '� � ' •;�:•;�l,f�,� ' � �' 14. ("rmverning Law;SeveraEt{iNi�. This Security Instnimarr.<l�:all be govemed by Fedec3l law ahd.Qte iaw of th.�:. ,�, -
<br />�,r;, • ' , •:`::�k�•. �� ;;•;jurisdictiun.imwhich the Property i�Ga��u��. In the event tha.acutir; ��ovision or clause of thi;•�mcarity Inswment or t�r.;'
<br /> �. ��'`''%;�� ' .:'Nare cor,fZir�s with applipble law.s+;ir1��onfllct sha!I rrot•affeat.+oti'�zr provisions of this Seci:,.+r1}�;i'nstrument or.the Noto �
<br /> ra
<br /> ' - �; ... . '. w�hich carr be given effect�vithout the:.�rflicGng p��ci.;i;�� ,To�chis end the provisions of this Secvrity 1��tue�t•and the
<br /> . � � . ' IUote are declared to be ser�erable. �� ,.�� �.; •
<br /> ��,`: ' � `�� ' 15. Hormtver's Copy. Barra��r�,'�all be give^r��r.�c.onformed copy of this Seeurity/nsmunr.at. � ,: ` � •..
<br /> }�� � � ''���'�"i�� 16. As�ig�m¢nt o!Rents. Ha��er unconditio*iatly assigns 3nd tmnsfers to Lender al!tL1�n::ts and reveitues of the ' , �_;'•�
<br /> � •..'"''`�'rr�".';: Property, Borrower authorizes Lender ur I.ender's agents to collecr t�rents and revenues 3nd fic�t�iy directs each tenant of . '"'��;'';`.
<br /> � ' • the Prope�ty to pay the rents ta Lender or l.ender�s agents. How�•r�.priaT to Lender's noticc'td�orrower of$ortowet's � � ;•f' `'':
<br /> '�'r`',.',•'.' , breach of any covenant vr agreement in the Security inswment.Bo.*Msver shall�oJtect and receive al!renu and revenues of ,�;.,>.: ,
<br /> - '���.���. , the Propetty es ttustee far�he benefit of Lender and Bo7rower. 'Fhes assignm�s�.nf rents constitutes an absolut;e assignment �:'"'��,
<br /> ?,:•s;
<br /> - � �,.�,,'::.:_�.:..,".; .��:' attd not an assignment for additional security only. ' :,` ''``' .
<br /> .�� � ^': :�. If L.ender grves notice of breach to Bomower. (a)ali rents ra�iv�d by Borro�ver shall be hetd by Borrower as wstee .
<br /> �° '� � fos.benefit of.Lendes oNy.eo 6e.applied to the sums secured b}�,iii�-Securiey lnstrument;(b)Lender shall be entided to � .
<br /> _ ' _ � ' � � collect and receive all of the rents of ttie PtopeRy;and(c)each teciant of the Properiy shall pay a1I rents due arid unp�id to ..
<br /> - • Lender m Lender's agent on Lender"s written demand co the tenant,
<br /> ,� - .: Borrower has no!executed any prior assignment oF the tents and has not and will not petform any act that would � �
<br /> ptevent l.ender from exercisin�its rights under thi.g Paragraph 16.
<br /> '.' l.ender sha11 not be mquued to entet upon,talce conuof of or maintau�the Pcopeny before ar after giving notiee of ..
<br /> • bteach to Borrnwer. However.l.ender or a judicially ap�ointed receiver may do so at any time.there is a breacb. Any '
<br /> = �.. ', ' , applicatian of t�nts shall nat cwe or waive any default or mvalidate any other nght or remedy of l.ender. 71�is assignment .
<br /> • . .. of rents ot the Property shall tennir�ate when the debt secared by the Security Inswment is paid m full.
<br /> _ • �
<br /> -=' -- ---.,_�.-='=,-.__ __....�_.�_ ._ _.
<br /> :,--�,:� :..-.� .
<br /> , ' • . IDal:r3o14patZttl �____ +.__�
<br /> �a'.. � .
<br /> ..r _ : �.
<br /> .. . . ,
<br /> : ,�_.. .. ... •,_
<br />