3��•-_",i .'.`(�,�:. •k^ . . \ . . �� '.� _. _ — -.._..__._ - —_
<br /> e.• .
<br /> ,.. � ' ..}._ .� . . . � _ r � �` �'�
<br />_ !.
<br />_ . . ' y . ...: '.r'i.. , .,,' .`. . . . F' __ _� . .
<br /> . ... .... .._ ;... ... .r"=. .'G
<br /> _ �
<br /> -,.• �t-, v..., .
<br /> � ....,.<;.•� . ,.t .
<br /> t,, f ..�f�11�, • . . ' , _. -, . . . . ^-._ .. � .- .. ._ ��^ -., ', (.��� �.�t,-� .
<br /> - — — 1 � . _ . . - - •• - . . . � . ` F���� '
<br />- - ST.t'ra�o5':tLe i?rap�y or,a Betxe�f�uidet�Y tn��o�ow�.if uI4�or�y�s3at:o�tt#��rerty ar�ar�y in�ic.�°c it ----
<br /> _ ------— �#s s�sid or tr�nsf�$or.�.a�t�taal intet�t in�rrac�r is s�td crr iramsf�attd•8oriavi�r is t�2 a aai�?�l.peas�3 R►It�t � .
<br />=- - � 3�cadci's�Sri�r a+ritt�.conserrt.Le�ez�m�y, �i�a ogtiop. requii�.�Iate:.�y+ms�t in fltl� af u�l s�ses�r�by ttai�
<br /> _ , • �n�y tn�r�„�,::g€awever.8vs.mpf3on sflai!'not 6e,exercLs�l�y�ifoxe�CIse is�v�ibite�3 by,fed�sat taw au'Qf�tic date . , �
<br />- — — af tiils Se�zlty I�kst�a�n� ` ` � . � ' ��� � '.. �
<br />- - 'If L+�er�ceraa�s t�s cn�tlo�,Len�er sha11g�ve 8orrav�reer noti�of�cceterat�aa.'Ihe naflce�aYlpruvitie a peraad`of c�st . •
<br /> , ` I�ss thaa 30 days frum the date tFfe.8oti�Is dele'�rereb or maiied withsn w�fcb Borrawer amsi gay�ail sutzs s��sy this .
<br /> -_ - ,. 'Seariity InsW�snt.If Borrower fa�s to pay th�ss au�s�rior to thF expirdtion ef ehi�period.[xndet may aneoke a�y rem�Ces `
<br />- -- periuias�d bY tiils Searrit�+Iir,hvi�eqs�`t;�aut fa�ih@r�ot€oe�r dem�oa 8orrower. ° • . , . � -
<br />� ' 48. 8orrawer's R�glst io ReIasfst�.1€BQaawes m.e�oertain ova�itions. �omower shaU.�ave tPce right to have � .
<br />-_ e�fozaement af t�is S�rity Iu�ut�aeat dasobnu� ffi°m�y ti�e preor to theearlier of: (a)5.4(ays (or surh ather period� " � _
<br />__
<br /> :
<br />_:_ aFplic�le tan� may speci€y��oi�aea before safe o��the Progerh,r pursuana td any Qasre�of sale oflnsaiaed iri t�s
<br /> _,._ _ _ --�
<br /> �rrtY Ina'tr�t;or(hl t�7F of a�urfga�nt�fur��ltfiis S�auity i��*��,.'�its�zo3�clitis�s ai+e,tt�iTiomiwe3:.(�)p�ts _ . �_.
<br /> _ - - .
