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<br /> — .. ' , � � . : . . �.`rf`'SCC`� . . .c � � c i. .���Y � ..
<br /> -- — �3:'Haa�ar�rty�►Bflrc�,.-*���i�i�9cacg;4flr�i�#�+�auar eat�ag.aa A�c�+cecd c+n sI� �.
<br /> c.� 1>m�tty�e�'s�tris�it�by�.F�rarQv it�ctu���iit�#t�,E6ta��tii:°a�anda�coitCtoga�o�d at�y�tttc8r b�tt9.iOCi�liai�
<br />-- - ----- ,��f�aod�ar€�aodIi���4r v�icit'i�der n�u9res it�cs�a�o.�'lsL�i�s�o st�I�bc matat�nat ia t6e am�xu�ts and fc��es p�t�dBs
<br /> . � ;s�utt t�aQc�tt�r�:'��t�urtnca carrisx pmvFdln�tha;�w�rce:e�li b�c2ja�en 6y�wea�sub�e�t do Lr�er'�a�taval
<br />— — ;,<:�=cuh#�s�al�n�t�c u�srca�s�ly�with�id. If&�r�t►i�1r��t�mai�pin cav�,des�'�eDovs. �r�r�ay:a�-t+c�'"e '
<br />- ` - `�nption.abtaict caver�g�ta grot�:�c�r's r�t�€st��t�tn�t�,t�erty fa�►�nc�w�'itT�Pa�'ag►`�F�9. ." - .
<br /> z'. , . AU��CI;Etl;9 t31N��6C:�i51t3�!{.Fd'lUII'�2�;4�IC(O.L.��1QCT Qltt�&Tl�I`$IC�it�ti 53�ii�QIQ�iQ�C�B�SC. L�Ci -----
<br />_�,, .-
<br />- '' � '8�l11�.b81tC fhE ddii t��6�tI1Q Yv'tQ��t'�Qffi Q!�
<br /> -- ---• --._.�._� �uST�c��st�i�r,atv�.t�,�adeT r�quiC�s.�vtc�wcs sLnl1 gsam�tY� .
<br /> � � gmd prc�iu�s$cd t�aswa!aotit�..Ett�sFtit at�ut of l��,.,�'ar�a�rr s�a1[give prampt a�f�e to t�Iasu�nc�e a�rritr r�ad it�r -
<br />_._. � �'�:., . 's�u�u�y�c�ia��PU�tcnsif:�;.�t��.13t#i�'�tfit�..'�. ., . -- �- -�-- -- - -
<br /> — -
<br /> UafeES Is�r a�d Ba�mEV�r o��e�►»�w�i3ttt�3•.iasurnare psaceed��21f:be appli�d tn�tan as rc�ur af tE3e ` _
<br /> , Ftog�rtq damaged.tf tT�r�tarst�on o�t�tir�e�sta�tjttail�feasib3e aa�L�'s;�ritY is n�t isss�tneds�tha.ce��ina�tx
<br /> , ' t+tpait is noi eosi.�cal�y f�bie a�Cer�der's,s�it�iy�''v�antd bs l�ea�d.thc ias�uarn�e p�aceeda�b3ll 6e a�Splled to tiin�tims
<br />- � seca�d by tf�s Serurity Insunn�ant:�w�r ar�[nt d�dc�e.with a�r ea�ce�gai�ta Bu�nav�er. If Sor�ra.abaa�nn�:itn
<br /> . P�perty,ofdoes not answer witt�i 30�8.aa�tcx�frbm f.cndxr that tt�ins�e cx�mtcr has effeced tn s�tle s elann:t� . �
<br /> ; � I�nder�y oaliect tLs insa�rmace p�s.��maY i�d�s ptoa�cds to re�ir ar r�tar�the Pi�P�N�'��p�Y� ;
<br /> �by�is Serudxy ias�tt�at,w�GiAer or,aot T�a�tluc:'�Q 34�d�,�w�!begin wbea tbe nati���Iv�. ,,.
<br />-- �= ITnless Leader.asd�$arrasv�nthrto;l�e a8����fi. $FP�oa af prooeedg to ptsncipx}:r�Afl�s�at extmd or �
<br />- ��r - �'_ �
<br />_ ��,t�;�. , pastpone ti�e due daEe of tlte maiuhly,.��triir��feucil to ia�hs t and 2 or ct�am�e the�sonat'pf t�f:paymcr�a:'3f
<br />-: � ,s � u�er paragragb 21 the 1Pmptzty Is a�q�tii�d�bj�,!l�I4dur,,;,�nttowrr's�sght to a�y in�oe pafEc�es and P!u!�r�iEUigrli+�►
<br /> � '��'�t ,�� db�11 ,.. of the snms sea�by��&6`c!lift3r Iusm�t' ,
<br />-� �.���.����F,� damage w t�e Piuper�j►��iar r�me�tiaa� cp�iss w Ler,�co me e�t
<br /> � �. ,`'�.�-,s.:.`:srs��,r�.` i�distety prior t�ttae so�oa. ._ ' � '...-.:�.;,..,,,_:: � . . .,;. .: .. _ , .,.
