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<br /> • • (Fj'4���eOfQt�ge.4 �;. .
<br /> .. , 7fie Note Hoic�'v�l de�ivesor mail w me a aodce of an chan es in interest rate aa�the amtival of moathly poyment ,,.<;��j',�;_
<br /> , ' � . . Y E �Y mY 6efa�;"•.�;', =.r...
<br /> .' � �- : . the effaxivedate of a�cbange.'[he nottcewill inciude infotmadon requimd by law w be giwen me aad aLto the tlt�and teiephoae �:: � ��,'�.1R!��_+,-
<br /> -�: ., .. , n�6erof a petsonw+ho ariU aasarerany►question I may have regarding Uce notice. `��'`,: - . - --_'-----
<br />...��.� �t�.=•---�i T.— • . .
<br /> . B. 7RANSFFR OF'�PROPII�TY OR A EFNEFICIAL IN'1�!'iN B�RROWQi ��,;''`�'`
<br /> y'���;�:'�" . -. Unifmm Covenaat 17 o�the Secatfip�I�utneat is amended to read as foltorrs: � ,., � ... . • �'"
<br /> ��` 1ta�fer of the pett�ty or a beae�clal inte�in bors�ver.lf alt or aay part af the propeny or any inserest in it is sol�or traasfe�t!; '� . ••�':
<br />. . . `,,,: : ,. °;:' . .
<br />� ., t.';� (or if a benef�cial ia�in Bomnwer is s�a(d aKlr.u�etred and Borrower is nw.a�atura!petson wlthout L�c�er's r�os writtea `i#��f;
<br /> ) P ��4� :,:, „�,�5»:4.
<br /> ' � Leadesma ,at tt� ue iaunediate a �uast in ful!of all s�uns secumaf t, this Securi Gbsttwnani.Y+cader aLso sball ua�t exetcf�s " , ' '`<4;7�'+?;,
<br /> Y ��.�N P Ynu 'Y �Y . ,..
<br /> . • . tLi�optlaa if:(a)Bommver cauces w be su6mitt�t�,i Lender information reqwire�by Lcnder to evaluate the inteaded tmasfe�ee as iPa tie� :.. ._ '��K:
<br /> t
<br />:�, � • loan wete bctag made to the ttaasferec:aad(b)L�ider trasonabSy determines t�r�t Lender s security will not be impaite�by the toan , �. .
<br /> . . , .. ass�p�ioa aad tLat the dsk of a bteach of any cor*�saat or agreement in this�aa.sriry I�wment Ls acaa�ptab2e w Lender. • . ,.- . - ..
<br />; . To tne eatent pamitted by appllca62e law.t�raf�may charge a reasonsbte fic+e a4 a candit�on tv Leudtr's eotBent tn ihe loan . . _ . ..
<br /> `t;�. assvmpdan.Le�rmay alsu e+equire th�tmn�femae hY sign an a�wnption a�r�t that is accepta6le w L�a�matobllgatestt�e . '
<br /> .�..,,; . � tta�feree tn kap aU tht pmmises nnda�le�rnade in the Notc and in thLs Seciutty i�n�ntn�Borrawerwill condnue w be ' ,
<br /> 's;•`- obHgaudwndertheNiote amdthis Serarii�y G�isirnent unless Lender r�elcases Boirowerinwritingr� ;:.
<br />�; ._ -.- U ieadetextncts�the op8aa to rert;ireimmr+sliate payment in full.Lxrtder shall give Buimyuernotice of acce2erattoa.7Ue andce �' "+'�"
<br /> � � sball gmvlde a period of aoi[ess�han 30 days fnirn the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sv�s � ',
<br />':, .: ..;�.••• �; . . ,
<br /> s�n�e�try tLis Secutity[asaument If Bormwee faifs to pay tAese sutns prior to the expuatian of tbispedo�Leadermay invotoe cu�yr • . . .
<br /> ��� . �'' . � temediespertnitted by thls Sec�aity Ins�ument witi�out further notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> �j BY StGlNINCi W, om�wer accepts and agcces to the teriaa and covenants eontained in this Adj�stable Ratr tdls�r . .
<br /> . . . . � . . .
<br /> �� : � Seal � (Seal) � ; � � .
<br /> . _� _eo„s� � . .
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<br /> . _s„ro,.., � . � . .
<br /> • • [Sign OrlgfiralO�nlyJ t •
<br /> . -; ,
<br /> ., . � ,. ,, °
<br /> . ,� .. , , ' ' .
<br /> ---- ---- ��-� MUl.TiSXATE AWUSTABLE RATE RIE]EEi-AAM 5-2-Single Family- . • `------- --.__ .
<br /> . Fannia Mas/Freddie Mac Uniform Instrument Form 3111/3/85 E�-3�33(REV 03/931 . •
<br /> � � • � f� ' �
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