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<br /> � � .:.�S!::�er e�P t.&e Frupr�r a �a B�.Q�Ir,i�tr�cst.I��aar��te�r.If al�ur. �p.'�±p�i��t€s�ny�f aizy fc�E�r�3��it:�
<br /> _._— _ �� F Is sa2�Q�_t�ansfeired{er�f a benefrol� i�in�orccswo�r�svf�ar � ��. < --
<br /> . i� r t�asfet�eQ c�zd uGt Is'sEOt a natlta�l Pe�in?w1
<br /> - � I:cnder's.prio,�wiitteu oo�i�ent; 1.Cander'm�y °at i€S option. require I�ststed3at� paYment �fi}I�'��f.a�i�uu�is;�:t�`tiy�thi�' � ��
<br /> ':,� . . Seruiitq`�meax..Hn�e�rer,.this Qgt�aa si9a�i not be sxercIse�by I�ettder if c:xercise is ptoisl3�Ites�8y fe�trt�t�a�v a3 uf!�e tS�it��,`` .�;
<br /> �� .. � . .of t�S�urity Tusuu�3paE., ' � . ; � . . `. . . ; , , . , . , .
<br /> If I�Ser exercises dus optioa,Y:ender�tatl��ive Barrower r.ot�cc oF acc�teriion:"I�rtot��sfln�l pravido�petiad o�_ttue `, . .
<br /> � �: �.l�s tha�di 34 ciays&om t�e date the�nutioe�s-delpvere�or araited�withit�wh:ch Borrower��pay a1F eums'r�curc�3lsy 4hig: ':
<br /> ' Sec�rit��supument,If Barmw-er fa�ibpa�a�se sums prIor to the eapiration of tiiis per�ad,�I�nder may invoke e�fy rcnx�fes ,
<br /> ,� p�smitted 6y ttils 5ecarityi Lns���"-t-��'�ti�e or demamd ot�Bor.rawer.. , � ` .
<br /> � �.8. Bursa�'s �tg�t fo"Ei�nst�ie:���f°�vre� m�s oer�sin wn9ition�,.BonpweF s�sl1 have thg tight tn 1�s•le - .
<br /> �� Ct1fi11oG�Ct1t'Of�I718 SEClliit]f If1�`LIR1ID�rit dIS00AtlhB�St 3I1y tfA78 piIOT i0 tjI2 @.1TI�ErA� (0)S 6�y9(Of SSl�.�1�1AfP PCf�U�Sas .
<br /> ----- a�pIicab2e Ia�v maX s�afy for reinstatement}before sale of the gra�erty Fursat3nt 4o any �tower.of�ata con�13a�3!n t3tls
<br /> --- '
<br /> _ - —: .�._ S�amt�r Inssrumeat:or(G}enq�y of a judg�eat enforci�g thi�S�it�t insuument,Those�ondltla�nrc l�t IIarr�wtr:(a)pa � ., __
<br /> Lender 311 sums vilrich then wonJd be dne ut�ei this Secarity ins�t and the Nute e�if tts¢�Ctemtton ttat�'ttC�ufrCd::�) -. _ _ _
<br /> _. �
<br /> —_ _--= �ixi�s a�y defaatf of any o�er covenaats o�agree�enis;Ecl PaY$elY ex��iacurr�3 ia�n€as�tag e��fs s..rrair t�trurt�.mt�. _._.
<br /> --- �.._ . . inciuding,but Aat 4�ived to.reasonable attoracYs'tces; ( suc�astton ss Lendet znay��sn�tbl re ire to essur�� _�� _. _..._
<br /> — and d)tak,es Y qu , ----
<br /> . thaa tlie liea of t�:v�:�r�rity IasEnunsm,�.ender's rigitts in We Yroperty and Bflrrower'e obligutiott ita�y t�to suyns sectere�bq , �
<br /> this.Semrity I�t slsaU wminue.aru�anged. Upun reiastatemeat 6y Borraw6r� .t��� Securltp Tnatru�nt unQ ihe '
<br /> ,�, ati�ai�s seaured:��b}��s1���te.wain futTy effectiveas if no aoceleradon had occurred.Hov�avor,.t�ti�dghi to reinstata stutii
<br /> • apx� '�mthec�seo�a�r��nderparagiaphl?. . ..
