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<br /> � ` �rE.SCt:�t;��f�srecE(�r if�£�s�af�dA��tttt��si iB�a�rax�zr is se��;i�s=`8�GI3�B4RiC4;1w"T{'�lid�A:ik�I11F'��Tl�"iittW�`i �rjc;���?:::::
<br /> - —} i.a�rr -�rav�w�iYt��. L�aiRC��'.����ts4 a�t��,ra�it�;4nut�a:tiate�m�i.in.full ef:ai��,sum��:�y,.��.«.°�'�:,"�,:
<br /> : �ar�ct��n��m��Hatacv�r,tt�ds ugd�ta a�d txRt f�e,cxcrci.�i b;��r ifi execc��ts gr�xthi�ftd3 6�a,fado,r�t 1�.ss.o��:.�w�;j.;,:, �,:
<br /> � af�����r�Ac�:� . . . ... - , , . .: �
<br /> � YC2. c�iris�.S�i,�cr�tmt��i�xtc.�s3��2�ive i3�amivsrer aetIc�o��e.t�ratian,.'�e:noti�r,��:p�r�u�da a perivc��?�.tsr�tr,: _ _.::
<br /> � ura�.€� 3U'daY$.f�m�"d�te�x c�tice is dgtiv�red�m�i�A�#��Ishin whtab.�arr��ve�:must p��atl!xt�,+se�air.�.:b�,��,L�s;�:: .� . ..
<br /> 5����tnuau ..Z�Bqmsw�tr�#�;�� y t�sc s;bms�ri4r t�,r�et�aA�r�t�an af thia p�+a�.d.:�.czr3er max Iaw�kc an�y:a�es�tc•: ��.
<br /> �tf Wi� �eitt�ya��tl�ut fttrtbcr t�f�e`ix��damomd�n Batri�war�- � ,
<br /> ec
<br />- -- �� a�''�4 1�~. �3t� Ig 13inrower m�ta�certain �slitloas:.'�orraa�� �Sl;,havs,the si to.,hu��
<br />- � ��r�+qeaiert`a��his�Sa�tityr�id4�ca�i�.ccd IIt ttm�r_ti�a.prtar tat�e�13er of:(a}_S ds�s�a�r snc�ott�r ta��d.aa�-
<br /> ------- ;�n�ii9��F�I��ir,�au�t.sp�iE� far�+ei��tasrpEtAt�'Y�efoFe�sals of`tt►.a Proise�ty �irumit�to.sz#�:pusvsi..of,saS�Qcs�d:ir�.t�"�f�.
<br /> �---�--- ���as.�s i13�+�d��:���fo���S�Snt�r��r�`.�t.-'#'�ss��ilt�aus,At�.i[tr�1��:������� -
<br /> - �t�a�t+tr al!s:u�wh'sc�thea��ou��e_dt�t ufxter t�i�Se��rttY Ia�'�mattt e�d tha hbte.as IP�ant u�ce'ecucitfi,i�sd��tb��
<br /> CiAi3&:GnjF d2�i O�&il}�Ot�'iCf CQU�S OY.B�[�b�dYiS;(c�PaYs attl,�Rpra�s�itt�fin,enlatcing.cfiaa�ay�� �' `
<br />- inail�ittg.6ut au3 ttmit�:d to,te�able sttosr�eys'fees:emd(d)ltatce�':��c.h�e�ion as Ir�er amy,rea..�ati�bl�t raqu't�i��.��►.t,Ta� .
<br /> tbsirtjta tien flf shis Sesv�i�y�.Ir�i�iment,'1�des's r�ght�ib[t�.Property.;�td lBumower's at►1Iga�vu:to p�r the sums s�bg,:
<br /> = thisi::3ECatriiy Ufstru�er�t�sh�i�oouuane•unchaagad. Upon rein�'��by�.Barroc�gr..lfii�t:Se�rity�.�.and t��::. ,`.
<br /> o�ii�tiu�as.sa�ued is�r�hy,s�iilt�emaia��Iy effective s�s ff na acqel�an�Ad aa��.'I�taw�v�r.thi�righi.tareins�tte s�u1A;.
<br /> — aad,�r fy�nthe case o€x�eaatt'tnl4�der.pa�grapf�l�. �
<br /> 29.,Ss��Not�;��e ot Y.a�n Seevk�er.Th�Note or a partiat,}utates�ut the Nota.(to��wittit ttiss Sa�it�;
<br />- � LtfRtTUr�eat)may 6e sn3d;bne ar mnie times withoat prior aott�e w Borrower.!l�ale m�}r r�nit;u►u ci�a i»t�e assi4y(k�aas�,
<br /> --------_= aa d�'Laaa 3ecvit�s'��'i8�t oolleeis anaa3hlY gaYnsEat�dae aader ths Narc and t�ie S�s,viz�,�Instmatant.7i`c��o-may�b�.ar�3.
