-� Y �.a-^-- P ' -'/.:;� .a - �c. —
<br /> a�� �.� � _ : :,F: - - , . . . ,.a.._r`� -` t: _ -
<br /> �� ° , F$+-�"2. �.�i . ' ' . .' ' 4,_ 4°. _._
<br />_ . • `G��.•i• -, - . __.• c. ... .r< -.
<br /> � ,1 .. . ... ... , - _.. .�. .. �t..a.
<br /> ;y} � i•..`
<br /> - <��, (��iic� 'W ' . ' •� � ' . ' ( .. , . . .. r .'N,_ ', c
<br /> -__— —_-_— ^ .. c � - ' - . _� . . .'f,r' ����84t ` --
<br /> _ -- - -_ . " tltag�s t�Vi�es• 'd�te.�pa��r+� ��'3�i,t�i�-�.i�?�s�sal�ba ctsar�n b�y��ro�r au t�i I.tnder� . �
<br /> .. . . �1.whic�s sfs�li nu!6e msse,�csY•ti�Et�';A�if�tiiat�fi� t?�r fsW�to�.maitt�t cmcrage.descr►bed abari��c�;�,ai-, '
<br /> h „
<br /> LendtrTsss�tion,abtaicseore�a�.ait�,4g�ite�3:��ttiitfi���(��tti€l�ea�e�ty'uaACSOad�teewishpaxagra�h'�. . ' . ..
<br />- - - � • . � '�A!t iasur�r.ce polietea�f:r��a'��f�tF.�t�fit�iA��1tr'� tabl¢t�Lcnd�t astd sha��include a st�zdani incnt�Age ctau.�e �rMier: .
<br /> . . studl Gs�►c t�e dght tn�ot�ihe ,�s+'#'i��.�=��tt��'��.�,`�f Lettt�r tequates.Ba�r�►war s�aU t�Pt2Y S�e to Len$cr el{rtccipt�
<br />- --------- of�aW peemiums a�d:t�tewai t�sit��,�r t�t���of ia4s,���+er sltait give�mpt awii�e to Q�e insur�aaa car�ict a�l.
<br /> . Eafedet. Gendcrmaymake�oaf.of��ti,��"�if�� �m�ti��;bySoaxop�er...
<br />--- _-_--_ , tlrlless Lcadtt and Bosmwes>�ite��se a,p�e in wridn�#4.insi.*a�e praco-..ds s�tal!D�ap�Zied ta s�ta�atian or re�air of .
<br />- - - �tb:e�pertY.dam��.if the restipf�tin or eepair is ernnotnYraldy feas�'ta2e a�td I.endcT's seEUiity�s aat 1sss�ncd. Ig tht �
<br /> ��_ - -----:,
<br /> . �rest�rasia�.,or rep�i.r,fs uat ecaafln�,i�atiy fcasible vr Leadet's s�cvrayy�srau2d be lessen�d.tt��Cwns��e pft+oeeds sd�.al�'be
<br /> _�-�- �-�� -.- .._._ __ __ .
<br /> �pp�ie3 to�sums sec�isy�t�ts S�cmityI�saam�t.w.itr,ther ai aai thea ctu�with�y.ecc�.ss p�t��a�awrr.-if _ �
<br />� ' _ . ga`�yye_r a�ndnna_���cS�t,ar d�ant sinswwer vrit8in�i1_d�ya a.aa�ice,f�ant L�td��.that rlte uts�trance c�rrter i�_ . _ - - - -
<br /> ` •.off�eti to sr�ile s cta�a;tie��:ea�d�r may o�liect ltie�R�,�..proc�ed.s, LeIIdeer may ase tk�e gmcee�s ta repais oi iesiare �
<br /> � `� t�Pcope�ty or to pay snms sec�rzd bx this Secwity Ins�ument.wheti�er or not d�due. The 30day p�iod will begia►�cen.,
<br /> • tire notice.is g'�ven.
<br />= Unt�ss Leadar aud Bonawe�ot�s�uise.agre�in uixi�ng,any eppliratiaa of grooeeds tn primcipal sha}1 not eatead or:
<br /> Pasqwne We due date af¢he aimulilY Payments refemed.to in paragrapLs 1 and 2 ur change dne amaunt of the guyme�s..If�
<br /> uu►der paYagtapb 2I the Pcaperiy is�tur�by I�endss Sacrau+er�ri�hs to any insmance poItci�aud pmcee�s r�.sntting
<br />- . fmrn damage w tfle Pmpe�ty pimr to tke acqatisitean.�hulJ pass to Lender to tha eateat of ttte smns,sec�d by thi�Se�rity.
<br /> . _�,,.,.���..� Inshument iu�ediately gri�or w the acqQis�dan.
