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<br /> F�xiuces_.,. ;�F�.�,.:���i����.t.of.�•�rtt A e�a�s�;?�i�;�t.i?�ss.�§�-.;t�s.�#_�:... ,, _, 1� ���.'�.�' ,��
<br /> Iest�iti�ir.�.'��t i.��t#'a�eitt,�,is refe�#��n tb�s�t�iE���rturwiit;�t't�C"�tx�s�r�'.`; ::-..t:: � :s:�'. `� .. �,•t, � ... � .
<br /> « �eUFtRU�.,G''�►�.�I,�t"F�tP�it.Ht�Rust�et is iiEVl�fulijF'ieiee�!ai the�&fr�i�vey�ct��i�i�r��t+�1c�t� .
<br /> ' 'coaveg tht'Pi6perty�,t����i iY at�ei�d>C7u�pC��r.�nc�te�i�QS<fl�ELCOiz�. Hos�w;ci M+�s�ltl�vi�� .
<br /> V i}a.`y '. .�'��Y Y�1C�`[t3e da 9�7�[0�1l.`tdp�96$eiti4f 7dY:C1ati��i�B d�3tXi�8i1t:�CL,{�8i1�,'C1�'11�kr`��6�i�: ':; . .; `•• .
<br /> _ . '[HiS SFC[IitTTX IN�3�;IMES�'T�aimb�ries�ifa�npt�u��far n�acibnrt:ctae��)Cxt-uaifQnn va�v�r�ts wii�t lit�ted`�` ' , .
<br /> --- ;� ��riqt3cins�',�ju�isdi�ium di�t��stitqte��form�sC�tuit�;�4�cm�iz,Ag rta3,�t+oQerty. w . . ,: .. ". � .
<br /> �"�P�.14�,�fY1�fi1�i�'d'�•,$o�oxri�rtclLet�ct�ti�cttAtpt�?,greeast'oLa�ts: ., , : • �':i;;°;+:;;:� . ' ..
<br /> l.s�i'Of,.P19�d�#t�1ntt�st:�1y�D}�.'�d�dt.�tYp,�tB�.�Ctc�'.vCT 5}�a'll pzomPtlB''p�3�'s��#!�%t� , �
<br /> � `� �ritssa�.af sra3 iai���n.th��ba eviMnced Fsy tt:e Nai��l�g��83��Ti�ta c�arges du�u.�r t�c N� •: ' • • .
<br /> _ - -�= �
<br /> _:. �:_ � . -
<br /> :. �l�amd�:���a��ad�Subis�t xo ap�,���s1a�t.;or,t,o p H�wa�v�,fi�3't+�er;.�c,tmi��er s �Say�
<br /> - -. = I�r..r aa t�e�d�y:u�aihly���raYs�s ar�du�mxl�r sbe2��,±�uS�'l�t�+,[�Tn:�;'s.s�.��ti fi�2;a sum t'F�s I'fa�:(�)�ri3�tax�s ' ' �
<br /> aaat�ssessinei�is w�cRt t�y att�a Ar�oritY over tPtis'S�a7[�st���a lica og the�rogerty;{b?Y�Iy taassttotd pr�; S , ..
<br /> or�tattn��st►n itie Pro�e'aty;;if�r;(c)yeat4y t�ard at�g�aper3y insutanae pke�niams:(d?Y�3!f1o0t1�awrance g(ra�tums. . ',
<br /> i��driY���y Y��Y'IIIA�.'iILE�.�iCil1GS11ItS�"l$3i1y:anc3(�any sums gaYable 6y,F3o�tusver to�asd�ae IIt�'cs►[da18CG�VI� ",
<br /> tt��mvisionS af�ta�t�Jh 8,,in:iisr�af t�te�payt�at of uryrigage i�sar8sce pr�Iums:T,�it�ms�{te��"Esctow,Items.° ` `
<br /> I,��y, at anys:ti�;eo}tcir�.a�dd ka�d�iFus�•iB atl�am�unt•.uat.to eicooed tS�e�ama�mt a lender:for a fedecaily
<br /> . : "sa?�msr�tgage taact caay�:for�onon�'s es�a�s�oca�:�s uad�_sh�fe¢eral R�4 Estate� res Act of , .