<br /> au dtore cUanges oY tb�'Loan Seivicer unreti+ted w a sate of the NotQ.,If dtere i��chunge of the Loan Sez+riaer:Barrm�ver wi9�6�s:
<br /> gicVia weiuen uotiae�if the ciiaage in a+cooNaaoe with paragrap�!4 a6ave ac�1a�pS�qal�le Iatw�T�e uotice.will s�u�:th�t�a�attd'
<br /> ---- asWi�ss af tfie aew:$,ksan�oer and t6�udctress to w6icb paymeats shantd fr�c�e.The nati�+�u.ats�o cantai�ar�y.�,�
<br /> u�lntmativa nec�ir�.by appiirabie law. . , -;
<br /> ----- - �' ?A. Ha�n7�tisfinb�4anoes.Sorrower shall nnt r�use ar permit t�p�±ase.Qisgasal:�tor,age.or relesse.af;arr,��:; .
<br /> ----- = -
<br /> ---- --; �us SS�sfin4�:.ffi or in the Property. Bomuwer shail rtot dv, nor allaw 9na eis�to da..aayi�ing�ff�ing�tE�s�•: ..•. .
<br /> �
<br />------______ .�- ----...__ pn�Perty► tbat ia�n vialarion of_any EmimnmPUtal Lav�r.,The.p�ng two_sen3ene�sl�aU;nnt.applp.co the presence:ase,a�;;:-...: :
<br />- _-__°_=_—`�:�h,;�, s�arage on the•�'nop�ny of small qaanrities of Hamrdous Sub�tUat are geneaa!l,��reaognix�d to 6o uPPtv�r�ate to a���' •
<br /> .-_ _�� I1�SIdCt1t181 U5�ffiIQ[O main ar+ancr Of t21C PtOpC7L�/. ' '
<br /> - - — Bflaaw�c shaU Pm�AUY S�ve Ixader written aatice of any imrestigatinn,ttaim}i demand,lawsait:or,other�iaa bg.�,�.
<br /> --^ rxy�s.aY:,;S�o '�"Ei .
<br /> -- :��� , $ovemrnenWl or regu�fory agencY�P�P�Y�volving We Properiy and a�y Ha�nd�aa Suh5taaoe os Ettvimnmeneai.L�cr•
<br /> ' - - - -.d���115.��°��l85�-��'--��--��LWC[�_TlLS.-OF l9.M►11fI@(�_�_Ali�-�(1!�P.TtlIl1�A��4i:3�11�81{OI�&111�30!lL�Ti�++
<br />'��"���c '�
<br /> `t a�'�'' - anY nmovsl or othec n�niediation of any Harardous Sdpstance affec6ng ttee PcopeYty isr�caoissary.Bormwer shalt Pi'��Y�
<br />����.�`r.�,%�f��?� �� ' aI)RECCSS8IY iCIItCd18I 2Cit0ILS!A�OOI�OC WlIII EQVIIOD�J IaW. �
<br />���-,�• y�r,_ ,, ''As`aued in this paiagraph 20.,Na�axdous�ubstart¢es'are dwse substances.dsfttiad as toAia or i�atdaus su6staAC�s by-
<br />�"�?t���� ,�,,-'•= F�vimtt�tal Law and the followmg substanoes: gasolU�: �Cemsene, other ftam�le ar,.toxio p�4mlevm pradtscis. ta�C
<br />��:��,,�r , �.:�;• pesti+cid��sd h�cbicides,volaule solvents.materials oo�g asbestos or forma2de�ys�e,and tadiba�tive mnicrial�.As used•a[t�
<br /> '� s+`.�,t this d Z0."Envimnmental Law" me,ans fe¢eral fa�cs and laws of the jurisdidlion�where the Pmperty is iocsired t�t:
<br /> _�_��,• ��v �;^o�.q�., p�F � n �i
<br />���f:"�"�••��� .;:?�"":': relate tn[�It6,ssf�tiy or envimnmemal protection.
<br />��:f�%.���.� �4:� :,;: �#i�3V-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bomower and Lend�er tbrther coveeant and agc�e as foUows:
<br />�E,i`'�� h�;:-�:'�' , �A.AooeleratIun;RQmedIes.l.ender s5all give nottoe tn Borinwer prior to ao¢et�aattan fulTa�vf»g Borro�'s 6�.
