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<br /> a,
<br /> � ��th�Sac�u�It�r�r�ent shalt.bittd and bau�it t�e�`aa� �gaa�t��d Bortmxt�.Ywb�oa+t.�a'�the � ;
<br /> . ` ptav�Sipi�aoip��31i.II�sso�er!$cmveaa�,tisanda caL�e4r�l0e�'sn�.aa�ee�rera�:AayHor�o�r�s�hpc+G�+�t,
<br /> II
<br /> _ . ttuaSecuri3�taseNmentBa�trlase�teucaatot�eNnt� sjtsca�i�piag.tbis3acwitylastnr.m�tonl tofmorc�r�a.g�; .
<br /> � usd cQnvcy t���no�ata'�iatuest Ia Rti�Ft�sgeaty iut&r ti�trams oi.this Sactitity Iagt�urt�al��b3�d�t pa�a�e?,�,�'.
<br /> � , ebli�tad to py tb�e ausas eecinred bp this 5xunty Instru�e�a�!Ic)ag�t�t I�er a�r�r ot��asru8et�tay
<br /> ---=_--_ �eg�a iP�,��R�ur8ear or m�ce anp acaom�nodatians wiffi�egtrd.to tho�rfis o�t4�Sectuaty Tnswnaatt ae
<br /> --- --_=_=� , . t t3�efTotewlthoueth�t�ormwofaounsmR- . . , � . � . �
<br /> ��� ' ` �#.Not�ce�.�iy�vt£�a ear�asroWer pc�itdad far i�n 4tris gacure3Y tn5orui4sentsl�`al1 h�a given Hy d�i ' it ot by —
<br /> � ,��� : . m�p�it trp�rai c�s ma�asele�apglia;abie�1aw req�i:rs me mrY aac�ther c�.TT�e.uo�?ea�tE b��t�� -- -------
<br /> .�.i� - . -=-�'r�:�t;s�a�a�E...--s�»��d�i�s������.4�s�����i.��ve°-�r_.
<br /> :���,'�. �cat cl��i]t�I.es�dd's add��te3 herein os any add�s Leadet d�gnates bp�noiioo w Bon�u�res.4s�aatica - –
<br /> ---- =_- --- pmvIclad for in t�is S�atnisp tr�strum�t.sl�i be daemed ta bave bcen gtv�n to BoFrower or I+en�ar wDen,giqer�us --_..- --- -----
<br /> - _ _ ps+�videdinthispa�b. . " � . . --_
<br /> -�,.� �.� .. ... .
<br /> �� 14.Gov�saia�U►w;Sev�sa6il�tp;�&is SeearitY Ids�um�tsir�l�be eoverned bY faderat!aW aad the ta�oi thp ;:'
<br /> �—���-� �xisdiction ia which t�Fc�pGrty is Iac�tad:I�i�e evett3 4hat aay pmviaiaa at stattso oi ttiie Sac�vity fnsgtrtneat or tf�e - `
<br /> t_..�,s�Y_f'�„�i,�i 1�Tat�sunfllcfsivithap�icabietaw,suchaonfiietsLaltuataffecto3herpmvisionsiitf�thisSecuritYlr�strumeatortheNata _ ____---
<br /> - -w:=_-.���� whia�canbegttves�eHocswiffiouitAeoon�tictingprovision:Tothiseudtheproviffiansaft�.isSecui�t9Instruutentandtl►�,
<br /> _:-_-�:�-�-=���-�;. Nntaar�declanedwbaseverab2� . � ' ' � ` � � .. _
<br /> -,,t � r �� , : . . ..
<br /> u. �ti 3 : _ . , � , . . ' ' _"'
<br /> �."`-'��..�,�, ' 15.Borrawer's Copp$anower ehall be gtven one coafarnied copy of thisSecurity I�sirumen� _-
<br /> _ _ � �'�`1."G�.y! . . . . . . �. ' ___- ___.
<br /> .��%`�� � �. � � � �1!�Assi�nent ct�I�t�Borrowet umtcundit�dtially a�i�s aad trsus�tst+tri�eadet alI tb.e i+eats sud t+�veAUeS 6� - "' • ��� ._ _ ---
<br /> Y:
<br /> �;„.. "�'`., . _ttu.Yrnperty En�ttoxei�a�s�rac`.a�s 1.endeF ot t.ende�'s�er►ts to wllect ffie re�Es�rid revenues and hi�eby du+ocat� =4
<br /> .en
<br /> .- .- -.-- teaant T��iip:to p�e�ie�+eats ta#�ader or�Ledder's agpait��Ho�v�ver;'pai�r tio�Lender's notise ta�Bor�o�r.afi� �
<br /> � B atnow e t's�3�n i aay oavman t or�g�n�a t in the�ecuri t y T�e p men��aixaaver aba11 wl�aad raxiva aIT catt�,�:;: �.;�+E '� _--
<br /> - � ' - , �ad revenues r��Fi+opect�as tnrsoee&rrthe beaefitai£E�ep.der�is,�7donower: tTJS�s,' a�signmeut of reats�nstat�a�rn,:�� --
<br /> "' ai�llutea�ig�meataadaotaaasdgnmentforadditfatt�lt�gc�iily. .' . ;;.' . t�+ ¢ __
<br /> '. , . ;' �:;,."It I.ender g�ve,s aotia af breach to$artower:{a�r�aeu�s�ceiveil by Bor►��r ebali he held by BQi��r as V�t�< -��=
<br /> ' � ' �ii�r benei"it oi Len�tar only,to be eppued�q:tlr�suias seoisiod by tbe Seciieity tiis�men�(b)I;ender shnf1h��ie mtitle�tr�';•. :r.