<br /> --- -- — : ."•:,t����me�c[etl fmm�ttme.to+.tim�:!2:U.S.C.SectiQa..ZCvt�1i�t seq..(`RESPA').anless a�oihet taa tfia3�app.` ` th�FaaGs '
<br /> ` � , s�(s•&#esser amacmt.If so,�tnay,at�y tut�e,¢alle:t ai�hotdi�t�ls in aa aa�mt uaEYo exaced tt�t�sset�tnonnt.. e;
<br /> " ! � Le�ader may�zate ttie amouut of JFunds dae aa the`basts�af e�t d�b a;�d rr,�souaBie es6friat�of expeaditures qf futum,
<br /> Egerow Items a�utl�auise in aeco;dau��with appiipbls law.� •
<br /> ---- --� �e FmtdS�sflall be Dei� in.�t instiiwtmn ahose.depasits are it�sutad isy a.i�� a8��l+� ��3!• or e�►
<br /> -- � C��S Le�tder,if Leadex�4 sach an iastimtinn)or in any Federal Hame Loan,�:kii(.��:P�dei si�aPP�Y the Funds ta pay tt�e : .
<br /> . ���ow Itetns.l.e�et may uoi cGaige Bora�9ver fm holdiag aod applyiag the Fu�sds;�atu+�ltY aa�a[S►zing'ttte escm�v aoo�aat,�_.. .��`� .
<br /> ----__- -- :� �� � .';verifying.�e Escrow Items,uatess Leadet Eaays Basower inteaest on the Faads aixl apgtnca6te tativ pe�miu txnder to matce suci� �
<br /> ---- -,��targe-However.I.endes may reqtsite Sanower to Ray a oae-time c,1��argg fas an in�ep�ent reat estate tax:epuurdag serviQe .
<br /> - --__=_=____ . , :"p:4i�d 6y Leader in wnnec�ion with tbis [oan, unl�;s.agpl{rable law pi+ovides otIlenvise. Unttess an.ag�;is u�ade as .
<br /> -°-=:-'��� � }�!e faw, req�ires ime�est to 6e paid,ta�der�6aE#�at ira�equirEd w pay Borcower<aay intere�or eamings�,S�ti the Fuads. .
<br /> _ -- -:-, . _,��
<br /> - ��'�� . ..: $�i'Fo�r and.I.e�der may agree in ariting,however,ffi�i�trest s�Zli,be paid on the Funds.l�n�er shall g�.��Barmwer.
<br /> `•-..' . . ,.
<br /> - �,�;���r� � wi8to�i c�,��n annnal zooauntiag of th�Funds�ShOwIIlg.iTads"L5�'3[�:•debits[o tI�e FuAds eud'13te se for wfush eaeh
<br /> _ . P�
<br /> �_:uv,�.rt'�t� debit to ttce Fisadu�~vas made.Tt�e Funds are pledged as additiona�s�p:{:��or all s�ms seca�ed by t6is Sewtiry I�astrument.
<br /> ------�_��• " `�::;:If die Funds 6etd by i.end�r exceed the amounts•permiated to 6+��`BY aPP?i!�?law.Lender shall acooupt w Borrower
<br /> ��.'���.
<br /> �a#�i6e excess Fands in acw��ae arith t�e requireme�s�f applirabte[aw. if ti��;��ii?�xit of t�e Fudds heid by�L�nder at aay �
<br /> j ��°>�:.:' �s nnt sufHcient to
<br /> �; ,�� �' pay t��row Items ahea due.Lender may so notify Boiirti���in writirtg,and.in�suclt,e�.8orrower.
<br />;_'�!�,�:��,.;f:?rH;%: . s�tt pay to S.ender the amou�s::tcecessarp,W make ap the d�ficiency.8orrowes sha13 make up the deficieticy in t�`ino�tban
<br /> �--""�fF4=�.�,`,' ta?etve monti�lY Pa3+��� at t.estder's soi,r. '�retion.• . , ,
<br /> j�`��- ,,':��3"'i �, ...,'Ui�an PaYa�nt in full of. �11 sumc.�ated by this Sewrity tnstr�ment. Le�ider slusl!promp8y refiutd to B�arrower aay
<br /> -���.��- :, .
