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<br /> . f ' ` � ��'fY��7t�i�e`�t'��taat�kxrqwe�ia t�iwf�s�lp mek.�.at�f�e-��e tirrs6�.-ami�+t�!`,�xs�x�a�sst,�o,�.��'''-
<br /> �� �'�:ant ahd conrcy the per��ty��c3 that tha f'cxiper�+,ig�nenc�inbet,es�,a!�ccpt fnr�um�rsnc�ol�c[�r� �arc��ee'�' ,
<br /> � . wi►tCanta and�ri1t&�et��elneratl�r�9�a;tiile�ih��'�eis��a�i oaE atl��ci�i ms atu�c�mai�e,tw6jocY fa sny et�um�rs����-'.`'
<br /> ' w�,r�.�w�.1•..• '� . ' ! . `� . f ` .. . . 'c,' .` - ... . ' � . . ` �. • +�`,•� '::� . .
<br /> �' �rq i+�rtiirv. • ' ', . . . , ;
<br /> . .'�E�l�S��3JttiTY�N�'ttUi�;N��r�r��inc�unifiisns unv�s,a.ats.�a�r�ti�,t��a�trnn•unitosc»c+ova�t�wiah;,..�<.
<br /> � • ,� {it3lefe�lPv�1'��4Qutl.�b���i_ri�dECtinty tciiY�c�stit�tea una[u�rn se�irity i,,strum�ic4-rsvrrir�eal ptupn�ay� ' �,, �
<br /> . � . 'iJt+lt��t143�4iFLNAE�T!'3,tio►�e��ra an�i l.esidee rei�enxn��nd a�r�ts aa�uliaw� � w' ,�. .
<br /> !
<br /> �. ,� Ti.3'�ye�a�t at.�'ifnsi�+aQ sn�(nt��rl��'rap�ytaisnt asd�yte�iaas��e.I.i�na�:tr n4t�11 promptly p�yr�v�it�s�uc �
<br /> �: ;.- �-tirt�`i�ige�afa�s3itrtt�s#cnit�c�bt'�vt�t�3isgtka�to�aa�s�yP�b'�#�}���1aa�a�azd�cnar a�n�:�az - �.__ _ _ __
<br /> j��[ C �_
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<br /> .. ' �rr—s�i'ri�cs-rvr-��tss a�[i[3IIff�1��Sf�o�tsJjct.G l'$7�1'�IGiV�t'!H!f Vi"{��ei�j(i�FTNr'd190Z`,t�F t. ��SSC7�tI .
<br /> — t� :Y" ����y tQ i:.e;ndGr ot�t�e d�Y�noi�thly�yrztcnts u�e due ic�wwtec tRo Ncata,u�til tIi$Il���.q�s�r}�i�.i�l��.¢+�►�"�l.tt�d�'•':}ic�: . ..
<br /> � (i��;�r{�;�urs asd�irceen�cs.�.�h<tilsy�ttaii�prioCitS dver�.his Socuriig•[�i;itt[1A�t�aYA-�IQ�i�'t�aF�►�tt�±�.�I�� . � .
<br /> . � • " g�r�3y�C�t�ct�ald�rments ot ��ad.�ii�at��t1�I'r�spe�4Y.if ang;(cy b'a,rig hi�'aitd.�us.P�n�rtY�ttsttra�t'te�-�ma�urn�. t. :
<br /> � �n
<br /> � ��� 9u.t,�i:ttoaa i�.suru►ce pri�ntxbrna�iR��'�te}rcartv mortga�e hssauas�ce rre�iatma..�f�n��t 4�}s�,Y�+'it��l!��- °
<br /> . �b}�;�xerm�ender:an a�ate��nae.�rith:�tts�r 4viauns of P�ra g r+P A 8.�n litw c�i4�4���y�tnei►#W mo�t` '�� .��►i e r t t�n n e . , ;
<br /> . .. �r fir�Yna.'�htse itetnsam ai�t�f►�P�ci+ox�ltem�'l.en�r,ma�:at an y iime,c�ltect ind twld�'�mds in sn:aanb�t mt � <
<br /> to eacceer��ti�a in�mt��amo�t s:I�tttc�e� tat i tec�er�ily cefat�!"i�nart�a�e.tan msy eequ�ene iat 8ora+a�xtx'�e�eroM ' .
<br /> --- - u�Uc►t_ur.der�tlie taa�deial Reil Bstatc'�atitt£�nent�Pro�durrs Aec ut Ig74�,S ameade��rvm tiriie ta dme..13 U.SC. .:..:
<br /> Sa.�tton 26t}�e!se+q l'"[tESPA'?,untess uzother law that applies ta th�Funds sets a lesser srrioun£If�a;Len�kr�m�r.
