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<br /> . �� 4 - ' - f'. `S... -
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<br /> ..� .��.�� t..� �F� '����� . . . . ._ ' <` , t ..� , � . " . .. .. 6 ` . •
<br /> ___--_ __ �< <. . .. ^' •. , . ,r . . � . ZS�EA�• . . , .
<br /> ----- . • i, : , •- . . ... . . . _ .�ir�%f�I�01`t�j ' &�'� .
<br /> -_�.____ ,•� ;,. , , • � J �
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<br /> ------ - � . �. �iatoean�QU o�►ia�a�� � � .
<br /> _ ���� � � ` ; . � � . - � ��— �.d���t� � _—
<br />—�`:�-;>:�;c;,';�'.. • �y th�l�sr�.a�mr�dam�of Lease,fttad�i�m�i�+co�ies$it� 5�,/1 d�y ot �__�
<br /> ��� , �: -
<br /> _ 4 -� �; iV�,95�.�ee�ree��e�e,z�.tR�i.+Aill�3t����"�L'6L�.;a�'��a L�r.dt� _ .
<br /> p����sl�p. (�tereinaf�r cati�°�r��ara.'�IO�III�lL�7w'�r s�3,,�r�iuir��
<br /> �- ' , �:� - . __ --
<br /> � y�{�� � �,�. :` cor�aratian,h�t+�irtaft�e;alted�`fis�tan�; �. . -- � . � -
<br /> -� -�-��-��:���'^ � � --
<br /> r.;.�:;�;�.:.:.�,,...:: " �
<br /> ��- jw :, �: . . l.andiord heieby t§as�s.to T�naltt,�rtd Ter�ant�ter�ay retrts from Lar�to�d. E_ -
<br /> - =_ � �� '° '= fQrfheterm.cammenang De+oer�ber 1,'f994.ac�d oon�nuing to and fndt�ding _-
<br /> ��°=- � y: r.'.�, :. .. . .
<br /> •_ `.� .: Nov�m�er 30t�054,subJet�to_p�icr temn�nat�on as her�inafter ptavIded,the
<br /> �' ,� . ;':r.. '- .., =� —
<br /> "� " �; premises tmcated at the So�tfiea�Comer of 2nd�treet and 8raadwell Str��t,in tPt� , ' �` �---
<br /> ' � ��"� � City af Gtand lslapd,S#afe of N�rastt��6eirig a�ngutar area caraaining . •�
<br /> ��4 �,if �* �_
<br /> :,. ,;�,:;w���� approximateiy 68,200 square fi�et,in�udfig the Buald'�ng descxitted[ietow.ait . __
<br /> ..2`.,�,, `. hnprovements.appurtenances,2asemer�ts a�d prir�te�es O�longing ther�o.all as _ _
<br /> ,. r ., f�.":., �t� - -
<br /> .�.. U� shawn o�the ptan a�tached B�c�ato and made a p�rt f�of as Exhibit°A:^artd �� -
<br /> .., . � , ��.
<br /> _ �.� ,. ,�
<br /> , ;... . . �., .�, ��...:�--=...-_--.-----te9�Qy►-des�t"bed.i[�Exhi6it"�g�ereto attached a�made_�r patt_hereof(a11• -
<br /> , �;, :�•:.: p �z�r
<br /> , � - -
<br /> ... .---
<br /> . : :�•1 �' .y�:�ir , kCBIPr�SRer col�ectiv��refsrred to as the"Leased PPemise�"�..4�dtord shali,at ��� �-_-
<br /> - � ,:�`.f .. :, . ...,;�;�;::;�.;:� Land[ord's experise..a�onstrud�new ane�story bu�tding.with SQQ�fe�4 of frontag� �°�,�--_-____—
<br />- '' ' ,. .4::�",;r'= " c�i,'r.�Gt�
<br /> . ... facing Br�wel!Sfir�et and not[e�s than 135 feet af d�p#h,being a�et�angutar � _-
<br /> , �. -
<br /> .;; � � "�:; •1:::: _
<br /> ,�. ,';;t��"�}�,�;.•.,: _ . _._ _ _ . .--. .. .. . . —
<br /> � ...
<br /> area��g 13e��0 square fest on the first��rr a�t�t�e Leased Prem�ses. ��, �a;G-�--��--�----
<br /> ,. , .:
<br /> — ' ,��t���`� .''' ' . pur�uarrt to Articte.���[rareaf(hereinafter ca(!e�!said"�uit�ng"j.ffigether with the ���_.�5�_
<br /> �;�ti��`��:. .;. : <�arking areas and�ances and ex�s atf as shown ac��ftsc�ted��!!ibit.°-A-° _
<br /> ' ��af�+l:*
<br /> ! ��•... . - � :`• � . ir;.yyw _—
<br />�- ��S� . -, ' ...• . '. ' . ' .�`"+�� —.
