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<br /> <br /> <br /> 10W <br /> Son-owe, mate care such a default and reErrstate. as provided in paragraph i8. by c►4 the attlon or proceeding to be <br /> 4-smissed wdn a ruing that, in Lendte!r's good 40 detetmirwllon, produces ftltfeiafte of the Somver's Interest in the Properly or <br /> other material inparment of the Lien created by this Security Instrument at Lender's security Intereai. Borrower shed also be in <br /> defaut N Borrower. during the k= ap §*n process. gave matlrWy Wee or Inaccurate inforrrtatfo!t or statements to Lender (or <br /> !aged to prcrdide Lender with arry mem0,4 in!ornwtian) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. Inckiding. but ncf. <br /> %i ted to. representations crAcetnhg Bzaowers occupancy of the Property as a prh*al nr4dence. It this Security <br /> instrument i- on a leasehold. Bom ww shy comply with all the provisilom of then lease. It Borrower acquires tee title to the <br /> Property, the Ieasahold and the tee We shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merges In w <br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. it Borrower huts to perform the covesrtants and agvemerits <br /> contained ire this Security Instrument or there Is a legal proceeding ihal may sigrniaantfy affect Lenders fights in the Property <br /> (such as a proceedng in bankruptcy. probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to er;orce laves or regulations). then Lender mt.y <br /> do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Prof,+emrty. Lemi,r s actlor,s <br /> may include paying arty sums secured by a tiers which has priority over this Securty Instrument. rpiwvvi ng in rcurt. payfnQ <br /> reasonable attorneys' teas and entering on the Property to make repairs. la,ftwo Lender may take ar llon under U-48 paragraph <br /> 7. Lender does not have ;o do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under paragrapn 7 shr! become add'tto^ed debt 03 Borrower secured by this Secvrty <br /> Instrument. Urfess Borrower a.•nd Leander agree to other trans of payment theism tvnau is shall bear Interest from the date of <br /> disbursement nt the Note rate and shat be payabie, with Interest. upon notice *cm Leander to Borrower nqueistltg psyment. <br /> S. Mortgage Insurance. It Lender rnqu2recf mor:(yr Invzonote Re s aarAftop of making the loan secured by this <br /> Sa=lty instrument. Borrower shall pay Ina prey *m c natured to maintain the mcstgage nstsunce In Rlfect f1, for any reason, the <br /> mortgage instaance coverage required by Lender lapses c! c9bses to be In e%0. Borrower shalt pal the prcrrtlruns required to <br /> obtain coyer, ge substantially dyulyaient to the mortgages lnsunr-~*» previously In ele&., at a octet aubstanfally equlva rnl to the <br /> cost to Soffcmer c' the mortgage insurance prevkK,sly Ran effect. k -n an alternate morlp9e tnsvrer approved by Lender. If <br /> subsianti0y ecuiy6en! mortgage insurance covers" is not evarlable, Son,Mrer shall pay to Lender each ri wre. a sum eq xd to <br /> one-twettt;i 0 the yearty nxxtgage Insurance premium being paid by Borrower %--en tlt* Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> be in e"!ect. Lenora wi l accept. use awl retain these payments as a loss re cat -s w- btu of mortgage lnwrratce. Loss reserve <br /> payments may no longer be required, at the optkan of Lender_ it mortgage Insix-ance cove,--em t1n ttte smovnt and for the period <br /> that Lender rues) provided by sr. insures approrved by Lender again becomes available are: M obtained Borrower shall pay <br /> the premiums required to maintain mortgage %nsurmnce It effect. or to provide a loss reserve. until L-e rt~quirement for mortgage <br /> insurance rands in accordance YvIth any wntien %gree ment be.%reen Borrower and Lender or applicable law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or its aWt may make reasonable entries %xm and inspections of the Property. Leander shall give <br /> Borrower rotice at the lime of or prior to im inspection specifying masunable cause for the inspection. <br /> 11D. Condemnat;on. The proceeds of any award cr cta!m :or damages, direct or consequential. in connection pith any <br /> condem. e:ion or other taW ng of any part of the Property. or for conveyance In Err of condemn Um. are hereby assigned and <br /> shah be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Iremmy, the proceeds s.'is>t be applied to the stars secured by this Security <br /> itnslruntrn'. whether or not then &a. with pry excess pe3d to Borrower. In the event of a partial taldng of the Property In which <br /> the fair value of the Prapety irnmedSait#y before the tnkhsg Is equal to or greater than tte amount of the suns secured <br /> by this f:ecurtry Instrument lrrm* fiateaY beftfe the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherv:ise agree in wrIt-1,g, the sums <br /> secured by this Sawrity Instrument shat be reducee by the amount of the procoedzz muttipMd by the Wowing fraction: (a) tte <br /> total amount o: the sums secured Inmed.atey before the taking, dtv!ded by (b) the