<br /> 'a�t tny tFm0.oalt�t and hold�Fun�Ls in an�rnaunt nat ta r,xcee�!�he teser amoanL i�er�kr msy sstim�ta tite aniount ot� � �
<br /> - - Fw�is d�a�e un she Wsis oi cum,it data and�sona6t�.�timates ai e�penditures of.tiaure Eacr�ow tums or o�nrri�e:n. �
<br /> _-- aaotdat�cc�riMappticabkfsp. � . - . , . ,
<br /> - Tha Funds�1!bc 6eld ia an Instituti�n wltase depr,sits are ir�suted 1iy a federa!ag�,maY.�nstretmeatati4y.orenrity. .
<br /> -- -- - �iacludiag Lepda.It�nder issuch an institutian)ar in sny}�e�ierel Ho�ne Laan B�nk.Ltadarshtll agp�Y tf�Fut�ds w , �
<br /> ---_-�-- i�Y the�.�xrow Item�L,ender�may not,charge Bormmwer tor holding�d apptying sho Fur�ds,an�u�ttp a�ulyfi�tt�e.
<br /> _-_-;';���;� escrbw acouun�ar verify'�ng tfta Escr�ow Items,unless l:ender pays Iiorroerer int�erest on tho Funds and sppticsble law.
<br /> _= permits Leada to make suc6 a charg�.Hncvevar. L�ader may.�quire Barcnwcr m p�y e on�tima char�e fas iui
<br /> _ = � �ndepend�ent rral estate ta�reposting sesvice�d by l.en3er in oonnection.with this toan.utttess applit�ble ta��vi3en
<br /> -� ` `��'"i� �otI�erwise Unle�s an agt+ee�ent is mada or ap Ecable law requires int�r�st to 1se paid,Letuder sh�U not bQ�equit+ed to
<br /> T u T ���?�;�; ' pay Bormwer any intere�t nr earnin�on the�-unds.Bormwer and Lender may s�nx in writing,Ao�vevtr.thit�ntere�t
<br /> =;:`_r��.�.'�;�„�;;�'� swll6a patd on tGe Fund�Le�der sha11 give to HOrrower.without charge.an annual aa,rounting ot ths Fumfs,ahoaring �
<br /> =�:;�:�:�:=s�:_�;�-.;��� cxedits attd debits w the F�ds and tAe pur�aose tor nrHirl�each debit ta the Fun¢s was made.The Fands ara ptedged as .
<br /> =:=E:LL�-'==`,`'-�;�:°���`-�;;�� ; ` � ndditional security tor atl s�ms�brthis Sec�rity instn,meni
<br />��`+-=F"_�`';;`:�°� ;" � It the Funds held'b Lendep a¢aed the amounts
<br /> y pernsitted ta be held by applicable la�v.Lender siult aaceunt ta
<br /> "`:�;'�'�~'�`,��`'"��'::{' Borrorrer[or the escess Fnnds in acxotdance with tAe requirements oi spplicable law.I�Ma smount of the Fimds held ',
<br /> ;a�r,;,�•.`;;-:��; , by I,endtr at any time t�r.not sufCccient to,pay the Fscrocv Items wheri dua.I.endes may so notjfy Borroa�er in wrlting.
<br /> .�,,;�,;:.;;;^>;.. � and.in such case Notrourershbll�pay tl�Lea�der theamount ne�ry to make ap the deficiency.Borrower.sfi111.maice . - - -
<br />-.':r':'�,�,;W; . � �� y[laJ(�716QL4.8t�.Ctl�Ef S 5018(�f&Cf'C11Q71. '
<br /> ��5,,:;;:,.:.:�.;•- '��.. � the deticim �n no mut�than.t�reive monthf ' . '
<br /> ,L''•':` :. U n ment in fuik t�tall�sums sxured b thia 5ecurit Instrument�L$ncier shall mir� t1y tefuad W BnrroRer �
<br /> �:��s,�`��:. , P� RaY J� Y P . P - _
<br />,;,.;.., -�
<br /> ;,,��:;, : . enq Funds hetd by Lender I�r, under,paregtepb�2i;�Lender shall soquire ur seU the FrrJ�:s�rtY. Lendar, priot to t�e ' _
<br /> .;•� �`:••. � aoquisition ar sate oi the I�ra�erty�shaU.apply any Funds held by Lender nt tha tiqte of c�quisition or saie as a cnedit W�_
<br /> `',;;�,.+;,; againstthesumssecurc�eiis�'�.hisSe�uritylnstrument. :;',.- : ' , r __---.
