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<br /> � � Frrsg��+�aga5s�t t�s by fite,h�,Ards its�hide�f sviih��e,i��i�::�t,�,i.���c�sti+oixgc�:ar�d.�}�r�r,ha7�rd�:�.in�vciic�@i....
<br /> ' � �s►od�or ttoii��.forwtu#�►Ixnd+�rcquires.irr+ura�rc. k�' ���ara.�a��t�:`�,f��r�ai�si�yad ia th��nt?c�r,ts ahct�fo�.�p�riixis�,
<br /> �hat[.c'ix�sr s,eQiti�.'T#�3i!suranco carri�r proviclang ttrc an��c���.�;'k�,�:�t��Hy�or�`ower�u6j�i;c�I,�txl�et'�ap�►z�va�:,!�� �.
<br /> , wbis�s sheil nct ba u:ucas{a�tibiy witE�.ctc�.If Snrr�sv�er faii�.iu�s�a�ttaa�,�rr«c�d�scr6lY�l sbove,�:eridcz may.�at:�cndet:'.$,.
<br /> .. aption,obtain rovarago to,�►�ocect:+�.aisder's righis in tht�ra�rt}��.s�.r�;r,�?v��pau�,�3,.�. •`°,: _ �
<br /> _ _ . All iasuru�+e pvlir4s�and renswa�s�s$aat!be sccrpi�sl�.tss�r.t,�i�s�1aaCFude�atar��tSaga ciau.s�:��.�nder...;
<br /> sh�li�ave ehe cig�ii t�s f�o:��paliafss anii rea�a+ats.[f�.��r r�aistt�;�s�r��hall pr,omiMiY p,�ve tc�i�nder�tE�xe�et�vE;r . '
<br /> . Paid premiutns end ter#�w;�l z�otlQe�.Ir�ah�e eu�,at of toss,�urru���stzuEl;�??���r�'�Pt natice ta t�e insura�c.�ior.�nd�.c�da�,
<br /> l.ender may ena�CQ presaf q�lass if coa m�sie prc�m�t3y by BaznQ.��._ - ' �
<br /> — - - - �Jnt€�L�ta:�d�rcr�asr�t3�.ess��agr�e iz��:rititsg,ins�r���ite���.p�lE�ta-��Ess�ai.c�a€�h�.._
<br /> _-- -.--..Frfl�cty damaa�if.�r��-"r:�n nr reaair is:.eaon�aicaEY�r:iea,s�3l�t�t�if�1'i�securetyris no2 tes�ue�lu�f the:re�2o�is�u�.;
<br /> ' c�pair is not ero�mic�lI�;feasihte or.Tx�der's sectuit�r vru�,sld t�les:�`,t�.'t�ys:i�usanre pr4c�ds��!t�-.appl�ed��c���sut�,;,
<br /> � secvr+�d by t�iis Ss�rityt�Iastru�ent,.whet�er or not the�e c�, �+�th°.�7?s.��t��id m.$arroiv�r. If'�rc�wer ahandons:th�:.�
<br /> Pr�spe�ty.ar does nat a�&cver witfiiinr 30 days a notic�e fcaa►.I.cn��r.W�t.�i�tT�r,TG�►ae c�+ies has a#'fer��t4 seit�e.a ctaitt�;�:�b��:.
<br /> Lender m�y c�lIeet tbcr3nsatance.praceeds. Leffier may_.use tI�.p���ko���ai�•or testare•ths Pi�s�eaty..or,ta.pag;•sur�[&•:
<br /> s�scued try Wfs Seeuriry dr�tcu�at,�vvhett�r e�r aat tt�n dne 7�►��4��r.�-�it�i�ilb 6egin w�en�he nnt�ce is given.. .
