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<br /> te3 • ` •' -
<br /> � •` �r�• � .-� . , ,� �a t . i ` .. ( . , ' ._ ' .�Y • , • �Y �. . 4
<br /> " '--. __ l i < • ' � a . . .c c � . : ^ ,. `. ' ,�'��� � ���i�l/��. ... f , �
<br />.--__.--. .___— , . ' . . . . . . ' � '" . . ' � . . ` �4ikv . ._ . .
<br /> � . ��g(�j,Clt(lCt�ilS1L'S. �L.'�1]5ulATICC qTl't£T jki4'J�$�1kC I�6�idu��t►jI 8(13Yif{�P�Y 513�1,�jC�t�l.�t'S `
<br /> .. ° •�1roYaE.�w?�`�tI¢SIIeU R.tit 66.1lt1lC�SrRS,�6Iy witf�'!"EI�r$f Bi�olTfer f[E�s t0 l�tt�it CoVBZ{i$e11dC.5CCi�'d AbOiit,`►LCII£tet�y*� '
<br /> -- • � �,e�o�n.�btaio covE�nge w�rotect�us�ca'$ri�hts i�t�uc Pt�gerty'm ancordanoe F�sh par�rT.��.,�
<br /> ' ;`; I!Q ins�Po�c�s Artd t�arals sh�:be ac�tpta'�e Lo Lendes am9 shat�I It�cluck a snnd�'t�oit�age cta5�.se,.�:�dec .
<br /> ` � s�,tY��►ave the�igtut to 6crid tha palisi�s s1�tS1�ewuts�_If#�recl�es.Boero�var�s�al1 FromP�Y.6�vc to Lenc�eF�aIf rr�i�ls. _ .
<br /> _ ' tif�id`prem3ucns ar►d�nes�at anti�. Ia t�evetks of ta�,��t►rm�ver`si�.give j�tsps:aotioe to t�insm�C�.carriex a�- .
<br /> �i.. -- Leai�r. Lendez may finake praoY af Wsa if aai m�de pmmptty hy�oriro�r�r. ; ., `_ �,`
<br /> --— ' "UaSe�t.endes'msd BtmaWrer�vri��a�in wribng,�nsuxaare�suctcds sPiall be app]ied ta testoration or re�r of
<br /> _- �_� . :
<br /> d�e ptppetty d3ma$Cd.if tlie�e5ttmd4iun or tega�is e�a$o�iCalIy�IB 3ud Leadesa�5e�tliit,y is aoYIC�ssae�.."Lf 11I�.
<br /> ,� .
<br /> -_ -� �n og rep�c i�m±r�uom��feasibte�LEad�-F��+��d�e tes�en�rl.�i�sc,r+�*� �g-sh�1t - :-
<br /> - ---:- . Epp�ed ia��s sc�zs�d bY tms��rirry iu�'s�us�u�rr'-;�+K.a�s�t d':'�":sts.t�tX px�c;xud ta B�n�ver...I� .__ ._ -_ � .
<br /> ��S95ifi� � _
<br /> - - � '��Bwt�re��aadeus�Finp�aty.oa doe.s Qei�svs�e�wislri�n.30 days a a9tice fmiri.l.endea[haz the it�sucartnce cani�r has
<br /> . a .
<br /> - --- ':�;offer�i�o ses�ta a daim.i�L�nder maY collaca t6e i��ce Pr�s• Leiider may�se th�proceids to'seFa�'or rescore
<br /> —_---�' ' " `�:�;�Ptn�estq arlto P�Y snms s�by this3aurit�+Iastr�menl,wi�ea�aot tl�dae. 'IYte 3Q�d�p pz�i�d wiil btg�n wE�i
<br /> -- ----_=�=='� ,:.� . ''_"`.t?�cra�i�se�sgiveo. ..
<br /> ���'. IIs�ss Leader aad Ba�raw�oth�wise sgee in�vaitin8,aaY cation of.psqeeeds ta pa��Znl�shall aai exkeud oF
<br /> -__-_-��� , ".�fi�se the dua date af ttta tuand►iY Psyments�efemed to in pa�r��t zad 2 oi.cta2mge.sh�affiosmt of:d�p�•:�
<br /> - �e1�•. �ir.p3r�ph 2i t�PEVpe.aqy is acqui�by LenRJsr>Ba�mwcr's ng6i to a��P��es anict.gmce�cts:t+�suSt�ng
<br /> __M ,.�s��ra.,, �Ntt d3����nF P�or to the acquisiticro shall pass tn i.en�to tl�exoe�t of tbe su�s sesazed by�1Ei�s�S€ceuity .
