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<br /> i� � ' .�.��o-..� ,� ..:2. ---
<br /> 'j� - �p:,��r: -� .- -i - � n - - - --—
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<br /> __ .._ .<�_.t� . . ..�� — - — -
<br /> .�« .`L� . ��<�-. . .f` ... . �M':✓'�"lT-:Y�Ei`r"n�.�R'^'m.�xvl'S+^�T_"T��'�
<br /> _:�.'Y'4,a_' . . ' �}�: tL__� ,.`` `l. ) �� ' ,f, '1 (s .
<br /> - - ..4�� _ ' . "`��.� ' �.� . � -',�l x • ' � . ' - ' `•3 ,�._1. .� � _ ..
<br /> __ ; ;f',�c<< , , • , . F ... ti����'�����a
<br /> — � _ �:�. �'t�� ;.�tVf�1E utl�ti��tcu,�ariivemg�si�;��f�c�c�tip�¢a�ier�t�nt��+an r�ia�sc�prs�y:��aa��a , , ,
<br /> _`— . ' :'&A{��Xi ,iiRl�`fx�fil�{[.�f��CT S�ATt 4,�: � , i✓.�1�rA�iC�ti01��>�t�.��tfQAB St1A���.'i�5tt f1i''iA'iyE[�d��3t�, ���Y�..Y .
<br /> { 5
<br /> _- �.���;" "tIIE'CftiiT�:.��:iAF;��OS��AiD$!&?�ff[Ct� ���L`Ctit��{;�tt�ICR��+����14ji�':' , F; .,: _' . . ' ..,-�,-:'�.�- . -.Y ---
<br /> Li,Qit�i;�t,��a1�3�.�7iac B�rmw��c J.��!��w€t�r�seisert af thu ea�.ata,hur�3��►vcy�ans�is�s th��ri�u to:g�ii" .
<br /> aud,rr�cs�;�n��*tr►�;�rty;an�:[�x the Propacy 9s misact�r�kar��excepE�+�r�nautrt�r,t�ccs b€it�. #�6rz�wer w�ri�atats l�id';
<br /> � • wil��f�q��it�ir�{i)Z?.'�ie ti�ic to tix Pcape�`t3y agaut�t at�!�,1{tipts�,Qdamantts,sub,�ect w�ut�at��trmE�+a�at�urd.•;� '., , . �,,:
<br /> TNi�:S� '�thY Il�ST�tUl4�T camb�ns��`�z,ca�rea�nts.far asrta�l�se�_a�d rec�c-un3fo��:c�uanAnt�,�s�th":.
<br /> --- tim3tt�9.vr.�frMitIF1�Yl�i;t�oa fo cansc'scutea nnifpr�.°s�cit,i'.;tnasaument covai�in�reai pmp�r�y. >, �
<br /> — �'N��3f,.�� . .. . : , r�,�.,.., . •..�:. � .V � ,. �
<br /> '"CfJi?E141AN7'�. Borrawrr-and.L�nQercot�tt�d sgr�e t�foltaws:�� ', . � `
<br /> _ , . .
<br /> L. F�t��3nd�I�Eateresi;.�re�Y� I.a�e_��ar�Bo�ca�rr�6�11 pt�mpti�.: . wh�n d�e t� �
<br /> — . - aa� _.. - --- --
<br /> � grfnca�al o�c�nd ietcrest on tt�deiH evidenoed by th�Ntote and c+ny pieDayr,m�nt�n4lat��t�a�s�ue��N�.�, __ _ _ - —
<br /> --_==�`�Hs vr-a"',n�a'�G i�--.,.�:��,�ci ta upp�ic�orTac�or to a vntltten�wa7ver�y Lendet;�asrawcr ehal��pay t�— �—
<br /> --- - -� _ i.cn�r vzl-�bt Qsy�nonthW paymc�ts�c duo un6er tha Nate.vhti�i�e Note is pald an fulf.a som t°Fands")fOr:(0}y�Iy: . '
<br /> _ taxes und a�3essmenta whinc�a�y at�rin prtadty�aver Ws&eciiriay tastsume�rt at e.lien on ih+e P�npe�ty;(b)YeuiY tsa�old. � :
<br /> p�yrtto�isa�ri'�OUnd renta on tht.Praperty..If a�y; Ec) Y�IY.h��'�I��Y.insuraaaa premi��ns: (d? Y�Y ��., , �:;-��-��``
<br /> in�irmtco�s,if a�y:(e)Yea�iy�mo�tgage lnsa(f�nce Ptemittm9,.i�;anyp.arid(�18riy sums paqable hy Bd�aqwer t+a;
<br /> Lcnd�r,.itt.tr�adaaoa with thc provisians of pa�a�b_�.ita!%�ii�a�tha y�Y�ent,u£moetgn,gd insuia�e:�rcmtua�..'t�hase.