<br />- Leader all su�s�wLich then would be das aa�er t�is Sewrity'Insuum:�i au�!thes Na�e as if no acoeIeratiam had ooca�eet3;(b) ---
<br />- aues any default of.any other cavenar�ts or agreemeots; (c)Pays all expe�ses i�c�rred in�enfar�ing�£his�8eaarIty+Instcas�rst,. ._.__�----
<br />- including,but nat limmted w.rrdsanable attomeys'fe�:aad(d)takes such acxioa as Ixader may�easas�ab2y regutne to assUae
<br /> - tt�t the tiese of tbis Secarity rn�rn��s_ Irader's rigirts in the Property,and.�otrotiver's oblig�aa tv pay tht sums sesw�by
<br /> Ir de
<br /> Wts Sea�rity InstnnnEat shal! oout�ttte'unr�2aged. Upon cein�neat by.Bumn�ver, this Seauity Iastcnm�rtt and tYte
<br /> abligt�iians secuied[�eaeby shalt r�io faity effective as if no accelerateoa irad ooc�rr�ed.Hrnvev�,this right tn r�asra2e sit�ll
<br />° noG apply�n tke case of accetcrxdon ua�pacagiagi�I7. -
<br /> - 19 Sate oY.Nat�C6atr�e of Loaa S�vioer. 17�Nate or a partial imea�est in the Nnte(together v�it�dus 5ecarity
<br />- - - incm,.,,Pn:)�y be sotd one or moie ticaes withwt prior aot�ce m Bomnwer.A sale may result ia a chaage in die entity(�ourn ,
<br /> �� as the°Loan Servicer°)ttrat wllxts monthlY PaYm�nis due un�er the Note aBd this 5�zasa��.'I'�ere'aLso may be o�e '
<br /> ---=--- or more changes of the Loan Senrioer iuu�tated to a sale of the Note.If the�is a change of ti�U�n Se,�vic�ea;Bomnwer w�3 Tae •
<br /> _.Q:�;��� given written untise af the dc�nge in accord�ae wit6�h 14 above aa+d applicab�law.l9�e Qotioe w�'U st�;3�ze nazne a�
<br /> --_-=---- address of the new Laan Secvi+p�r and tlne address to:�?��w�'r�;�saymeaits shoWd be made.'f�e nnuce w�l also��•any other
<br /> = �" iaforamEion cequiced 6y agplii�#e law. ;: ..;-;,;;,,;,,;,;,,�f - : , , � L�� . .. .
<br /> � L
<br /> ------��_�? 20. Htuandaus Sub��ic�. Boiroa�= .� .r�.' ���i v�,e Presence. use,disposal, stor2ge, or ceiease of�.�+v�:• '
<br /> � �` � . . �-.;. .
<br /> - Hazardous Sqb�ao�on or.in the ' 1�?.�`���`QPE tst3s all w anyr etse t¢�:i�+? ng�
<br /> -- --t --.._.._..:Property..th2i is..�a_1Cloladoa of anY._._��__^�;: ��cedse��•_iv._o_seateaoes shall uoE�j�ro�_�eefc�use�.�t
<br /> ����ff��� - -...__ ,_.,_.
<br /> - zk. . ,� ' stprage on the Prapesty of smal19uantities of Haa�!tJ��ances�are generalty�iecognized'ii�`be appr�naie to�ur�`---- ... _
<br /> » �;_:'Y.;;?,�` r�tial�ses and w mai�nce of the Pmpetty _�: �:`�` •..' : 51 " ,�� ��,� '�.
<br /> '��.'�'�••• �.`ss�'x�. Bomnaer shall pmmpUy give I.ender written nott�'Sf�ny imrestigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or othes @�on bY�pl, .
<br /> �-"�`.�`:�,. :.;�,��;; govcr�ental ar regulatory a;eacy or privatc party involving the Prapetty and any Ha�ardous Sub�cc os Envitiis�eata!L�:�.�.
<br /> _:�. .,.._ ..,
<br />=--�-�-�-�`:"i` ��:T.,',•_-� of wt►Ich Barrower tms actuat i�owledge:It Borrower leams,or is aobp6ed bY anY governa►ai�:'yiti.'�ulatury,authnritY,tlrati_: • -
<br /> ��.a. ... ,:,' -.:n' . • _
<br />��:,4 " ° :;,. '�.;`" . - ariy-removal ai other iie�ne�iation of any Hazai+daus Suisst�stce aff�,E3�¢ProPerty is necessac�';;E�:s�n;�s�r,,�L.4promPUY� - -
<br /> .;,. .;{.�.:
<br />-�.i..s;. .:�,; � . al necessary remedial actions m acoordance wit6 Enviro�ta!Law.'. ,-: . �:('�;:s;"�,`,:;:•,:.•.�.,;'�.
