. _. , . .
<br /> : � __
<br /> , .
<br /> .
<br /> _ . ._���, r�,J_ ;� _��:�r _
<br />� ` � a � t _ 's' ,� f., - . , � �f N
<br /> _ c` �-._,_ _ r .. . • , _( `. _ ' " . .. � ���� ,��'RLI4a7� � ' . ' _-
<br /> ��-.z-.�..s .. _ _ � , l . z.. . .. . � " _ - _
<br /> �_ .,. ._ ._-. r -. -... . .. . .. ._.. . - . . _ :.... .� � :, - - . .-�:..-_ �. - .- ..; .._ .,...__. . : _- _ ' ' _-___.._. -.
<br /> _ ----- . . . '�!ns�raag x�o�qIIBs�'�aequ�,at i�e c�puon oF�r,if�rt�ge i�ssxan�'c�iii��'iai�c�aurit pu�f6it6��-�nd.�. . -
<br /> - ----—_ faaL L�udEr�_rcquitti:���mvidad�$y�it�sureY epgt�aued by;�endtlg�g,�4n b�6S�cs a��9ad is 0�.`B�ims�t'.sitadi��;�
<br /> - ------= ; . Rhe pr.�iiu�cs raqwre�ta rrt�n,mortg,age�u3�trsai�cc tn e�ffec�;o��b gmvf�'a toss:�rv�eu�r.i��e�q43�i3t�oP t�gt , : , .
<br /> --_ -- � t insni^•nce�s iira acc�r,clais�c witd�wy writte�e,�?rt�ma�z Boma�vrsr u�d�r d��gplie�te law. . ' ; :. .
<br /> - __ __;�.. - � 9e`���sr or its.�gea��..ay:�teas�i�bla rn`tries ugon and insp�.�i�b€t#�;Pt�ope�.Iraadei shalD g€v� . '
<br /> . � �oxno�+er a�nt�a at the a�ne of brr priar w`sn i�msporiion spe�ifYing re�n�ts c�fAZ tt�-in�ion: � , ,.``
<br />_ � . . . 18 C:ah�mp.11ia grot�ed�of aay��and qr.d�fa�'damages.dirtct or consequs�tia�,�con�on�►itt►stay� ., ' '�
<br />= - �i�n ar a t h e;t�n g,o f an�r�act n f t�e�peasy.or for ca�veysgce in�t i�a€c�d�t m�a t toia,aie�a�y.tRSi g n�d�� ,.
<br />'- � sEa�ll be pai�ta i.ender. . .. • :<
<br /> �=° In th�eveat af a�totat taking of t�e Froperty,th�p�eeds shail be aggiied w t8s sums s�u�ed by this 8es�ttaty Ins�cua:ant,
<br />-.. �
<br /> _ -_��-__� . �,�ur�t stt#�.s��,u�_eny�exc�..s�d to B�nr�nurs�.in th�eucatt of a g�a1 t�kin�of 3he Pc�erig irt,w�the f�is_ _ :-,. .-
<br />:�—
<br /> _: � mariset vaiue of the Praperty imno�distely trefute the taT�irag is equa!to or gteaser tt�.d���n�atof tha sums sesaued by this _.__
<br /> S�xzt�ty In.,�uament imttt�i�teIy,6�fase t6e talaing,anless$armsarer ard i�eu�z otUe��in writing,the sum�se�ued by - - -
<br /> arn
<br /> - thas Secsuiey Insunm��at st+a3L be r�aduc�d by the amauni af the paoee�ds mnttipli�d by•the foDowSng fratiiam: tal�e cot�!
<br /> - amount of tTce sums seaued inmu�d'iatetp befo�r the taidmg.divflded by(bD the fair market vataa of the Pcoperty i�t�r .
<br /> - 6efor3 the taking.Aay batance shat! 6e paid w Boimv�zs In t�e eve�at of e pafiat�ki�og of the Pc+npeaty in aLi�tbe fait�.�,.:
<br />= m�adcet vatae of the Ptopezty iwmediuttely befntz the taking is less than the araoua4 of Bte suans s�jmmedistefy be€am t$�_,: ,
<br />- �g,aniess Boaawer and Lendea athe�avise agree in w�ipng or�mi�s applieabIs law otkerwisti g�:r�re�es,th�s pizaoeads st�.;.;:-
<br /> b�.a�lied w the sums secured by this Secnrity In�t�v�ethea aI aot ths sums aie then dne...;:,.;::;;.;';;::.;;:=.:; ,
<br /> -- If the Prnp�ty is ab�adaned by Bo�rawer,ar ff,aftez m�tioe 6y Leuder to Bommwet that:tlr��ea�Ers to raalce a�,�.;. -
<br /> - .�- aas+�t1 or s�t[e a claim for dama�es,Bom►wer`t'a'sls'to c�espond w I�eader within 30 days aft�"�:�t�aatice is gt�tsY;::,; _�
<br />���',;,� Leader is aauhorinad to oolleci and apply the ptacoe�s,at its optioti,eiEher to tesWrarion ar tepaia ci�`t�„�Fm�erty os to the���' .