<br /> _ S;F;, ,'.�f.. ��� ., -----.�,`_6.�ocy.B�va�on,ll�.ci��.;Yeiot�ifmoin�.tthee.�t+ap�t��[r.as�d_s_�O.AQp�+i.e�ff�.. - .
<br /> �, ;,����r:�,,,:'�t,� � �; �Borma+er�hzll oc�py,establish,an�'pUa ab��tfrp�rty as�armtV�r,'s prmcipal�e.sideice ariiltfi�s�xty days after tfie axetudn4��i.� "
<br />_ �t�' _ �t;T��'7 tLis Se�artfiE��IastEum�t aad sba11 ooatitriie d'pioctat �tbe as Bomn�r's r��sce for at teast one ye�r aft�' . -
<br /> t ,, �.. ��nY t��° - -
<br /> . the date af o�atpaary.unles5 I.eader m�t�+wiie{��:in wrifiag,whicb cantem�st�ail aot be anrea�nna6ly witi�dd.or nNe�s" _
<br /> e�damati.ug.� e�st whidi ata•fiey4�i:�tirmsc�c's c�nuol. Borrower s�a1i uat desuoy. dautage ar impair the ,
<br /> _ �°:~�_ •�,r., j ' propeity�all0ai the Fcoperty To d�etiU�t�;'or.�ommit-waste on t$e�operiY.Eoirawrx sball be in def�It if aay fosfeitu�e �
<br />_ �. .. .
<br /> :�,�� ' action or piooeeding, wbeiher civ��ori p�iiaal,is begun t�t ia l.ee�der's gaod faith J�dgG¢ent�Id resWt in forfeibue of Yfte
<br /> �'�• , Proper�y or otherwiss matedally�ti��lien cte2ted Dy t�tis Seruaity Instrtr�t ar E4nder's seauity.��tf�st.Bosmwer may �
<br /> N,� . ' : ,ct�snch a default and tcinstffic.as pmvided in p2uugs�ph 18,tsY�nsing tt�e�ctian m pmneeding to h1a�Iilaciasod wiW a taling .�
<br /> - i;f:�'-: �,:��':..�.'. . ,
<br /> ` ;-f : L�, in Le�der's geod�ii6,d�ristian,precludas forfeimre af tiiae BoaosYdt's Intecr�st in the Piap�:ar ather�tesial
<br /> • r�;�, �of the lien c�ted by[bs��Security Inswraeat or I.es�d�s sea�ity intecest Bomnwer sb�1l��ti�e in defauIt if
<br /> ���:,;�,�f_>r,�' Borrowet.during the loan applicaoion Pmness•Save materially fsclse ar inarcwate infor�ation or statemee�a to Leader 4ai fa�
<br /> . "f r�E' s�' to vide Lerider with arry marcrial ia�oimarion)in cannection with.th�e loan evidenoe�by t6e Note.iaciadircg,6ut aat t�tn'sted
<br /> . .`,���i.;, p�'°
<br /> �. •;�f_�.: to.rep�ons wnceming Bormwcr's oavpaacy of the Property as a priacipal msFdenoe.If tHis Se�vrity,�ias�tmeat is on a —_
<br /> . � '�"��'�'F t�old. Bo:rower s6all compiy with all the provisions of the lease. If Horrower acquires fee tide to the Property the ___
<br /> . �(;�;�, •
<br /> , .;� . . ' teasehold and the fee titIe shall not ag�ees w the merger in writing. -
<br /> :.:.
<br /> :: ' :;i�,�4:,;, merge anless I.e.nder _
<br /> � .
<br /> . . a 5...� 7.Protes�an of Lender's Rig�ts Iu ti�e Froy�ezty.If Borrawer fails w perfarm the oovenaats and ag�ements contained in
<br /> .. � :}`.:�,, __ _
<br /> . � �r..� this Security Insuument,or there is a l�l Pmo�ding that may signifc�ntly affect Lende�s rights in the PcaPertY(s¢si�as a _--
<br /> `.,:v ' proceediqg in banlauptcy.pmbate,for cvmde�mna�tion or forfeittue or w enforoe laws or regalateoas).the�LEnder may do ead ===-=--
<br /> ly�_5,:. t. . "�'. . , .
