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��4� F � <br /> C.i.: �-'�=' .'� ; - " _ ' _ - y ,; � --- — <br /> . '"""y�` ' ='Y � � Y 4 <br />.. `t. � cs' 4-• ,�r <,c' " � ` • _ � �s .,,,�'., =ix,�_ '_ <br /> .. • <br /> , <br /> ..r . . .� . . ...-- <br /> . '. �. a.��. � : --- -.. ... .. <br /> A—. . ryun.M',4m, ,.. / . , . . . . . . . __ , " ^ < �_ ���`�������. . .T . <br /> � —-_—_" . 't • `< . ~` • .- . • - .. . � .(. ` , f��• < . . . <br /> ----- � ������C SYIi�POL'i,'AY.'AIS I�fiV�Y�Ci�E�tYL"�C2�6�f�tC�r�sr§�8ll�2l3�°n2S18�f1£�`�as$� � <br /> _ �F`�rss;rxiw or har��er a ts��,ths.�rnp�riy.,!1El..�pis��s an��additIan�sba1�a}�o �e:oQVe.� Dy thi�'Se�ur�3�r,� � �� ` . <br /> ` �. Fnstiu�e�at..A4�,1 of t�for�aing i`s rfertz�l�tu in tt�is Sec�arity�r�ui�nt ss ti�"Prop�ny.°,. ` ' ' � � • ` � .� <br /> � Bt)RROW�R t70VENAN'.i'S that'Bcirto�Is lawfu�ty S�i�tD of 4lie esrqia he�ywnveyed aad�s�ti�right tq gant axss!� :; ` <br />�— , ¢a�vcy.t�e P�iy�ncl tt3at:tke,�ivpperty�s��r�sqepR'Eor t�tm6raar�s of tecurd.,Bora�er'svaa�ants and wild .. ,- <br /> .. dafienc�gea¢�t�t�@e tis tt�s Pr�ar�y agaimst e!i alairas anrt¢e'mands,siabject t6�any encumbr9nces of r�sozdt -� <br /> - , '. �1'S SEtCiFldTi°Y INS°['RUhlEI3'i'cromhines tuufar��ov�a�t3 for nationat uus�e�d aoaiiniform aoir�nanf�witb Ifmifed. . <br /> , , ,'varlasiobs 6y jarisd:'�aa to oanstitut�a urufonn sec�rity ins�tiumon3 ooveeing real pmpetty. ` �� . , _ � , , , ` <br /> — ` � ;4JIVIFORM COifEi3'AN1'S.Sonawc�aad Y.ender coveaant add as folla�s: � `. . �, , . . — <br /> � , . � <br /> --. -- �, � ,.11.�yea�tt o��Ftdtae��J a�Ietter�_1Preg��2�aRt1 Late Cdiarg�. Boimwer slia12.`.promg8y Pay rr8ea Que�.. . ' , _ --- -- . <br /> --- - = prtriClpal,af a�#�nter�st a�e ttae dei�t,e�id�by the Note ar�anY P�Y�°�and tate charges due uraier ttie Naie. - <br /> --, - . . <br /> �--=-�__— �:°�us�ica�aaga s��u�i.�saar�.Saojeet to a�piic�ie f»+v or ui s iv�it�vrtivv��p L,��;�,,. � s�stt�a�c"u = --�-- <br />_— --- - I�e�on.6�C daY t�l�PaYments are dae t�d�the�iote,u�til i6e Nate is paid in fall,a s�m f"FuIIds°)for.(a)y��rly taae9 . <br /> --__---= azE�s�me�3s�lur�may�in pticrrity over this S�rity Ins�m�t as a lien an the Property:(b)Yea�y leasc�ld p3yments <br /> - ----— • or�nmuusd t+ents ot1 th8•i'rogerty.if aay;(c)YearlY h�zar�or pra�etty ias�ance paemivms:(d)YearlY fl+md insumnc�p�s►ums, • <br /> -- ---- if aay; ie)9��Y.�?�����P��+if any:and(�an3►.sams payab4e 6g Burrower to Leucter,In a000rdance aith <br /> d�pravlsioas of�ph lieu of the payment of mortga$e in�uraace pre�iums.These items are�alIsd."Eseraw Items.�." <br /> __.__ _-- - _— Lender any tiii�;.cofl�and hoW Faads ia aii ama�tst¢nt,to exceed the maaimam emount a ienda for a fedezaidq -- <br /> -` --__=-==�°' related mortgage to2m mag�r�uifle far Bornswer's esarow ssc�unt uader ttxe fedsa!Re�!Fsiare Seat�t Ptosxdure�.�ict cf — <br /> ---_-_ -_ — t974 as ameaded fmm t�me io:fi�. 12.U.S.C.Se�Q ZfiOt ea aeq.(°RSSPR"�,uaSess a�a�ier tav�dn#ayg]ies w tb��unds <br /> ______--�"�--,��� se3s�tesser�ouni.I�sn,i�iier inay,at auy U;ns(a�coIIect�nl Itold trunr�i�a�a amuunt nnt to��.*�e iesser a��mt. ,•.