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<br /> � �ti3Y�31�11C1C S�Ij�Ot bC 1�tI+CA.4'�i���Y�(�lD�..'�$fll�1VFC!3�IS,�Q 11�1YFW,11f C6YF�'1.$0�$C'a4Re.�8�L'S`•S'd�'�J.yf�.,�{��:f�1��3'{", � '� :.
<br /> �Y'S OpliUtt,oZst81t1 COYG'EB,g�':IC?j1FiStPAf.��CO�Cx'�.tI�S fi't th4�OptXiy�tf�CCt�d�fCt vPit�1�3TU�t�t'�•�: `���<i' ., ..
<br /> < � i r .
<br /> d il {O i + � - � � • r��?fy.a
<br /> . �i�d P��s�c#�eh�s!�a��+i�.�Io;ti�e s�:�cpf�ri��;8t�raa��at� +r�Pmm�notia�ta�_irt�ur�stca-raur,a;r:�;����,;;;;
<br /> -- , .. .��.E�{p LQiS�Cf dB.3j�iIIR�I'r�O�Q�Cf��aQ'S91f t!t?t Q13�.'�y�1}t g4RbTXJGL. '"�- . . . _
<br /> UlS�ESS�.�ET 8I4���MEbPl1!E ail'ECYOPI5C'it$�ti�%I�'K'F9�f$�IDS1[�L]ffOCtCii�s St�E BC 8��:�E4����1Af:;
<br /> � ,. Q1C'�1�GT'd�.���Lt�i�'S�C82:�'zl O?TL�SC IS�'QIIOffi1C�jf.��9S1t1gC Y►7k��fit1i�P78 S@Ct}i�Tcj��S.A£$� ,�Ss,zEP��, n
<br /> -- ... . ... ;,�L�aG�i�l't�t6it'FiPic�3=:r�i5:'h���k�j���`�!'�-5�'!L`s.1Q'�_�_aac��.itz�a .� {�� .
<br /> ' ' trntecx� g
<br /> t.,e�#�,�.t��re�r�•. t�is Se�itY_n���„�rir_ +�u w�tR eRCx� t��a'u�t��.I� 5 r
<br /> — -- -. - ._:�,Q�_ �o1.�sR t1�._.—.!���..�_—E�._..� ; ,
<br /> - __ . �,
<br /> — — $atcower a��s tke P�ttY..o�:��+a�.ansafer�titia���dags a qtt*.st`c fi�s�Let�s.fit�t��^s�[��-� , ,; •:
<br /> - - . affersd to seut�a claz�a.then&�d�er��y,col�ect ttae irisu�ce�s.`I:et�d�r may�ns:o�e p�ceeds ca a�gai�.�c,n�Y.a��: ,;;:.;f s..��`..
<br /> ' ` the�ar w pay svms secu�d 4y t�i.g Se�itY i�;wt�tbar ot nos.thea d�e. The 3f�dap perit5d+iv.it�:Wegir�!+�t�,: '�• .
<br /> ' the t�otice is givea. ' • =• �:�. � �:.
<br /> Uc�ss Leader ar�:Sas�v�er a�+ise ug�xe ia wrcti�g,ar►F ag�lica�?oa of pmce�s m prattcig��shu3��1t�e�enr�±�,: ��°�'::�...:�-
<br /> pa�qwt�e the d�a c���8i�.cnu�lY t�Y��.rtfetted to in�a��pSs i and 2 mc.e�anga�hc sutnw���.�.p�y�t�t�:�t�';.= '%�1:;:;%;;
<br /> - � ' " �mder pazagtaph 21 ctc�e.Rv�p�ty,is acquined by Lende�r,Bar�vwers rigt�m a�y ins�a�aace policies ar�+:per�;�uTA� . �`:;'.-;
<br /> front damage to tlse Fca�eriY Pna�s.to�acqs�isidan s6a}1.pass m Lend�a to t6a escent of rhe s�s secm�IIs3i�.���L��:°:::;;.'`;.'r
<br /> .
<br /> . <,,.:,. ,,..:.
<br /> . Tnst�ent es�ately�to tla�a�it�e- � F�"r6�.�±��� .� ,.
<br /> 6y p�ncy. P,rese�vativa�,.Mainfi�ance aad Prola�ta9n oi the P'ra�rty; 8orravrar's I.�a�•A��'� �,:4``r;��;::°;:;^�.
