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<br /> --- �r`�;:. `. .��;4blcu�+esaaydefauita��lyc�er�+r�a�c�:�c?1�Ysa�lezp�ttssr�ineiut�dic��'at�in;g�t�iiffSecirri#y'�< .. `
<br /> ;`;: � ��6�tuding.Uiu aot��oait�d td�i'exsct�bk�ttaY�"f�a;.�nci tdp ufires suc�s 8�#ian as Y.tndex may ce�a�bt�;;. � . •..
<br /> vu
<br /> :�.�t� . to�iu't that thc iicn`8f thi�S�utity Tn�i�nt,l-et�dCS's�igi�ts in th��'rvpcity-a�sd_�amawbr�s qTa�i���i'�Y d� ..
<br /> ��
<br /> _= . dv�na sec�d b9°t� �c�mity�t�eas shi�t�.zo�mxe �nclt�ii�d. �Ipn�t�a�emem b�'�we�.�t�is `Security , -
<br /> --_=_= . �`swIIteat at�d t$e't�bf�g�ttion9 sc�.'�st t�erehy.EbZlt t+�nai�a fitliS►effaxit�as�ar��asce�tirat'sc�6ad a�eiucr�: �wz�er,t�iis ` ` . . �
<br />-- _ e aB�I�o ipe sbald ctot�spt�r 3�tite case af$r�le�on�mdtr�ls.1?. . � � � • . < <.. .
<br /> '-�~��°°.�; � ���Not��o�'.I�n S e r v k e� '�No 2 e�+s a Qa a t i a t i t f n c r e s t i n t h e P I a►t e(t o g e t h c r w I t b t h i s S�s u r i t l t
<br /> �. ,. ,. p ,
<br /> � �- --1�II3�1�-�t!'�i"r-�!`���.[!£IIIi�1�-�S.Wlt�t�'t��4tI�19 SflII�W.,�; /1 S��ill�TGS��R 8 Ch3IigC$i.�.@l�t}�.. � _ .. __. _ ------
<br /> _- -- -_- ' ' �l�tQ:�'��.9 QFB:��F3:�YE�!'-!p�L T t?R C�I I�C t d fi i S II 2�I9 Q 3}�ID C B 1 S�tTA t�Cf Q�C T�4�8 g t��$3 S�t C II 1 1 1�/I II S��Y C 3 T S 0 �.< � -
<br /> - - - tzmy�o ona.oa�taate c�a�e.s aE�+g�Se�vir,ei auralated ta a�e of tt�e l�ate:-I�tl�ete is a change of�tte-LtFan��cer,�
<br /> � B n n a x r c r w i�l b s g i v e n�w�i m e a a c�tt c e o f d a e 4�5 a n�a[n a s'�u r d�n a e wItit�a�a S r a P�'14�abava and a p�Ix�Fe law '�e notice,; '
<br /> �..will s�at�:thu numc and addsss of ths nev�t Low Senrl�ar aad¢he�3dQ�ess io�whiab°FAY�nta�6e maida 't�i e�atice.will ..
<br /> - - � als400ntaiit:amt;a"therdrtf��atatinni�ur�b3'apPli��l�taw, � '
<br />_ , ?f�:89�rrdnus S��hstun� 8mmwer�bi,not rause.or peanit t�pis�aoe�pse,d3sposai,stu�ag��r re��Qf ahjr . .
<br /> ` � Yiamrdoaa Ss�stancea om nr m dte Prop�ty: Baaawsr svalt n�t du,�nor allow aayvne else t�o da,aaydwf8... . $the . �'
<br /> I'iupert}►thut is in viatutidn af any Eavtmnme�l I,aw 1T�e�te+�ng two seutencts stwlt aot applY w t$e piesenc�.as�or
<br /> ---- .starage�u 1ha pmgcrty o£smsill qqatrti!€as af Hszardous•Substanv,�s tbat are geaerallj+r�coguized t�s E�e apPropriate to ndr�t
<br /> -- _ reside�6a1 us�s and to maintennnce oE t9ie Pt6petLy, . . . ' �
<br /> �airawer sha1L�omptl9,giye T�nder vvduen natiae of any invesiigatioa,claim.demand,.iai�vsqrit ai ather ac�on 6y any
<br /> ----� gcnrerameritat ar c�gulnmry egency or privais pariyr involvmg the Pmpeaty aad eny Etara�daus SnBstancc or F��rix�atat .
<br /> I.�w<af which E���h�s.$edtal kaowledg�. IE Bormwet 1ea�as, ot i� ex��ed by aary,govea�eaffi!ar t�eguiatot3► '
<br /> -- awhaaty;tfmf e�F.�A�or.a��atian.of aa3+Ka�oos Snbs�ance���tin�,¢�S�ape�►3s ae�5'+Bortrs�er� . .
<br /> - . �all P�y take�4,ai�r�as�tinas"inar�vu+dance��eiiD Fuvian�i.�i�t' '."`.: . .
