Z . � y� V �,p�,�,; - _-
<br /> t •�„_,� , y x - v��L=
<br /> � +, � a 1��3 �+�. . ..� . . _
<br /> `•,3�;r L L;..' __ -
<br /> . � �_ - -
<br /> _ . ,., _ __ ._
<br /> J; t,� �;, ._ =.r,• ,..> -: . �� . �-� . .. - - ... . - . • , __ _
<br /> : :;r�. . �� . . .. , . _... ,.-_ , •. c........ c . ,: .
<br /> .i ` � .. . , . • . . , . ' ; � . ` � t` , � ' � '
<br /> _ .��___ � . -- �= . �- � . . ��� ;�,��� ..� ':� � • . _
<br /> _ - . • .. candemn�tan or ot�c�cIng of uny.psirt�6f thv.��Y►anfb�canvey�ca in�!{e��can�cm�tEan,�rc t�cr�by a5�i�nct���i �,
<br /> - - — --� � ' •�ha11 pe puid�0 lretzder. � � . , `. • �, • ; .
<br />_-- - • IrF ut�aveat of a mtul tak,tng a�the prnperty.t31s pzacecds sl�afl b�.�lieat ta titc �um�srs�m.�t,6y tlus.5scurttg. ,� 4
<br /> - -- tnsinutt�nt,�rhC{Aer or,��t th�n`due,witA at�y ex�gss p�d ta Borrawer. In the cven�of.n pa�iu!taking aF�}t�i�rnperty�it . ,
<br /> � ��hich ahe fa�r�ket v�l�s o�tha Ptaperty"�mmcdi�tsjy 6sforN the taking�is�ua�ta or gt�tet t�ari the amaunt oF t��uma , , : .
<br /> - ' s�ciu�ed Dy,thts Seceviry[nsuun�ent Immediutely 6et'ara tAc tadci g.unics9�u�w�e nnd i,er�ter.nthe�+vise a�ree in writing. . ..
<br />- -- - _--- ,. the cri�s s�.-cur�d 6�this Security�Instru,mgnt shal!be reduccif�by the ainount of the pr�eeds inaltl�l�es16y ths`fa!lowing. � _. �
<br />__ - -- -----;� fructian: (a)`�fi�total amaunt of che sums secured irattrtedlatety beforc+c#�s 1u4cin�.dtvided 6y(b)th�fafr ma,-ket�uc of th�
<br />�' ----� - PeopertY imm�dIately tiefare the taking. Aay.halanc�sttal!be paid to Borruwer. !n the enent of o partt�f tnkin�o�the
<br />_.y �� � pca{�rty tn whicE�the fa,ir markei vatrse�of tfte Pcoperty irt�ediatety 6e€are the tniciiig,is Icss th�t the atnuuet bf tha ssains
<br />�`'x> i
<br />='�` secar��ty hefana tt�c�gg�unies„�Harsn:vrr sstul-l.�ades oik�n�rLss ngre�in ti�rnitln�or un(e,s.g ogp �
<br /> ---- - --- iIc�ht.. w
<br /> ' :��uise�+reu�les;�#�rQCe��s�be 2�+sC�to�Te-s+�s,�ryfe-d hy 1111s�urity IASIiuAteRt sNhCth2.t Of ltQt tfle�ilms�Ie_. _ ---
<br /> -- _ _ �--,._ .
<br />= thep due. , _ — --
<br />- If the Ftapecty es a6andaned by 8orrower.or if.ufter notice by Lender to Bamavrer that the condrarmor offers to make
<br />- �.aa a�vara or seute a cIaim for dnmagcs.Borrower faiis w resgnad to Leader within 30 days after dte date the nolice is given.
<br />- 1 ender is authorized to cottect nnd appty the prasee�ds.at its option.either w rrstorution or rep�ir of the Prapercy es to dFe.
<br />= sams secured by tius Securacy Lisuumen��vheiher or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bnrrower otherwise agPe in writing,any application of praceeds tu principa!shail aot extend or' ,
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in patagraghs 1 and 2 or ct�nge ihe amount of such puyments. ; ,
<br />_ �,,'"�, 11. Borracvqr Not Reteased; Far6easu�toe By Lender Net.a Wa'sQien Extensian of tRe time for gaymeat or
<br />_ - , modification oY a�arti7arioo of the sums secur�hy this Securiry Inst�ument gianted by Lender to any suocessor in inte�st •
<br /> an
<br /> _ . o€°.�acawer'shaII aut operate to reIease the IiaDility of the original Barmwer ar Bmmwer�successars in intenesi.Le�dxr • .