<br /> -- -- --_ • • `,��..Sa2e a�,1,4�Ch�g�io�Loan Se�nrimer.The Nate or a partial intc•mst!n the Nat,� Etagether with this Setu'tity :
<br /> ---_--__- . . Tnstni�rt)snay Y�sr�`?d oae or��times�nthout priar notice to Borrower.A sale may fesutt in n ch�n �In the entity ikn�wn
<br /> -��-=_--�-.--.--_ - as the"I.aan Ser�:�"')that col���monthiy payments due under the Note and this Secu»ty ins4rumeat.�ere etsn may be nne' . '
<br /> ;;;�;�,��•• os.��liangPS.�t�Luaa Seru�cer•nnnlated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of tfle IAatt Setvrlerr.Borrowet wii0 bo
<br /> -..___ .: �,;''.��atiea no�¢e pf t6e cHan��e�accordaace with paragapb 14 abave and applicable law.The notECe wilt atnte the name� .
<br /> ----v `��•',, ' a����the aew I.oan Serviq�,�z3 the address to wAich payments should 6e made.'Che nottce wi11 also con�ttin any other
<br /> =- = ,`�s;;:,, i��qn.s+equiredbyapplirgi;exaw.
<br /> ---_--_ -=-.;`-.,.,:�"�� :�.<'-:�Ha�;�ubstances.Barrovrea.sh�ll not cause or permit the prasemee,use. disposal,stornge.at retease of sny� '
<br /> ---- =s,5±:.:,- ` i�:, ,
<br /> ---�—-__ �: � � Ha��ous Snb�.`�s on or in the:.I'�ng�::�rrower shall not do, nor a1low anyone else to do, anything affecting the� �
<br /> :; .
<br /> -��_-------i-�;�.�:::•.,�• ��y . • ..
<br /> .�: . ... . . .
<br /> .:;.;,. Pr� . ys v�ol�on of aa �n�n�
<br /> ------_---- that �I
<br /> -`��06�� :r;;` . - ::°,� =•n the Pio �of smali y titiea=o�:�iarardous-3ub�atate genewafly�recogni�o-be�npproptIate to crom�al�-
<br /> -�' .. .. ._,�st�.�"�,�.� P�► 4� _. .
<br /> ���:�;����•��.,; ' re�c�al t�ses and to mainteaauce of the�toperty. -
<br /> ,:;:�orrowes shall promptly give Lender written notice of arry investi$atIon,claim,demand,iawsuit or other action.by any
<br /> '''�k��j� F, . . •govetnmeatal or regtitatory agency or private party inval�ing the P►vgerty�and any Harardoas SubstnRCe or Environntental Law
<br /> '���'.*k'.`' s,;.,�:;•_ of wiucb Borrower 6as actnallmowledge.'IfBarrower tearns,or is not�fie�l by any�ovemmentat or regulatory aothority,that � -
<br />- "'�=�`�:s-:.,:",�s:• any ng �+erty.. sary�.Borrower shall promptly take -
<br /> ,F�: r, :� - aaty remnva!or other remediation of Ha,zazdous Substanee affecti the Pro �s neces
<br /> �{'�Z�'l��ir� ��'.yr!'_ . . ,. �. [CiC1Ca1�SCUOAS,III �
<br /> ..... ., � �SSazY a�idance arith Emironmental Law.
<br />:r�:<.��,.:�;;�.;;: , - :•-' =,�,s used in t6is paiagraph 2(E`;s I�a�rdous Substances°are those substances defined as toxtc or hauirdous substttrrces by -
<br />�;.�"�`0:' t`� • �:,v,�rpnmental Law and the fo�is��ng'.s�tssfances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or tozic petroleum products. ta�tc
<br /> -;.. .•.;.��':•
<br />` �n;":.'•��� �� �F pe�i,c�$e�s and he�fiicides,volatile salven�+;in�,`.�rials containing asbestos.or formalde6yde,s�nd�adiaactive materials.As used ia �°
<br />•`-��`<_��>�-`r���`�;` �'� �thr�;p"�ragrapb�Q;'Environmental Law" ri�federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whure the Propeny iti IocateA thut
<br />,'`�`•.J`_';,zl�'�;.;;:,:°�;,.. ;` `' tel�,',�u-�..�ealth,�f�' yor environmentai prctectrc�i.