<br /> Qntess Lendet atri�Borzower oth�ecwise agree irs�waiting. anN:ap�li�iA7t'mf praceotts.to`Prf�i�al�ha1l�noL�actenc�..or,,:
<br /> past,�oae ttre due date.af the mnuthl,jr paymeats refEmed w�drt p,�.I a3i� 2 m chaage the an�uetnt af thQ t�aYut�ntp,If i:
<br /> ' uuder paragraph 21 fhei�rapertY is acquire�bY Lend�r,B�maw�'�a�t:t�:r,t��:imsurauoe pol3ci�.s an�;�roce�a r�sniting��5tn,�.
<br /> da�agz tn the Progerty.'piiar tu the acquisitiaa st�.pass to Len��r tn:t48'�iaf t6e sums sGc�ed�6y+EtUB�arity I�e���
<br /> — imme�iately piior ta th�;ec�isition. . . �
<br /> . b.O��ancy;Prir�t�vada�t,M9in3�tanee sa�l PnsiQdfan�r�x�Itqs,P!!r,��q;Borro�er's Loan Agpt�tkon�I:ease[�atc�. . .
<br /> Bosmwer shalt oavpy:yesiattiash.and use the Piuperty as�arm��'a.�i�d�laq�;i�sidence widtiin sixty days aftec.the exec�tion of.
<br /> . this Se�rity Insor�ment,and s2�aU contiaue ta occupy the�cupert�as���9`rtt��t s priacsgal c�e`sidettce f6r at IIea.St on4�year:afte;�,
<br /> � the date of oavpancy,,,urztess Lendar oth�tvise agras in writirtg,•wbiafi:!pmisit,nt shall t�t is�un�easottaBi�+cvititiietd,or� . .
<br /> extenuativa circumst�utocs exist wiud� �e beyond $orrow�'s cantt�od.rS�1f#owei shall noi destfOy. dau�or impair the • ,
<br /> ProPertY. allow ahe P�ts�rty ta deterioYate. or oommit.wast�on:�ha��no�tlty. Bon+avver shall 6e in defa��`�'f anp forfentuia .
<br /> sction or procee�ling. whethsr civi!o�criminal.is beg�an tha3�n•lU.�t��et:s Ea�id faiW judgment ooutd cesult ifi:�orfeidu�oE tAe , ,
<br /> --= Property or otherwise materislly:impair the lien cr�ated-isy�this Ses�ztlt T.nx(aYtmem ar i.euder's ssWSity iruerest:Bormwer m�yr�
<br /> — cure such a default andi3eia�tate.as provided in para�aph�8.tsy�rz�snng ttti{'iactian or pt+noeeding to 6e dis�s.ed wisb a rulin� �
<br /> ----.__=�� that, in Lender's goa�tf�deteimination,Precindes fnrfeimta:of tha�fdut�wer's iateresc ia the PropeRy.�ti=�ther materiai
<br /> - --_=���� impairment of the liett:�by this Security Instma�t:or F.t:nd�rr's'�riry interest. Bormwer s�ail a[�g;�.in default if .
<br /> --_==-_— -- Borrower,d�the Miw a�l�cation pracess.gave materia111��f'��aridarascrate iafarmatioa or�+Are,+,en��,o`f:�nder(�r�d. •
<br /> __=�=`='=::�e�� to provide�with�.�aterial inf�sation)in oonnectian,ariil};�J{�lac�,evidenced by the l�tate,iacluding,bat nai limtt�it .
<br /> :�;-�'�:_�.�;'� to.rePre,senta�ons wnaes�r"srr�Sorrower's oocupancy of the i'rop�atY`tisaR p}incipal msidence.If this Security Enstmment is an a
<br /> _-_-���-,� leasehold, Borrower shali�ce�rnply:with all the provis�,ans of tht�.le2se.•.F�i,Eoaower acquires fee ade to.tls�Pnoperty, the
<br /> --_�_''.��,�'�� teasehold and the fee titi��sh�Tt not merge u�dess Lend�agcees to the marg�.w writi�g: .
