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<br /> - � no Tc�nger:iC�.�t�st;sr +n ' na � -' _ ��s��� �s�'r-
<br /> W3'���Y d ahe psc� f�er� moi�gr��tr�ra�.��o'y��e�s`'�t� � ,-_.
<br /> ----- _ �Y��mgiires)p�soyidbd bp aa ia�r�a:�d'b��,ea8et agaia 6ecomt3.sv�i�zte a�as�±�. �p�3►.. � '
<br /> - ? . ilsc�p�IIuu�����P���T����*�i{��Fce¢,or i�prEw�dc a�ass resesv��;cui�.t�e rec��fpf'r.'mo�tg,�e.. . .
<br /> t � `` �� ��amds�ac�.pr�l�nce wIt��8s�y Ftcittea�t brarvan��arcorvea az�.t.�cndsr er ap�ic�ble�aw. .'`.., <. .< ��- ,•, ,
<br /> � �.9.�gectia�t.lxs�d�or ft��tgCns at�Y�a�tce eea�iabYe et�tress�nroi iuspaCirans of che Pragaty:�:enckr shp1S give :
<br /> . �', ,:�r�gr t�slce�tt�4iine of t�r prior.�ti an i�pecHon spa�EYiag#elsot�bte a�us�taf t�te i�o�. �< � '.,,.;,, .
<br /> . . . ..10.L"�ll►tt�r.'�'I.ie prfloeeds oY aay.:ataazYi or�I�itu'for damages,Qite#�or�bonsce��.�lial,in�nn�tion w�a�Y � .
<br /> - -- _--�``� , �eo�mn..�,�n ar ol�ea takotg of.ait�'Pa�t ef tl�Ptcr�eny:o�.for+acmre�iu iiai a8 cdndt�atian,,arc�bY`;+�ss�ga�swR! : ,.
<br /> . `.. .,�hall boPa�d to,l.c�aderr , ' , . , ' , ` `,. ` , i . ; ,,..
<br /> a
<br /> _ � . : . Id th��v�nt o#a toral taldng di t�t���'ruP=rt3+.tke prueeids�6c sppfied t4 ahe suats axnscA 6p tbis�eairity Ia�ni�t; " .
<br /> -__ —: ° 'vrF�n-t€tl-rt�r.�t tt�a ii�.�ith:gy�s�S!tQ 8�ew�:In the eveat nf e ' ' of t� -- - _ . ._
<br /> �� fa
<br /> �?t�1_�n� �'�oP+�tY ir►wt�t�t'Ge ia
<br /> --` - _ -- ' : • .`�.ma�ce�valzre of t�e�t�t�Y�Q� ���_�_, r �� '� � —.
<br /> she w o �ter thaii�tlhe � Qf�he sec�irod by s�aa
<br />_ _ � 3e�rit��ni immediai�Iy befai�:the tak�ltg.�uties.aBomntreT:a�L�er ot#�t�ise egc�e in.�vcit�ng,�sdms:�cm'ezT�o�------.
<br /> -_ --- diis�Seacrity lnsuu�at s�a3i!3e�ttnr.ed.by.�ania9zat of the gmc�s r�Idplied.by tha fnllawiug�fr�tiQn: �a)the�totai.
<br />= amaunt of t�auas sec�red?�atelytibefore the,taking,dividad Ay @}ihe 6ir�value�f tbs Pa�ext�.��daatelY.�
<br /> ' l�f9tB�the taking. My:6al�atrc�.sha}l be paid ta Bozrower: Ln t�.evait sof.s ya�Riat taiQn$of the t'!nPertY w svhieb the�'air
<br />- - ` � mazicei vatue af the Pt+opeRy:i�nped�ffie!Y trefare the t�ng is less than.the'amauaL of tIle s6ms seaared�nedistelY hefa�e tLz,
<br /> taldag.unless Borrower and.Yender osheawise agree in�vv�iting ar uaPess apptiable law affiet�avise prQviGe.s,t�e�lrooeeds:s#�l::
<br />- — be�lie�w the snu�s s�arred by tius Secarity X���+�!t�os uat t&e sams are thep due. :. � -
<br />- - If th��ProP�S!is a6ando�ed 6y Burro�,oi if,aftar�aotiC���I�der.Lg BormBrca that t&e!?o�;offe�to ma�c�an ..
<br /> awaN.or s�tle a ctaim Sor damages,Bo�rower faids w t+espond to Iender wrtbin 30 days aRer tlie d�te th�notiee is givea�.
<br />- Le�der is at�hori�d to eoIIect�ad apply tke pmceeds,at its�eptioa,eithex w restotation or re�pair of ths pmpezty or to the siun9 -�
<br /> � • secau�ed by tisis Se�tisy Ins�t�cae�t,wis�ihea ar�t thea due. • • ' . . . . . �� : �; `
<br /> - ---- [lntess Lender aa�Bormwe,r o3h�ris�agre�in wriamg, an5► aPPUcation of pmoeetts r.�.P�aga2 shali c�at�ezte�d or
<br /> - - - --- ` postpane the du�date.nf the mo�Ig paXmeuu refa�rod to in pazagraphs 1'and 2 or c�ange the amount pf�ach payments. • � .