<br /> itemaa��a callwd+"�rc�ai Icems° Len�et.!�r,ati�ay,tUica.�Jir.,ct and fmtd�1,ndn�annmounc not w exs.eed the mmcimumn� �
<br /> am4u�t�a;Faad�-far a�tedP�I1Y r�iai�Yaae3�age.loaTU m4y�:reqeue�t'oc�Bcnttvyet's escrnw aoonunt anEer t�e feden►2:I�� . -
<br /> --- Es¢ute Settlams�si Ptocedus+es Aec of I9'!�i as amended froantimis t�tiat�.12 iT.S>Q.g ZBQI et seq.("RESFt�k"?:�ant�anot&er
<br /> law�Itat agpiit(�to t�e Ftr�ds sets a Ieaser aanouna�Ii so��eetdet may.at any time�coltect aad ho1�Ftmd�ut an.amouni not ta �
<br /> --- � exoeed the�r amafln� Lender�may_e�i�th�amc,unt_of�ds due an t&e basis�oE�ca�ac data.sud.reasoaable
<br /> _�.-- essImates�sf. ditures of ful�ue F�crov�IU:ms 4s otlsenvise in acc�tace with applicalsld I�w�. '
<br /> 'lT�e�t��sttalt•be Qetd ia aa,:ubatl�st�an whasr depasits are ias�ned by a fedes�'agency:�taiity.or entity ,
<br /> _- -_ (Including L'ensthti�.,if Lcuder is sncb m�inst�cn�ar ut.aay Fedetal Home[,uaa Battk:.i�m�er s�aII�pYg�t�e�utds to pay
<br /> �� ---.� the Esaow.•.ueij�`LRnder may not ed�atg��o�mvrec for hoIdin�anQ applyFpg the E�tnds.'amivaIIy�y7ing thE estaaw
<br /> � �;.,� _-.----..._...ascorint,an�m�ng`dce.Escmw It.em.s�,_untess Leadec.pays Boiroaer_��otr the Foads and apg�ie law pe�mits ;
<br /> _ _�� °� Lendec w�rn�'�ueh a cd�arg�. However.I.e�dEr may seqaim Banrower cfl pay a aae�-time etiarge far aqn i�u�igeadent rral � -
<br /> .- estate�ax��rtln$aemce use�try Lender in aanu�aron�iffi:tbfs[oan.untCss applicable law p�ovides att�x�se: �tT'a[ess an ,
<br /> _ �-+��z ag�ezriwti i�i;:�e or applicable law cequizes inte�sf w be p�id,Ga�der shall aot be req�imed ta pay Boaoa�er ai�y��t oi
<br /> � J.,�`_,�..iv��� eanlingson�l�,.Fiatds.Bmmwer aced Lenderraaff.�gcee in wriurjg.however.that interest shall be paid mr�Famds�.':�r�iader • �
<br /> z.. ,, ,-.�- sfi�dl,giva tq`�mm�wer,without cha:ge.an annua��coountin�of the�nds,sHnwing credits and debits i��.#�xmds an�d the • , _
<br /> _��'�;" putpuse fR�;�hicti each debft to the£vnds was�ade. Tlie Fands-aze pledgei�as addidonal security C�n�t:�s sECUred by
<br /> —"�- -'`'-�'.~ ...� tUiaSeevtitus�Liso�um�t. ` :'�• .
<br /> —�,�..:��:- .;� �;i,.��: • ;. . :_;,
<br /> �f�"-' �. ��, , j. .. � If thq�Fm�ds t�ii try Leader ease�E t?�e amounis peimitt�w be held 6y applicabie law,L.�i'`�saa11 aocotmt to
<br />�:�xk� r.;,�,� Y., , Bomanvamffrnthe ea�s�'unds.i��ce tvith the r+equirements of applicable law. If ti�e arnount of the Fuads heid by •
<br /> �.; °-`-:..;.`.�`F=.•. L,cndam ati sdi}�ti�ie is t�ic saf�Ficien2 tu�Say�2��scrow Items when due.Lender may so natify Bormwer in writing,aud,ia
<br /> ��:�•,,r;.,�-.�•�
<br /> .�,.. ?-- • � snt��eas�R•�oauEVersiial�pay w Lender t�e.�raunt nec.essary to make up the defciency. Botrawei s3�all make up the
<br /> ��';�:''�`' '.'.':.. . . ..: daflai��rt�n no moie d�an twelve montiil a , , " `` __
<br /> Y P Y� at i.eader�s so2e disc�e�ian... :,,.„ ,_
<br /> y��y .,, '. t�trsi�paymedt in fult of aU sums secuiec3�this Secw�ity,Ins4rument��r.ader shall promptiy cefund W Barmarer an�j ':; ;
<br /> "`�°t' '#r'�:� .�":.;� P�BmP �4u P�Y.Lender,prior to tiie asqoi�ti�an:dr —
<br /> � . .:.`•�P'a r i d�l�G f 3 1 6 y I.e n d e r_ I f,u n d e r b 2t,l.e nd e r sh1�ll u+e or seii Yite Pto ___ s_
<br /> _�-'�� � ',�;::'� ;saSti'af;�14u Property.shall apply any f�unds rieiti:T�y Lender at the dme of acqois7tion or sale as a credii against titC sums. =— -
<br /> :i.z�s:;:`:: '. �, �
<br />��'�'r�`'''��° ' '' ' `'. �erare+di�y.this Securiry Insanmeni. ,:.., .
