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<br />-Tes �.�'}BY�� • .i�• , ` .`' , 3 � ' � " ' `�, " t. 41c .
<br /> n . v'� � . . . . , r .F'! i . . J F
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<br /> � ai�fi�0�aw:4�35y.b�1GCifj���01'"�'C�s?�l�.t.t�f��E}'�68�`d��:'i�.�;i�'��i���i{F1y��+61S�C�fi��Ca31li#�'�(Y i31�6�33# :: -�. .
<br /> ' -�_�. -...��nty I��y�e;�.ar ro��4�3►�er.8���� .n,t ea�c�n�eds s�j►r��..�c�dit�a�s�re t�e�mwe,::i�} .� :- �. :..
<br /> `' .: i�Ya. atl�suau w�kb.�� bc due imdc�ta3s:�ur3cy:�as�t aad'1he Naia es 1f�o.'a�er�3aa twd- .
<br /> -�� �,- .�eeo��c�tuiy��awIC m�'any ot�r c��enants oe�gteem�ats:(e)PaYs all oxpea,�in�urr�d in cnf�g ftits S�rity
<br /> �r . ,.,, �,� .���t,itid�iug,twt trag limii�d��4ea�ar,�'bk�tYorr�n�s'fees:ar�d td}�,�,�st�(f�gi`�%t�-as Le�t°s siauy t�ts�tu�6Sg
<br /> ua�wt�;lbrt�tha Ei€�p�'t;�i��ueitY tns�rau�nt:Y�n�i's:i�hts i�t6e.�io�e�.4i�r9�osr�ata2t�abiig�iat to psy�a
<br /> — ' sums acr�ed by:diie,SewttiFy:Iastiuni�t.s�tli s�itim�e. . '�T�oa nr�sl�Se�t by aaim�e�. � S��uity
<br /> �.ns��t�+d��+ali?s�ta�ss�rax�d�iereby s�at#r�rua�t fc�.'�+��`�9�?���a�t�fion hs�acctme�. Eia�ve�.th3s -
<br /> r3gW to cei'i3ststct s1t�ID ao!agpIy fn t�e case af ecoeYen'0ttup tua�?�s�3�5'.��r+i�4�`,Y':F,:�, • '
<br /> ==--= L�,Satfis of td'�e3�_c�f��ct,xn�tca� 74�Iu+Ct�o�a�a�1i. .�; � �ttrs hote(�oget2�et�tt this S�au�y;
<br /> . ts�is�st •
<br /> -T� ._ -. = _Ya�t)m�,Y la�so2�or�..as,�e cIm�s�gt prips��.ta._,��it, A` e�.y.sesult Iu t�c3cau�in t�r.er,tiE��►, _ _.. _ .__._
<br /> _ _ _.
<br /> — ----=
<br /> (I��a�g3 the"taaz�St�+zaex�)+�tat culte�ds mont�.ty p�ya�ls d��u�'��,es the Noie�d i�ss Sccuridy tu�t��f:�uici�
<br /> may ae a�se or m�ca�ng�.a afine k,an sssv¢per�mr�tgted q�a sr���,t��Nate. .if t�rc is g r#�.of v.�Loua&��i�::,. --- - - -- --
<br /> B��zs w�i be given wtlt�n t�otfce of th�c�ge in�k'ti ,�, , �.4 abave�d app�cabia.Llw �au�ae
<br /> w�l state d�n�me snaa�dress of tbe new Iaut Se�vis�rr t�yt t�iA tufi,�t�rT�i�'+�r''�y�xnts shoat�he tnada T�e IIatiue will;
<br /> ,..
<br />-- alsa con�adn aap athes infarm�aolon tEqtursd iry.applac3�'o d��v.. ::�, �:.:'. ''�,:.'•..�;:.=..,:
<br /> - ZQ�. H�R+dOas St►i��tl���t�v�er sheIl nai e�1it��,g?piati�iA;��:�3�c;�'��+s�8�,(ir releas�t of em;t,
<br /> Nazr�dpus Substances on��r,,it�,�rrPrcpe� Hm�mv�ea•sM3`�l��r!ti�,#x�iis3�"tt�+r�'�rry3��Js�e t�:d�,�Y��affecting ths_: .
