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<br /> - >,r�:., '; R9�is aoaveyanoe is intended for ths piupose ot see�a[s�tha yaymeat W Beneficiary of Z�nsWt�promiasciy aote ot even date ia t6e � ��-� .
<br /> . ,,.f,�,f<, �
<br /> •>st,r�;j�;'; amoaat stsled above es`Rbml of PaymenteP.Sai3°foaal of Paqmenb"ia reyapabte ia the namber of moatL�q inat�e*te sLted�5ovo.
<br /> '. r,•;.`�,`,,"<'` T6e amamrt of the iastalmrmt pagmeats due an said laaa is e1at�above.The 6rst and fi�i:i�t due dates aa seid loaa a:e statsd .. �� �:`�.
<br /> ,''�r� ebove.Paymeat may be�ade in advanae in an amo�t at ' � -- -
<br /> 9 c►n9 time.DetanIt in�sakinS��JG.1+�Y�at.ehell,at the Benefrciary's oyt�aa ; -...,-�._
<br /> . �`.''�'.;,�, sad without aottce oz dem�d.�ades tha entire aupaid 6af�,sce af eafd toaa at onee dae aad y�#3bie.less aay tequired�bate ote�arges. � ° ~ �.;-.
<br /> . `. �.���t�'.�' �0 D[OtCI'��10 B�IIliy Oi Ch]D BECd Of'h'IIBL.'�tI8t0!COY2a3IIf8 8Gd OgZ+Cf� �j� �v� '��y •
<br /> ; �e :
<br /> ; . `.;Y?����`{��,� 1.Rb geep the pmperty ia gooa�ond;tion aaa repair;w permit no wr�lbereos;w aom Iete aay hai . ... . ':;, �{,<
<br /> ''. ,�"ti�`; being buiIt or a6ant to 6e Nuilt theiean;W rBSWee m +�^ p t�8.stracdue or imymaemeaL ,-
<br /> ' D� F�9 any 6ni.a�,n�`s�Zneture os impmvement thereon wAicr msy be damaged ur � - ^�::x � _
<br /> ' . des4oye�end to wmD1Y a�:stl,�lawe.aedinaaces.�u�ati�raver�,'�:+as►�di6ons and reserietions affe�ng the pmpertq. . .
<br /> e ...r . . • .� ,. . � � ..
<br /> LO I[ C}38 ':..:
<br /> 1�1�f. ; .. - ' 2 To pay befo:e duliAqe�a3L 1swfL!ta:es aad as�i�irs tlsrr'�+ePertY: � P��S+free and Cteas ct it3r othes charges, , „ .. .�:�,;.��,
<br /> ����s_ .. Uenaosenaimbsancesimpcefisi��t�eeecaritgofthislleedcf.'�'rni�:.,;�:•�•. ,, ' :�: ; �1�i,x�-�'�
<br /> 9.To�ee➢aD bnildie�aaw or herea�fe�ted on tT:�•yc+bpeny dr�sibed herein wntinuously insu:ed against losa�by fire or ot�er ~';••
<br /> �"� , • . . herarda in an amo�t ant lese thaa Lhsi.t,a�+�3:�ebL secured by this Oc�of 9`rue�AIl policies ehall 6e�g1d by the Benefldary,and be . '.. ��1. _�i i
<br /> .. . •,•,�,;�,•� ' in euch oampanies as tbe BeaeficiaiY�Fr a�ppve and h8ve loas payable fiiat W the Beneficiarg as isls cptemst a�ay apyear and then • •' ;5:,'•' �
<br /> t, ,_,. •. • ,::'1��ti�'r,: to the 74aswr.The amount coll�ted u-a�ar�y ins�rance policq maq 6e appl;ed n indebtec�nr,�w la�reb eecured io eneb order as . •,1z�: ;:- • ' '
<br /> � , �.:`.. ' the Benefictary el�all detesiv3a�Sueh a��ion 6y the 8ene�ciery eliall not eau�se d'utc�antiauanar�.K�y pmceedit�W foreetose tAis . _ '��'i:�'. . .;
<br /> ��' ' �.,-,.:.f,.�';.;".e. .
