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<br /> - --.: � . � . .•.... � ' � .
<br /> ` ���'�:�f���`Y���, �di�r•��:4r�n�r.i�cor�sti.���t:: �
<br /> _� —� ��.�.��a��� � -- -- _
<br /> �is�rF�d vr sc�,nsf��s�d(or if s�ene#i�iaf�tet��13cr.t+���er is.s�Td�aa�ea�al�anct�ifY3tK'EF,f�ax�t a Gawa�ai pt�c�axzz����
<br /> . �:::.: I�ender's�cr,wcjtte►.�'ctsusssu. �Cnder�may.�at.i`fs a�Si�,�. �ire,in�edi�e�iitt'i�fiiii o�}�s�sqs:s�xtmd_b�,thtis
<br /> . � Se�iity.ln�t�cc�asea�Ho�rever�t�is�n sba}1 not 6e exexcer��y�ac4�if exenase��pI'4f�bitod.by 1f�i!�w as cif a�►a1ui� .� .
<br />— -- — << ' ��o�tt�isS�rityI�aieni.�,. . � ., . . . . . .. � -� , .
<br />- - = � � If tr.iider e�t�tLis,�ptioit.l$r�idee`s9a1I�ive Barsnv,�er�tutice of aoce��ation.�e�asIo�s�a11 provide a pexind a�'�f �
<br /> ItsS tftan 3U dayi::�tAs�:d-the�i�ce i.s dr,fivetsd us"anaited�ix6in�I�t$otro��r tut�st pay.�1!s�ras s�cur�d bji't�'ss ` . .
<br />_ � Secuiity IuSfiuqc�t.�If�omow�r_f�jis ti�.�3t'l�se s�ps Pr2or in the txpiratIhn of th�s,periQd.ixtsder suay invnS�e�Y trm�iss . :
<br />-- ---- ' permittrat�3►thig S�xitY xn�nt��&aat fu�ther�otioe us�emar��ori Sotcowtr. :..:�.: � ' U .
<br />_ . i$:.BasroRe�e Rlgt� to.��te:�tf.8oirawer me�s�rtma�wsidi�. 8oi�+avrer s�.nit_�ve tar� ri�t ta t�+ve- `; °'�.�.�
<br /> =_ — e�'oi�nent af thas Security Instit�hiea�.disoant�nned at any tirtte prior to the earlier o� (a�S daYs.�ar sach a3her ge�ud;as
<br /> � -_— = a�pl�rabte 1aw.may sp�i�jr fof teinstaterasat) 6efase sals of thsp�operty gurs�t to vrer of saie canf�ed sn tl�s .
<br />,� �_� ��8a
<br />- --.-- _ - -- S�ut�}I�:+u(b)�r�f a�at�f�.ttis Securiiy f�a�nt:'t�ose�a�at�itss�t.�orcavt�t',(t�}�s. _ __ _. _.
<br /> F;, I.eud�r slt�ms wlutQ tLe�c�ou2d be thee�tdes this.�eattiry Insuutztent and the Idate as if tto.aoaet�tati�t�ad oaear�;(6). . .
<br />- ' . aues an defau[t of cnPtet oove�aaa4s or. natren,,�. � _ ___- __
<br /> y aa3► ��+t�?FaYs al!e�ses insurred in�f+osceng tbis S�uity� -
<br /> -- . inctadi�g,Wnt not�imited to,ieasanable attomagrs'fees;and fd)t9lces sutb$ixlon as�der�y rr�sm�iy tequis�ta as4tcr:�:
<br />= that the�tien of tLis Secvriry fnstrumeai,lender's rights ur ths�rop�ty�nd Boerower's ahiigat[aa ta pay the smtt�sequed by -
<br />= � �• tLis Securaty I�eat sha13.oonternte�. iJpasr re6r�staietue�t,by Borrowu. this Se�rity. ��'+T,�*� a� ttte
<br />" obli�atians secaced hereby slmll temaui fidiy effective.as if ao aeceieratiaa had occ�red.Ha�rever.ti�as dgt�t to�inssate s6a1! :
<br />_ ` not apPiy m the cas�oYa�oeteration un�er paragraph 1?.
<br /> " 19.Saie of Not� C�ange ag Laan_S�vicer. T6e Note or a pamial iate�est ia tt�ee Nnte(wg�her wida.tI�s S�ty
<br />: tn�rument)may be sotd oae or mura�aaes witha�pris�r notice ta Soaavver.A sate may resutt in a change in d�e entaiY(�tnwn
<br />- as tI�"Loan Seivirea")that wtL�ts.�.i�thlY 8ayments d�or�der the Nate aad dus Secnnt�lastrumea�.'[Lere atsa may:bs ane
<br /> - or mare c�nges of tLe Laan Servloc�t�i�+e!ated to a sate of the Nate.If tkere is a chat►ge of the[�an Seivicer..Bormwe�r w�l i� :
<br />,�,,���,_� .. giv�t vnitten natice of t6e dr�c u►a000zdanc�.�Is;paragrdpb 14 a6ove and appfirahle law.The autioe wili state tI�n�ne and .