<br /> . .Piopt�fity t�a�is iq vioIstivassF€st�F�vii+aameni�l3.aw 1D3���se,�ii -t�t��ii rrnt a�Iy to t4e ps'e.se�e._cts�,os:
<br />�_ � , sonrage an tLa Feoperty of se�!c�atifie�of�vus Sr,�t$t3n��Cia�'f�;�aa?Saiz�d ao be agps�apsiate to aaanat
<br />= .��d2nt'sal�es a�t3 toma�e��e of�Ftogert�►. , . : , : . �. .;;;�;
<br />_ '�o�aawtt shalt promptTy give Irendzr nmitte�ceo�a4��.�sdr��ti�oa;�itiiix,4�i3t��.(a�rsvit a�otlter act�ari b�t�sag
<br /> - ' �goveasmental or iegaIataiy a�jc ar private party.�f'is��t��rop,s�C}`i?�'�i�'$��'vs$abstance or F�vimaatental
<br />- , Law �f wlucb Bamawea has �1�ovJ�dg� If Bairbcvert�s.;An,ss�:4;�ii;fltcfF���aay�vemmeatal ar i�gulatmy
<br />_ authority:sitat any iemoval+or other�aa�of aag�+dot�5�,�����(e P�perty is n�ssazi►,Bmruwer•
<br /> - .. sball�coa�ptiy�t�all¢ecessazy mmedi�t�ctions ia s�ooidance a+itb�Ys�A�trl�to�p�+►`�a�:
<br /> — -°— ,As��n tt�is para,ragh 20:"�iaza�da�as 5�bs2aaoes"aie those su6stsai��',.�, ��8�toxic or ir�ardmis subs�tanees bg
<br /> _ ..... ,.._ .Bnvimnmental Law and the fo�t�s'tra�a subst�,�acaline._keta�se�e;o�i�i�if ��" �i:�r coxic peuoteam glodQets.'taaic ..
<br /> pestfcides aad he�bicide.4.vo!�fa'3A�s+aNrents.materiats coritsining astiestos an'8-'�s�r���ytt��aa��oacti��maiezi�ls: .As
<br /> used in this paragr�h Z0.°��oi;�'ral Law"meaas fedecab satv�as�]z,t�^�CiSill�rt3�an whece the Pcvpc�etj�is 2aeatad �
<br />- .. thatretarc to heatth;safety oz�vimnmenta!pratection. ' �` ,i�.;s`-��- , �
<br /> NON-i.T�ItFORM COVENAI�TS, Bonawer and I.e�ea fictlY�'•tixr.�,ts?aS3�ag�ee.as follows: � . .
<br /> : _ -
<br />, � .'�_;_,�L Aeak�3 Remedfc� I.en�s�t4!(�ve no!lte,�tajBt��i�r'prio�.�o s�foIIawing Bariosceti'e
<br /> ., ,..,._ - - -..- .
<br />- �,bl+e�i:id s�csv�n!or 8greement iD tri35 Se�lit�;Yi�itirimitt3i�mi6'Qnt:�prlor tn�aooeEee�on�uWeT[�ph 17 .