<br />�. � � . - � .j•� ..�.(<.�• � . �.<�. .. -_'
<br /> t T�ant shaft�ay�ent o�r�ne DoQar($1.00��i�year /� �� . ,.�/ ',
<br />_ . � , : . . . . � � :�.:-
<br /> . .. � .'':�;r�':;��'; F'r+�yisicns for further and addfioR�;l�t artd t�e other tertns�covenants antl; .:,•�. � --�
<br /> . :fi:�.
<br />— : ----.. . .'�`�'�ondfidsr�.�said�etting.including the a��ca�s on t�c�part of Tanant forp�er� � :�.;�.-. -
<br />�;._�, ��. . ; . terrninAtior�.are set forth at length in the lease,beari�g even date herew�h�ioehueen �
<br />� � - �:�.` - ' � - the parties hereto and all of sa�d provisions,terms,covenarets and condi�ons are,by � ,,.�. ��._
<br /> �E`•�.l.i� �l. . � . ..Yr!':•:
<br />�_::�;����fi��;�'���', .. � reference thereto,t�by incorporated ire a�d made a part of 9�ss�Iease. ,;��_��,��;;;,.��
<br />�i,ta 1•:tt�(}. ,rJ:p N1�f —
<br /> �, ` �. i � , . . •i��`�.j}��"�_•��_
<br />�'..,� ���� �.�:�;, , Said other lease.cor�tai���ong other thiRg�:the following prov�ipres: f f �._-'"
<br /> � . ,:�r . . . . ��� � ;� --
<br /> . EXCLUSLVES � � .. '. ' . . .�;•., :6-=
<br /> .. '.��� � . . . . . . -- .�::-—
<br /> , . . ;,�.� ,_-
<br /> . :,.;;_ ' , � ' . , 3;�.=�_��
<br /> � : � • �.' ` Landlord covenae�t�and agrees that,during the term of this Lease and � . F ��
<br /> •. . . a��xtensians or renewats thereof,no addi�+it�l property which Landlord, , �"' �����,
<br /> � �I��y or inclirectly.may now or itereaftet avt�r�i�corrtr�t,,�rtd which is . � �::��.s;t a`�y�..°
<br /> �::.�:,:. � contiguous t�a f�e Leased Premises,will be used for. (�Li+�operation of a - .:. �;� �: '�:;r�l�i�.�:
<br /> ::���t�••'�:`.'.;r7�Li`zkf•
<br /> � � � drtag store a�+�'so�calted prescrip�on phartnacy or for any nther purpose '.�I��-;�.� ���k;p�,�;,v-�-
<br /> � . � rc,�y�iring a qualfied ph�rrnacist or,other person authorized by tavr tii � � • '�'��'�%��;;}��?=
<br /> � dispense medicinal dncgs,directty or indirectly,for a fee or remurt�s�ion of �S`�;;4' .
<br /> , (,;. . .. '.
<br /> . r. : � : . � any tcind,or�(ii)the sale of so�alled heaith and/or beauty aids and/or drug � � � '�
<br /> � `.� , s�rndries,or(iii)for the opera tion o f a business in w hic h non-a lco h��c � � �
<br /> � � •�,� Lvc.��rages or a tco ho lic b 8verages are o f�r�C�,r sa le fo r co n s u m����o ff t h e �
<br /> ±} . � '� �a�gnises,or(iv)for the operation of a basinc�in whicfi photofirtis4�crtg � .
<br /> ,..;..�� servicgs and�br photographic film are aft�ec-��ar sate.ac�y for the operation �c�.;�;,:;,;_ � `�
<br /> '� �..rrb-?;�...� . � i
<br /> �'�'���'�� � of a busin�.�Fn which food items ar�aff�r�d for sate off the premises.ared/oP �`:��`��'"`���� -
<br /> :• ;�:,::>,,.. .
<br /> , ',.,�,..,,,, : �
<br /> : y�:�.. :;r,;:,: .�.' .; :;:;:;�.! (vi)forthe operation of a business in whicit greeting cards andla�g�ft vrrap
<br /> �• � � •�;,i: ar�offered for sale. tn the event tlhat Tenant fites suit against au�y party to f. _. • ,
<br /> �_ `� � � � .�' . enforce the foregatng�esfictions,Lar�dlord agnees to(i)cooperate fully with � j . '•.
<br /> Tenant in the prosecution of any such suit,and(i�reimburse Tenant for a11 of ` . _
<br /> .'�, ��, �� . _ , � attomeys'fe�s and court costs incurred by Tenant in conneation with such � � � � - ..
<br /> s ` suit,notwitf�standing its resotvtion. !� �
<br /> �`--:: � .. .
<br /> ��'�>'-'. � (Thi�Instrument Prepared by Todd G.Frank.200 Witmot Road�Deefietd.IL 6001v� � '
<br /> , . ' � � : .�
<br /> _, - - -- -
<br /> -.,.:
<br />