Ink rna•kvt value at the Property irvnadretely <br /> b;&oree tht taking. Any bslence sing be paid to Brrower. in the event of a Meal Wing of the Propety in which the %?r mark~,t <br /> value of :he Property imn',ed<ately before the taldng Is less than the amount of the sums seecurcd r'rviedately before the takng, <br /> unless Borrower and Lender otherwise ewe Im writing or uNess applicabie law otherw hot provides, the proceeds shat be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security ktstru m.ent whether or not the arum we then due. <br /> It th3 Property Is abandoned by Ek rower. or 11. after notion by Lender to Borrower that the co tdernruw offam to make an <br /> award c settle a dsin for damages. Borrower balls to respond to Lender within 90 e±aa}s after the dfate the notice Is given. <br /> Lender is authctized to cotect and apply, the proceeds, at its option, ether to restoration or repair of the Property or to the <br /> sums sm-ured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender arnd Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appleatlort of proceeds to principal she$ rot extend or <br /> postpone the due dale of the monthly payments refered to in paragraphs f and 2 or emerge the amount of such payments. <br /> 11, 13orro-wor Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Budexnslon of the time fir paynternt or <br /> mudiTicaZion of amortization of. the suns sm red by this Security knstrmwK graMad by Lender to any successor In interest of <br /> Borrower st,an not operate to reierse the UntAlry of the original Borrower or Bortttivar's successors in Interest Lenc>- shat not <br /> be req u'rt,d to commence pmceetiiings aga:enst any successor in inte'zest or rstuse to extend tfrtra for payment or otherwise <br /> molly amortization of the sums secured by this Semnity lnsdummt by reason of any demand made by lire original Borrower or <br /> Borro-wer's cur cessvs in interest Any forbearance by Lender in rxerdsing any right or rernedy shah' not be a waiver of or <br /> prelude If e exerc°ae of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. successors and Assign-? Bound; .la:nt and Several Liability; C"Igners. The covenants and <br /> agivements of tWs St-%irity Inshiment shat bind and benelff the successors and assigns of Laufer acrd Bo.:rnwer. sub{ed to the <br /> ?tovisions of paragraph '17, barrower's covenarata and agreenertts -hall n• yoint and several. Arty Borrower who co-sims this <br /> L'ecuunty Instrument br t does not execute the Note_ (a) it co-signing tits Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey <br /> that Borrow,yr's interest in the PropFxy under the termc of this Seemly Instrument (b) Is not pesrmv*v obligated to pay the <br /> surnz 'ecured by this Se=nty Instrument: and (c) agrees tt+et Lender and any other Bcxrewer may agree to extend. moony. <br /> forbw or rrrake any acconw&datlons with regard to the tenrns of this Security inshument: or the Note wiGtiout that Bcxrow,ees <br /> casnsen"n. <br /> 13. Lc en ChArge3s. tf the loan semred by this Security Eststrurse•rt is subject to a low wftich sets mwdnwi loan <br /> changes. r• nd that le-w is finally interpreted so that the Interest or other loan emerges c llede d or to be cokketed in corenection <br /> . with the Iwo exceed the permitted trrfts, then: (a) any such soar. charge shag be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> the charge to the pemntted Haut and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pe"Tritted im4s wit be <br /> efunded to Borrower. Lender rssa•/ choose to make this refund by reducing the pry owed under the Nate or by m9rng a. <br /> Erect pay-tat to Borrower. if a refund reduces principm. the redaction will be tnie-ed as a paw urapayment wthosr-t any <br /> prepayment Oarge under the Note. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security instrument shall L•e giver by deliivairta it rx by maiartg it <br /> by '5 st class mail unless applicable taw requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the P+.opeiry Address <br /> or any other -address Bon-owes designates by notice to Leander. Any notice to Lender shall be given try last class tnea to <br /> Le sder's address stated herein cr anv other address Lender desb9natts by rrofte to Son rower. Arty no** pravlded fur in this <br /> Sec &,y lnstrumectt shall be deemed to have been given to Bontcwer or Lender when given as provided in this pangmph. <br /> 15. Governing Law, Severabitity. This Security ittstrarrnernt shat be governed by federal law and the lava of the <br /> jar'rdi:tim in which :zne property is located in the event that amir wnvisk~ or clause of this. Seeurtty lrtttrurrnentt x the Note <br /> conflicts with, appinc isle law. sur-h earthen shalt not at[ed other provisions of this Security lr•stmffAnt or t e Note which can be <br /> given e:fe with-M 'ht- coat5i ng prcvision_ To this end the provisions of this Security k>VsumtW and the: Note we derma to <br /> be sevemble. <br /> 16. Gorrower's Copy. Borrower shy be grve-n one conformed copy of the Note and of this Setsa#ty' Irstrturnernt. <br /> o r_ <br />