<br /> '..;�� .. ' shall aot be reqaued to ca�ence pmceeding agamst anp suocessor in intetest ar iefuse tn extend tiime for payment Qr �
<br />- � '" � � otherwise modify amvmzation of dte sums secured by ttis Sec�uityr tnstrament 6y reawn of any demand made 6y the origina�
<br />- '�'�''_`�" � Eorrowe�or Bormcver's suco�s�s in inteces� At�y forbearance by Le:cder in exe�sisiag any right or reme�y shall rtot be a --
<br /> ',r,�`':�'i<w,n:�r • � . . , .
<br /> _ :,:•;�fr.u.;•�;:�; waiver o or preciud�the exereise of any right ar mmedy.
<br /> .. , ;., ,:,...r
<br /> `-1'`"' IlZ. Su�essors'aiEd Ass€gn§$onnd;doint and Severa�idability;C�s3gners The covenanu and ag�eements of tfiis .
<br /> . ;�.-..::,..`��• t•�;, .: _ ---�----�-Sec�ievinstru�tent shall-biadand6ertefitthe-successols-and.assrgns.of.l.eetdetaad_Barrower,�ubject.to_the..pxo�risis�ns�f _--- .-
<br /> ,�.,�.:,�,,,.,.. �c; . ---
<br /> :�:.�'j' � H 17.Borrower�s covens�nts and menu shall[� 'oint and severul.An �ariower who co-sa t6is Securi � _
<br /> _:. ,��➢o r;,; ". � paragr�p; � s Y � tY' _ _ .__
<br /> '�`u;:'.�'-"''':•.r:.-'-'.:.:;� Instrument but daes aot execate the Note: (a)is co-signittg this Security Ia�uamem only to mortgage,grant and wnvey ihat _-_
<br /> #`" � � Borrowet�s interesc i�the Pcopecty under the temns of this Securiry Instramen� (b)is atot peisonally obligated to pay the suuns - ' -
<br /> . . �,. ��: ; . • .,. ,
<br /> .. .:. - -
<br /> �� ~� ' secu�ed by this Saaaity Inson,men�and(c)agrees that Lendes and any ather Borrower may agee to extend.mndify,forbear - _
<br /> � "-"`� . • • -_ or ffiase any a000mmodadons.svith.regard.to 1he.terms af tb�is_Security_Instnunent or the Note_withaut_that_Borrower's
<br /> ., {�a � � _ . .._ .. ..- - . _
<br /> �, � ' cous�t. , _
<br /> - � ''iy�.�, � 13. Loaa ,qa.�es. If the 2oan secured by this Seatrity Instrume�'r3 is sub}ect to a law tivluch sets maximina loan °--•, ;
<br /> �t".", ..f>���" ` � �:� `:. charges,and th�1?�zis finally interpreted sa tiiai the interest or other i�sn�harges coltected ar to be co�Iected tn connertion �;;�:.
<br /> � y � -
<br /> � ',ti' , , . witd the loan exca�.l:i�ie permitted limits,then: (a)any such Ioan char�e.�6ail be reduced by the amouncnecessary to reduce �.'^�
<br />_ �;`��`�_.•n 4y'����� j s ;,�.,. +. .�, � the charge to the��ssitted Gmi��ttd�(b)any s►uns already collected from Borrower which exceeded peaisitted limits will be � � — ;
<br /> ,��l�- � •' •� , refunded to Borr�:s�i Lender may chaose tv make this c+efund 6y reducing the principal owed under the Note or by maiting a `.t�:•::�, '.�
<br /> ''� ' y�� '7�i,"•`;rr!; ....'+..,�
<br /> � ����<,����`�� direct payment to�o�tower. If a refund reducss principal.the ieducdon will be treated as a partis►1 prepayment without any �..�i`��
<br /> .`�' �� '�� {�.. P�tPa3+ment char.r��cder the Note. _ ;:
<br /> • ;, `'°"�
<br /> :'� ,�,�":� ,, 14. No�icE�.",kny notice to Barrower provided for in tiris Security instrument sha116e given by delivering it or by •� 'z ¢cr.�,.. --
<br /> .�;- ;,, . . mailing it by fic:T�d;�:ss mail unless applicable law c+eqains use of aaother raetiiad.The notice shall.be directed to the Ptoperry ;' •l`�,,;.. _ .�;�"
<br /> �;:� .� ' Address or any o�Cer address Boirower designates 6y noace to Lrader�'':any notice to Lender shail6e given by fi�st class ��" ,°
<br /> - '": �.�f;!,:°i. :,`"' ;.� mai!��o l:ender's address stated herein or any other aaldress Letiderdesig�atec by notice to Bomnwer. Any nauce provided for , '_ � ' r :�
<br /> •• � in�s:a��urity Instnunent shall be deemed to have been =�en to Borrower or l.ender�vhen given sis p�ovided in this ._�
<br /> : 7 ;.,
<br /> '�{3 , r pdi'ay,�'; ��
<br /> , ' ,��.+�et+7i�r�L.aw;Severability. This Security Instrument s�i1:t�e govemed by federal law and the law of the ! �
<br /> r. .__ � "`
<br /> . � jur:s.:;�r�ar:,a in�;lia�s ,��roperEy is Iocated.,L'21fnr event tErat any provisic�s+sr clause of this Security.trESutanent or the Note �.v� ,
<br /> ~• • '• �k` '� '�': • , cc�t`tju�,ti Nith a}�:a::�'�e;law��:��'conflicc s#%IA iu�t affeet att:er pro�•isions of[his Security Instrument or the Note which can � • � �- • . -;`'��`' �=';:
<br /> t' ,� '. �
<br /> �x�����.���'• � . h�;: ��effect a�7o�at:'.:e�ictin rovision. Ta thcs a'�;�the rovisions of this Securi Instrumem and the Note are �-` �'S?�, '���`• '•F
<br /> ;�a Y , , .