<br /> _ �o L�;';;_.. , , + �- •Deed of Trust or eure or waic�eny defau[t�.zoNce of defaa9L or ipvalidnte any eet done�pt.tz��Ii swtioe.ta the event of foresloanse. � r� '..��. ,.
<br /> r.`���'�:�: <<;,���c, aU r3ghte otthe Trustor in iasmanoe polidi�'"ti�en in forees4ia11 pass to the punchaser at titr�fii►s�losuc��ir. •°f�' ' .
<br /> e
<br /> '.i�r�i;,.'':>ryt���,�rM��.,.; . . . .jr�}P��,�',,.
<br /> f•. • �, 4.To obtata the wrlVen ooasent of Bec�dtieixiry 6efose sElling.coavepf�or otherarlse trpi�.sferrin �tL<e • . . p nr�`�. .
<br /> � �'i � g � Dmi�riY or aay part thercwf� ti� _
<br /> ,:��, r�tl..�'• ; � eny ettch ea1e.canveyaace or tran�'er witqeuC tlSS$enelictazy's�wrltten�ttk shall conAtitute a defauit under the tera�s herEOt . ,,�*�i •:, - .
<br /> ;.�,��,�,t`,"�}�� .. : 6.To defend any actien aa DscoaedIeg Pnrporting to effect the�enirity[i�st'ar the d�t�cr powers ot Beneficiary or TtustEe. � [ .. .
<br /> .. •y' . '•:t� .
<br /> •�,, i'.` : 6.Shoutd 7�uetor falt tn when due any ta=es.ess�tnsr�ts,insuranea remiam�liens.eacumbraacea or other r,�`i; :.� ; .
<br /> � D3Y P rhr�ee againet the `;..,
<br /> ��,t�:; , y �;,,, i .
<br /> _ pmpertq hereina6ove dea�'bed,Beneficiury mny pay the•FAme,and the amount so aid.with interesE at the rate sat�fcstA in the note �r •
<br /> _ {".� .�-, -. . :.^ seturcd he=eby.aholl be added W and beoome a part of the de��t 3ecured in this Ueed of Trust as permitted Dq law. ' ��:jft;�. • ' ' •. .
<br /> !e� .
<br /> `<? i7'I3MUTIlAL1.YAG1iEEDTHAT: �, •i�'t;�•:'.,..:;?.,1�y;��'::�.
<br /> y . . .f ,r:. ,�. .,i,':�ti
<br /> � , qa:i', f t.. �'r,�r'y',1•!.';�.
<br /> � .. . . •;t,;t�,;�:• 1.In the eveat eay portIon of the pmperty is teken or damaged ia an eminent domain yrooceding,the entlre amatmt a!the awand �'s,"'' ��;t��y+F�`•;•}�
<br /> ur sueh on thareat ae ma be n � `}'�r•.' ,,:;�,,.
<br />- i,;� :;:, � V� Y eoeasery to tiilJy satiefy the obligation serured hereby.shal)be paid to Benelfciary W be ayplied to +'j'•.,��; _ ''��,�':i ' ' .
<br /> ;#c�i��;�� � eafd obligatina. 1.;�,;... .
<br /> ��11�4/'r.. �i��1���1: . , �
<br />_',.�; lt�,a�f�.;. - 2.By aocepting paymoat of any sum sceueed heeeby after its dite date.82tteficinry dota naL waive ite right to requi�prompt payment . .
<br /> c `��3;'•. . when due ota11 othe�s�tme so seeurFd or W deetare deCunie for tailure W ao pay. .
<br /> ' �,"•• • ';,'. 8.R�e Traatee ahall ieaanvey all or any part o4 the property mvered by this Deed of 1Yust W the peraon entl@ed theiew.an written '
<br /> • �:,;. . , reqnerrt af the T�ustar and the Beaeficiary,or upon satistaetion ot the obtigotion seeured and writtea request for n�coaveyenae made by � �
<br /> c '� ' the Benefidary or the peeson entiued therew. f • '
<br /> �, � . 991 C91(NE� ',�` ' �.
<br /> ,y�;-' �
<br /> � • .._- - - � ' '. •
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