<br /> 1 ;'L%� ,` ��•�, �:� .:;7.' 3�,. ApPlicattu�a oB Psyments. Unless�}n�ble taw pravtdes othec.vise,all payments neceiv�by L.ender under �__�_
<br /> :.r..:_
<br /> '�:'f� ' �p�qpUs 1 and 2 ssali be applied:fust,to an���ayment charges due ua�er the Note;aecond.to a�:�nts payable under �:�;���:z.
<br /> "r.? '' . �`� p��{ �2;third,to snterest due:fourth,to pnncipal due;and last,to any lat�e c6arges due under the Karz:.;• fi �
<br /> - ��• �� �+:�i?,ff���l�� +' 'VIf Charges;Liens. Bmrowcr shalt pay all taaes,assessments,charges.finrs an�•impositi�ra attnbutable to the �,,�x�i�'�`-_
<br /> ,:`�:���•°�'��<-�, �,Prdp�liy which may auaiti priority over this Security Instrumen�and teasehold payments a;�d r�ts.if any. Bomuwer r'•'--�������
<br /> • �, �;•�� � . �,,,,,
<br />- .,;%y!,,� y�'��;" `s�isill�pay these obli�io�ts in the manner Qrovided in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in that manne�.$�cv��rer.shall pay them on r 6�=_.
<br /> ��'"'' •�:;�4����� .� "; time dinctly to tSie�aon owed paymen� Bo�s��e:r shall prompUy fumish te��nder all notices of a.�cs�.T*s to be paid under �. �,�.
<br /> - G r�? , �`k7'J',��� � .':'�" th9s paragraPh:. If,�'u;rmwer makes these payate�s�directly,Borrower shait.�fi:-�:ty fum�sh to I.e�kz 3!�eipis evidencing �,`:-—
<br /> {n ,�;4�r;4��`'�` � "'���•. the��'�7lents. . .'' . .. . � : . -r _—
<br /> .`'f j<< „ , • • ';i��ower shall promptiy discharge any lien which has piiority over this Security Inssrument unless Bomnwer.(a7 z�rees =_
<br /> � ''`��•�:`� �`"�� � • in u�+�'g ta the payment of the obligadon secured by the licn iq a mstnner acceptable co Lender,(b)wntests in good fa:.�"x thc `—�
<br />-:s `�":�:;,�;'��`.` ; •�' ; : . lien b�r.or defends against enforcement of thc lie�in.legal pmceedings which in the l.eader's opinion o�erate to prevent the ' . ���.
<br /> _ enfvrcement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the C,:�der of the lten an agteec►tent satisfactory to Lendezs�.i'snrdinating the lien � ..�;.;;._�_
<br /> `''a,;: '�� •' ,,'.�' to this Security InstrumenG If Lender detenn�es:hat any Qart as the Property is subject to a lien c���'A.mnay attain priority . . . -'`, "'
<br />��- •�� • � over this Security Instrumen�Lender muy gire @orrower a�otice idendfying the lien. Barrawer shait satisfy the lien or tahe � '- . ..
<br /> �"� �� � one ar more of the actions set farth�above wit�cin 10 days of the giving of notice. � � � .
<br /> �..-, . _ . ,
<br /> - • 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. �rrower shall keep the improvements now exrs::ag or hereafter erected on the • . � • �'�
<br /> `:���' � . •� ,.:�� .. ,;��'� , Property insured against loss by fire.hazards:r�;.Crided within the term"eatended wverage"a:zd ang ct�.i�hazar�ds.inclading ' � -
<br /> s` ^.,,;;:..•�;, ;.';.�,° floods or flooding,for which I.endcr requ'ires�mnce. This insurance shall be maintaihed�,n�:�ounts and for the . ' ' •
<br /> i'� ,l� .,.;' '
<br /> 'I wsf�G�r��,
<br /> �t, �}}�F��'�,r } iFca.ffi33.�' .9190 (Foge2ofbpsgesl .}..;, >
<br /> _�+i` '+,i,' %:� 1'.
<br /> �.i .
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<br /> �i , . .b . • _ . - .. . . . - , . . . ., ,
<br />_ . " . . � ' .. o ` _ , • . ' ' . . _. ' . .. , . . � .
<br /> i_`L • � .`, � � . .:e: ' f;' • : ' . . . . _ � � . � ; , .. , . . . . , ' , •' �. � .• �.
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