<br />�..;: � o . i�;..�,, �.; r
<br />��,�:f; v,..y��:,: � of a�g oov�nt or agc�sea4 in tbis Sect�rity Iastrmm�nt (but not prior to �l�i�oa ander I��9�P�iT a�as
<br /> ""'=.,"'fi�;� �. °.`. ' aPpTi�able taw pmvides other�rise).9'6e aotice s6aii spedfyz (a)the defanfi;(b�;�h�,ucdtoa,r�qqis�to wre t�e defm�];.
<br />�:,�'•.�.. �
<br />:�r.r.�•.�ts�E . •X°:';'•;;: . (c)a.date.no!lcss thaa 30 days from the date th�notice is glven to Harrawer,�►y w�lcli'the de!Punit'�east 6t�affi
<br />�� r<t�Y ..;.-':.�;,�;..;.. ; (��i fait�e to wre the defauIt on or before the date specified in the not�or��mstp�alt�in aoreleratton ot t6�sm�-
<br /> .t7�•;r.'` ,,.. . : ,
<br />�°t��•`;°-,►;�,. <. ,:�, sec�b y t6ts Seeurl t y Instrament and sate o8 the Pro�e r t y. The aot�ce s5a11iI�uRher iaform&araower oY the rlg�ta '
<br /> y*:.�..�;:;:Y r.t:. .
<br />= #';":}�?.��';;�,,'s;;:::." ' �e aRer aooeteration attd tbe rig6t to 6ring a comR achon to asseet tht+�aoa�aistent+x oY a dduaIi o�ae�y�ot3r:r�
<br /> ,s�3+�r`.`;.,::: d�of Borro�ser to acoe4etatIon aad sale. If the defanit is not cured o�,or 6et�i�.the dute speaiffed fue the�e, ,
<br /> - ��:" •'�:.., Z.eo�, at its optfon,may require immedi�te payment im fall.of all sams sc�arzd���Ssts 5ernrdi�lnstr�ea3�ItLoa��
<br /> :':. � �'•'.:','` .
<br /> 4,� . • . ;:,�� ,. �.�+.' �:,' ' fm1t4er demand and may irrvoke the powes of sale and auy other remed�es p�rmitted�y app1ic�Ui�law.I.ender��lA fi�s�•.'::•:;,.:.''�
<br />'���•"r���`:,':���'>.•�; •:•�' �; ' eati�ed to oafteci ui&exp¢ases incurred in pot�u�the remedies provtde�in this ps�t�grapb 22,�jncimdittg,Ir�i aotli�tt��;.•::'Y�`.�.
<br /> J� ...• .•��..�'�..�.: . �'�'t' . .. . r
<br /> 1�.:'�_� f: . � . . � .
<br /> :.r;So�r,'. . .•... to.r�sooabie att�ie�eys fees and casts of titi��tc:idence� .. . .
<br /> �;`_;s:�t;cya�;, :.:.. • ,Ti,�tbe,po�vei�wf sale is invoked,�ivstee shall reoa�a notice of d�nuit in�coanty in which a�part o6 th� .
<br /> '�..`,"'{'�1'��� Pranevtg is[ocate�and shall�il co les oY such notice�iF Iix manner esibed is�a pUcabte law to BorroRer a�3 ta<
<br /> ...:,;:,. .
<br /> ' ,.`', �`'i• .. the dl$��persoas �+esc�ibed h,F�Gltqble law.ARer the tii� ired b�a tirable fuw,Temstee s6ull give pablEc oa�dxe
<br /> ' �`;;''f��.N�d�t, '� �:.� P. �� PP
<br />,�' �•�'��:,..::•• . of sale.to the peF�us�>and in t(va utanner pc�csibed bj applica5te la�r;i'1�rastee,without deu�und on Borrower,shnfl se1D •;';
<br />� :_...:�_�._+_�_c•..:���. . � �
<br />-:;q;�';;;;:i,,;;;;:,. :':�,r. ., ' tRe Pmperty at pul.tlfs auction ta the higtt�3:l�.�i�Zler at the tia�e aud ir�ti��and under the term�s deslgaated in the tna�ice off• '.,, :. ,
<br /> �� g;'����;���j�.,:> F. ' s�Ie iri one or morn parcets ared in any ortScr'�a�stee�de�s��.'['cv�ee muy po��nne sale ot afl or any paraei o�tt�e��,;;';'
<br /> �• '�;�;��a��`Y:,;. ':� �IA'.re3'bY pubiic armouncement'at the ttim:�,:��pt�.cc-�at`.c�nt•.�t�o4ousty sc�cdud+�'!sale. Lender or its des+ig¢tee�y'�
<br />-- ': ,�,t�`�,,��`' put�dlw�the Property at aay saie. '. . : � : -
<br /> -:�.��:=a.Lf,� . .
<br />_4;� :;;�`:�;:.�,;=f.: . . :
<br />:i } $j,ti ' 1, ` .
<br />=i , i ii'. �; . .
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