<br /> -- - - 6. OaruPane}'. FreservatYqn.:.Ndalnt�amtee�td Fcotec�t[oA ot the Prope�ty, Bc�srow�er's Loan APPtt�=.% =,.;��=`:�" '
<br /> _---�� Lpsei�oids. Bamawea shall acxa�y�a�tabt�.a�d use the Property ag Bonawer's principal rzside�ce with�u sixty'c1�t$;�ig�:;::-�.°�;;;•;;��,:-,�
<br /> �-°�,��a , the exeartion of this Seauity Insot�ent aad sfiall cantinue to occupy tt�e(tropetry as Bormwer�s principat�esidenee fa���: < ...��,`;:: ;:
<br /> --__=- — teast one ye� aRes the.d.�te.af�.accupanc9, �1css Leader othernise agoees in writing, wiuc6 consens shu11 tfat�8� .,
<br /> � � tm�easaa�bly witR6ei�ec i�ess ex�ng c��s exist which ate 6eyond Boimwer�s cantt�l. Hmra'vrer shalk'hi�
<br /> _:��.-.�;_���`� . .., deslmp,;d�mage ar�r-�the Prapea�q:;a11ow We Fto�ty to detedarat�.ur con�mit waste on t�e P,roperty. Borrower:sf�st�. .
<br /> __---���a�a��._ 6e i�t d�tIt if any foifeitnre adiaa ar prooeedit�g,afi�ffier civil or crimmal,is be.��that in Leuder's good faith judg�rsCttt .. .
<br /> _ ��°`�a.��y�• a W .--.--- .:_ _suntd ci�slt ia-forfeitµre-oYthe-�tapa�ty or-atherwise mate�ially impair the lien cnated is}r this Security Instr+nnent or .
<br /> - •`- �,z,:•� • L�der�seceairy interes� Boirow�i p3ay cure sucii a defaalt and zeu�ale,as provide�in pa�agap8 I8;by rausmg the a�tion
<br /> ___"'�.�f�S'_"C'�.V'.P.�n"• ' .
<br /> -=-`--=����'';+�Y , or pmceeding to be dism��ed with a ruting that,in Leader�s goad faith 8etenniaatioa,p�ecludes forfeitu�af the Boimwer�
<br /> -- �:;�`. intenest in the Ptoperty ar otherinate�Sa]�impaament of the lien c�eated by this Sec�aity Instriuneat or Leader's security
<br /> =="=�;« . �;,;::
<br /> - _':�:� � "��?��' interpt. Boirower�ball also be�is d�fault if B�rower,d�ing the toan application process, gave materially false or
<br />�`�•`�:.. �",'�;-. - - - iflaccuiate infarma�on or srarements�tiendes(or faled[o provide Lx�er.wiih any matc�rial infom�ation)in oonnaction wich - --
<br /> h
<br />�;T-''.''�;�` ,.`���.- � the loan�idenced by the PIote,iac�ding, but not timhed to, �epnsentations conceming Bomnwer's occupaacy of the
<br />- .. ;.•�`• ' '� Aropertq�a pci»cipa,l�sidence. If d►is SecurityF Ia.mumea�t is on a teasehald.�amnwer shall cumply with aU the gmvisions � _ --
<br /> ,� - � :'.��.: �. of the lease.�If Borca��arzFquiies fee ritle to the Pivperty.the leasehold and the t�tiue shaD not merge antess L.ender agrees ' -
<br /> ;,.' ' .�' ..: to the merger in writai�'; ' . �
<br /> .: . ,•,F:. . . .-
<br /> � ;; �'�^{�;,,1_� � Protedion ot L`ender's�fits in tite�rapeirtq If Borrower fa�s to perfami the covenants aad agreements '+�
<br />- ' ' •. ��>.�'s,y �.,. '•• contair�fi:l� this Security Instru�mtsx,��,ttie�e is a Iega!pi+oc�eding that may signifrc�t{y a,ffecx Lenders rights irt.tUs �'"
<br />'. r � r;:'''. ; ;.•�t��`. � ' . Ptogemj�Fs�:st�as a proa�ding in f��,��y,probate.for condemnation or forfeituc�or ro enfmre laws or rcgulations).then __�°-�°
<br /> - ����F.;';•: : '�•''• . .. Leader may do and p�t��'�s�whazer•�f�s�e.�essaiy-fiz�pnotect the va[ue of the Ftoperty and I.ender�s rights in the Property. - �,__
<br /> ��`��f.;:��.� " � Lender's aaians may i��nde paying.�sum's'�a�i by a lien which has priority over this 3eewiry Inswmenb appearing •.�.h�
<br /> ,�"' , .. in court,PaYing neasona3?e attamey� �es aitd r�si�,iag on the I'ropeAy to make zepai�s.Alt3tough Lender ma take acaon
<br /> Y ��
<br /> ��• � _ ' under this paragraPh T.Lender does¢at#aave to&rsra ..: �.-� � ',:
<br /> ' ,- ti• ;.:�
<br /> Any amounts disbuised by LcudEr ander d�is paragraph 7 shal!become addidontill debt of Borrower secumA by this r�=.�_
<br /> 0
<br />- Security Instnimen� Unless Boimtiver and Lender agee to other terms of paymen�these amounu shall bear interest from the '�'�``=''k '`����
<br /> . . date of disbuzsement at the Note rate and sha116e�rayabte,with intens�upoa notice from L.ender to Bomower requesting ;"'��r��"�s�
<br /> . payment • � r' ;:�'r.�Y�..