<br />_ . - ll.Bornms�Not Re�sed;For�ar�oe By I.�ader Not a Wafv�� �'�fl-n of ihe time for pay�+t ar amdif r,�ttion <
<br />'�'ms'.���� •�of atnoitir�on af the svia�se�vred by ti�is 5e�udty Iamuata�t gia�ed by Lsnd�r Un any successor in inte�t�.Bonower shall
<br /> �. •not opetate w reiease the liab�7ity of the original8onaw�r or Bosower's suooessoss in interess.I�nder sl�tl-tiot be cequiied to `
<br /> �commcuce Pcoce�dinSs aS�unst an3►sacoessar in interest or refuse to excend ume for payment as othenvise madify a�wniza'tiian �
<br />_ .�;af:the s�i�s_secar�ed by this Savrity Instrument bY reason of any demand unde by the originai So:rower or Bortuwer's
<br />_ °sacres'sors in inteicsG Auy forbeazancs by i.ender in•exs7cis'ing any rig4u nr ie�edy shall aat be a aaiver of or piectnde ti�
<br /> ' �: . eaerrise ofan}r rig6t or;r�edY-
<br /> �'� � lE. Sucressms and Asdgnc Boffid;loiat an�Several I3abffity; Co�ners. The aovenaats and agieemeAts of this.
<br /> S�urity Instrumeat shall bind and�t.the successors and assi�s af I.eader and Borrower, su6jeet to the provisions of . .
<br /> , ' P�S�Ph 17. Borrower'�oovenants a�(agreemenu shall be joim a� s�-eial. Airy Borr�wer cvl�A rn-sigos Uvs Secmity. �
<br /> `� � �, fl > . Instcument but does nas.��eute the Nate: (a)is ao-signing tlus 5eauisy Insuu�t only to mortgage,gant and coavey that
<br /> `. �t .� ;: '.:�.�:F
<br /> . Borrower's interest in.it��?taperty under the terms af ti�is Securiry U�strumar�:£�s�is mot personally obligatad w pay the sums
<br /> . . r�;�' .� secured by t�is Seau'it��►ument;and(c)agc�es th:�b.ender and airy other�air�cirer aiay agree to extend.modify,farbear or
<br /> �`��'`'"�t �`` malce any�rsmmodations witt�negard to the terms of ttis Security ins�vment ot the Not�withaut:hat BorcoweT's oonseot.�
<br /> *'���'"'�� xu 13.��Cba�ge�.If the toan serured by this Security instrumeat is subject to a law wtuch sets maximnm loan charg�,
<br /> %�.,;: ,. ��,,
<br /> ``��'"w�`'.�"•`-`�'�:'�- and that law��s finalIy interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges collected or to be wllected in wnnectian•vrith the
<br /> ,,., .
<br /> '�'2"�`s.r"..-�'�°�'� laan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)ar►y such loan charge shall be reduced by the amoum aeoes�ry to redue�the c�targe
<br /> �,.
<br /> �:�- �s�:,,. . ;.
<br /> :.;=�...`�:;;�.,;,;::.. to the pemutted-limit;and(b)any sunu silready Collerted from Borrower which eaceeded ne�rpittcd limits will be refunded W
<br /> ;�"°�.�"����'' •';' Borrower. lender roay choose to mzJ�:e this refund by reducing the principal owed under the YVote ar by making a direct
<br /> ,'�`�`}�`':. • n the redu¢tion will be treated as a partial pmpayment arithout any
<br /> .,.k'`. .. : . .: • a ment to Barrower. If a refuttd �.'s pri cipal.
<br /> .� �•?��f�F s:;, ,,�r4,� P Y , .
<br /> • �.� � prepayment charge.und�the Note.
<br /> � i�� ::-'� 14.Notices.Aay r�#'ra:to Borrower provide4 C��in this�Security[nsmlmen¢�all be given by delivering it or by msiliag
<br /> ,`
<br /> _ }'f'�rtt4j� : �: ',.�° '"�'•• it by first class ma:D ur.�.��-s,.a��licable laiv requii�es'u���f anothert method.The rxyt�.'e shall be direited to the Property Address -'
<br /> �� '�4:�y�'f�j%'.1,•"'I�}�',�Y+�'('�ii'.
<br /> �'�a.�,.�.� - .;,�•�:;; ar any othe�.addte;s Sdttower designates by notice to Lend�s: �ny notice w Lender�hall be given by first class mail to -
<br /> , �,r. . • -
<br /> � "'�` • Len,der s addis.�ss�stated herein or any other address Lender d:�'s;,�t�s by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for ict.rhis =
<br /> ,:;,��,: •.•.� : Seairity Inst�ument shall be deemed to have been given t�Borro,:�+x��.�r i,ender when given as provided in thig�aragraph. ' ' ' �s
<br />- I5.Covesniag Law; Seveis6ility. This Secucfay Instrutitent shall be govemed 6y federal 1a�ti a� rthe !aw of the __
<br /> � '3 '� '• � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the c-��:t that any provision or clause of this Security L�t or the Note �;.';��_
<br /> •, : � " _�,;sr4�h':. conflicts with�pplicable law.such conflict shall not affect othet�yisions of this Security Inswment or the S�ote ahict�c�n 6e, �'�•
<br /> • .. �,:�r,�,�;.:�.�
<br /> ,�3•. given effect without�Ite conflicting provision.To this end the�ui�ions of this Seturity Inst�ttt:ent and iiie Note are d�list�ed
<br /> , 5;.• . :,;,'r;;�;�<5.�. . , , '
<br /> t :;.;;,. ,.:., ;�i;S��� : tobeseverable. - • .
<br /> <• �r1�i; 16.Borrowe�'s Caay.Borrower shall6e given�-rr,��aonfo:r,:a3 capy of the Note and of this Security Irtsl��ent. -
<br /> Y
<br /> - �•,.:. . . . - r .
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