<br /> ;:.:.::,;�r�:�;'' ,. ..• . � ;.•Ii�N-tJIrTIAORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and Leader furtber covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> .='"!}�;,;..::_: _: .:.��:.Ac�ce3eration;Remedies.I.�der shall give aotIte to Bosrower prior ta aceeleration Poltowing Borrower's.bratch
<br />�v��` � '�. � • ot�3� coveaant or agreement in t6is Securtty Instrument (bat not prior to uoceleratfon unde�parngrugh 17 unl�
<br /> � .• , appticabte la�v provides oiherwise).Tiie Qotice.shall specify: (a)ths detaWt;(b)the action required to cure the defaults
<br /> . • :. �: � , (c)a date,not le�s than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whtch the defoult must be cured;und :
<br /> , ' . � (�16at failare to cure the default on or 6efore the date speciHed in the nottce may �esule in ncceteentlon of the sum9 , '":",�r'" _
<br /> - secur�d by this Secusity Insteamen4 and sate of the Property.The nottce shall further inform Borrower of the elght to � '-
<br /> � . retnstote after acceteration aad the rtght to bring a court action to assest the non-existeace of a default or any othe� �`''{'� '`-�'
<br /> ,:,,.�
<br />. . , . • • dcfense of Borrower to acceirTatton and sale. If the default is not cured on or 6eYore the date spectiied In Ihe notice, ,;;�;:�:�
<br /> Lender, at its optton,may reqaire immediate payment in fup ot all sums secu�f by this SecurifY�[nstrument�vithout -''�-
<br /> � , fnrt6er demaad"u2+�may imroke the power o�safe and any other remedtes permitted by appltceble Iaw.l.ende�shafl be '`-••`«=�•���
<br /> _ � y` •' enh�tled to colte�u�l.expenses incurred in�a�in�the remedIes ppovided in this paragrapl�21.incfuding,bu!not limited �`�?'�'���'_ _
<br /> �,.:�:�°�.�.. . tu;'�anable attoraeys'fee.s and casts oY tr��3alea�c� .^'-.° -
<br /> ��' �£''`' �`��' f� �,.. ;� , , ��' �iP tD�e power of sale is invoked,Truste�sh� ccmrd a aotice of deYaWt t�esch rnunty in wdlch any part aP the, ' -
<br /> ..,�t�,;r� •`- _
<br /> „ :f�t,.:•.'" � , P1c,�riy!s larated and shaU mail copfes o�su�a�oZ¢oe sn the ms�nner presc�ibed by �pplicubte tu�v to Borrower artc!to ; :�•',-::�' --
<br /> ' a� �r
<br /> ;._�s,�;?- the other peisons Qrescrtbed by appltcable la�.�f�er the time required by applicable law.Tnistee s[wi!gtve public nnttce •.��t•.
<br /> .x: • of sale to the persons and in the manner presmrbet!by appticable law.Trustee.without demnnd on BorroHer.shpl)se0 �%. ,'"���
<br /> °•�:: ��. .�,•-�' thc Pcoperiy at pu6ltc aaction to the hi�le��dder ai the time and place and uader the terms destgnated in the notice oi ���
<br />-'`�"`��� ' ' saic��one or more parcets and in any order 7'n�stee detem�ines.Trustee may pastpone rale of ali or any parcel oi the �� ' �`"''"
<br />',�;��`'•�: ••� � P�.y by pubife aanonnce�te�t at the time�nd place of any previously scheduled sale. l.etider os t�s_d�tgnee may ; � � .
<br />_ . . pae+d��se the Property at any s�e. , � .' ' °..
<br /> • • • � . . ..
<br />���;'{�F,.... ' � ' �. . .
<br /> �. ,r ti l+�..• Form 3028 8l80 .
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