<br /> - 1,���'�;..'. . . pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vala�of•tbe�topeny aad Lender's rights in We Pmy�ty.t:�atd�r's asiions may ��`�:'=-;-
<br /> t,t �?,..;. :'.::..:�.. � fl�i;«���.�
<br /> � ��� �:. �include paying arry sn�s �cuzed by a lien which has priority over this Se��arity Instntment, appeaiitrg in court, paying _-______—
<br /> ��•'�� •;• •' �_�.: . , =.;�: -
<br /> ;:;�:-.;,,;;,Gl�,,. . reasonabte attomeys'fees aad entering an the Property to malce repai�s.Atthoagh I.ender may take action under this pat�ag�ap6 -�- .Y.._
<br /> ' ;���,�;��`.� . 7,Le�er da�aot have to do so. :. . . ��`,�—
<br /> .' ,+��: , My a�ou�s disbu.rEed by L�ernt�under this paragraph 7 shall become zdditionaL�lst of Boimwer seau�d by tbis �
<br /> �;:�
<br /> . . Sesurity InswmEnt. Unless Eorroaer and Lender agree tv othet teims of payma�;.�these�.ueunts shall,bess;interest fmm the ti�;,g.,;�r-
<br /> �_:,:
<br /> • . , : date of disbursement at the Note.rate and shap be pay'able. �vith interest. u�8=ci�iotice from Lender to H¢r:iawer�questing �. � a�'�'�;;�-::--
<br /> .. . .. ... .�1 ,
<br /> ?,`�'�;t;• ' Paymeat. . ..• • z
<br /> , . ...1�S'•��lt� ' ' T.
<br /> �,. ���1,�,,'�� : 8.11Rortgage Ia�urance.If Lerzdef�qaired mortgage insurauce as a w::�ition of making the foan secvred by this Saurity ... �`:
<br /> _ .. ._.��, �5 . •. ,•._y,,.
<br /> � ' � • . •`;;i�,4°�f`,'" , lnstrument, Borrower shall Qay th�q�lums requitpd to maintai�s tfre m�a�e insnrance in�effect. [f:,far any reason,We ,.� :'.. .,r
<br /> .. •�-.,:`.:.,.`., `,,.:,.;;1; � mortgage insurance covetu�ceq�ired b}�I.ender iapses or ceases ro be in e�C�xr.-13orrower shall pay the�.p�oms mquiriod to •
<br /> „�:'•�+:�..,., . • � ,
<br /> �.,,,,. ,., : ;;. bbtaia caverage substantiully equivalent to the moagage insurance previously i�s�f�ect.at a cost substanti�iiy�equivaleat to the ,,.
<br /> � '�� '� '. ,=��`:•'� wst to Borrower of the mortgage insutance previously in effect, fmm an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If .
<br /> y;�..�
<br /> :,'�.:�.,-""�- ''��'�}�;:'' `•• substantiatty equivalent mortgage insurutce coverage is not availalsl�,8orrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum�quai to �
<br /> . i:. .`:�FTj�.�<1 . " .�n..
<br /> '' � '•��"fity��•;� ' . one-twel8h of the yearly mortgage insurdnce premium being paid'6q Boaower when the insuranoe wverage lapsed or�to - •
<br /> �1� ,.. : • '.,;.:
<br /> :�i. ,�. . .
<br /> be in effect.I.ender wil!au,ti�t.use and retain these p3yments as a loss reserve iro lieu of mortgage iasura�tce. Lobs �.serve •''' `` ��
<br /> i; c i.` , � .
<br /> it��;.�< , ,� C�trt»�Q3f3 9l90 '��.
<br /> c�'+ ' '. . „ Va�3ci6 . ;'`;
<br /> . .i+Tr�(r�!,. .. / �
<br /> . ,. 5�`�S�r���.•j .. `� ` .i • ., rl
<br /> : ' ' :T.), �°J , ' ,. . .\„�,.
<br />_ � t,��� . � � , �' ' ' . " . ;. � 'i:� . '
<br /> . . . .qt`^-'^.+..--._..--.-.�-..��....-...,.....�....t_.�..�.-�ti^'^'^�"•o."�'t'ij•7!y�;}}p����1 ... . . . .
<br /> C:, � - .}�C'i>, ' . ' •. �. ' ' . . :4`' . �1.�'�"i�l�':�, ' � ' � .. _ .. . . '
<br /> •�. � . . '., ._ � .. , . ' . _ '�}, '(, ' ' . . . : � ' � , . . . 1�.
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<br /> �. • ; � , . '. . . ' � , '. . . : . � .. .. . �Y;, „'. , . '
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