<br /> - p.,�,,y �yn R.+uv+ � LYy��, �•or t�s ,.: �,�. ,
<br /> — 'RU�;Ni��� .• W������ �n•7�l,. ���d��V��c��� y� c'r � � t
<br /> — _ • . . . .�'d1Y�',h'�' ���_�`���, OIIOWIDg 5�75hdII�i .•` .. ._f•.:�:y �.�1E�.'� ,.„� -"'..�`,�.!%e�,�Il`r F.P�IC' .�'.,.����n`
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<br /> .u.� _� �� �����.��"Euviroa�entalLaw"�fede�S�v,"s��^a�;r�t�"ts���wh�aet,i��,��i�?'isg�7ed` ,
<br /> �.�,�� , os envimnmental pmte�ion. "'','• '. ;r � .- ., •.. , ' '�4
<br />—�-.�.�-,xe�`�tc�t.�� 1�dQI?�T-U1�TF1'r�1���OV,ENAN1'S. Baaov�er�I.ettder fuitheroove��cl ag���i�� .
<br /> - fF,x��a�° � � ����:�;:;�''�]give nottae to Borroever�'to'��B�vrtr's.
<br /> ..,... �;� •��,,�i'� � bre�cD at any cod�ta�i�a�nt ia tEi9�Yty Insb�mn�L(bnt n�t prlos to aooe�erat�oa aaQer pat�rgrapIs I7. __
<br /> =_;,�,:�����.5l,�p�;:�:.,.,, �anless app�te tzit���euatdes ot�erwLsel- The nat�e shatl epecify: (a)tb�defaNt;(D)the�reqairtd t�cust tht ,
<br /> ;:�.wr;��;,..�_�:.,ra..':;: defau�i�(c)a Auoe.limttess tie�n 30 dt►ys from tae date Hne notice is gtven ta Boreowe�b}r.wlttch tlte detault must be . _
<br /> - ? F - cor�:tmd(8)t�at fe�nae to cwe tiae defenit on or 6eforr We date s�ed In the natie�way resnit in aoode�tion at
<br /> �'�s`}:�', '� '� !hC 8UtG3 BiDWred 6y tWs Seta�rfty Ia�7r0�leat�nd sats Of We Plr6jility. Tl1C'nOtfOe Sbail 1bUt�ter bnform Borr+bl►!aP of
<br /> ;:;;-.,�tr'�;��`,��h}j�. the rlgdt to reinst�tte aiter acaetermion nnd fhe right to brEag a mnrt ac8aa to assert the na�e�¢�eaoe ota dtfanit or � _-
<br /> • � °,��-.. . " say a3her ddense oi Bormwer to acceteruSoa and sst� dt the de[�Wt Is no!�an or befose!he date epecltled[n �
<br />�`��*-���z,;r=`:.,•�•�° t�te�otlu�l.ender at its�opttoa m�y reqvtre tmmediate ps►ytnent tn ILU o�a11 sunss seEa�t1 by thEv Sc�uelty Rn�strameat
<br /> u
<br /> 'w'�".T.'r::, . wlthout tluther de�d aa�may invake the power of sate amd aay uther remedkg permltted by applkahk taw.
<br /> �?k}i.•::'.•;::::�..,::r,; . :
<br />�';�=-.a.. �'� `, i.eader s1aW!be entiticd to wB�ct a91 expettses tucure+ed tn puraaing the ceaaedies psovided in this p�r4grApb Z1� --
<br />�;,.:'":`., : ��`••� indudtng,bat not IimiteA to,e�sona6te nttoraeys'fers aad oos�af Utie ev�den�.
<br />�� .:..�. ..:.,,.� .-� _' �� It thc poRer of sate ts Qnvoke�.'[trusiee ss�ll e�eoord a noHoe ui detnait tn eacD carmty tn whkh Any paet o!t�e
<br />�,. :.. � . � ,. Pro�erty ts located and shalb mail onpies otsucb aotdee im We mnnaer presc:iDed 6y apydtca6le taw to Bosrowee and to ----
<br /> `�-``�•`;:' '.:,, the other peiso�presceibed by appQcabte law ARer tde timie t+¢qulred by appll�aDle taw,Zirustee s6aA give�a6Hc -�=�:--- °
<br /> ;. �;`:%,;,.`�„:''��:�;::"
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<br />� ' sbull sell the Property et public aactWn w tlise td�icest bfdder at the time sa�p�a�sl auder ffie tesms des�ated in• --��=
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<br /> �,r4,�. ....;,:., J ��,��Y'__-�=--
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<br /> ,;�'r destgaee mzy parc�ase tlte Pr�apert9 at any sate. .
<br /> �f'`. . U(p�a�af FaYment ot the prlce bid,llrustee sl�iD deEives to t6e porc�aser 71ru�tee's deed conveyLsg tlhe � � ,.' -,-
<br /> ��.:.
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