<br /> , � I.asdsoids. Bormvrer s�ai�oaupy,esiabTish,artf�we the Praperty ag Barrowe�'s grincigat residence wit�im�,dttys a�'h�,5.: ;.;�
<br /> die eaoctrti�of tt�s Seeurity Insuu�at arsd s6siG�mntiuue to uocupy tDe Pt�a�rty as Bas�ower3�P►'stc�s"trsti��e6ce-ft�.if�,:�.�.�� ����;';��`
<br /> — , te25t dIIe ye3t 2ft2[ t�e �of aaplpar�C�.:Unte&S LeA�'er atiseza►ise ag�ees iri wt�itin$. wtaiclt•�i;a�t_1q�7�ab�'.��"' =_
<br /> _-- • u�asaaabiy withheld.ar ts�t2ess ex��arcv�stances enist whis'�t a�beyaad BQrmwer�s c�antrat..Bvra;n�rer sl�llTtars�� .
<br /> �desLCOy,dam�e or i�gau t�e�alimw the Rngetty tn d�iorat�or a;mmit waste a�t�e A�opersp.��B�auvier.shulb l. ...,. .
<br /> ---- 6c�defu�It i€any far�'eit�scti,�te ac prooeed�.wAeWer civ�or c�ri�niaat.is heg�m d�at ia l�eader's gco,&,�lttdp,t�r��°
<br /> --_--� oaild resnit in fosfeiQrs�of the�seity ar otE.ervrise materialty i�ngair thx liem cmated 6y.ttus �'nstctm's�r�,:uu,s.'� ..
<br /> fei
<br /> _�_— ,. l.�der's security iat�test.•SoQmwer zreay carz s�ch a defaoIt and newstat�as provided'm ParaB�apb 1$.�fiking tla�ectir[��.. '� .
<br /> —__---= or Proce�ding w be dis�aissed wltE�a suliag that,in 1.eader's good fait�t dxterrttination,FtecI�de.s Forfeiwre o#`[he Boaacs+�. � .
<br /> --=__� intec�st�n tfle Penperty or other material impaum�at•of the lie�cm.�ud 6y Wis Securiry Tnsuument or.l�nder's se�ty:�. ` , '
<br /> -- �.,�_�-�;� iatec�sL Batrvvret shal!also be iu defauI! if Boiiowe'r, d�i�g the laan applitx2ion Qraeess. gave materialdy.falsG. ��� ' .
<br /> -- inaccurate infu�a�u az statemenu to I.ertder(or fa�ed to provide I.ender witla any materia!finfurmarian)in con�twit�s: ''::
<br /> =�,.,,;�� ,' : the toan evidertced by t�e Note. mcttidiaag,but aoi limited to. represeata�vas c�aoemia� Borrawer�s axup�aY,o4�titn, .' ,, :
<br /> �
<br /> —_::_•-��.,�,ry� .. Pm�eAy as a priaci�u+�uesidettce. Tf this Secariry Iflstrument is on a leasehold.Botmwer shaR camply witBt ellt QL►3 pcarisiaas � �. .: :.
<br /> `'°:.���=, ac;quires pertY.the ieasehoW and the fee title shall aotmerge unless L,enGer �:�:.` �,
<br /> :�,��;:•;� of t�e Geuse. If$a�rovrer f�titte to the Pra �8 ,
<br /> ���='�-�'�`,,- tott��r�cr in'w�itnt�. . . ;,;; ,
<br /> cr
<br /> ��,:��,;;',,.;�: T:i.ProL�ctim�uS Le�tder's Rig63s In th¢Prope�ty. If Bonawer fa�7s to perfoma.'t�ie±�nvenants and agr�emst;�v�..-.
<br /> � contaiaed in tAas Seruri Instrument,or the� is a fe ceedin that ma s� ificantE�°� s n ta iu ttus� ;:
<br />���j�;}: -,:, , tY 8�p� S Y �8n � �', , ��
<br /> : f�-�'^�'�'' ` Propeny(such as a pttweed'ut�in bankcuptcyr,proAate,far condemnation or forfeitiu�ar tu eafori�•���r;r�ulatia�?,t�ro:::� .
<br />'---�� .,.�;�`
<br /> .�i;+�s:�.�.-�.<.,-.�., Leader may do and��ay for whatever is necessasy to pmtect the value of the Pciogerty aad I.ead:e,�''F�;f�4ta;�,u'the Pruper3}��
<br /> --"�'�;�':"_.'��°=:'�;;, Lerzder�s actiaas mag iaclude PaYiag any sams secuced 6y a lien which has priority over this Se����nstrulaen4 a�rcara�g.
<br /> -_�.�:.;�.�:.,...:•._.:�.