<br /> } . sh � �.
<br /> `;.,;�-- ��`}; _' cqllectandteceiveallofthereatsoithel�'t�'s:��rkg;and(c)eacbtenanto4ttteProperiyshalipa8a�treaisdueanduapaidbta," '�'�•.
<br /> � I.�nder or Lende�saReatore t.�mde�s writ�, ,�d.�o the tenanL :' ,:. '''='F :�.�'.�
<br /> �, �� ''`�`-�orrower has rrot es�iur►y priar assi�lC i�d�e r�Ats and has nat.�will not perf�orm ea�?.�t ttiat Wouid,. � :..,
<br /> � f �:...:. „ . ,.. ,.�•: r ;:,.a ��� _
<br /> . �� ,;,;�. ��i►tLeaderfmmeaercis�r�.�righbundert��pt���.': `: i.,". ;;�.:�:�,::: ;•, �.,: --
<br /> ''''' � �„r,',�'} ._
<br /> •�t�,�t:eade�t sball aoi be ci��a en ,on,tsk�s��cor��ebl���tsrt�aaintain th���'c`�perty before or after�rii;�i��totic�t s f , ,,'" Y.
<br /> `r �•`.. �b�acb to Bor��rsr.HPwever.f.ender;a�+��liciaily appninted:t+�a�t:�-er may do so at any tiffie there is a$rescit.���''.:` ,.:�.�{;;.` :
<br /> �t:,:.�•�• ; .
<br /> . � ' , . applitataonoi��sUal1notcureorvraiY�sn�defau1torinvatid�iat3F'!�therrigAtorremedqA��.ender.Thiesa�gitC{'t.�s;�;.,;'� ,. . .. ,,c,
<br /> . � ',. .��,�tsof�haPrr�pe�tyshslltermiaate��stliedebt�dby�+*�5ecuritylnstrumentispas�iafull. {� . :i: :,a:
<br /> �;>,;; .. . ; ...... . . � w ,._
<br /> .. '`, f�1�FpRMCOVSNAN'I`S.Borroc`veraudLenderfurthercovenantandagKeasiollow� ,` , �`
<br /> ,.f. . .
<br /> �:� !}. �' f�;'-'���' ':�� 1'7.Foreclosore Praxdure.Ii Leader requlres imme8iate payment in ioll onder(�rira$aph 9.Leader msg;.::. • '�';�„y,=`_
<br /> '����� iavoke the power ot sate sad aay otber rtmedies permitted by applicable 1sw. Le w, #c�s shatl be entitted 40� ' ��"�
<br /> . coltect al!e:ponsss inearred in pursuing the remedies under t6is paregraph 17,incfndiflg,but ,acs&;timi4ed to. ...,��' � ,:: '�-.�,,�'.._�_._,:,
<br /> . , � . . . reasoaable attorneys fees snd costs of titte evidsace. � . � - � q �
<br /> � - . ��;�:��`:` ;se�°`';,,
<br /> - � .:� �; _ If the pow�r of sa�t:�involced,Trustee shall record a natice oi detautt���each cour�ty in which iay part��a�, ' � �. '_�%.:';r,=
<br /> . .. � ���� <"':. the Pro�erig;ii�iocated amd shall.rt�iu�:copies oi sucb�aotice in tAe maanat pre�cri�6y applicable is�'i:t�;�, ' �. - : .`=�`,�a ,�`;
<br /> � . ' "S:�� Bonower sa�tto t�e othe�persoas�scribed by,applicable taw.After EP�e time ra�dQed hy appltcable lfii�;� -;�'���_
<br /> � `' '�•� � ` Taustee s14a11 Sive public notice of sa1'�to the persons and in the manner�S�ribed by appl�cable Lsw.Trustee ��������` ,�T'
<br /> . ,'r ,.. � • , c . , :� ._.' '^„
<br /> � �` .� ' ' , ,_,c��4laout dems�d on Bonower.sLall sell the Property at public auctioa i�t�tiie 6igftest bidder ut ttle time and � �"
<br /> . .4,t,: . .. . . .,
<br /> ,.��,;� .: .` . � . ,.•rr�!s.:
<br /> , � :;i��;•. ,.�` < <'�k�� e and uader the terms d�signats�im the notice of ssle in one or mdre parceLs and in any o'ra3er Tsostee , . ` -y,�� ,
<br /> . ': '`-i;:.',�,• :�� ' � @c�ermines.Trustee rtuy postpoa�r�.�af all or any parcal of the PropertY bY Pnblic anaouacemeat at tho , ... , . _::����;._
<br /> :. . .. ,�.�.,�, „ •::�;� �.,.. .
<br /> - �_ . . tn+aae�nd pl:ce of suy previously�iir�te d sa ie.L an der or its designee msq pu:c has�e t he P ro g e rt y a t aay .;;,,,,�sa�, ,
<br /> ' ! �+S• ��r� � , . . - .�; •
<br /> ..'�ifp��r,{�,; .. .' . .• .. •;��1� ..``��:, ' � . .
<br /> Y(
<br /> . � � , ' Upoa raxipt o! pnyt».ecit n� the price bid. Trustee sha11 delivcr to the purchaser Trosteds dee4
<br /> i r:;'j'�';f l
<br /> �. ' . . .. �'•.,:;. �. .
<br /> ,;��,
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