<br />��-_:�,=�;�'_y-i,.� secvred by tius Secnrity Iastiumen�wh�e.�or not tLen dtie. �.�=� � ,
<br /> ' ,, � Unless I�ender and.Ba��aower othe�wise agr�e ia writiag, anY aPplicasion of pmc�eeds to pr�al shall aat�or
<br /> =a" g m�t�;� • postpone t�e due date of th���ntWy paymeats referied to m pazagraphs t�2 or��e ths ammunt of sac�payme�ts. .
<br /> -=-�.�_s
<br /> o.._Y..._;. ,.,..;.
<br />- °-:...::..zz,a��a&,��, ,.---._._...--:..-il.�Barrower-Nal-Ba�ed;=Forb�ae-By,-Lea�er��Io4�a-W�Iv�.�Batensiaaafthe-ti�f�r-paymentorrnodifitatioa.._-�... .
<br /> ���� _-;:<��.�•:. � . . .
<br /> ':= � `= of a�id7ation of tne su�secared by this Seciuity Insuurnent grantod by L�der w any sa�in wterest of Borra�ver shtEtl
<br /> :' ';. ;;�*,�•-� „,• t
<br /> � 4r'';,;�;�i;f,t;;r:;;j nat•4Perate to[etease We liabiGty of tbe origina!�orrawer or Bormwer's suocessois in iatea�;�:�r shall�ot be teqttined to
<br />_ t��:;.�„•rNF;,;�"��' • c.a't�mence Proo�din8s against anY suaoe�sus in intemst or cefuse to extead rime far.�aym�t or'oth�rarise m�?amo�ation
<br /> yAir-:4.`yd_`i .� . � . .
<br /> Sv:..'�`_•�.iy� �..' .
<br /> - ..
<br /> ,.r.,... -; ., .•: .. . vf:die sams s�ued by tius Secaaty Instruntent !sy rea�on o€amr demand�;�iy�the original $oit+aa�!�•BarrowePs �� �.
<br /> .
<br /> ;` +, �.�,�' .:;,' , :. suii;cssors in Imerest. Any faibea�ance 6y Lender in execeising any rig6t or remedy shall not be a�vaivet�%��preelade the
<br /> ::��. '`` � ,, exercise of any right or�medy. • . `-'L:•
<br />_ �,��;�� :,' . !Z.Suoce�ors and Ass€gns Buund;doint an�f Severei LiaDEacay:CA-�•The cavc�ts aa���of ths
<br /> " '"`'`^ Sec�ri Instr�ment shall biipi and 6�nefit the successors and assi of Leades�3 Borrower;sub'ect W ifr� uisioos of
<br /> €•s;�,�f.g..� �; tY &� , J 1�
<br />- {'+;;r:�'N,°k`�',.� ' �:• �r�aag�uph 17..Bomnwer"s,�ue�nts and agmxmerrts shall De joint and sev�raL;z�iiy Born►wer wfio co-sigi�this Security
<br /> :..:,i5��t,,:'._ .. 'r;.� g a �••...