<br /> ,-,; .�
<br /> 8. Mortgage Iativrane� If,t:.euder'requi�3,cnortgage insurance as a condition of making the la.:ti secured by tbis �.: :�:'�:--
<br /> ;,i'�' ';�.: '!;;'°sr-..-
<br /> 'r.f,•, , Securiry Instrumen�Bor�ower shali,�i�.��e pc�r�}usns required ta-rnaintain tfie mortgage insumnce in effect. If,far any: . :�:�__-
<br /> ; : (�t�`r �easan, the mortgage insurance'cn�:��n,..qi�s�d::by Lender fa;ises or cKases to 6e in.ef�'ixt:.Borrower shall Pay�.;l�.• r,� � ---�-
<br /> �
<br /> ' �:.,.� pceminm:s r°quired to obtain covec�s°sabstantu�7y equivalent to the mortgag�insurance�r�tously in effect. at�cc�a � r"•.
<br /> - . • ; � substazu�y equivaient.a.the casf to Somnwer ot�:rlt�moRgage insurance p[evusrisly in effect,Prom an i►(t�r�cate mortgage °.,...;;;s'=
<br /> , .",. i��r 3$qmved by LNaa�. If substat�tially eqtriv�.;!Ynt mortgage insurance coverage is not availab2e,Bortis�ter sha(1 pay to ,It,, ,,f,.,�,,,,,,_
<br /> � ,. fireaide�{�'�'►month a si:r��;�,;�;i 1a e��e•twelfth of t�he yeariy mongage insurance ptemium being paid by Bortower when the F+,' � f '"�"��` � -
<br /> ,{�r�'�'r'_--�-
<br /> _ � .�'-•. • .. • : �sur•..�,��verage la���oe4:�ti�•Cib in effect. I.ender will ac�t,use and retain thr-�e payments as a loss reserve in lieu � �:• `
<br /> . af mmt�t�s�insurance:,L�o��s re��i:,;prx'ments may no longec.tsm.n.quimd at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance qf�,, �;{+'�,t i,J ��
<br /> �� �� " coverage(';n the amou�5s*�3 for ttte��t�d that L�x;.2Pr requires)�,rovided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomas •r tjil tr/I+''r, �;.�'�" -
<br /> . x
<br /> _ , �• � � available and is o6taitu�+i�bmawer sf L� th�, �iums re uired to maintain mart a e insurance in effect,m to rovide a ��.4,,;�;.,�F4,�,:. . .,. � -
<br /> ,,�.f r,; •, .'.�. _...� . � �Y (�' 9 S S P ,� �.. R �
<br /> �;�; , toss resenre,until the c,�{u`�.-ement fot rt:ortgz�im�uxrce ends in accotdance with any written agreement between Borro�ver ��f , � �.� ,1 , '
<br /> �'vh: - ;.;� and Lender or applicatirc t�s;�. ' . .::� •, � • s•.: ,;��•..'
<br />- � . ��•`'++��c:•-'. 9 In ectioa. [.e::der or its�.�'�;it t�a zt�ce reasonable entries u on and ins ections of the Lender sha11 �`;;�,,'i''��`:`';`'�}":': ' .
<br /> - •;�•,4 SP L- .., . . Y� A P �P�rtY• ��.•;..;�,.��-,:�,,.,�.:: -
<br /> . ` ' �•'ti��t�•, give Bomnwer notice at dn<�me of or�rsr.r to a�i��ection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. �� �`� � "�'���.�';��r,:`- ;'
<br /> "����>lY;`` 10. Coademnatuu�: :�epnnceedsofaaq•�svuiriorclaimfosdam�ge�c,directorconsequential.inconnectionwitP►ar} ���"��`.�'"�_'��'���'. �,
<br /> 'j.. . ,�.�_�,�.`�.;,,,,�,.
<br /> 4;.: .,
<br /> �i��•: . � '�S�gle Fmniiy..Faonk Misff°icdslle 1�tac lT'.VIFORif 1�iS7'ItUltlGYi--Unifam�Covenanrs 9140 Ip�oge 3 oJb yagt�) ', 's��;;"; ;:: ' .
<br /> `'� '�1i1; � ,� .' . � �tat�eu�Fn'm�mc■ tn::i;•:�:'�, ,''f•,,,� •
<br /> P�t�cs . ,. To0:0.vCa�180Pfi36834JDFA1{61�19t•tS3t . ;:i.°'... , •- .•
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<br /> .�i.� ;��r,���� , 1�,,1 .' . {_
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