<br />-- '; �i"stia�.�di�ahie la�v pravf�at�eiw�se?. 1�e notia�s6d{T�t�ty:.;{�1�.�(�qlf�:tti).tlte�cHan�qnited tm wi+e the � _
<br /> ,y :
<br /> _ `, �t;(c)a dat��t less than 3Q d$ys�.tbs d�4e t[�#+utibs 6t"�eti�°�itiiirc�v�by wbkb`tdte defi�uit tao�be ; ::
<br /> w
<br /> ' " cur¢st3 and(��at f�Stare w c�+e the defunZt�±jm or betoie the date s�t�st i�jtt�e,�mu9�esait b aoceteratton ot . �<'
<br /> St e
<br /> ,,: the s�mns ses�ed by lbis Sewrily Instsum�t aail sate oi t�e Prapeig}s'�mo�te,e sflaU flerWer iniorm Borrower af �� ._, —ir'
<br /> � the dght to reiastate aRer aeaeleratiaa aa�1 the rEg6t to ti�g a conrd a�4ina to as�ert the noa�aatstemce at a ddauIt ar ; :-,,'
<br /> ; •ea
<br /> � ..: ...e�:;:t:T� �_ any ather ddcase af Barrawer W aQOeleration aad sat� It�the ddaait is nat cumd am or 6efore the date sped8ed in
<br />_. � '� .' the notia�I.eader at Hs optim�msy reqnire ImmedIa4e p�ypm�t in fail af all svms ss�cm�d bg this Secadty In�trume�t
<br /> :�,wfi�;�, ,� withaswt fmt�er demaad and-mfly invoke fhe pawee of saie anti�my o�rer�medIes Permit�1►Y sP�e I�w. ._
<br /> �'� I.endea sbaU Ae�tttled to a�l�afl espe�ues tncarred ia p�itt2 e+emcd�es provId.�in tLis paragrzp�21, �,,
<br /> :� ;-.�:`°;�: ._ iactadtng,but not[imtt�m.reasonable attozagys'fees aad oosOs bf tlt�es!td�nca . • . `
<br /> �S'..:��lii.l•.�•�r.�Y...,_ .1�.�...'.lflf'.� .
<br /> fizFr;��.�s: :.:, IPthe power of sa�e is tavolce�►ltvstee shail ceoord a notIa�oidtituett in eacb conntg in whit6 anp part af the •c
<br /> -�,�•`'-'.,'�,�:;..�,�.�,.. P�+operty is t�ted t�ud s�l1�11 cwpfes oYsucb notIOe in th2 mamner�1r��d h�aPPlIc8b2e Isw to Borrowei�d 40 _r��._ =
<br /> ',� ,....,.,. �.�'�`� -
<br /> .9.'v.
<br /> .�+:,,��.".�'t k.��-�. the oth�r petsons prescribeA Dy appl�cable Lzw. After We ftme reqnired by appfleable Iaw,'IYastce shall give pnhlts %'�;;�:.,���,_�._.
<br /> �;y,r,�'e�C...�,r ..����•:. ar�.f.;rF�+ �
<br />- • f'=�E ,:,._;� s.'.:';, notioe oY saie to tLe peraoas aad In the manner prescrtbed by appttc�8l��,aw. 7Truste�without dem�nd on Borm�Re�� ���=
<br /> ^::-.:
<br />- = ;,�'�� :�°,";''_.::�` sLaU sd1 fhe Propeaiq at p�bilc aac�tan to the highest 6idder at t6e�wYd plaox aad aader Ihe teims deslga�k fn ' �,;�r,...°='-=
<br /> ;; `�n. �.�.-;,,�. .. , :' •:j =_ --
<br /> � ^ �•:,. tlte notic�otsate dn one or more parcetg and i�any onder�lrustee dd.�i�lu�s. 7lrastee m�ty postpone sssle of�or sng � � ��-
<br /> ���,' ' � '',�'�' m ty ,
<br /> , 4, a., pnrael oi th�Prap�rty by pnbltc aauannoemart:s�!We tlm,e and plae�4�auay prev1ou51q schedaIed sat� Lender or ifs � �
<br /> � desT$�ee muY Pnrc6a�e the Property at sny s�'•. . .. �: � `� ` : _
<br /> �' �-�,:,,� �.�t3�w reoeipt ot peyment ef.the priae.l�s�'!�1�ass4�e��airtiver w.the purchr�::7lrastee's deed conveying ttce .� ,` • "= _-
<br /> - " �,.,��, • .�•'. ' . The recitals in t�e'[fni.st�e's�k!�a11 be prt��`ade evidenoe oi ttie trmt�:�the stutemeats made thereS�.�
<br /> �'' .*- �hsll appiy the pmoec�u.�'t�e t�dl�tir:tfle foIIowiag order: (a)ts►,s�ll costs aad eYpe�ses of eae�g the powes ' ��
<br /> 'Ff; v ;� ,� `�����,7�-
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