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<br /> •L.il.
<br /> - � 4- .. .�~ c h.�- r .
<br /> . .-�, •_ - � . � • _ ^.. . . � '.a - .� � - . • . - . ���� �� ����� ` �y
<br /> — ' c:. ,
<br /> — "� . pa�taent�aaay�Ins;�6e rr�r�e�;a►tbo apti6�e af�r'°i��[g�ge isi�u�an�e,co}�er�ge(iu�Iic sn�ai'as,x#�far'.ttie��ps�v�s:.
<br /> - - �� t6at Iie�t6tet-�irc�)�pr4vufed by ao Irsurez agpravad b��,ag�Q bec�mes avaii�bt�at�d�is�.Bot�K�is�inff��..
<br /> -- — ,:' .rhe p�miums�sqair�.�to m�ntai�ritor�gag�i�su`i8nca�n��xt;ar co pnivic'�m`a Foss teseive,`iip�E'tha�equic`rmea�ior�g��.,;..;>:�.'�'
<br /> . � Insui'a�ce cnds}�ao�rda�cs v�rlih ehy w�tt�i�mornt i��c�Sn��rag�d.Le�dcr os a�glI�able taw. • ' `: "<<:'k" .
<br /> �,:, $I�iaa:I.et�ei ar its e�nt may u3aks raa��sable.�►�ugon ald�in�ge�i�r,s of tl�a Prm�erty. ��C.,f.�:.��il�giv�:�, .
<br /> � BcntibwEr notit�st th�dme of or prior ta�nn ipspoetian s�acifYing reawnable c�far sh�ir�s�a._ � , ,. ,
<br /> -- � �10.C�s3.�.,,,The pso�s�'�ay a��nd or c�for ri�es..direc�ar�on:�i�tia�.m cu�a�n a���.�. ..
<br /> — co�em�ion or o�sr t�4ing oF a;ty p:�rss af she Ptiope�i,ar fos conveyau�in l��af wademriatiaa;�aa�.t�erdry asi3gned and ;
<br /> — sAa11 be Raid ta Leader. • , ` . ' , , _
<br />--_ —�°" In tQe event of a totai t�fdn�of the Ptopeaty,the praaeeds sball be agplied efl tLe sums�au�d by this Secnfit�du�im�� = ' .'':.,
<br /> _ __ . _ . — . .. . . P� � �ri�S!ir► wb��h oI��ir ---
<br />_� whetfie"r oz noa�n.du¢,wiib any ezcess paid fo Bdr�ot�ec.In r�e evezit of a 'a1 iaTcin oftite
<br /> � matket vaWe of t3ie Pmg�ty immtediatei;ts�fgre t�e talcing'�is eqasi Go ar�lhan tt�su�tmt of IIes�rs�by:6'�is
<br /> -_ —= Se�rity Luuumeait imm�diate�y�efare the tataag.t�aless�omau�er a�W Leader othrsvvise agres in aniting,the s�ms s�by.
<br /> - this Se�uity Ia�nmeni shall he�oed by the a�nuni aE the�oeeds muItiplied by the foIIo�ing fmaion:�a1 tit�e t�mt�
<br />__ �Snau�of the suau senued�diate�y b�fore the mioug,di�ided 6y tb1 the fair�art��vatue of the Prot�S��F
<br /> — before the taking.Ar►y batanoe shall be paicf[o Bmrower.In che event of a�tiat taking af thc Ptopecty ib.-wAi�tile Fair .
<br />-=-- — market vaiue af tt�e pmpeicy ia�ediatefy b�ifo�the r�lsing is tess than t�e amnutu c�f the Eums`sex�ed immed�irst�I�+bef�re tl�e� .
<br />-� taSrinS,natess Bnr�uwer aad Irnder othetwi�ageee in writing ar unless applicable ta�u atheewise prnvides,�tie p�aeads shal!'..� :
<br /> 6e appiied to the sums seco�+ed hy this Securityr Ias�umeat whetiter or aot thc s�►ms are t�ea�ne.. � . • .