<br /> „ ... ,::t : As use�in this paragrnph�20, "Na7ardous Substat�.�s"are those substances definad as touC��*,�3i�tts sabstances bY
<br /> `, Envimnmental Law �nd the following substanres: gasoline, keros�,;aiher ttammab2e or w�cts g"�;eitd�products, toxic
<br /> - '�� `" �'' ��"�'��%°� pesticides and herbicides.volaale solvents.;i�terials cor�taining asbes�:�:�.Tr�fommldehyde,and rzd3�ir�e inaterials.As used in
<br /> �.,•�l ff this pacagmph �(!; "Eaviromnental Law"��iea`ns federal laws and la�:�.of the jurisdiction where'��Property is torated that
<br /> . �,. ., � ....� .• . ; --
<br /> `;;;�, � relate to health,safety or environmental prct�'tion. ,.';
<br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borro�ver and Lend¢r fu»hec covenant and agre�as follows: �!',;,_�'� —
<br /> ,.,r. .., , ; .�: 21.Acreie�at�on;Remedies.Lead�shall give notFce to Borrower prIor tu aooderation following Borrowe.r's breasb -N==�--
<br /> � o�aay eovenant os ag,r�ement m tbls Security Instrume0t (6ut nni prlor to aooeteraiion �der pa�grap6 1? un2ess �—
<br /> � �'. ' a p p l i c a b t e l a w p r o v i d x s o i h e rn i s e).T h e n o t 3 c e s i t a i l s p Y C i f y: [a)t h e d e f a u t t;(b)t h e a c t loa,��d to ewe the de�autt• �"�''
<br /> ��_�u..:d.:
<br /> h c , „:_;,�;_
<br /> � - � •,,�i .: . (c)a date,no!tess than 30 days fr+nm the date tde not�ce is given to Borrower,by whfeh th�+�P��IIt must 6e cured;and • rY.'=_
<br /> � . (�that faliuie to cvre the defaoll on or before the date speciffed tn the notice may resuit��sr'r,ceterat�on of the siuns ,.r�s;�'�;;�::- -
<br /> s¢cured by thLc Secudty instrument and sale of the Property.The aatice sball further inf¢�t�orro�rer of the rfgM to • �Fs•�a; -
<br /> . t�einctate aiter aocetesation and the right to 6rIng a conrt actfon to assert the noa�existea�e��S a defaidt or aay ot� .��•``�,r��
<br /> - de�case of Bnrrowee to soa�eratton and sale. iP ttse default is not cured on or bePore the dat�t spPrif�ed in the notice, ��y����-_-_ '
<br />- ,��:;;;. ' .�; L e n d e r,a t i t s c,r,g i l o n,t n a��r e q a i r e i m m e d f a t e p a y m e n t i n f u i l o f a l!s o m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S f s i�ry I a c t r a m�t w i t h o a t 79,'..5,s:,��.��==v
<br /> - . . , � �`�'� fi�rther dcm�m�utiri asay€�voke the poa�er of sale and any nther c4�n.edles p2cmitted by ap(il�i�itd�e law.Lender ateall Ese_ . ..a':_:r._,------
<br /> : ..:.�,..,,�.�G '�'� • :
<br /> . • ...<,:;;: •�� entitled w caflr�;sli expenses incumd in pursutng the remedic.w prn�4fiiied iu thls parugraAh��,,,i�ding,6nt not limit�rl� _�- --_
<br /> jr... • ` ' �,. ... � , . ' '.�c�,'�;:_°
<br /> �tty,.i�asonab��.r sti4�oraeys'fces and oosts o!titJe evtd�race. � � ._.. -
<br /> �� �We power ot snte ts invoked, T�ustee shall recortl a nottce of defatilt in ea�h county in wlif�#�tr�.�att of ti3e �r
<br /> , .._' � �,,s�erty is[acated and shalt mail coptes of such notice in the manner presc�3bed by appflrable t�w ta�i'+se�em�ver and to '�:'� --
<br /> , Q� P Y PP �9 Y PP G� � �Y���-
<br /> � ' tl�e ot6er rsons rescri6ed b a ticabie law.After the time u�red b a Uca61e la�v,T��mIt�-�� b11c notice - , .:•,s,��.�^��=
<br /> •'-•<��-,' �• , of sale to the persons and in the manner pressribed by appficable daw.Tnutee,without dc�s3lsd!+sri l��reiwer,shall s�ll � :.''�=�
<br />