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<br /> - —;. .�'ix€u�3-isc�w�R'6��e p�tt;AS,tt�;,pr�pe;ty_ s4l1`��.and.adds�or�s�ai�o�b�c.crvatd�3r ttus�5�c,tirity. .` . ` ,
<br /> ' , .�a�meat:�Ai!'of t&fm;eguiag is���ea[�t ta�itY�;'Se�curi�Y.aas�,as�ie.'P�peit3'-" • ; <. �: .. : �; ; _ . . .
<br /> - : H�1tROqfI�R€G1�Y+tA�;4'S t6a��G?itov�ier•is iaw?fuliy seis.��f tPse�{at�here�ycsa�rFyed xud it�s 3Se ri�st_to geant�nzt�.` '
<br /> -- - , `tot�'u�+t�`�i�y�snd tt�at ti�e Pm�rty ls��n�s'ex(�fo�e�am�ra�res Af c+c�rd.Rortow�r a�azraa€s,apd�V�11, � '.
<br /> ° , : �&f€t�d titYe 3ee a4e t�il daims and dem�rid�.su6' [o �`radoes of rxar�:� ','� -.,: : . �
<br /> $s�ees�l�?•l�s �op�ry� S� �Y`
<br /> ---- .� ;�::�r SF�fJ�'PY lNS'I'ftUMENT QumbiAes enifoma cavenaa�ts o�aationa!�ssie?.�xl.nnn-uaifo�i'cnvmants�wit9li.�ira3�
<br /> - , � v�ria�n�bYl..axis�rcd�n w tsniastiart�a aaifaire�socan'ty,in5traa�t oave�i�eat propeYtjt�;"' ` . . . .. . . `�
<br /> �. �RM CaVENAP,I'�'S..$atio�veca�I+ender Qave�nt ar�d agre�as�fs�lYpws: � .. � .
<br /> " � .l�,�rm�t_t�#Aindp¢I s�14 ta�ei�C: �t�ym�t md:��• �vrrowcr shall�?�mF�S't�Y wberi d��
<br /> �-T- --� _ . . . _
<br /> -- ---- �' �rinc'npa�t ofakd iate�es#am tbe deu�;evi�ce�'Cby�hhe 1�Ia[�.�dany��r�ayzaent a�d t�e`cf�ccs dne u�der tf�e Ka�. - - -- - __ --
<br /> - =- s�t�it3r itia��•�Suojzi.i ai�i�t�fe�u3 u7�� ��c, �isy-i��.$.... .. �!-��s.=— .,_
<br /> - ' I$T�det ai+t3is daY ri�apt�y�pay�s�are dr�u�r t1�e,NQ3�,un�tl�e Nois is paid in fuSt;a s�{"Fauds"1 for.€a)7�9�
<br /> "_ �acwccmr;,t�vlttC�i��l•2tt�prioxiry over dnS Se�rity i�tt as a Lteu an the Prope�y:{b)year3y.IeaseteoY�p�ttnents .
<br /> - - = os.gro�t��tts oa Lt�..�tup�Tty,if aay;(e)Y�Y��F�I�rtY�PT�`mirrma;�dy,ycurJy.4to�!it15UTa1tcC}�2em�s.
<br /> ' if t►ny;(e}ye�rly mortgag{e Iasarance p�u�s.if anyr;ari+�(fl auY gttns payable 6y Bosmwe�ta I.eader,�m zs�s�aace with _
<br />_ ttr�.��avasi+�ns of��8,:i�z�i�t�of the gay�ent.o€�age insara�cc premiu�s.�ese items aza c�ed°F4ps��Y items.'
<br /> • I,e��may,at an,y tir�e, onit,.ct a�hoid Funds in an ai�(�at not w eicc:ee�the�amoun�a ten�ter fc�:�:�itg
<br /> " relaLed tica�ge toaa may m�yulre faz Bosro�ter's�vw ac+C�aa�he ur„�1�.federal Rc�t�state Settt�rient Pr�s�Act uf
<br /> - 19T4 as a�frqtt�ttate ta time. 12 U.$.C.Section 26(!1 ei seq.,r�"� ; �.,li'),itnless aaather Iaw thai a�piiss to tl�Funds - .