<br /> ;+��_1''��z��; �: , .
<br /> - ---�- � d�p��a�.iatetYPriort+�ti�ac9uisidan .
<br /> �_;'L�x''�r , `. �.s'(,;:,�ga�ct�, p��, t�int4tiat�ce and Ptatectiam�.of thr Piraperty; Borro�se�'s Latn AppI�t3an3
<br /> - _:��";=::���'�; ���on of this Se�urity Ins�nent end shall a�ntin�e�aocu�Y��P�Y�°�Iraw�princlpal r�ence�at
<br /> -rr ri��l��',".�Y� �i .
<br /> ;; �a ��• F2a�ki�yea�r after the date of occupaaty,.untess Lendar othemise agrees..in wri6ag, whish eonsent s�all aot be .
<br /> '�,s„'� �.ut{�1:�y witl►hetd.ar uatess exteatustiag cucwnstances exist which aze b�eyand Bormwer'§caatc�L Bormwex sha13 n�ci:
<br /> ',%��.:�;�Y`u=''��' ` or�commit waste on th�Piopetty. Borm�ver sh{�i
<br /> ..:,;:_-.. -. ,.� �.�, ; dpl�.d�age ar�ir d�e PtOP�'+a]Iow ttce Property w deterinrue.
<br /> :.-,�. .�� ...; , _ , . . . . . .
<br /> r.._ ., .:•. a
<br /> ,,.:
<br /> ':��{r.��•.�•.t�'t<�;�. ---.---- _ �... . ¢�y.forfeitu�actiaaos ; er ! .... ..
<br /> '•k�, r�tSseaS�C P�g �e� c�vil or enrnu�al, s 6eSun tbat in Lea�de�s good"fa�thNaSmecS.
<br />-:,r;:°:�;..• c�.•:;jES�;< '.'.. . .. c,�i�r3 tesutt�in forfeiuue of ths Pt+uperty or othen�uise materially impair the lien created by tbis a�curity Imsua�nent or
<br /> +r
<br />=Kf� '�=•-�,`;�','�;�.. + �eader�s secmiry interest 8orruwer msy cuie such a defaWt and ieinstat�,as pmvid�d�paragrap�IS.b3'qusing the acHon � �
<br />`�'�"�-� '.''`;:+;"t r fi. : . .-:t`sg Proc�inS m 6e dismissed with a ttiling that,.in Lenderx gaod faith de0erminaxion,yreciudes frnfeitvne of the Bort+owet*s
<br /> -:'r��_..;,;:°:.':�:;-rs:� r -�tteiest in the Ptaperty m mtier mateaial impaimteat of the lien created by this Secuziry�ent or Leader�s security
<br /> ;.;;iA - ::r��{;r,��,s v8 IDeI f31Se.OT• — .
<br /> . ,4,,.,� „interest. BmzaNer shall atso be�in dr#aait if Boaower,.iiuting the'�oan application.psocess,ga erialtY
<br /> ' �`t;;��5�L '' � . inacairate iafomtation os statemeats m Lender(or fa�ed w provide I:eader with any materia3 info�mation)in co�tedi�witY�:.
<br /> ,;�„�;'"�- �'�"';;:`'"�;;; We loan evideuved by,�the�ate,incIuding,but not Gmited to.tePtesentasions conceming Ba�smw��accapaacq af tha -_. --
<br /> .'`�`.•'" a4 a nsideace. If tbis Security Instrumeat is on a leasehold,Ba�wer shall comply aritb all the pravisions
<br />`�r�y�,'.,;,;.�'.;�y':!�c�:;!., i PtoPertY P�P�' fee title ta the Pm the teasettoid and Ute fact�!!�shall not merge�mless Lepder ag�s :�.�`
<br /> hlbadi4-',. _
<br /> �� . � ': �.Of t11r IL3SC. If BOi[oWC��CI�llt[C3 PenY. . . , , .. , -- --
<br /> Y� , . _�<:"to ttte merger in writing:',`;� • -
<br /> ,�..,, •. ... • . 7. Ft�atection a�':Esh�der's Rlghhts in the Properly. If Borrowes fa�7s to perform the wvenants an� agreemen3s :_
<br /> ••,,��:. : _ � coniained in li�is Secu�i�:_Instiument�,or tfiece is a legal pruceeding that may sigoificanuy affect I.ender's rights ia tha `,y:.
