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<br /> i�-ursaa�a��n�c��iia�n�witix aay v�sittsr�s�er�bat9c cea Baxrower a�&�enc3rr ar:�ppti�irf�i lit�u�i:,• ::� ,:` � .
<br /> ,
<br /> _— - !,�s�.L�tid+tt cr i�sgent x�y cr�i�c re�I�e�3;.��a�d itisp�tio�s af.tF�.�ev�i'���fi��iswl�{L�i> 4
<br />- - = Sorn�wer a�t€oe�t E�timz of or�ti�r•�`�n inspe�bn spodfy�r�isan�bt�i�rsa�±�a�ia�a�:.� , � . . . :. ;�;:<
<br /> _ . ; t�
<br /> — --_ . . L�D..Ca�oa..'ff��gFa�oe��s��aa�aw�rd us st�.folt d�gcs:da�a�t or�cn�uss�t,fa.rairn,�ti���:wl�t;:�t,�:�`�`,' .
<br />_ ----- ---- - �nderFura3�on crc�t'f,cr takfit,g of csay Fatt qs the Pmpe�ly.ar fas aaavoyss���ii��,f oo��m�-w=��.arw I�w��.ss�'���=aztc�l uh:;�` -
<br /> �bafl6��id tn Ls�er. . .' � . . •' < < �-�° "..'`� ' ' � `. . �� -
<br /> �
<br /> � �n t�e eve�t oP 8[otal tak�ing of e'r��r�pest5�.�fe:�r�.�Sa11 be aPpl�c�ui t�e�ian s�re�by�th.�S Sec�ri�C�3i'�tr.ar�i�f;:.. Y . __
<br />��� -_�- r_�-� � ' ' � ���i��F�-�5.��:- a�.
<br /> - u��r or rtut�r t�e.wle�asy e�ess�icf���+e�:'�th�Ev�a����a3 t�m�af tta,.P�aty.� _.____. .
<br />- �oarket vai¢e of the�perty�y befora th.e takiu�-is'.�qusi w as�ttBzia��ouat of t��sums.s�d,�t;t;.thbt,�
<br />- - Seairrry Imstrument jmmsdiatety befoze�e iatdag.�itess Bo�ow��s:I+Eadzr�:�'��.�-}a�,���°,:un�.�ur�t:b�;;: —-
<br /> chis 5�rity.Instru�.rac s�alt be ttttmoed hy�tl�ain�ssuai o�i�hee�d�s.mnit�gt�! �S�tT2e fo1JY�vving fir�st:.(�t��.tta�.zatt�:
<br />_ ��sf t�sums�cur�immediat�ky befare t�ta�g.di�ided 6Y(b)`d�e fai�m�C't.vniue��t��F3�tar�imtna9lJit�t!���
<br /> ts�fare tI�trslcing:A�ay ba�aa+.e stmll ba�w Botmc��?r.Ini��e�t of a gartinLteidag uE tS�e Fi�re�}.iu,:wif�:.tiis�: . . -
<br />�� market.vs��s3f tfie Fragerty imu.ted's�Iy 6tfore the t�g is less tbutr ihe a�t.o�tAc s�s saarre�i�rtme�'r�¢I�•-�'�t•.dic.:
<br />��.�1��.� �r-tiIIli.'SS 13Q�£CLUVL.T 8i1�1.eift�EQ'tSt1i845VtaC A�1'�C III�Qitl�uf 11mt'ti3'8j5�JIC�SIffi ISRC•�BrfEC�3112Vi�l39�.t��fl���:
<br /> _ _ tse&p�7liesi to tl�sums Seatred h�tius Seauity I�t�er otuut t$B s.,mi5 ate��dlt�: � .' �
<br /> �.,y�,,� < ��.