<br /> sGs a lesser aresou�t.If so.t�eader maY.at anY time, coltect aad�Iiat��"�ds in an amouat nflt w exaeed the�'a�omnt.
<br /> . " .��der may estimate the amnunc of Fu�s due an th�basis Q�.cmterit`�'ata and masonabte estim�es of eapendi�l'f?eS'af futare
<br /> �Eseaoar.Itemsajoilieiwis�inaabNa�eewttty applicabtelaeu:.. :, ' , �-
<br /> — - � The�i�shall.be heId in au im-�tio�whase�osits aze insured by a federal ageacy, ir�swmeat�li'ry. or';earity ,
<br /> �_ ,(iactuding L"�dcr,if Lender is;suc�an insuti�tian}ar ia auy Fedecal Hqine#�oan Bang_teader s5a}I a�ti�t3�e F�ds.Yq pay ttm: .<
<br /> . Fscmw Items:I�cnder may nbt charge BoYiiawer fo:hoSd'uig anA agplying the Funds:annualty anatq�:l�escra��count,or�
<br /> �vpifying the�Escrow Ttems,uatess Lender pays Bormwer interest oa the Fundg and applicable law pe�mii5�Iz�i�iake sach �
<br /> _�" a cfea�ge. However.Lender may re�uire Borrower to pay a�one-time diarge for aa iiidegendent re�!estate;fi�r.��.�a�service
<br /> _ — used by'Lender in connection aith dns loan, an2ess applicabie law prnvides otherarise. UNes.c�;��t¢`':#��made ar
<br /> . .. . f., �,.�..
<br /> -- - _-___.s*� app2isab�e lav��equites intemst w be paid,Lender shal!not.tie requueii�tq,pay.Bomuwer auyr intete�':iin�F��p the Funds. � - -
<br />�--=--:�=��"= . Bornuwer aud Leaden may agn�in writing.,however.tuat interest shatl=tis paid oa the Funds. �%�lf giv�m Bor�ower, _--- -
<br /> ..��; •�- vrittx4ut charge.an annual aa��nting of the Funds,showing credits and debits w tfie Funds and the purpose�ir:�vhicb each
<br /> w�i�:���
<br /> _ `":"''r�•.�"� debit to the Fuards was r►iade.'�e�unds are pledged as additional securiry for all stttns secared 6y this Securi�yr Ios�ment. -
<br />�°�"='�'�~'�� If tlie FwYds�eid 6 �ceed the amounts mriued to be held b a 1ua61e law.Leader sha11 aocount to Barrower ---- _
<br /> =�,�:�g.�.�;���- Y�; P� Y PP� _-
<br /> �esa�.��if��.,a;'�, for the excess Funds in acoordap;oe with thc �requircments of applicabte law. If the amount of the Fuhds Geld by Leadet at auy - °
<br /> .:�°r ._., :
<br />�;�� �<;.. , time is not safCtoient to pay the Escrow Itecz��iu�en due.Ixttder may so noafy Borrower in writing.�nd,in such rase Borrower ,�.�
<br />��r°� shall pay to I.ender the arnount.aeeessary ta��&e up the deficiency. Borrower sha!!make up the deficlency in n4 more than
<br />'�., . avelve monfhtY i�Yments.az I�c�'s sote d;sccetion. -----
<br /> :.��t:2}{.�� U il �
<br /> — ,, po payment in fiil�of t�ld..sums secured by this Security Tnstrument. Lender shal!prompdy refund ta Borrower any
<br />�£��:�,�:,,;:;�f'`t`' ' Furtds hetd by Lxnder.If,under�pai•agraph ZL•.I.ender shall acquire or selt the PrapeRy.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale �.
<br />