<br /> - If the Pmpe�ty�is abandonad by Sorrour�r.or if.after IIo�oe 6y L�to Bonower t!�the ooade�or offg's to raake`an" .
<br />_- . aw�td os settIe a claim for da�ges.Bomo�er fails w respond to Lead�r cvitttin 3�days afte�tite date tt�e m��pe is given..
<br />- t�er is authari�ad to col[ecx and apply die pnmeeAs.ai its Qp�,ei�e�Lo restoiauo�i ar repa'v of ti�e t'rag�tx c�.€���
<br />- se�aued by this Se�ity insuu�eat.whether�a aut tt��¢e. ' ':.�'-� � . � ,
<br /> 3 , Unless L�udeir m� Bormwer other�vi�a.�e iai wa`'�nS,aaY appliradon of,pmoeeds to pP..�33��.r`,r�eictend or � '
<br /> � _-.-.-_postpone the due date of che mo�lY i??Y�ieferreci t�a:i�'s pacagzapbs.l and 2 er cl�ange the anmurit a��r.��s. . _. .,_ . .
<br />- �l.Bomawer 11Tot�tdea�;FoYbeara�ce$yLeades Nof a Waiv�F�ctension o�tke tiiue fcr ,����,:i�+odif�ration .
<br /> = of amaitir�tion of the sums secured tsY this.�SUdtY U�swment granted 6y I.ender to any suocessor ica.'ie�"�.,.�"��rrower shall .. �
<br /> aot ope�ate w release the liability of the orig�inal Borm�rer or Borroner's sucuessors in interesG L�,'�`.�aif�t.6e required m �
<br /> - oo�eace proceeding�agaiast any suooessor in interest ar cefose W extettd 6me for payment o=oth�rris�modify amartiratiion
<br />— � of the'saus secured by dus Se�arity Instnmiertt-by.reason of azry demand mads.6y-the origmaf Boaawer.�..Borrawer's:
<br /> successors in interest. My fofiearanoe by l�ender in eaercising any right or remedy shall not be a vvaiver of=�.�gZectude the •
<br /> - s''�' .
<br />=_ � �r ,.,�, exemse of any right or cemedy. , �- ���� �
<br /> a, `, 'r . 1Z. Sna�s an�Asstgns Botmd:doint aIId Severa! 1.ia�FIff�. ers.The covena�:�.s�.aad �� ,
<br /> Co�ign agieements of tl�',;';: -
<br /> n }�::
<br />,3` , r,•`jr<;� Seauity Inshtsmest sball bind and benefit the suacessots aztd assigus'at;Lender and Borro�er, �t!�ta tT� provisions d�:'::• .
<br /> A: `. ' ` para$�apb 17. Borrower's auvenants and agreements shai!be joint�i��veral. An BorroKEr�fra:�: �st�ss S�cwri .
<br /> .�?�. : . .,���l.� . Y �... .� tY
<br /> ��-•�:.Y*•., -,; Td�dc�ment but does not execute the Noie: (a)is ro-sig�s�:i�us Seciiriiy'Insnument only to mort��,:;gcant ux�,i:onvey that •
<br /> _ ' ��`�;'° B-a�¢¢n+er's.iLn-t-er�est in the Property under the tem�s of thi��rity insuument;(b)is not person�EIy�Etbligated tai pay the surps ; •
<br /> ��yy�j�t.i ; SGRllql b UW SC{.VIl InStcvment;and(c)agm,es that Lender and an other Borroaer ma �s�:xtead.modi forbear or �
<br /> _ �;''�t.;.,�.��: Y tY Y Y�, fY•
<br /> ��fi�;�t��i.,,,i � make a�+acaammodatior►s with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instivatent or the Note withaut that Bomnwer's consent.