<br /> � S P P iY ,. ��,�^�S�F� ,
<br /> ' .;,,���, . Ga��-�uf�o he s:verable. ,� . ..... .r,,�;ti;��t � : .,�. -
<br /> :{, • E�"a, Borro�er's Copy. Sias;ower shall be given one q.rrl'cirmed copy of the Note are�uf thic Security.lnstrument • ;i�"��,�5�`r °• �„��
<br /> �; , . 1'�. '[lransf�c�if the Property or a BerteP�cial Interes�c�Borro�ver. If all or any pan of the Property or any interest in � �'_-��
<br /> . {:' it is sold or transtarred(or if a beneficial interest in Bonower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) . .�,�;''�`+�
<br /> '��. " • . . ' �,:. •. •,,;• c°
<br /> �;..;;. ::';;. • without Lender's prior written consent,l.ender may,at its�ptioa,require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by .: � .', ' .. .• • . .•�
<br /> :��a�,. -• ' this SECUrity Instrument. However,this option shal{not t�c:�,:rcised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal la4v ss ef. . . � � '
<br /> _ ..:��,1"�i��',y...{.-?*,�,..�.
<br /> _ . `' the d�e of this Secµrity Instrument. • • ' ; ���{�,y� .' �
<br /> .'-' � � ' u : ��• If Lender'�er.�ises this option.Lender�i11 give Bi�rru•?i•er notice of accelerution. The notice s6al1 provide a peee�ni c: , r,':'.,ti�`;�h �
<br /> ;��1;$ �'•'r�'�'- �� � �� " . not[ess than 3��isy�t`rom the date ihe notiec::s ci::livered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aCQ sums secured by this ; ,,.�.,,;?vf>R°� .., •. ;j,,.
<br /> t�};•' � ' � . � . Securiry Instnut�u., !f Borrower fails to{sa4 d:ese tiums priar to the expiration of this period.Le�ier may invoke any ��� ;'�r';�'' .: Y,+,��.;
<br /> .�:�;r.:�,,.... .. � ' :'�'��4!:t>,... {.�.,.:
<br /> c.;:.;.`:�:�4,� . . y �'.�+i. ;. .��.. .. :•
<br /> _ .;,s{,,,,;,�, .,: .. remedies permitte�[��r this Securit Instrumert uztAout further notice ar demand on Boirower. • r,� ,
<br /> �� ?i • 1S. Borrocs�'s�ight tm Idpinstate. tf�orrower meetc cenain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have �••'�.'�ryiy�i � ..
<br /> . '�.'t`� '•;.,;:�.-. �,,�y�a,.;,�:
<br /> _ � �� , enforsement of tl�ia s�curity fastiumcnt diacuntir.ued at any time prior to the eadier of: Ia15 days�or such other periai as '� ,,;,,�;.�;;;:: ..._; ,
<br /> ;i, 'i� _ .
<br /> Singfe Family—Fannie aLtc'GreddFe Muc l�ti1F(1A�)11fiTRi:�1F:ti'f'-•Unifnrm Covcn:mts 9/90 �r��e a,jb pa,qesi . .
<br /> ,�.
<br /> , ;
<br /> 4 . . , . . .. . ,. . . . .: . • ."_. . ' . . • , . • .'. .. . . .. ;; _i_ +, _
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