<br /> `�^.�1'�l°� ...,.t��..,:;,. Instrument but daes not er.4�ut�:the Note: (a)is co-signing this Seariry Inshu�aaly to tnortgage,g�ant and oomrey that
<br /> ..,.:,•.;.;:•-�l�;��• Borrower's interest in t6e �.�� uader the tem�s of this Seauity Lisuument;t6k z�s not peisoiraUy obGgated to payr tlte sums
<br />- `;•" ``•.�.3�� �. secured b this Seairi � •;•
<br /> • .�:;%,;,rr�;��; Y ry 1ns�;aan�-te�3gees that I.ender and any other Bnrraa��s may agre�to eatend,modify,forbear or _—
<br />- �. �?�,�-, �,ke any accommodauons,�ii�ii;�r�cii tu t�e terms of this Se�vrity Instniment or tir�1�te without ihat Borrower's oonsea�
<br /> ,� , :- ;13.i.van C6a�es.tf t�licea sm�i�by this Seau�ty Instrnment is subject ta a iaw whIch sets maximum loan charges. _-
<br /> �. . ` �. �,4.,.;�; �:�r3>.�at law is finally inter��so th�t dae interest orzsrher loan charges collected or to be coilected in conne�ion with dte �-_
<br /> t";�}�.;t '� •Cerd�exceed tt�epemutted limits.then:(a➢any such toan charge shall be Teduced by the amonnt nacessary to r�uce the ci�e -_
<br />-�� �+':;rr+ � ,; wi�?�.�pertritu9i.smit;and(b)any sums alrzady rnllected from Borrower wbich eaceeded pertnitud limits will 6e refiiaded,ti�; =-
<br /> •:,x�-� ' � �_--
<br /> =.�t ":;,3,± ..�:..:•:.. . �. • Lt¢i�sawer. �may choase to make this refund by reducing the principat owed under the Nate or by making a di� „�
<br /> r� , , �pss�ttterlt to.'�?�Qwer. (f"�•�:fund reduces principal. the rcduction will be uu�ied as a P� P�P�ent without a�r ' � ` _.-�-
<br /> ,. . t . i
<br /> . �; PrepaYment�.ir��undeti�ro:•l�riate. ;:, ' � _-
<br /> y .. ,v,��:�;•Rt�fs'. �4.No�uu�:�ny'h�a:��:�BoTrouer provided for in this Securii�'Ihstrument s>1a1!be gn�esi'i�-�,delivering it or by mailiti� � �.,,.��.
<br /> •.��,.�;;`�9f. ,. ... . .. -_-�_--
<br /> ��'� ' iC by first cl�s u�it uniess.�iiirable i�.�u rr�uires use of another metF�rd.?�7ie eoii�sh21i t�ti�.ra�d to the Pmperfy Ad�:r� `.'.as-
<br /> ��i::.;;:�:, , . , � . • .•-;::::�;::
<br /> . . or any other'address Boitr��;r desigs�ates by notiee to L.ender. Any notice tc�r.r��i.#shali t3e�en by ��class ma'if:iu ;� ::"��;i,,.��._
<br /> • . ` • L�.ender's address stated hc���:or any other address L.ender designates by notiqe.iis Bi>rrower.,Amr aotite�ivu�'tC�c!for in this �r���`'����`�=-
<br /> a';� � _ 'S,�rit Instrument ;=�:.: -" ---
<br /> . y �halt�.��ir►ed to have been given to Boaawer or Lender wt���iven as provided in this�ai-,.��raph. � �
<br /> . 15.C�ar�ing�Laa; 5everability. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the law of tbe `�. :: ; �.. ;;�_
<br /> . _�� jurisdicteat�rtt t��ich the Property is lorated. In the event that any provision or ciause of this S,�crity insttument or the dViit� `�•;� ��
<br />_ • � � uonflicts�vii�:;��plicable la��:..sunc�onflict shall not affect other provisions of this Sccariry Instru�.nt or the Note which pn�tsie . � `� �
<br /> :>;it�;; .. ' � '• � �i.:;en effect without the currt2r�ing provision.7'o this end the{n-ovision�of this;"s�aaiaty insttument and the Note are declared �t*: �'' `�
<br /> :� �;; j.
<br /> ?.r1sy'i:;s':. • . ,�.t�be severabte. . .�' , . ` � ,
<br /> �,;�,.. �.. F��;; .
<br /> � :i:?%s'k 16.Borrower'�Copy.Borrou•er shall be given'one conformed vap��of the Note and af this Securiry bstiument. � �, :. • '•
<br /> �:�. :�ly{';•� , . . , ,j' ,;.,.
<br /> ;'�'-:. o `:�:St�?��' , . r Fotm 302$ 8194 'y�'' • r ,
<br /> Z;t'�f��' r' . . � , , , , . . ���'f;�h;:,F���. �,�SH�,.,
<br /> - ��i ..' . �4016 . 7o (v\� �.i .��.
<br /> :,'*;`,.L,;t'!i�`��. ,�i' . . � . i,�`+ ctt:�r., � .�.`.'•,'. '
<br /> `';i' ' 'S'(f:�� ,� , �y.
<br /> •'�i�, ' �� �•.. � � . . , S�t�s. '.i'��::.
<br /> .1r � ,.1� r'� . . ,}lt�'• , ;� ,�i'r yc•' .
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