<br /> �'"j'%'''`" 3. A lication of Ptr�urnen�a.Unle�s a li�htN la�v n,vid�s nthenvise;7i1�'�s�inents received `'
<br /> ,y;�,?,:�., �: PP PP P by�;�i�d�r under � •-�--
<br /> ,� ..,�,;.�,. . � ,p.,ragraphs 1 and 2 shalt���Fplicd:tit:�t,t��any pre�as•ment charge.s due und�r`tii�l:T�t�i:�ond,w amG��tis payable �-�--:`:;-""`:-_�_
<br />'i;�,;;:�'.;�,; .' ,' ;: f anderpata�ta i►�third,tc}inter�tduc;tourtl�.tu tinci zldite:andlast,toan l�fes�tt�{r��ueundestheNfote. �,',;.:';.• -�-� �
<br /> ,�;{,{ .. �. P P� Y ,�.���=:"
<br /> , f .'..{.ij -.. : ' , ' 4. Chux�rs;:�.ieats. Bom►iver shelt pay all taxrs,�s�cments.chavges, tin�s and im�s'tir,titions attributable ta�'�lir � "�'..�
<br /> a
<br /> , .• �'roperty ar1��f�a��it�Ay a��in priority ovet tlti� S�:urity Instrument.and teaseholJ p a yments or g r ouad:�t'�n t s. i�an y.. t,:_ --
<br /> .''' � • • . �,�,:i��srrower s hal l pay th�tat:ligatians i�the mAnne�ptuvidecf in paragrapb�or if not paid in that msi�t?�. Borcowes • °- --
<br /> . ' ' ' -�shefl pay them on tirtY `ilfr.�etly ta the perccm owed payment.Bortativer sfiall promptly fumish to Lend�Tall noticesof `:��;;��;�;:,
<br /> � .. . � emoisnts to he paid u�4hia paragraph.If BormwBr makes tAese payments directly.Horcower ahall ptomptly Wrnish '..<�,'°t°=:;_=
<br /> `''�' tol.erdderreceiptsevidencingthepaymentA. ;';r��s;-:�
<br /> - . ' � �.�.,;;I)'.. ' . _
<br /> ` :{i:'. Horrower shall rom tl dtschar e an lieu which has n��rit aver this Securit Instrumgnt unless 8orrower. �) ��� •-
<br /> � P P Y 8 Y ' '��-"
<br /> �.',-..�,,n;�uc._
<br /> _ . ; �.,,.• P Y Y � . ,f.�_;.
<br /> �m . �grces i��writing t�the payment o[the obligati<�n rxcureJ fiy the licn in a manner acceptibte to Lender.(b)contests in
<br />,:^s'�,� � :��{�nd faith the lien by.cr��etertJ�again4t entnrcement uf tlie lien in.legal prnceedi��which in the Lender's opinion � •, ••l.-.;�,�-�
<br /> s , � i�rete to prevent the�ci�'��?�x:ement nf tho lien;or(e)se�urws[rc�m the hnlder ot the lien an`a�reement satistactory to . ::, -
<br /> GX
<br /> ��:: � . . i � ' .
<br /> � :, .. � `.l�.i�,zder subc��dineting thelien tu this Sec:urity Instrument.(F I,eni,�er determin�s that any�ii.ntrf the Property is subject .
<br /> �,;. - �co�8 tien rsHa�:le��sy attain prinrity over ihis5ecurity Instnsm�r,.�,ender may give Ru�t+1�4�.a nosice identifying the ; . � r
<br /> ' . �i�.�icrnram�r;.�1a31�atidy the lie�t ur take �ine or mure�if tl;r�,:.-ri�nns set I��rth above tr•ittiin 1�days o!the giving of , ''4: �
<br />..�`; - .. . rn"ttpce. . • . . � . . .
<br /> � ''; ?' ' . , ,•,,, , . . „. ' � , F�nn 30Ya 9/90 ' ' ��t?n,:
<br /> It . . �-6Rp1�-��stn:�air. • v.��er a� ' tnitl�tx • '�t"�fi�'"-
<br /> � •1',;•�.: , � t,tb
<br /> } !� " . ' . ' , . ����2u�s
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<br /> �(.' ,'Fi�1nFS.{F"��—ir•..---•--•-�---°-^;rL�a�'^-----� , . - . , . � . . ':Z' '��fr'{i )�.
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