�:; <br /> Leudej'may esrimare tt�e a�o�t;��s�s due���bas'ss.o��,�`a�'•'i�nabte.�e�,?�'�ituresgf futar+e ,`� <br /> = - NSRi3O-: ��,,�.�.• M�.� .s�-,,� ,�.��{�y�y,{ ! • '�• - �.�ii-.- .,",'f <br /> �asu.�.�_ �i�lWW I�T+�RaQ�Q,Y,�lG�1�fWp4]�G��,���qF�iy�aY'l������� �j.��5��1� .��t ,.. ,(,:�' �.,t f' ;C fE 1,�t ry`'y/;;"••r•`1 ! —_—_- — <br /> —-_ - � . . - :�.ict'�t �� } �G....�. :i.��j =ry,: '"y � <br /> e�.e�riun�;S,li,�� 5 � -�t•.`:;k'�?'rpt�Dliuli U6 LLG►�k��1.�i,�.� +�."r;!�?v..;�`Y�,+'ro�!",n"5�.�:'�.�1���+Q�7�.�.�--�'^�r r]�`� � �"'h�u-?..y�d�qp�"}r'/,�'''' <br /> _ m F 1�f� 4, �S'•* . � . 4� Y 'f'�r �• '�/" Y <br /> — : '-�.e,.Tem���,�in ' �,{',�7II'�H�1}'�;�LS.i�F1:,4��.�:ty.'�is_�.��.�:�"'�,:S�t-'zY'�i,�lQIF�'.}t;±;����?�'��rit4.���,.���.T.iE13���+5�_��-'�;lustl4,.�ti3�.�1t��T'j�T�.�''..., —_ —— <br /> �����`�r.'� �,< , ` : •not e��osiuwei;�5a�+�►4 ` an�' li�.:� annuall sual �2�°.s,`ct'aw r�d�'�,� <br /> F ' ' �-�.�1s`E:�d�',� � �. �p�}�'�'� " �+ Y 5+�� <br /> �"� "``�°`i < ', �erifyit�t�ie�sCCac�t�,anless Lxader pays��''?'�te�t�e�tu�.+�agpIicable law pc�tslF�ider to��s`F� - <br /> _ ,�,�,�� <br /> ;,,q�`�,yr y ;��� ;� . a charge.Hawever �r maY rec[uire Borra��eiGs�i�a��e chacg��'an Iadependent re,a�estate tax reportipg�ce: "� � - - <br /> t<c� '�_ '.... used by lxnder in �otr arith this loan. r�tess appticable taw pro�I�othem+ise. Unles.s an agreemeut is made or , .�---- - <br /> -1 ,` • . hcable taw -'t�erest to be azd Lender shaD not be ' w pay�orrawer an inter�ct or�earain on the Fu�s: ` —=_ <br /> �,�__, ' : � �.. P � � �� Y g F� _ ` <br /> Bomnater an��Lender in writin .however.that interest shall be d on the Funds.Lender shall "ve to Borrower, `'���`��--' <br /> .. . ::......:: . tnaY 8� g P� n � lt�••_-------- — <br /> i� � � without ch annual axauntin of the Funds, showin creAits and debits to tbe Funds and the u e for which eaeh °-'=�r <br /> :,;}r;.:.• : .' •.. �B 8 S P � �. <br /> -:���'_;°;" ••� �� debit to the Funds was msde.The FunAs are ptedged as additional securiry for aA sums secured by this Secudty instmment. � <br /> = :#.:: . ..::r";`:; <br /> - • t'`'t`�`�`"'�` if the Fnnds Aeld by I.ender exceed the�mounts permitted to be held by applica6le law;i.ender shali account to Borrower �° <br /> — � for the eacess Fur�ds in ac�cesrdanec with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Fupds held by Lender at eny .� � ,,, <br /> ' � time is noi sufticient ta pay the Escrow Items whcn due.1»ender may so notiPy Borrower in writin� such case Borrower <br /> ��*��' ��' �. ' shali pay t�Lsnder the nmount nccessary to make up the deficiency. Bormwer shalFinake up the d�cfency in na more,than _ -_ <br /> �. tcvelve mortthly Lender's sote discrctlon. , .'�+:�� ` <br /> ��''< � " Upon payment in fuli aP:ill sums secareA tiy this Security instn�mem. Lender sha1) promptly cefund to Borrower any .,�'';t:':���° <br /> • , � • Funds held bx Leader.If,under paragtaph 21.Lcnder shall acquirc or sefl the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale , r` °� <br /> ,.,.,;,. <br /> , '•.. of the Property.sital!apply any Funds hcld by Lcnder at the time of aoquisition or sale as a credit against the sums seruted by ' :�;; <br /> -- �. ,.