<br /> _ �1�1C�CIQ�'I$8j1°ti Q1�II15���Q1ZtT�W6[�,�dG �T L��[OC�Ficuuar.:���t�{'k��.,��1',,,_i,,`� �Q�'Q}�1AA�Kv�"$q3ji;frh� ��,
<br /> — Yt'1T.� s �,�r,,irr• f, ,j �lbf.� � s { �,�atY
<br /> '��� a�YaLF!QE S4dt.tC 8�CGJAJ��'s �Q3t0�i��td Zl�d t0 I.EII�.'" � le it�(If�,.'�C' d'� JQQkCE�:�Jf- �c�,F�4 �
<br /> �ss+�i�s a � '� � � :-..�� ��'��3 s��t� �9�...w�" � ! �F r E S,
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<br /> /f'�. �y�� .y,.,. !�,,,���,jy�� '` 4 V / ti d/�
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<br /> �����'� ;�� °� , � iJa2css �mdur t�;�ao�;er�shenpu��u �wti� agg of QraoeaAs'tcs �:S�ai�`na�eu�md�un� .�•�,f
<br /> �`'� �;,�. ��: t�� •. > �.
<br />������arWu�:� '� .�t�, . �e at�'fi��� �',��i�YnuEaL�x��Wit��tagca�S�,Ian�'-.tusc�raugetliea�mEsucb:8se*eymei�tt� �:: `
<br /> ��,.�,��g� �, .rrn'; ...��„�i,_. ��. 1 i �.; •
<br /> - �-.��N�'�s�,j; , .__. .�I��irraavee�int t�ieased;Forbearac�ce�$y Leadw�Diu�g�efl+ier:�E�,enstan.oF t�ie�e for ga��dr�di��:erfar���- .
<br /> - -:=:'��x�3�,t;�!•:..,�r:� of emast�3tiaa a£Ut�sums sECand by this 3et�mty InsGrumaot�Dy:f.�ud@r ta gn.g,successflx ie�inte�tc£3��ar�o sh�1i;=
<br /> :--�:Yr�°���:�>,.:: : Fe�e tq,relear,e tHe liabili ' '4��!�t�'
<br /> 'i_.., ,....,,
<br /> 1;'•.r'::`:`' ',..: :•; : not o ty of the origtnui�Eorrower or�orrawer x.sncceescrs itr iau.�rest: Leadsr afiulx nar 6e ri.
<br /> �+_.<.: , cos,�eaa�piocee�fittg5�agaiasE any successar i�t�isst�rest or ref�ase ta extead�tirara�e far peyment or athcsrrarr'�s m�t ama�s►�x
<br /> :,s°:;;•--`"..;°` � _.af the sums'sec�ued-by:.this Secntit}r Instrument by.reawn�of auy den�aad made by the.or�gtnat�L�'csrawer�au�8�t+��r's
<br />��.� .. , ...,
<br /> ,�� �
<br /> ��t'•:::%`:;.`�, `�`�''>„''. successors in interest.My fofbearance by Leader in eaercising eny dght ot temedy shall noi be s►wai�re�a�ca pnscTtti��tHe
<br />��:';,' ;•,`:!•�;'�`:�,,:, • , ,�,;;;:
<br />�� .. , .�eaecrise aF any right or cemedy.
<br /> .• �::>;: ::.. ..,
<br /> '.,:.; l2. Suace�sats en�Ass�.�s Bouada Jotcst und Sevw�sal IAn6Wty;Co�slgneta. Tiie covenanta�a�agr�araa#i:.of this
<br /> . • ' '' Security Insuument sha11 6ind and benefit the successors and assigns of Len�er ssnd Borrower, su6}cce ta dus�paa�uions of
<br /> . � �� � � � Qaragrapb 17. �artnwer's oovenants and ngreernenu shall be joint and several. My Borrowet wha•c�sipttt�•.Qfiai���esur3ty
<br /> ' � Instrumeni but does not execute the IVote:(a)is co-signing this Security Instmment only w ma�age,$dzint and+�ra�ltsey ttiai
<br /> ��:,��.; �, Borrower's inicrest in the Property uaider the tenns of this Ser�uity Iastcumeat:(b)ia not persantili�.:abti�audtit�pp��'�(ie surrLs
<br /> _. . .:
<br /> -,;. :.. .:..,::;. '• � ��.;,• �
<br /> • sQCUred by tbis Scaurtty Iastrument:and(c)a$�ees that Lender and any.�,otHen�arivwer may a�e w�e�tt�nd,;madil�+;J ifi�eur or --
<br /> � � - m�ce�ury accommad'atfons with regard to tbe taRns of this Security Insu�Wiunuai�the I�Tote wltItoaC tit�h$qsmw�r•'��anseut. -. -- —
<br /> 13.Loao CDns�es.If the loan secured by this Security Instrumenriti suUj�et to a law wHiatl+s�tuauin�ntUrh�ibt�n charges, ---"'
<br /> �.�:;T.:_.