<br /> �;�„ -• Property(such as a pno�g in banktuptcY.Probate.for oondemnadon or fo r feiture or to enfoioe laws or r e g u t a t ians).then �
<br /> ,„�., � � - � �,`, Leader may do and p�y trir whatever is necessary to protect the valae of the Pruperty and l�er�s rights in the F'noperry. �
<br /> :�•�.� : :�°. ° . . Lender�s actianc may include I�Y+�S any sums sccured 6y a lien whieh has priority aver this 3ecvrity Instrument,appearing
<br /> • . � � in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs.Although Leddes may talce action. �,y.�--.�°�s
<br /> �� � ,s��� under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. v-�"�`�=`-
<br /> �'�:ri�-�:� ,• -
<br /> � -.�Li,��'�; My amounts dis6ursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bosower seeumd by this :�r � -,r� ,�_.
<br /> , � . -'`�":':,•'? Security Instrumen� Unless Bo�wer and l.ender agree to other tem�s of payment.these amounts shall bear inte�est from the �.4�,�,a���
<br /> � date of dis6uisement.at�ifi�•Note rate and shall 6e payabie.with intenest.upon notice�from Lender to Hosrower requesting • s.�-
<br /> ��`!,� payment. • -
<br /> ;.� � }�__
<br /> ;:,,;���{�", 6. Mortgage In�ce. If I.ender requi�d mortgage insurance as a eandiaon of making the toan secured by this • r�:�":-,;;:�-=='_
<br /> Secwity L�sirumen�Bm�awer shall pay the premiums required ta:nnaintain the c�aortgage insurance in effect. If.for any� : � =-�-_
<br /> '������' �. _ --
<br /> . � . , ; , . reason, th�:-aetingage in�-�aance cox� required by Lender lag_y=v ur ceases�t�be in e�,Sanower shaU pay t3r.� ;` R ,:�
<br /> •- �� . �, premiums tequited th;�s1'�'°�.cover�ge substantially.tquivalent.in, ti�r.cort�--�'r.r�surance piea;�sly in effecr.at a cs� �;
<br /> • - . '. � substantially equivatet�t p�tS�r.cosC to Horrower o f t i n c'inort�e;�u:ce pr-�ir�uvy in effect,from an altfitvste-uiart g u�'' � �-'�=-
<br /> ' , . � �.; insurer approved by Li�ii��if substantially equivaient�ortgage:i�.s:�►`ance Ca�r-;r;,,���s not available.BomoK�:�all Qay co ��rT;x�6i _
<br /> .•, • • ,:.
<br />_. :.;. + : . : � .'
<br /> ' •° •�� = � ' Lender each month a sus:�.%;aal to one-twelflb of the yearly mat�.�;�.`�nsurance�.�mium being paid by Borrower when the ��,��
<br /> .— � M1L"`''�
<br /> • . `' inswance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effecG Leader wili a,xa�use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lie�,� '':�'.�_='�w- -
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer Ysc�c�uired.at the option of Lender,if�nordgage insur�c� � _-----
<br /> !;;, . � `� '' �, coverage(in the amour�t�nd for the penod that Lenrles sequiresp�n;vided 6y an insurer approved by Lender again becom�. ., : • �'"'"'=� _
<br /> �"���5` ��.• �'. �.. available and is obtai�re�f:�orrower shall pay the prenuiuns required to maintain rrtrmgage insurance in effec�or to provide a . � -
<br /> ,!�4y�r�, ., ,: ,; (oss teserve.until Il�e�uirement for mortgage iasurutce ends in accordance�vttft jiny written agreement between Borrowez 4� , ,.�, :�., ' ,�s :-
<br /> � and LendeT or applicabLe law. ' `rRtit
<br /> � ' , . 9. Ctx�pection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable er}fries upon and inspections of the Pcoperty. Lcnder shalt , ��',,}�,f�}y
<br /> �` . , give Bortm�er notice at the time of or prior ta an inspection specify{n�reasonable eause for the inspection. : � . ,�,;�X;��w�1�,4•.,.;.�.'
<br /> ;: . � '. . , 10. Condemna4lon. 'Ihe proceeds of any awsud or claim far damages,direct or consequential,in connection wi t h a r.y � ,;;., �, .
<br /> • Sin�ie�amity•-Fnnnte Mae/Ftpfdie Mue UNIFURS11NS7'RUM�Mf-�Uniform Cwenants 9t90 (/x�±;r3oj6 pageiJ ,��,�; � �; ,�.,.��.
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