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<br />_ _ _ . � " " ::.':� �p�,�3V Ri�ER ie�sade'this 2YTK . ' ` • �.'`• .:�uf MAY� �`�` � ; 19�''�,• . . � �
<br /> -_ .. . •� ;.�n�fs i�icorparaz�into and s�aD b:�doemed ta amea4 aad supplem�t the Mortgage.iDxd,ot'Crnst ar Deed W Seasra 1�ept�che: .'� •
<br />� � . !�Sec►uity�insuume�t")of the�a�e�ate given 4Y ths uude�rssigned(te:�`•BomQwer"D fo secure�t�e Bosrower'ff�Note to . ` - .
<br />�: � �. .. , �:�--
<br />_ ' '-�=� : , . : NORW��T i�iDR'iGA�, INC. � ' ` � ' (t�"i�des'h .. _,
<br /> -_. _ .
<br /> .
<br /> -- - - - � � _ . . _-- --
<br /> .�a� _ of�he saat�da�e and oavering th�property descn`b�3 ia tiie S�nty'iasdmae�t En8 iec�ucd�Y: . , .. ,
<br /> °°� ' � __- - -- ._. . . . - - -- __. - � _ .._- —.___ - — _._ .
<br /> _ , •. . _�.,.. . _. ,,. -
<br /> .:;.--��r , a793 W OLD POTA5H'. RAAD , GRAY+i}3, Y�LR� , ,NE 680Q3 � , . --
<br /> _ t�, �
<br />- ;�s' i[kopar�►Addressl . -
<br />= -'�:T":-';�:�` . 1�SE iut�est rate stated On tht Pt�te is qlled th."Note Ra�e:"Tde date of xh�Note is called the"1Vote�at�."I arrd�+�.° —
<br /> - H �-" . tiie LeaQer may transfer t�te Nat�,S��nsuuraent aad this Ri�a.The Lender or anyone.wha tabces tke Ptote,tlt�Secueit�:.
<br /> • '' - Instrmnent and iLis Rider by transfec and wha is entitted ta receive.payiacuts�uad�r tlr�Nat�:is q1Ied tke"Note Hoider."��
<br /> - ��d.r�.i.ly.:l�.�'i � . . .
<br /> ..•'',�.:.-'. .'! .
<br />_ Y..,�:�;._�.,,,� ADDTe[UNAL COVENA:�E�S.dn ad�idon to the co,raaants�d agreements in theSauriry Insaament,Borrower and Leudet
<br /> "��r=f�.;: ..�� ;:., f,uxt�r co++enaut and a�ree a*��o�+vrs(despite anythsag to the oonvary ooAtained'm tlie Saauity Inssn�ear or t&e Ntq�y)„ .
<br /> "s.�j�;',, ��i��<.:f.aie _ '.:;:.:._::.,� :.-�•' . . . � . . , , rFi.'��.;I2:�. � • .
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<br /> , �� +r 3 �` At the �a`tc of the Note aad 3ecurity Iastrument(tbe"Maturity�Date">,I w�716e abte ta oWain a ne�loaa("Ncw`.�;�`r; �
<br /> . , �
<br /> . ..._. , .
<br /> .
<br /> „ ,.. . �
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<br /> _, ,�_:....�;;;.,�„f�'� a . ce of JUNE 1ST .7A 2 .aaat wit� '` rate � ai to the,.�- k -
<br /> . . .._ .,. , .
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<br /> . ..Loan"3 �e. t�r Pa� ,
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<br />- �`�� :.- ' ' , "Nea+1Vote Iiate'�deiei��sx�acoordanoe�vif6��on 3 belowif all tlie��tlit�on���roy�i�d inSectib�� �anc!S�below are met �
<br /> :•. .�_., . ;, x�
<br />- ` • '` -' (the"Condi�onal KePin�n ��^,�`'a,'?�tion").If thase condiuuns are not met.I unders7and t�t;"L,f?�.'•`Tote H 'iaunder uo obligatIon _---
<br /> •�',,�`%; . W retimanse or modify the t�,or to extend Wc Maturitq Date,aad that I Ev�l have to�tt�e No�`., cros my owa resourcxs �
<br /> , .
<br /> ..