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that th�interest or other loan ct�arges collected or to'6e aollecied���caa�on with the r�;�,�, -
<br /> : toan exeeed the pennitted limits.Wea:(a)any sash foan charge shall be reduced by the amount neces.saiy�to reduce the charge ����K=-�:._
<br /> � � w the permitted liinii;.and(b)any sums aiready oollected from Boaower which exceeded pemritted lic�irs will be refi�nded w �.,;u,�_���y;��
<br /> ' Boaower. Lender�a.y�choose to make this re�by reducing the princi�aL�nwed under the Note�,�by making a dired � ••<r;.,�?r�==-
<br /> ��' ' ' • ''g-- °
<br /> ' �',;�;�' .r ' '.K aymeat to Barrow�:.if a refund reduces nmci al. the reduction wi�G'�, tceated as a �ment withaut aa ' `` :
<br /> , , , ., .. P P P P�� �'� 3` 1
<br /> `;' ' ' prepaymentct�r�eundertheNote. :'. . .. . '.. . °.•:, � --
<br /> . . �:;;:. 1��r�{',,.� ;S� . .,,..., . >,
<br /> `"`'''";`°` 14.Notices.Arty notice to Borrower rovided for in this Securi Insuvment stiall be ven b deG��Ir zt a�i' `t,, ' `h'�
<br /> '; s� ,s�i�'y3�°! _:, P . . . tY . � Y b �`+� '� �' ,. < < _�
<br /> � ,:�•�.
<br /> -f t�. � • •; >.t� it by fust class maif aniess applicable taw requires_use of another method.��notice shall be direc�a�b��.if:e P�opei'tji�lddress ; .,�� r j?�,._
<br /> -i:; ` ��� `.•"` � � ,� or any other addres�1i,:trower designates by r�t:ce to L.ender. Any natna:.��Lender shall be giv�C��fitst class mail to '%.`" __
<br /> j�`-�'' ��'`'� Lender's address stau�f izerein ar any oiher add:zss l.ender designates by.rat_�io Bocrower. Any notice provided for in this . ;'•>>'..:�r��Y
<br />- � . •�::�..::• � ;.:.,�,�;;�=
<br /> ' �� � Securi Instrument shall be deerre�'o fiave Deen iven to Borrower or l.ender when c ren�2� rovided in this h �' .-;•�� �
<br /> + ty 8 8' P P��P • .�s`°k>:,;ri-:,
<br /> � �;'��;..'���- '. �,' � 15.Governing l.aw; Se�ee�s�si3Jit,y. This 5ecuriry Instrument shall be govera�,ib�f federal law aad the law of the Y, ., ;`::�+•:• �.�. _-
<br /> ',' . . jurisdiction in which the Propert�:'.is located. in the event that any provision or clause of�1his Securiry Instrument or the Note •�+•,'� "•
<br /> • , conflicts with applica6le law.suc?a etrnflict shal!not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be , '
<br /> ; ,� �• ' given effect without the conflicrir;�pravision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared �.•: �::,��?�'��;_�.�
<br /> ' '� to be severabie. ' ``�4�'
<br /> r,.,:,'•� � ���`,,.. `. . :.�.>��:3;'.
<br /> ; � � , . 16.Ba�crovrer's Copy.Borrower shalt be given one confarmed copy of thc Note and vf this Security Instrument�. �:,-,�+;;
<br /> � - Form 3028 9f80 � �
<br /> �-- � v,po 0 0l 6 j . .
<br /> 4 ..,.
<br /> ..�.. ' ..
<br /> . ,_. . . . . . „-' , .
<br /> ' • 7'�. , :� . _ . .
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