<br /> address of the aew L4an Services aad t�addr�s3;tii:�duc6 payments shonld be made.l4ie natic�wil!also caniain any oth�r'
<br /> ��-"'". � ' ,iaformation ieqairedbY aPP�able law. `�'`��:,: . ,
<br /> �� �rc ' Z00.�ot�SnbsYaaees.Botrower shall�aat�.+�z peimit the pc�u�,use.dispo�l,smrage.or rede�se vf.� ' '
<br />�' Harardous �bstances on ar ia tI�Property..�orrower shali'rr4t do, nor aliow ariyone'c3se oo do; aaYtl�u►g a�t�ng�•t�e�
<br /> , � . a �
<br />�—�- td�at is m violarion of F�vimnmental Iaw.�6e " _ . two s�sGa!!�t 1 to t� n�ey�ts�.'or -
<br /> . _----... .---Prupe�------- -- ---�- �=� -- -- � - . pniace�fa�8 .---- -----.._ _ ._ ...�Y P
<br />��w`�.�. =� '
<br /> �� .,�.� ,.Yc;�;�_±�;' storage an the i'mgaty o�sa�1�qaa�uu�s o�H�ar3oas 8obsiaiiees"ttiat are genera]ly reoogd�ed tA�be��prbptiate w�a .
<br /> 'L`:"�., . ., �_. resideatial ases artd td tis�intenausa�f t6e Propercy.
<br /> - ,:>. ����° �,���r
<br /> ,.;.. �'�` Y�►D�Y 5����er writ[en notioe of any invesdgarion,claim. demand,lawsait oz otiier asxioa 6y aay
<br /> - :.�r..�;;, .,t.. ,r s�-
<br /> �� y..;;,.�, �•: � govermme�at or regnlatorY.aS�Y:��vate paaty involviag the Property and any Ha�rdou�Suhstance or Environraetual Law
<br /> ;�-,-a��'"��' of which Bormwer has actual ionu;v. .. If Ec�tmwer learas,or is natified bY aaY govemni�tat or tegulatary�thority,thai ---
<br /> ;'`':'.• " .� • aF► �vat or other re�ediatioa d��'" ila7andons-Substamce affectin the is n Bomovr�r shaU ro u take
<br /> F'y` °y", y �Y � � �Y-- , P mP Y . �
<br />- �-5.�.-;'�. ..� `. aU ne�sarS,remedial actions iu aCCO�danoe witt�Envir+onmental Law. ��' .' � '.•::�:
<br /> ;:;';; '' ,:_<,,��;..��'i,;' As used in this paiagrapb 20, "Ha7ardous Sui�lances" are tfwse substances defined as toxic ar.�:ti�c�us subs�ances by —
<br /> ;� ` :. :'�: �':.;,� Environmental Law and tke follas�;�irg substances: gasoline. kerosene, other tlammable or touc p�s3�P�+odnctsw:ioxic
<br /> `-;••'��' ,,;.,;•;;� '• pesticides�ra�d herbicides.voiatite a�v�ts.materials containiag�be�tns or fom�aldet�yde,ani�-radioactive�tsterials"��•��d in
<br /> ' '� •'•''+`� 20. "Envirunmeatal;Las�"means fedeial laws:irsc!iasvs of the jnrisdiction arhere the Pcoperty is Io�t�ti:,.9�ar
<br /> � this p � •
<br /> ^.�. �" •�`•���: .. • relate o�;tr�.� safety or envimnq�it51�rotection. � �. ` : • . . ; ,•;',�•
<br /> - � NO��s=iJMFO�l:i�lVENq?i'�S:Borroweran�LEnderfu`tt�i-covenAnisndagreeasfollows: ` ���..,. _
<br /> � .� �,. 21.Aoeedera3ta�l�edtes.�:s�td'er shall gtse notice to Borrower pr�dc to acceteratFon.foRnwtri�.�orrower s bneach
<br />- � . , ..
<br /> --.,,..
<br /> ``�.`�;;��`..•:,� of any roveaant oz�a�eement f��t��Secactty L�strament tbut not p►iur to arceleration onder pb 17 �[e� . �
<br />.. - .'';�!%;:f;`,.; appl�t+�taw pruvideQ othenvT�e}'..'�,e noitce sha11 specify:'fa)tt�.defaa`t; (b)the�.r+e��i�t�e defat�tt; --—
<br /> , .,,.,`s-:. �.
<br /> � ;,,/,,.,,• (c)a date, aot tess thun 3U days{�stti:ti#�date the�aa*Ece is given to Borrow�rr,by��e detanit mast be cu�;and
<br /> . . . ; ' (d�t6at failnre to care the defaat�ms,��6e£as�t�e date sped�ffed in the..�otEse ma�,c�.�¢t in ao�e�aBon of We smms , '-
<br /> �.,;: �� . � 'secured by t6is Secartty Iastnimer,t�d.s��oE'ttn�Property.The nmifi��ill6u�ihee ii�orm l�ur�%�wa of We rtg�t w --__=� -
<br />-- ' ,.� � rrinslate aiter accele�atton aad t�e i�i't ttt'tufis�,a coml actton to as�t ahe non-eatsTeace oP�?�aalt or any oth� �, - ___
<br /> - �`' �� ' � dtfenstB�f Bornovrer to acoeler�tiQa�d sate.ff fhe default is not cm�ed on or 6etore the date spt�fed ia t6e swtice, __��
<br />