<br /> � . »r find a lender s,�-�ibgYa iead me the money to repay t6e Note. ' , ,• �?-•-�' � , ___
<br /> . .
<br /> � .. '
<br /> ,
<br /> . . .,-,
<br /> ;,_.. . :.,....4 ......:. - 5�tC . . . . , ' • .`'�',rl`� — -
<br /> . , . ' . .'i '' ' - - �..���fll�����OH_- - - � - - - - - — - - -
<br /> . - - - If I a�ant to rx�cise the Condidonal Refinanang Op6o�,at matiuiry,certain canditio�s�m�ssi,6e ma as of thr MaNrity Data ,;�`' �=
<br /> t ;, � �'��4onditioas a�r�(1)1 m�s�l be tlie owner and o�;��the propeRy subjeq to��:3`ec�uity Iu�wment(d�e"P�9. ' '� ��_ _ °�
<br /> te . • '
<br /> :: �{�j�tl�n t t b e a u r.e u t i n m q�e� 'p a Y m e a t s a n d c a n n o t h a v e 5 a r�a�a o r e t h a n 3 0 d a y s l a i e a s t a v.g o f t h e I Z s d u d n i l q d m o n t�l y.���n e n i s . ��
<br /> `� `� r ` ( �i�Y F�g,the M�Dat�t�no 6ea against��oPertY(e�to�t for taxes aad sperial assessments noi p��and. ; =
<br /> J f, ;c . , .; ..f, .. �3"e)a t h e r�'r�t o f t l�S e c�i t Y I n s m u n e n t m a y e x i s r(�a:r h e N e w N�.R a t e c a n n o t b e m o r e f h a n 5 V�o�t a 8 e 1�a�n t s a6ov� t ` �
<br /> XI ��
<br /> '�`9�', � : i9°.N�te Rat�;�•(j�}I must make a written reqitest to the Note Holdet'��cnided'm Secaon S belosu;. � , -
<br /> - . � :�:(�AY.C[1LA'tYNG T�NE{9�PiQ'd�ttATE ' , , :- ' . •. , . ,':: :. ,y
<br /> "'. • The Nezv Note Rate w�6c a 6xed rate of interest equal to the F�ai National Morr�ge Assoaasinn's required�a:�};rdd for :-;;"` =
<br /> ". . . '~":;;�. '. ,�,�6�ced tate mongages subject to a bQday mandatory delivery oommivaent,Plus ono-half of one peroeatage poini(0 3�ia).r�rnmded ::':;:r .
<br /> ._ - .- �t�e.near�st one�eightb of oae percentage point(0.225�10)(the."Nea►Note R2t�"?.The rec�dred aet ytrld s�3}be tliae applica6Ie n� , • ::,�s�� _
<br /> . �. yield in effoct oa tbe date aad dme of day that the Note Holder receives a�..,x�my ele�ion to exercase tli�C.Ondittonal Refmanc�ag . . :1,r� ;`•::-.
<br /> '..,;:.` ' . Qpdon.If this mry�:ired aet yiel�is not ava7able,the Note Ho1der wpl d��'�e New Note Rate by usiag oompa[able iaformatinn.�
<br /> r.. ,..:: ,.`� >� ;r;;�'�;:.,,: ��Aa.CIJI.ATII�iG Tf�NEW PAYMENT AMOUNT ,� . " -
<br /> � : `.�,`�rt;�� � ' Prorided the New Note It2te ac pl�ulated in Section 3 abnv�is net��than 5 p�e powis above the Note�rt 2^tl , ��
<br /> ,` ,i�`. ',.•�f.;��.,��, ' -- - - �!d et�zr ooad�:s roquired in Section 2 abave are sarisfied.the�ote HaS�Qr�w determine t�e amaunt of the mont�lyya•'�,t;�a�t. -
<br /> - � ;;:r,.•::. � �,;;�,,.:,r:•...; af�be sufficieat:fa.�epay in fuU(a)the unpaid prinapal.plus(b)aoaved���..aid interest.PIus(c)all oL�sums I vn�l 0�2 c�c,• -r --
<br /> .`r ��;���?:;.;i�i;;`:,.,.... , the l�o�e aud Saaz:�q[anrument on the Matariry Date(assuming my mo�u LsaYmenu then are curre�st;���uired uadet�ao� •, .�_
<br />