`.." ,. ., .:�':: this Seavrity Instrument.. . . • c" <br /> �r�..r.;:.:,:; .' .^� � ' . •,�,� <br /> - -, 3.Appllcadon of Peyments.Unless applicable law provides atherwise.a(i payments receive�by Lender under paragraphs • . �-' <br /> �'::.:.,,,;;; :�- <br /> _ , 1 sind 2 sha116e any prepayment charges due under the Noce;seeond,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; ° >"��_� <br /> ����t.��y�+ � :: inierest principal due:and any late charges dne under the NeEe. F*: - <br /> � r � � 4.Ctzar�es;I.iens.8omuwer shall pay a11 taxes.assess�nents.charges,fines and impositions attributable tu the Pro8et2y 1 <br /> �.;i;;;.:: :.:' . -.�; , a r h i c h may a t t a in priori ry over t his Seruri ty I ns tru m2n t.a rt d l e 3 s e t i o l d p a y m e n t s o r g r o u n d r e a t s.i f a n y. B o a o w e r s�fi j p a y '�T°_=_ <br /> '�;;+�:: ...... :. .: : ttcese abligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if rtat paid in that manner.Borrawer shatl pay them on time�uue�ly . t, .. �' <br /> `� • ` � • . ��� to the geison owed payment.Borrower shall prompt ly fumis h[o Len der a l l notices o f amau�sis to be pai d u n der t h is paragrap h. �.,.:':..,.�'-.'- „��_ <br /> � ; : •: ' � ��,�y?"° = <br /> �, : If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payment�. �;T ,�� �_ <br /> -`�` Bomawer s(�11 panmptly�scharge any IieFe whicl�has priosity over this 5ecuriry Tnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in �' �''��T4 ��-- <br /> '� � ` ' writin to the a m�rn¢af ehe obli ian secured b the lien in a manner a table ro Eender; )oontests in ood faith the lien ,1�z',�=`.,,�"- � °-�Y� <br /> = i� � • • S P Y �� Y �P (b 8 .. ,�y; : .�;r w.;��'. <br /> �����'''°�{" , ' ' �• b or defends a ayn�t�fatceat�e of the lien in, le al roceedin s which in the Lender's o mion o erate to revent tite � <br /> �., �..�'.;: � Y. 8 � � S P P P • , . . '`. <br /> ���;�:;;'".""t, � enfarcement of the ifea;or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinadng the lien to <i ::. ' , •,.; �— <br /> ��' � "' this Security lnstru►n�.If I,ender determi�es that any pan of the Pcnperty is cubjeet to a lien which may attvn prioriry over , . .. . . ,°,y;��`�, <br /> - ` T�:. : <br /> � �� �.� '' this Security Instrumect.I.ender may give Borron•er a natice identifying tho lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or • <br /> '�'' • ' marc of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �`' ,� ' . . ;�'��:t•. <br /> .. • Form 3028 9/90 , . . ' . . <br /> .r � .. vcye s o�s .. . . <br /> � . : ' •' . <br /> ��, ' . <br /> • . • , . . <br /> • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . °+r� <br /> " :i� . • . . . , . , . . : , <br /> ;�.: , . • ' . . ' ;�i',.:, , ' . � • ' . , .. <br /> , . . �. <br /> . ; <br /> ,_ , ., � ' - - - -- -- - <br /> _ <br /> "_ . .. _4r.' . _. _ . . . . . . . .. . . ... • <br /> .r �•�.,• �• . , • .. ''.�' .�.��,�.f,ln�r��� . .7. . . . . . . . . . . . - -. . ' . , a <br /> . ' 1 ` ,�'. 1.' ' ' ' ; •'. �. <br /> � 1`+���j��f��'.;; �..r:..`,� : t °:� }t;,.: f� �� �i�1 j .� , _ , . �� ,:,�� , ,"� .� �... <br /> :�n 1 ,�t� . 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