<br /> ;'�_,j..; , .
<br /> � -�"�',�'�"' '' � �'' � 13.Loaa Charge�.If the loan secvred by this Security Irtstrument'as subjed to a taw whicf�seis maximum loan chazges. =
<br /> ; �s�s,;• •.
<br /> . �`�:�"°:` ``�'~;'�'� � and that law is 6nall tnt m�ed so that the interest or aziie,-laan ch .
<br /> �� �s�. � � , Y� �P ar�es collecte�l.a.r:;to be collerted in oannection with tlie =
<br /> ���` ��i then:(a)any such loan e shall be reduced b t#�y iunount n to reduce the c
<br /> _�• 'r.• ' �t�: �=Y-c;''' . laan exceed the permimd limits. � Y " eces.sarY harge =
<br />�'•'" ..;� �_�.�'!'� ��'�"• �� to the pennittad Wnit;and(b)an sums alrad collected from Borra�;ta`itf�ich exceeded em�iupo limits wi0 be retunded t -
<br /> -;y, ���.J��N�;'.�k� .. Y Y P Q_ -
<br /> ii' i �;�;';�;. °.•v , • gorrower. Lend�raay choose to make this mfund by reducing tt�e��rrincipal owe� under the �Iote or by matang a di�.';'•, `
<br /> ,..: �,, :
<br /> '` t.-=�..,. '' � ent to $�mr�er. If a mfund reduoes rinci the reductio� �sill be treated as a artia� a ent without a.n � �
<br /> ,.h{r:•�rF:, P� P P�• . P PreP Ym Y..; _
<br /> ' �.'�;.. `. pre�ayment charge imder th�.i�ote, �. _
<br /> � ;;��;=' ;• : . ' t�:Not�aes.My notice tlr&arrower provideA for in�i3iis Security[nstnament shall.be given by deliveeing it or by mailing
<br /> =�°�'%,' ii i3y�fitst cias��1il,unless appii�le law ce�iires use of'�other method.The notice shall be direcxed to the Propersy Address -
<br /> � �..{�":"::.. . . . . —
<br /> ' � ��,:;.•... . or any other �ai,�.�s Borrov�er desig�.f�y �,otice to Lender. Any notice to Leader shall fj�;,�c•en by fi�st class mail to -
<br /> ,,. Lender s addre���stated herein rr a»ny ot�ei:;�.��i�ress Lender designates by nutice to Bonower.tkuy aolice provided for in ihis -
<br />-= <�•,.4�:� �` ' Seeurity instnunent shal!be d�zr�d to have been given to Barrower or Lender when gcc'ctc•as provided in this paragraph. =
<br /> "w.. ''� : ., �: � l5.Govetatng I.ow; Severability. This�ecuriry •�tistrument shall be goveaic�u'i�y federal !aw and the !aw of the . -
<br /> '� ' jurisdiction in which the P�peRy is toeate�,J»the event that any provision or ctaese of this Seeurity Insttument or the Ndt�.:�•, - .� .;.:
<br />= ��;;�.y: . :�' . oonflicts with applicabte law.such confliM si:aLl not'affect other provisie_�s of this Security Tnstrument or the Note which can bi; ' ;
<br /> �`;�f f'. ..`:�'" ;.� . .' given effect without the rnnflictina provislon. To this end the pmvisioris of this Security Instrument and the Note are deciar�nri,� •; � . ;
<br /> �''' • ' to�e severable. ' -
<br />- �ti���`'�� ••-- � � Id.Borruwer's Copy.Borrower sha11 be given one.ua.r,formed mpy of the Note and of this Security lnstnuir�t: ' ' �.
<br /> -.(c: �� �{t• !. ' . . r, • � Farm 3D28 9iSd'. t'
<br /> ?����, ��'},i�.�� . .... . ' .. . " •��apoaolB . � ., (
<br /> , �="Y;r� ' ' ' ' �
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