<br /> :;.;�. :•.. . ,. . in wvrt.paying reasonable atta�aieys'fees and entering on the Ptoperty to madce cepairs.ALtDtough L.ender may take actean..
<br /> ;�'�:•-:�.•' :. :,�: under this paragraph 7.l,ender daes nat have w do so. ,
<br />���'�w'�. ' Any amaurus disb�used by I..ender undcr this paragtapb 7 shall 6ecome additiona!debt of Borrawer secur�!by t�in�.
<br /> �i...-�1,-..i.�n.���'�
<br /> �_ :.;. • ,• Sec�ui ty Insoiv►�M,R.�UaL�s Borrnwer and L�crtder agree to other teTms of pay�eist;these amaunts shall 6ear inter�sLffiEorte t�c
<br /> ` "���•'��''' '•°�' date of disb�useinent ai�fhr. I!tote rate and shaA be paya6l�with interes�upon noxice fmm Lender to Borcawer req�rnat�g�•�
<br /> .;.,��tt� ���`�,'..: �,:•..., ,. : :: . . � '
<br /> .i ,_ payment
<br /> ... �.y� -.;;:. ;:.,.:,,
<br /> E .,;�-,-•.,:,',p: ��; & Nib�e�sulraace.:If�der required mortgage insurance as a conditiaa:ci��rsv.3ung the loan s��y��•
<br /> � ,:��,.,_.,.-;. ��.. Security i�.tum�na,.R�t�}wpr st�lD t�s�r the premiums�equired to maintain the mascg�.�nLauance in effetG I!,fau�anJ�
<br /> _ :.......,� , - :., ..,,. � �.: � �
<br /> mason, the aiartga�.3�r�.rzr�nce cmiei'age raquer�d•by Lender lapses or ce�ases,I�a bs;Gi;,,r•U�c�.Borrovrgr shnit�pay the;
<br /> ������_.�'� � '' , premiwns ca{uired tu��ir(at�i coverage substant�alEy eqaivatent to the mong�y;���r�F�i;ii.wiausly:;in.e#�ee�at.a c+ngti
<br /> � .;. . ,� � • ,•� substantialiy equivaiel�to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuiance prevusu's(y in eff,ect,from acs�'�Il�ate martgugu�•
<br /> ;;.,�:.. �•`.:• . ;:.' � , insunes appmved by l.endes. If sulsstanaally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage�s na{�availab[e;Barmwer st►n1II pay�tn+•':
<br /> `�`�`�"�= `` � l.ender eash month a sum equa!cv one•twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insurance pcemium be�g paid by 8or�ower wt�ea ciui�'
<br /> �•� • �• insurance coverage lapsEd or ceased to 6e in effect. l.ender will accept,use�utd retain these payments ag a toss tesenre ia�fir.w� —
<br /> �'��'r " . • of mortgage insur.►ncG,.Loss reserve paymenis may no tonger bc cequired.at the oprion of I.ertder,if mor�gnge insucattaa� �
<br /> -�''�' ••�!'� �• ' ' wverage(in the amn(�:�rtd for the period that I.ender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender agai�tEnecdnius
<br /> ' '` � availab2e and is obtain�!Borrawer shal! a the nemiums uited to maintain mort a e inswance iaeffect,oc ao
<br /> _�' ,.-y.•F••: • •. � . P Y P �9 8 S P1�DVidee . -
<br /> • " � , � ��F, ;� � • Ioss resenre.nnntil ttie i�quirement fQr mo�gage insurance ends in accordance with any�vritten,agreement between S�t4ower __
<br /> _� •�2�,�+'���y' � and LenrJc-��r applicable law. . � ' -
<br /> ,'.��1;>r�, �4�' • 9. �ttr¢�ecHaa Lender or it���t�ent may make reasona6�_�fcfes upon and inspeet6fi,,���.the Pn�pe�ty. L�ndec cP�u1F�
<br /> r�s,. ,��a�i. ..�� .� . � , ec
<br /> ,,<<;;�.� . : Ave�btr�nrer noace at the tirr�e of or pnor t4 on.ins�ection speciYy�ng mason�e�uutse fot tti�inspectiap:��:.�, _-
<br /> �' '� �. ' 10 Ooad�maa��a1 The proceeds of an�u�vsru or claim for damages,.cii�t�br eonsequential;iei connection witU��ony '
<br /> `,;?iF:;{�`v�'RP SingtaFamily--Fannle:4l�E�eddleMacUA"IFiQSi.'HI:�S'RiU�lEXvT••Urtifom��'aveotnu 9J'JD!Ipazv�ofElx��) R
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