<br /> .r.., -�;.o;;;.__T,:�:-� 7.Prote�ton of S.��er�a Rig�aes im th$Proptaty.If Bumsa�;r�i1�lt(�perform th�cavenanrs ztad a,greernenu cuniaia�iri
<br /> .�u ` ''�� �� � this Security Insinunent4 or there is a legstl proceeding thai tnay signi�atsllty affect Lender's rights 1n the Property(suc�as a �
<br /> r�,.�.�� R g� bankmPtFY•P. gulations),
<br /> :�- " �;�� mceedin m mbate.for conderonaaon oe forfeltuRS or•r,v:cttforce laws or re ti�en Lender may do aad
<br /> "� �;Y:;�;3=" � for whntever is Re to miect the value of tfi�1'�+u I�
<br /> � : F�3'' �Y p P�.��und:l�ader's rights in the Piroperty. Lender's actions may
<br /> '� `�:'�� • ' icxtude Paying anY sums seeuned by a lien wh[eh has.pri�dn� sv�:ch15 Seauity Instnunent. appearing•�in wurt, Pa3nog
<br /> �.,; �.;
<br /> 4�;:-:��:T:s",„ �'reasonable atromerys'�ees and entering on the Property to m�ce re�irn:Atrhougl�Lender may take acdon undcr this pazagrap&
<br /> .�
<br /> ,,.��. :<<:-,:.. ,
<br /> ��r�'�� �( �'�>� 7.l.ender da�s not havc to do so. : .� . :. , , .
<br />--� f�s,x•
<br /> n��N;n;;;�'` F Any 2mnunts disbursed by Lender under this paragrapp��7.�tt�2fib�oame additional debt:nf•Borro�ver seeared by this
<br /> ��T�;��;�:�:
<br />�:;�.�sur�°�tis�r •;;. �,1: ' S�curity Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agnee to othe�rtemis�.af:�ayme�t,these amautit��halt.b�'iatertst from the
<br /> �;t:��,;T�"�`=;�,. .+..,, :� • .
<br /> ;�;��,,.���,•..�.,;.,,�,.: d�Ee of disbursement•.at the Note raCe and shall be payable, wath'int�re�; upon rtotice from Leader't�t��'�rra;ver requesting
<br /> �,�._�, . ;,., f �3ment. •`;
<br /> ',��.�:. , :, .
<br />- • • '•;����' 8.Mortgage Insnrt►nce. If l.ender required mortgage in�umnx�s:a�ondition of making tt�i;T�pari$ecuicd by this Security
<br /> ::,':�t}<<:
<br />�i;,.;�. ::.,;�::,1�:� Inshumcnt. Burrawer shall pay the premiums reguirad to rna:ni�+n�rhq�tnortgage insurance in�e[f:ct. If.for any reawn. the -
<br /> - ?�'� �` . =•,y,�'��4;;�t r.�rtgage insurance cuve e r uired 6 l.ender la ev.or cease.Q tn+bs��in�effect.F�rrower shalt the remiurru
<br />_ � ..,t,;,��,,,�� � e9 Y RS PaY R. T'e9uir�to _
<br /> ,�a�•;;��:.,.�',;�f1; ais�:�in coverage substaati�iIb equivAlent to the mortgay�insurnna:pppktiausly in e��.�t.at a cost substantialJ�eqpivalent to ttte
<br /> , • �:;�:;;:,tr:�� aa�to Boaower of the martgage insurance previousi}n in cffe:�.�frl�m�an�altemate mortgage insurer spphi�si by Lender. If -
<br /> • � '';�r;;�;{,'? substantially.�,uivalent�martgage insurance coverage is rtdt u��aAir3:�lc:i3nrrower shall pay to Leroii�`�each�na�th a sum equal to =
<br /> . �'�'_:i��r!•:;�' one-twetftif+rf G'�e easly mort =
<br /> ,.,�{• Y gage insurance premium�etng p���bjt�rrower when the insvr3irc��verage lapsed or ceased to -
<br /> t,�'. be in effect.i.ender will xocept,use und retain these yay m:ms�as a tosa reserve in•2ieu of Triar��r::3: insur.�e. Loss reserve =��
<br /> .. ' Farm 3028 8/90 `
<br /> '� ,.. , � �;:
<br /> .�r . , � a':+
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