<br /> `;*;t,;;f r.f;�4.`'r'"�~ . �pirn�•Iretd by Lender.If,under para�aph 2l.Lerider�J;:acquire os sell the Progerty.Lender,prior w the acquisition or sale
<br /> '�.f,.;�,,f;",` ,�t;:.i of;.iin:�'raper�y,,shall apply an3�Funds he�d by Lendert���.'tlae time of acquisition or sale as a cr�i;t�_cr,gainst the sums secured by
<br /> �.��rs.,;:,;!,`�:. _ tRis�ecuriry�r�peument. � , ,. ., ' _ .:� ::;,: ":;,
<br /> :;;.• ' •��:,�;;;%,'� 3.AppiIIc�t�is�of t*aymEnts.Unl�ss�licable law pmvides o�;�:ySSe.all payments received by Lender under paragrsphs
<br /> •.,;`'` � ' "�� �'' � l and 2 shall be applied: fust..to any piepayment charges due under t��Note: sevr,�d,•to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> ..';�:;=>�--c , •
<br /> '';�?�•,j'•-. �;;„.:�i;:. t�ti�.to interest due:fonrth.tn�rinripal due:and last.ta�wy late charges due an�*:q'�qi�lote.
<br /> � .� r�1��1/i•'.` ' ..
<br /> ';�;,�,y. . i�:�'�.`r;�; 4.Cha�s;Liens.Borrcaer shall pay all taaes.a�,w^s:ments,charges. fiae�:�::��iE�positions amibutmble to the Property -
<br /> ":;ij=;i�':;��':'`�`;:�� �istsich may attain priority over this Security Instrument.`�i leasehold paymems ti�u:'�rqand rents. if arry. Borrower shail pay
<br /> ���_�'.:;:.,. . ...`,,�� , . ,
<br /> `�,�'•: :.: ' :. '}.' these ob1igatians in the manner pmvided ia'p�ragraph 2.ar if aot paid it��at man��'r.�3orrower s�.�11 pay tItem on time ditpctly
<br /> ��;-.x:,..
<br /> .:,,;',•�;;.���`•�'.` '' ta,she peison owed paymcnt.Borrower shall prorr�tly fumish ta I.endet'all natives��f;�,�r;rs�!;���rpaid ur�er this paragraph.
<br /> �:��]}::a�, �. � " If Hatr,ower makes these payments directly.Borrowet s�w�t•prnmptly fumish to•I.e�.�,;�n�:.�eifi.:f i:���cing the paymenu. -
<br /> ""�'��=�� ' Sorrower shall rom tl dischar e an tien whitte���. norit over this SectL^it±t-�ts�,.�a'.�s Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br />,;:;;�x�`...,,.: �' , • , P P Y S Y Q� Y �
<br /> •- "����`'•� • ',:,•:. �i4ting ta the�rayment of�he obligation secured by the ty�i in a manner acceptable r.;��n;j,;;�:r�,,a;,intests in gaod faitb the lien.,;, __
<br /> .����+���':_•:',.,�;4ir','� � •'�� .
<br /> � + ,�.,�..,, by:or defa�ds against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in tP_��'�t'�s���-nron operate to prevent ttW,„
<br /> --'�.-' . '" enforcement of die lien:ar(e)sxcures from the holder of the lien an agreement s�r�.��i;t�iry to�Lender subordinating the lien t�` �_ -
<br /> ,•r,..
<br />� • . this Security lnstrument. If l.endcr determines that any part of the Property is suE�S�;z`;>�a lien which may attain priority over -
<br /> ' , this Security Instrument, Lender may give Barrower a rtciice i�entifying thc lien.BbrrUwcr shall satisfy the lien ar take one or �;_;
<br /> �• � .:�.� � more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the�iving of notice. _
<br /> �,':* .:, ., . Form3028 9/90 -
<br /> .t . . . '�090 2 G}e .
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